diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 5c363baaa..3242d8b97 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(ipv6,[  --disable-ipv6          disable IPv6 support (default: ena
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(sun,[  --disable-sun           disable sun support (default: enable)],[enable_sun=$enableval],[enable_sun=yes])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(oss,[  --disable-oss           disable OSS support (default: enable)],[enable_oss=$enableval],[enable_oss=yes])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(alsa,[  --disable-alsa          disable ALSA support (default: enable)],[enable_alsa=$enableval],[enable_alsa=yes])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(jack,[  --disable-jack          disable jack support (default: enable)],[enable_jack=$enableval],[enable_jack=yes])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(pulse,[  --disable-pulse         disable support for the PulseAudio sound server (default: enable)],[enable_pulse=$enableval],[enable_pulse=yes])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(mvp,[  --enable-mvp            enable support for Hauppauge Media MVP (default: disable)],[enable_mvp=$enableval],[enable_mvp=no])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(oggvorbis,[  --disable-oggvorbis     disable Ogg Vorbis support (default: enable)],[enable_oggvorbis=$enableval],enable_oggvorbis=yes)
@@ -190,6 +191,14 @@ if test x$enable_alsa = xyes; then
 	AM_PATH_ALSA(0.9.0,[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ALSA,1,[Define to enable ALSA support]) MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS $ALSA_LIBS" MPD_CFLAGS="$MPD_CFLAGS $ALSA_CFLAGS"],enable_alsa=no)
+if test "x$enable_jack" = "xyes"; then
+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(JACK, [jack >= 0.4],
+			  [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JACK,1,[Define to enable JACK support])
+			  [enable_jack=no])
 if test x$enable_iconv = xyes; then
   	if test "x$iconv_libraries" != "x" ; then
@@ -601,6 +610,12 @@ else
 	echo " ALSA support ..................disabled"
+if test x$enable_jack = xyes; then
+	echo " JACK support ..................enabled"
+	echo " JACK support ..................disabled"
 if test x$enable_sun = xyes; then
 	echo " Sun support ...................enabled"
@@ -640,6 +655,7 @@ if test x$enable_ao = xno &&
    test x$enable_alsa = xno &&
    test x$enable_osx = xno &&
    test x$enable_pulse = xno &&
+   test x$enable_jack = xno &&
    test x$enable_mvp = xno; then
 	AC_MSG_ERROR([No Audio Output types configured!])
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index e7f301703..082e33eb0 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ mpd_audioOutputs = \
 	audioOutputs/audioOutput_osx.c \
 	audioOutputs/audioOutput_pulse.c \
 	audioOutputs/audioOutput_mvp.c \
-	audioOutputs/audioOutput_shout.c
+	audioOutputs/audioOutput_shout.c \
+	audioOutputs/audioOutput_jack.c
 mpd_inputPlugins = \
 	inputPlugins/_flac_common.c \
diff --git a/src/audio.c b/src/audio.c
index ef77d7e28..45067e27c 100644
--- a/src/audio.c
+++ b/src/audio.c
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ extern AudioOutputPlugin osxPlugin;
 extern AudioOutputPlugin pulsePlugin;
 extern AudioOutputPlugin mvpPlugin;
 extern AudioOutputPlugin shoutPlugin;
+extern AudioOutputPlugin jackPlugin;
 void loadAudioDrivers(void)
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ void loadAudioDrivers(void)
+	loadAudioOutputPlugin(&jackPlugin);
 /* make sure initPlayerData is called before this function!! */
diff --git a/src/audioOutputs/audioOutput_jack.c b/src/audioOutputs/audioOutput_jack.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f67cfcdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/audioOutputs/audioOutput_jack.c
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+/* jack plug in for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2006 by anarch(anarchsss@gmail.com)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "../audioOutput.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_JACK
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "../conf.h"
+#include "../log.h"
+#include "../sig_handlers.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <jack/jack.h>
+#include <jack/types.h>
+#include <jack/ringbuffer.h>
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+int ringbuf_sz = 32768;
+char *ports[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+typedef struct _JackData {
+	jack_options_t options;
+	jack_port_t *ports[2];
+	jack_client_t *client;
+	jack_default_audio_sample_t **in;
+	jack_ringbuffer_t *ringbuffer[2];
+	int bps;
+	int shutdown;
+	int nports;
+	int our_xrun;
+} JackData;
+JackData *jd = NULL;
+static JackData *newJackData (void)
+	JackData *ret;
+	ret = calloc (sizeof (JackData), 1);
+	ret->options = JackNullOption;
+	return ret;
+static void disconnect_jack (JackData *jd)
+	jack_deactivate (jd->client);
+	jack_client_close (jd->client);
+	ERROR ("disconnect_jack (pid=%d)\n", getpid ());
+static void jack_finishDriver (AudioOutput * audioOutput)
+	JackData *jd = audioOutput->data;
+	disconnect_jack (jd);
+	free (jd);
+	free (ports[0]);
+	free (ports[1]);
+static int srate (jack_nframes_t rate, void *data)
+	JackData *jd = (JackData *) ((AudioOutput*) data)->data;
+ 	AudioFormat *audioFormat = &(((AudioOutput*) data)->outAudioFormat);
+ 	audioFormat->sampleRate = (int) jack_get_sample_rate (jd->client);
+	return 0;
+static int process (jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg)
+	size_t i;
+	JackData *jd = (JackData *) arg;
+	jack_default_audio_sample_t *out[2];
+	size_t avail_data, avail_frames;
+	if ( nframes <= 0 )
+		return 0;
+	out[0] = jack_port_get_buffer (jd->ports[0], nframes);
+	out[1] = jack_port_get_buffer (jd->ports[1], nframes);
+	avail_data = jack_ringbuffer_read_space (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+	if ( avail_data > 0 ) {
+		avail_frames = avail_data / sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t);
+		if (avail_frames > nframes) {
+			avail_frames = nframes;
+			avail_data = nframes * sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t);
+		}
+		jack_ringbuffer_read (jd->ringbuffer[0], (char *)out[0], avail_data);
+		jack_ringbuffer_read (jd->ringbuffer[1], (char *)out[1], avail_data);
+		if (avail_frames < nframes) {
+			jd->our_xrun = 1;
+			for (i = avail_frames; i < nframes; i++) {
+				out[0][i] = out[1][i] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		//ERROR ("avail_data=%d, no play (pid=%d)!\n", avail_data, getpid ());
+ 		for (i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
+ 			out[0][i] = 0.0;
+ 			out[1][i] = 0.0;
+ 		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void shutdown_callback (void *arg)
+	JackData *jd = (JackData *) arg;
+	jd->shutdown = 1;
+static void set_audioformat (AudioOutput *audioOutput)
+	JackData *jd = audioOutput->data;
+	AudioFormat *audioFormat = &audioOutput->outAudioFormat;
+	audioFormat->sampleRate = (int) jack_get_sample_rate (jd->client);
+	ERROR ("samplerate = %d\n", audioFormat->sampleRate);
+	jd->nports = audioFormat->channels = 2;
+	audioFormat->bits = 16;
+	jd->bps = audioFormat->channels *
+		  audioFormat->channels *
+		  audioFormat->sampleRate;
+static int connect_jack (AudioOutput *audioOutput)
+	JackData *jd = audioOutput->data;
+	const char **jports;
+	if ( (jd->client = jack_client_new ("mpd")) == NULL ) {
+		ERROR ("jack server not running?\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	jd->ringbuffer[0] = jack_ringbuffer_create (ringbuf_sz);
+	jd->ringbuffer[1] = jack_ringbuffer_create (ringbuf_sz);
+	jack_set_process_callback (jd->client, process, (void *)jd);
+	jack_set_sample_rate_callback (jd->client, (JackProcessCallback)srate,
+				       (void *)audioOutput);
+	jack_on_shutdown (jd->client, shutdown_callback, (void *)jd);
+	if ( jack_activate (jd->client) ) {
+		ERROR ("cannot activate client");
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[0]);
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	jd->ports[0] = jack_port_register (jd->client, "left",
+					   JackPortIsOutput, 0);
+	if ( !jd->ports[0] ) {
+		ERROR ("Cannot register output port.\n");
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[0]);
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	jd->ports[1] = jack_port_register (jd->client, "right",
+					   JackPortIsOutput, 0);
+	if ( !jd->ports[1] ) {
+		ERROR ("Cannot register output port.\n");
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[0]);
+		jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset (jd->ringbuffer[0]->buf, 0, jd->ringbuffer[0]->size);
+	memset (jd->ringbuffer[1]->buf, 0, jd->ringbuffer[1]->size);
+	/*  hay que buscar que hay  */
+	if ( !ports[1] && (jports = jack_get_ports (jd->client, NULL, NULL,
+						    JackPortIsPhysical|
+						    JackPortIsInput)) ) {
+		ports[0] = (char *) jports[0];
+		ports[1] = (char *) ( jports[1] ? jports[1] : jports[0] );
+		ERROR ("jports: %s %s\n", ports[0], ports[1]);
+		free (jports);
+	}
+	if ( ports[1] )  {
+		if ( (jack_connect (jd->client, "mpd:left", ports[0])) != 0 ) {
+			ERROR ("%s is not a valid Jack Client / Port ", ports[0]);
+			jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[0]);
+			jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if ( (jack_connect (jd->client, "mpd:right", ports[1])) != 0 ) {
+			ERROR ("%s is not a valid Jack Client / Port ", ports[1]);
+			jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[0]);
+			jack_ringbuffer_free (jd->ringbuffer[1]);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	ERROR ("connect_jack (pid=%d)\n", getpid ());
+	return 1;
+static int jack_initDriver (AudioOutput *audioOutput, ConfigParam *param)
+	BlockParam *bp;
+	char *endptr;
+	int val;
+ 	char *cp = NULL;
+	if ( param ) {
+		bp = getBlockParam (param, "ports");
+ 		if ( bp ) {
+ 			cp = strdup (bp->value);
+ 			ports[0] = strdup (strtok (cp, " ,"));
+ 			ports[1] = strdup (strtok (NULL, " ,"));
+			free (cp);
+		}
+		bp = getBlockParam (param, "ringbuffer_size");
+ 		if ( bp ) {
+			errno = 0;
+ 			val = strtol (bp->value, &endptr, 10);
+			if ( errno == 0 && endptr != bp->value) {
+				ringbuf_sz = val;
+				ERROR ("ringbuffer_size=%d\n", ringbuf_sz);
+			} else {
+				ERROR ("%s is not a number; ringbuf_size=%d\n",
+				       bp->value, ringbuf_sz);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ERROR ("jack_initDriver (pid=%d)\n", getpid ());
+ 	return 0;
+static int jack_testDefault(void)
+	return 0;
+static int jack_openDevice (AudioOutput *audioOutput)
+	if ( !jd ) {
+ 		jd = newJackData ();
+		audioOutput->data = jd;
+		if ( !connect_jack (audioOutput) ) {
+ 			free (jd);
+			return -1;
+ 		}
+	}
+	set_audioformat (audioOutput);
+	audioOutput->open = 1;
+	ERROR ("jack_openDevice (pid=%d)!\n", getpid ());
+	return 0;
+static void jack_closeDevice(AudioOutput * audioOutput)
+	audioOutput->open = 0;
+	ERROR ("jack_closeDevice (pid=%d)!\n", getpid ());
+static void jack_dropBufferedAudio (AudioOutput * audioOutput)
+static int jack_playAudio(AudioOutput * audioOutput, char *buff, int size)
+	JackData *jd = audioOutput->data;
+	size_t remain = size;
+	size_t pos = 0;
+	if ( jd->shutdown ) {
+		ERROR ("Refusing to play, because there is no client thread.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if ( jd->our_xrun ) {
+		ERROR ("xrun\n");
+		jd->our_xrun = 0;
+	}
+	while (remain && !jd->shutdown) {
+		size_t space;
+		if ( (space = jack_ringbuffer_write_space (jd->ringbuffer[0]))
+		     > sizeof (jack_default_audio_sample_t) ) {
+			size_t to_write;
+			to_write = MIN (space, remain);
+			remain -= to_write;
+			to_write /= 4;
+			//ERROR ("\t\tto_write=%d    remain=%d (%d)\n", to_write, remain, to_write * 2 * 2);
+			while (to_write--) {
+ 				jack_default_audio_sample_t sample;
+				sample = *(short *)(buff + pos);
+				sample /= 32768;
+				pos += 2;
+				jack_ringbuffer_write (jd->ringbuffer[0],
+						       (char *)&sample,
+						       sizeof (sample));
+				sample = *(short *)(buff + pos);
+				sample /= 32768;
+				pos += 2;
+				jack_ringbuffer_write (jd->ringbuffer[1],
+						       (char *)&sample,
+						       sizeof (sample));
+			}
+		} else {
+			usleep (ringbuf_sz / (float)(jd->bps) * 100000.0);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+AudioOutputPlugin jackPlugin = {
+	"jack",
+	jack_testDefault,
+	jack_initDriver,
+	jack_finishDriver,
+	jack_openDevice,
+	jack_playAudio,
+	jack_dropBufferedAudio,
+	jack_closeDevice,
+	NULL,	/* sendMetadataFunc */
+#else /* HAVE JACK */
+#endif /* HAVE_JACK */
diff --git a/src/inputPlugins/aac_plugin.c b/src/inputPlugins/aac_plugin.c
index 07906152c..04000e746 100644
--- a/src/inputPlugins/aac_plugin.c
+++ b/src/inputPlugins/aac_plugin.c
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static float getAacFloatTotalTime(char *file)
 	size_t fileread, tagsize;
 	faacDecHandle decoder;
 	faacDecConfigurationPtr config;
-	unsigned int sampleRate;
+	unsigned long sampleRate;
 	unsigned char channels;
 	InputStream inStream;
 	long bread;
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static int aac_decode(OutputBuffer * cb, DecoderControl * dc, char *path)
 	faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo;
 	faacDecConfigurationPtr config;
 	long bread;
-	unsigned int sampleRate;
+	unsigned long sampleRate;
 	unsigned char channels;
 	int eof = 0;
 	unsigned int sampleCount;
diff --git a/src/inputPlugins/mp4_plugin.c b/src/inputPlugins/mp4_plugin.c
index 6c659cbb6..b3439056d 100644
--- a/src/inputPlugins/mp4_plugin.c
+++ b/src/inputPlugins/mp4_plugin.c
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static int mp4_decode(OutputBuffer * cb, DecoderControl * dc, char *path)
 	faacDecConfigurationPtr config;
 	unsigned char *mp4Buffer;
 	unsigned int mp4BufferSize;
-	uint32_t sampleRate;
+	unsigned long sampleRate;
 	unsigned char channels;
 	long sampleId;
 	long numSamples;