const responseDiv = document.getElementById("response"); const clearButton = document.getElementById("clear"); const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); const toggleButtons = Array.from(document.getElementById('toggleButtons').children); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* API */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const MAX_RESULTS = 10; const API = ''; const DEVICE = navigator.userAgent const generateRequestData = strokes => ({ app_version: 0.4, api_level: '537.36', device: DEVICE, input_type: 0, options: 'enable_pre_space', requests: [ { writing_guide: { writing_area_width: canvas.width, writing_area_height: canvas.height }, pre_context: '', max_num_results: MAX_RESULTS, max_completions: 0, language: 'ja', ink: strokes } ] }); const sendKanjiRequest = async (strokes) => fetch(API, { headers: { "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8" }, body: JSON.stringify(generateRequestData(strokes)), method: "POST" }) .then(data => data.json()) .then(res => { if (res[0] != "SUCCESS") throw Error(res[0]); return res; }); const updateResponses = async (strokes) => sendKanjiRequest(strokes) .then(res => responseDiv.innerText = postProcess(res[1][0][1]).join(', ')) .catch(err => console.error(err)); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CANVAS */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const MILLISECONDS_PER_POINT = 20; canvas.height = 500; canvas.width = 500; ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; let strokes = []; let newStroke = {}; let mouseDown = false; let drawingTimeout = -1; let timerStart = 0; let x = 0; let y = 0; const resetNewStroke = () => { newStroke = { 'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'times': [], }; } resetNewStroke(); const addPointToNewStroke = (x, y) => { newStroke.xs.push(x); newStroke.ys.push(y); newStroke.times.push( - timerStart); } const drawLine = (dx, dy) => { ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(dx, dy); ctx.stroke(); } const updateStroke = (newX, newY) => { drawLine(newX, newY); addPointToNewStroke(newX, newY); x = newX; y = newY; drawingTimeout = -1; } const initStroke = (initX, initY) => { resetNewStroke(); timerStart =; x = initX; y = initY; mouseDown = true; ctx.beginPath(); } const updateStrokeIfPrevLineIsDone = (newX, newY) => { if (mouseDown === true && drawingTimeout === -1) drawingTimeout = setTimeout( () => updateStroke(newX, newY), MILLISECONDS_PER_POINT ); } const endStroke = () => { if (!(drawingTimeout === -1)) { clearTimeout(drawingTimeout); drawingTimeout = -1; } mouseDown = false; ctx.closePath(); strokes.push([newStroke.xs, newStroke.ys, newStroke.times]); updateResponses(strokes); } const clearBoard = () => { strokes = []; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); responseDiv.innerHTML = 'None'; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* POST-PROCESSING AND FILTERING */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const ON_COLOR = '#4d9e2a'; const OFF_COLOR = '#fa2b2b'; const regexState = { state: { kanji: true, hiragana: true, katakana: true, all: false }, regex: { kanji: RegExp(/\p{Script_Extensions=Han}/u), hiragana: RegExp(/\p{Script_Extensions=Hiragana}/u), katakana: RegExp(/\p{Script_Extensions=Katakana}/u), all: RegExp(/./) } }; const genCharSet = id => id.slice(6).toLowerCase(); const colorButton = id => { const button = document.getElementById(id); = regexState.state[genCharSet(id)] ? ON_COLOR : OFF_COLOR; } const toggleRegexState = event => { const characterSet = genCharSet(; regexState.state[characterSet] = !regexState.state[characterSet]; colorButton(; if (strokes.length !== 0) updateResponses(strokes); } const genCombinedRegexString = () => '^[' + Object.keys(regexState.regex) .filter(key => regexState.state[key]) .map(key => regexState.regex[key].source) .join('') + ']*$'; const postProcess = results => { const regexString = regexState.state.all ? '.*' : genCombinedRegexString(); const combinedRegex = RegExp(`${regexString}`, 'u'); return results.filter(result => combinedRegex.test(result)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* EVENT LISTENERS AND SETUP */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Add eventlisteners and colors to all toggle-buttons toggleButtons .map(button => { button.addEventListener('click', toggleRegexState); colorButton(; }); canvas.onmousedown = event => initStroke(event.offsetX, event.offsetY); canvas.onmousemove = event => updateStrokeIfPrevLineIsDone(event.offsetX, event.offsetY); canvas.onmouseup = () => endStroke(); clearButton.onclick = () => clearBoard(); // Touch support const correctTouchOffset = (x, y) => { const canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return [x - canvasRect.left, y -]; } canvas.ontouchstart = event => { event.preventDefault(); ({clientX, clientY} = event.changedTouches[0]); [x, y] = correctTouchOffset(clientX, clientY); initStroke(x, y); } canvas.ontouchmove = event => { event.preventDefault(); ({clientX, clientY} = event.changedTouches[0]); [x, y] = correctTouchOffset(clientX, clientY); updateStrokeIfPrevLineIsDone(x, y); } canvas.ontouchend = () => endStroke();