{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { programs.zsh = rec { enable = true; dotDir = ".config/zsh"; # enableSyntaxHighlighting = true; defaultKeymap = "viins"; plugins = [ # { # name = "nix-zsh-shell-integration"; # src = pkgs.nix-zsh-shell-integration; # } { name = "zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting"; src = pkgs.zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting; } { name = "zsh-completions"; src = pkgs.zsh-completions; } { name = "zsh-you-should-use"; src = pkgs.zsh-you-should-use; } { name = "zsh-autosuggestions"; src = pkgs.zsh-autosuggestions; } { name = "powerlevel10k"; src = pkgs.zsh-powerlevel10k; file = "share/zsh-powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme"; } # { # name = "powerlevel10k-config"; # src = lib.cleanSource ./p10k-config; # file = "p10k.zsh"; # } ]; localVariables = { POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS = ["dir" "vcs"]; # NIX_PATH = ''$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels$\{NIX_PATH:+:}$NIX_PATH''; }; shellAliases = with pkgs; let sedColor = color: inputPattern: outputPattern: "-e \"s|${inputPattern}|${outputPattern.before or ""}$(tput setaf ${toString color})${outputPattern.middle}$(tput op)${outputPattern.after or ""}|g\""; colorRed = sedColor 1; shellPipe = lib.strings.concatStringsSep " | "; join = lib.strings.concatStringsSep " "; in { # This for some reason uses an outdated version of hm # hs = "${pkgs.home-manager}/bin/home-manager switch"; hms = "home-manager switch"; nxr = "sudo ${nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild switch"; nxc = "sudoedit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix"; ns = "nix-shell"; # Having 'watch' with a space after as an alias, enables it to expand other aliases watch = "${procps}/bin/watch "; m = "${ncmpcpp}/bin/ncmpcpp"; p = "${python39Packages.ipython}/bin/ipython"; lls = "${coreutils}/bin/ls"; ls = "${exa}/bin/exa"; la = "${exa}/bin/exa -lah --changed --time-style long-iso --git --group"; lsa = "la"; killall = "echo \"killall is dangerous on non-gnu platforms. Using 'pkill -x'\"; pkill -x"; youtube-dl-list = join [ "${youtube-dl}/bin/youtube-dl" "-f \"bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[e=m4a]/bestvideo+bestaudio\"" "-o \"%(playlist_index)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s\"" ]; music-dl = "${youtube-dl}/bin/youtube-dl --extract-audio -f \"bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best\""; music-dl-list = join [ "${youtube-dl}/bin/youtube-dl" "--extract-audio" "-f \"bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best\"" "-o \"%(playlist_index)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s\"" ]; skusho = "${maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard $(echo $SCREENSHOT_DIR)/$(date_%s).png"; skushoclip = shellPipe [ "${maim}/bin/maim --hidecursor --nokeyboard --select" "${xclip}/bin/xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -in" ]; view-latex = "${texlive.combined.scheme-full}/bin/latexmk -pdf -pvc main.tex"; reload-tmux = "${tmux}/bin/tmux source $HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"; ag="${ripgrep}/bin/rg"; dp = "${dropbox-cli}/bin/dropbox"; cd = "z"; ccp = "${coreutils}/bin/cp"; cp = "${rsync}/bin/rsync --progress --human-readable"; cpr = "${rsync}/bin/rsync --progress --human-readable --recursive"; ccat = "${coreutils}/bin/cat"; cat = "${bat}/bin/bat"; htop = "${bottom}/bin/bottom"; ps = "${procs}/bin/procs"; fin = "${fd}/bin/fd"; ip = "ip -c"; regex-escapechars = "echo \"[\\^$.|?*+()\""; connectedIps = shellPipe [ "netstat -tn 2>/dev/null" "grep :$1" "awk '{print $5}'" "cut -d: -f1" "sort" "uniq -c" "sort -nr" "head" ]; path = let colorSlashes = colorRed "/" {middle = "/";}; in "echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/\\n/g' ${colorSlashes} | sort"; aliases = let colorAliasNames = colorRed "\\(^[^=]*\\)=" {middle = "\\1"; after = "\\t";}; # The '[^]]' (character before /nix should not be ']') is there so that this alias' # definition won't be removed. removeNixLinks = "-e 's|\\([^]]\\)/nix/store/.*/bin/|\\1|'"; in shellPipe [ "alias" "sed ${colorAliasNames} ${removeNixLinks}" "column -ts $'\\t'" ]; ports = let colorSlashes = colorRed "/" {middle = "/";}; colorFirstColumn = colorRed "(^[^ ]+)" {middle = "\\1";}; in shellPipe [ "sudo netstat -tulpn" "grep LISTEN" "sed -r 's/\\s+/ /g'" "cut -d' ' -f 4,7" "column -t" "sed -r ${colorFirstColumn} ${colorSlashes}" ]; } // (let inherit (lib.strings) concatStrings concatStringsSep; inherit (lib.lists) range flatten; inherit (lib.attrsets) nameValuePair; inherit (lib.trivial) const; repeatItem = n: item: map (const item) (range 1 n); repeatString = n: string: concatStrings (repeatItem n string); nthCds = n: [ ("cd" + (repeatString (n + 1) ".")) ("cd." + toString n) (repeatString (n + 1) ".") ("." + toString n) (".." + toString n) ]; realCommand = n: "cd " + (concatStringsSep "/" (repeatItem n "..")); nthCdsAsNameValuePairs = n: map (cmd: nameValuePair cmd (realCommand n)) (nthCds n); allCdNameValuePairs = (flatten (map nthCdsAsNameValuePairs (range 1 9))); in lib.attrsets.listToAttrs allCdNameValuePairs); initExtra = '' source ${config.home.homeDirectory}/${dotDir}/p10k.zsh ''; }; }