diff --git a/doc/user.rst b/doc/user.rst
index db87ee7d0..06235c432 100644
--- a/doc/user.rst
+++ b/doc/user.rst
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ The following table lists the audio_output options valid for all plugins:
    * - **format samplerate:bits:channels**
      -  Always open the audio output with the specified audio format, regardless of the format of the input file. This is optional for most plugins.
         See :ref:`audio_output_format` for a detailed description of the value.
-   * - **enabed yes|no**
+   * - **enabled yes|no**
      - Specifies whether this audio output is enabled when :program:`MPD` is started. By default, all audio outputs are enabled. This is just the default setting when there is no state file; with a state file, the previous state is restored.
    * - **tags yes|no**
      - If set to no, then :program:`MPD` will not send tags to this output. This is only useful for output plugins that can receive tags, for example the httpd output plugin.