[ { "query": "亜", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1509", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "Asia, rank next, come after, -ous", "kunyomi": [ "つ.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "ア" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "亜", "reading": "ア", "meaning": "sub-, -ous (indicating a low oxidation state), -ite, Asia, Argentina, Arabia, America, American person" }, { "example": "亜鉛", "reading": "アエン", "meaning": "zinc (Zn)" }, { "example": "東亜", "reading": "トウア", "meaning": "East Asia, the Orient" }, { "example": "印度尼西亜", "reading": "インドネシア", "meaning": "Indonesia" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "次ぐ", "reading": "つぐ", "meaning": "to rank next to, to come after" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "二", "meaning": "two" }, "parts": [ "一", "口", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20124_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e9c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e9c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BA%9C%23kanji" }, { "query": "哀", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1715", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "pathetic, grief, sorrow, pathos, pity, sympathize", "kunyomi": [ "あわ.れ", "あわ.れむ", "かな.しい" ], "onyomi": [ "アイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "哀", "reading": "アイ", "meaning": "pity, sorrow, grief, misery" }, { "example": "哀悼", "reading": "アイトウ", "meaning": "condolence, regret, tribute, sorrow, sympathy, lament" }, { "example": "哀々", "reading": "アイアイ", "meaning": "deeply sad" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "哀れ", "reading": "あわれ", "meaning": "pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos, pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, alack, alas" }, { "example": "哀れむ", "reading": "あわれむ", "meaning": "to pity, to feel sympathy for, to sympathize with, to sympathise with, to commiserate with, to have mercy on, to enjoy the beauty of, to appreciate, to admire" }, { "example": "哀れむ", "reading": "あわれむ", "meaning": "to pity, to feel sympathy for, to sympathize with, to sympathise with, to commiserate with, to have mercy on, to enjoy the beauty of, to appreciate, to admire" }, { "example": "悲しい", "reading": "かなしい", "meaning": "sad, miserable, unhappy, sorrowful, sad, lamentable, deplorable, grievous" }, { "example": "悲しいかな", "reading": "かなしいかな", "meaning": "sad to say, how sad, alas" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "亠", "口", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21696_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/054c0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/54c0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%93%80%23kanji" }, { "query": "挨", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2258", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "approach, draw near, push open", "kunyomi": [ "ひら.く" ], "onyomi": [ "アイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "挨拶", "reading": "アイサツ", "meaning": "greeting, greetings, salutation, salute, polite set phrase used when meeting or parting from somebody, polite set phrase used to express apology, sympathy, congratulations, etc., speech (congratulatory or appreciative), address, reply, response, revenge, retaliation, a fine thing to say, dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment), relationship (between people), connection, intervention, mediation, mediator" }, { "example": "挨拶代わり", "reading": "アイサツガワリ", "meaning": "substitute for a proper greeting (e.g. gift)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "乞", "厶", "扎", "矢" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25384_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06328.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6328.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8C%A8%23kanji" }, { "query": "曖", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "dark, not clear", "kunyomi": [ "くら.い" ], "onyomi": [ "アイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "曖昧", "reading": "アイマイ", "meaning": "vague, ambiguous, unclear, fuzzy" }, { "example": "曖々", "reading": "アイアイ", "meaning": "dim, faint, unclear" }, { "example": "曖々", "reading": "アイアイ", "meaning": "dim, faint, unclear" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "冖", "夂", "心", "日", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26326_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/066d6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/66d6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9B%96%23kanji" }, { "query": "握", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1003", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "grip, hold, mould sushi, bribe", "kunyomi": [ "にぎ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "アク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "握手", "reading": "アクシュ", "meaning": "handshake, reconciliation, joining hands, cooperation" }, { "example": "握力", "reading": "アクリョク", "meaning": "grip (of hand), grip strength" }, { "example": "一握", "reading": "イチアク", "meaning": "handful" }, { "example": "動向把握", "reading": "ドウコウハアク", "meaning": "grasping the trend, firmly understanding how the situation is developing, getting a good sense of how things are changing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "握る", "reading": "にぎる", "meaning": "to clasp, to grasp, to grip, to clutch, to make (nigirizushi, rice ball, etc.), to form, to press into shape, to mold, to mould, to seize (power, etc.), to take hold of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "厶", "土", "尸", "扎", "至" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25569_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063e1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63e1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8F%A1%23kanji" }, { "query": "扱", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1057", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "handle, entertain, thresh, strip", "kunyomi": [ "あつか.い", "あつか.う", "あつか.る", "こ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ソウ", "キュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "扱い", "reading": "あつかい", "meaning": "treatment, service" }, { "example": "扱い方", "reading": "あつかいかた", "meaning": "how to manage (e.g. case), how to handle (e.g. machine), way with (e.g. children, animal)" }, { "example": "扱う", "reading": "あつかう", "meaning": "to deal with (a person), to treat, to handle, to take care of, to entertain, to deal with (a problem), to handle, to manage, to operate (e.g. a machine), to handle, to work, to deal in, to sell, to cover (a topic), to treat, to discuss, to take up, to treat A as B, to mediate (an argument), to be too much for one, to find unmanageable, to gossip" }, { "example": "扱く", "reading": "こく", "meaning": "to thresh, to strip" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "及", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25201_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06271.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6271.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%89%B1%23kanji" }, { "query": "宛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "address, just like, fortunately", "kunyomi": [ "あ.てる", "-あて", "-づつ", "あたか.も" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "宛然", "reading": "エンゼン", "meaning": "as if, the very thing itself" }, { "example": "宛転", "reading": "エンテン", "meaning": "eloquent, fluent, smooth-spoken, sonorous, facile, silver-tongued, (of eyebrows) shapely" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "宛てる", "reading": "あてる", "meaning": "to address" }, { "example": "恰も", "reading": "あたかも", "meaning": "as if, as it were, as though, right then, just then, at that moment" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "宀", "meaning": "roof" }, "parts": [ "卩", "夕", "宀" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23451_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05b9b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5b9b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AE%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "嵐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1910", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "storm, tempest", "kunyomi": [ "あらし" ], "onyomi": [ "ラン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "嵐気", "reading": "ランキ", "meaning": "mountain mist, mountain air" }, { "example": "青嵐", "reading": "アオアラシ", "meaning": "wind blowing through fresh verdure, mountain air" }, { "example": "翠嵐", "reading": "スイラン", "meaning": "the sense of being engulfed in a green, mountainous atmosphere" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "嵐", "reading": "あらし", "meaning": "storm, tempest, uproar, hullabaloo, storm (e.g. of protest), winds (e.g. of change)" }, { "example": "嵐の大洋", "reading": "あらしのたいよう", "meaning": "Oceanus Procellarum (lunar mare), Ocean of Storms" }, { "example": "青嵐", "reading": "あおあらし", "meaning": "wind blowing through fresh verdure, mountain air" }, { "example": "磁気嵐", "reading": "じきあらし", "meaning": "magnetic storm" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "山", "meaning": "mountain" }, "parts": [ "山", "風" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23888_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05d50.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5d50.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B5%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "依", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "906", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", "kunyomi": [ "よ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "イ", "エ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "依然", "reading": "イゼン", "meaning": "still, as yet, as it has been" }, { "example": "委嘱", "reading": "イショク", "meaning": "commissioning, entrusting (with), request, appointment (to a position)" }, { "example": "依々", "reading": "イイ", "meaning": "affectionately attached, reluctant to part" }, { "example": "憑依", "reading": "ヒョウイ", "meaning": "dependence, depending on, possession (by a spirit, etc.)" }, { "example": "依蘭苔", "reading": "エイランタイ", "meaning": "Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica), Iceland lichen" }, { "example": "依估", "reading": "イコ", "meaning": "unfairness" }, { "example": "帰依", "reading": "キエ", "meaning": "becoming a devout believer, (religious) conversion" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "因る", "reading": "よる", "meaning": "to be due to, to be caused by, to depend on, to turn on, to be based on, to come from, to be based at (a location, an organization), to be headquartered at" }, { "example": "依ると", "reading": "よると", "meaning": "according to" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "亠", "化", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20381_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04f9d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4f9d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BE%9D%23kanji" }, { "query": "威", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1103", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "intimidate, dignity, majesty, menace, threaten", "kunyomi": [ "おど.す", "おど.し", "おど.かす" ], "onyomi": [ "イ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "威", "reading": "イ", "meaning": "power, authority, might, influence, dignity, majesty" }, { "example": "威嚇", "reading": "イカク", "meaning": "threat, intimidation, menace" }, { "example": "球威", "reading": "キュウイ", "meaning": "(pitcher's) stuff" }, { "example": "国威", "reading": "コクイ", "meaning": "national prestige" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "脅す", "reading": "おどす", "meaning": "to threaten, to menace, to frighten (into doing)" }, { "example": "縅", "reading": "おどし", "meaning": "leather strap binding the plates of traditional Japanese armor (armour)" }, { "example": "脅し", "reading": "おどし", "meaning": "threat, bird-scaring device (scarecrow, gun, etc.)" }, { "example": "脅かす", "reading": "おどかす", "meaning": "to threaten, to menace, to intimidate, to startle, to frighten, to scare" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "厂", "女", "戈" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23041_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05a01.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5a01.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A8%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "為", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "831", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of", "kunyomi": [ "ため", "な.る", "な.す", "す.る", "たり", "つく.る", "なり" ], "onyomi": [ "イ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "為政者", "reading": "イセイシャ", "meaning": "statesman, administrator, politician, policymaker" }, { "example": "為公会", "reading": "イコウカイ", "meaning": "Iko-kai (faction of the LDP)" }, { "example": "人為", "reading": "ジンイ", "meaning": "human work, human agency, art, artificiality" }, { "example": "営為", "reading": "エイイ", "meaning": "business, occupation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "為", "reading": "ため", "meaning": "good, advantage, benefit, welfare, sake, purpose, objective, aim, consequence, result, effect, affecting, regarding, concerning" }, { "example": "為に", "reading": "ために", "meaning": "for, for the sake of, to one's advantage, in favor of, in favour of, on behalf of, because of, as a result of" }, { "example": "外為", "reading": "がいため", "meaning": "foreign exchange" }, { "example": "念のため", "reading": "ねんのため", "meaning": "(just) making sure, just to be sure, just in case, for caution's sake" }, { "example": "成る", "reading": "なる", "meaning": "to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, to result in, to prove to be, to consist of, to be composed of, to succeed, to be complete, to change into, to be exchanged for, to play a role, to be promoted, to do ..." }, { "example": "為す", "reading": "なす", "meaning": "to build up, to establish, to form, to become (a state), to accomplish, to achieve, to succeed in, to change into, to do, to perform, to intend to, to attempt, to try" }, { "example": "為す術", "reading": "なすすべ", "meaning": "means, method, way" }, { "example": "為る", "reading": "する", "meaning": "to do, to carry out, to perform, to cause to become, to make (into), to turn (into), to serve as, to act as, to work as, to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.), to judge as being, to view as being, to think of as, to treat as, to use as, to decide on, to choose, to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.), to be (in a state, condition, etc.), to be worth, to cost, to pass (of time), to elapse, to place, or raise, person A to a post or status B, to transform A to B, to make A into B, to exchange A for B, to make use of A for B, to view A as B, to handle A as if it were B, to feel A about B, verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech \"vs\"), creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with \"o\" or \"go\"), to be just about to, to be just starting to, to try to, to attempt to" }, { "example": "成り", "reading": "なり", "meaning": "being promoted" }, { "example": "なり手", "reading": "なりて", "meaning": "person willing to take on a role, willing candidate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "火", "forms": [ "灬" ], "meaning": "fire" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ユ", "丶", "勹", "并", "杰" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28858_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/070ba.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/70ba.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%82%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "畏", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2389", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "fear, majestic, graciously, be apprehensive", "kunyomi": [ "おそ.れる", "かしこま.る", "かしこ", "かしこ.し" ], "onyomi": [ "イ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "畏怖", "reading": "イフ", "meaning": "awe, fear, dread, fright" }, { "example": "畏敬", "reading": "イケイ", "meaning": "reverence, awe, respect" }, { "example": "敬畏", "reading": "ケイイ", "meaning": "awe, reverence, fear (e.g. of authority)" }, { "example": "後生可畏", "reading": "コウセイカイ", "meaning": "the young should be regarded with respect" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恐れる", "reading": "おそれる", "meaning": "to fear, to be afraid of" }, { "example": "畏まる", "reading": "かしこまる", "meaning": "to obey respectfully, to humble oneself, to sit straight (upright, respectfully, attentively)" }, { "example": "畏", "reading": "かしこ", "meaning": "yours sincerely, respectfully yours" }, { "example": "賢い", "reading": "かしこい", "meaning": "wise, clever, smart" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "田", "meaning": "field" }, "parts": [ "一", "田", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30031_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0754f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/754f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%95%8F%23kanji" }, { "query": "尉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2007", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "military officer, jailer, old man, rank", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "イ", "ジョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尉官", "reading": "イカン", "meaning": "officer below the rank of major, company officer" }, { "example": "中尉", "reading": "チュウイ", "meaning": "first lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade" }, { "example": "少尉", "reading": "ショウイ", "meaning": "second lieutenant, sublieutenant, ensign" }, { "example": "尉", "reading": "ジョウ", "meaning": "inspector (third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo system), (noh) old man, white ash (of charcoal)" }, { "example": "尉鶲", "reading": "ジョウビタキ", "meaning": "Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)" }, { "example": "黒式尉", "reading": "コクシキジョウ", "meaning": "noh mask used for old man roles (usu. black)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "寸", "meaning": "thumb, inch" }, "parts": [ "二", "寸", "小", "尸", "示" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23561_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c09.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c09.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "萎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "wither, droop, lame", "kunyomi": [ "な", "しお.れる", "しな.びる", "しぼ.む", "な.える" ], "onyomi": [ "イ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "萎縮", "reading": "イシュク", "meaning": "withering, shrivelling, shrinking, atrophy, contraction" }, { "example": "萎黄病", "reading": "イオウビョウ", "meaning": "chlorosis, greensickness" }, { "example": "陰萎", "reading": "インイ", "meaning": "impotence (sexual), erectile impotence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "萎える", "reading": "なえる", "meaning": "to lose strength, to become weak, to disappear (of energy, drive, etc.), to wither, to droop, to wilt, to feel demotivated, to lose interest, to become disappointed" }, { "example": "萎え落ち", "reading": "なえおち", "meaning": "disconnecting from an online game because one is losing" }, { "example": "萎れる", "reading": "しおれる", "meaning": "to wither, to wilt, to droop, to fade, to be dejected, to be disheartened, to be depressed, to be crestfallen" }, { "example": "萎びる", "reading": "しなびる", "meaning": "to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin), to wilt, to fade, to wither, to be wizened" }, { "example": "萎む", "reading": "しぼむ", "meaning": "to wither (of flowers, dreams, etc.), to wilt, to droop, to shrivel, to fade (away), to sag, to deflate" }, { "example": "萎える", "reading": "なえる", "meaning": "to lose strength, to become weak, to disappear (of energy, drive, etc.), to wither, to droop, to wilt, to feel demotivated, to lose interest, to become disappointed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "女", "禾", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33806_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0840e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/840e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%90%8E%23kanji" }, { "query": "偉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1639", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "admirable, greatness, 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in the usual condition, to not match the correct (answer, etc.), to be different from promised, isn't it?, wasn't it?" }, { "example": "違くて", "reading": "ちがくて", "meaning": "different (from), not the same (as)" }, { "example": "違い", "reading": "ちがい", "meaning": "difference, distinction, discrepancy, mistake, error" }, { "example": "違いない", "reading": "ちがいない", "meaning": "sure, no mistaking it, for certain, without doubt" }, { "example": "違える", "reading": "ちがえる", "meaning": "to change, to alter, to mistake, to make a mistake, to fail to keep (e.g. one's promise), to sprain (a muscle), to dislocate (e.g. one's neck)" }, { "example": "違う", "reading": "たがう", "meaning": "to differ, to be different, to run counter to, to change (into something out of the ordinary)" }, { "example": "違える", "reading": "たがえる", "meaning": "to change, to alter, to run counter to, to go against, to break (one's word), to make a mistake (in), to err" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/58f1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A3%B1%23kanji" }, { "query": "逸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1524", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge", "kunyomi": [ "そ.れる", "そ.らす", "はぐ.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "イツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "逸脱", "reading": "イツダツ", "meaning": "deviation, departure, omission" }, { "example": "逸材", "reading": "イツザイ", "meaning": "outstanding talent, person of exceptional talent, gifted person" }, { "example": "捕逸", "reading": "ホイツ", "meaning": "passed ball, catcher missing a ball" }, { "example": "秀逸", "reading": "シュウイツ", "meaning": "excellent, superb, first-rate" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "逸れる", "reading": "それる", "meaning": "to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target), to deviate (e.g. of a conversation), to digress, to go astray, to wander" }, { "example": "逸らす", "reading": "そらす", "meaning": "to turn away (one's eyes, face, etc.), to avert, to divert (e.g. one's attention), to evade (e.g. a question), to change (e.g. the subject), to displease, to annoy, to offend, to upset, to miss (the target, ball, etc.)" }, { "example": "逸れる", "reading": "はぐれる", "meaning": "to lose sight of (one's companions), to stray from, to miss (one's chance to ...)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "儿", "免", "勹", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36920_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09038.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9038.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%80%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "芋", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2418", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "potato", "kunyomi": [ "いも" ], "onyomi": [ "ウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "海芋", "reading": "カイウ", "meaning": "calla (Zantedcschia aethiopica)" }, { "example": "阿蘭陀海芋", "reading": "オランダカイウ", "meaning": "calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "芋", "reading": "いも", "meaning": "tuber, taro, potato, yam, yokel, bumpkin, dud, worthless thing" }, { "example": "芋片喰", "reading": "いもかたばみ", "meaning": "jointed woodsorrel (Oxalis articulata)" }, { "example": "焼き芋", "reading": "やきいも", "meaning": "roasted sweet potato, baked sweet potato" }, { "example": "唐芋", "reading": "とういも", "meaning": "sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "一", "干", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33419_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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{ "example": "噎せる", "reading": "むせる", "meaning": "to choke, to be choked by, to be stifled by" }, { "example": "喉", "reading": "のど", "meaning": "throat, singing voice" }, { "example": "喉から手が出る", "reading": "のどからてがでる", "meaning": "to want something desperately, to want something (so badly one can taste it)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "口", "囗", "大" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21693_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/054bd.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/54bd.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%92%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "姻", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1985", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "matrimony, marry", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "イン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "姻戚", "reading": "インセキ", "meaning": "relative by marriage, affinity" }, { "example": "姻戚関係", "reading": "インセキカンケイ", "meaning": "relation by marriage" }, { "example": "婚姻", "reading": "コンイン", "meaning": "marriage, matrimony" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "囗", "大", "女" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23035_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/059fb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/59fb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A7%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "淫", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "lewdness, licentiousness", "kunyomi": [ "ひた.す", "ほしいまま", "みだ.ら", "みだ.れる", "みだり" ], "onyomi": [ "イン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "淫", "reading": "イン", "meaning": "licentiousness" }, { "example": "淫愛", "reading": "インアイ", "meaning": "dirty love, sordid love" }, { "example": "売淫", "reading": "バイイン", "meaning": "prostitution" }, { "example": "口淫", "reading": "コウイン", "meaning": "oral sex, fellatio, cunnilingus" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "淫ら", "reading": "みだら", "meaning": "obscene, indecent, lewd, bawdy, loose, improper, dirty" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "士", "汁", "爪", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28139_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06deb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6deb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B7%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "陰", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1393", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow", "kunyomi": [ "かげ", "かげ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "イン" ], 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"インリツ", "meaning": "metre (of a poem), meter, rhythm, prosody" }, { "example": "哀韻", "reading": "アイイン", "meaning": "sad tone (of music, words, etc.)" }, { "example": "類韻", "reading": "ルイイン", "meaning": "assonance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "音", "meaning": "sound" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "口", "日", "目", "立", "貝", "音" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38907_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/097fb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/97fb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9F%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "唄", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2051", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "song, ballad", "kunyomi": [ "うた", "うた.う" ], "onyomi": [ "バイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貝葉", "reading": "バイヨウ", "meaning": "palm-leaf manuscript" }, { "example": "梵唄", 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"影", "reading": "かげ", "meaning": "shadow, silhouette, figure, shape, reflection, image, ominous sign, light (stars, moon), trace, shadow (of one's former self)" }, { "example": "陰口", "reading": "かげぐち", "meaning": "malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's back" }, { "example": "夕影", "reading": "ゆうかげ", "meaning": "light of the setting sun, figure lit by the evening sun" }, { "example": "月影", "reading": "げつえい", "meaning": "moonlight, moon, moonbeams" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "彡", "meaning": "bristle, beard" }, "parts": [ "亠", "口", "小", "彡", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24433_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f71.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f71.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BD%B1%23kanji" }, { "query": "鋭", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", 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plague, pestilence" }, { "example": "疫神", "reading": "エキジン", "meaning": "god who spreads infectious diseases, god of pestilence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "疒", "meaning": "sickness" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "殳", "疔" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30123_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/075ab.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/75ab.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%96%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "悦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1762", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "ecstasy, joy, rapture", "kunyomi": [ "よろこ.ぶ", "よろこ.ばす" ], "onyomi": [ "エツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "悦", "reading": "エツ", "meaning": "self-satisfaction, rejoicing" }, { "example": "悦に入る", "reading": "エツニイル", "meaning": "to be pleased, to gloat, to glow with self-satisfaction" }, { "example": "満悦", "reading": "マンエツ", "meaning": "great delight, great satisfaction, rapture" }, { "example": "怡悦", "reading": "イエツ", "meaning": "rejoicing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喜ぶ", "reading": "よろこぶ", "meaning": "to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased, to congratulate, to gratefully accept" }, { "example": "喜ばす", "reading": "よろこばす", "meaning": "to delight, to give pleasure" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "儿", "口", "并", "忙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24742_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/060a6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/60a6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%82%A6%23kanji" }, { "query": "越", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "897", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam", "kunyomi": [ "こ.す", "-こ.す", "-ご.し", "こ.える", "-ご.え" ], "onyomi": [ "エツ", "オツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "越", "reading": "エツ", "meaning": "Yue, kingdom in ancient China (6th C-334 BCE), Vietnam" }, { "example": "越南", "reading": "エツナン", "meaning": "Vietnam" }, { "example": "上越", "reading": "ジョウエツ", "meaning": "area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata" }, { "example": "自己超越", "reading": "ジコチョウエツ", "meaning": "self-transcendence" }, { "example": "越年", "reading": "エツネン", "meaning": "seeing the old year out, greeting the New Year, passing the winter, hibernation, playing past the usual 12 rounds in one game" }, { "example": "越年蝶", "reading": "オツネンチョウ", "meaning": "eastern pale clouded yellow (butterfly, Colias erate)" }, { "example": "檀越", "reading": "ダンオツ", "meaning": "alms-giver, person who donates to a monk or a temple, dana-pati" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "越す", "reading": "こす", "meaning": "to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across, to get over (e.g. hardship), to pass time (e.g. a winter), to surpass, to be better than, to exceed, to move house, to go, to come" }, { "example": "越える", "reading": "こえる", "meaning": "to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), to go beyond, to go past, to exceed, to surpass, to be more (than)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "走", "forms": [ "赱" ], "meaning": "run" }, "parts": [ "土", "戈", "走" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36234_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08d8a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8d8a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B6%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "謁", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "audience, audience (with king)", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "エツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { 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"meaning": "old grudge, old score" }, { "example": "怨霊", "reading": "オンリョウ", "meaning": "revengeful ghost, apparition" }, { "example": "怨念", "reading": "オンネン", "meaning": "deep-seated grudge, hatred" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恨む", "reading": "うらむ", "meaning": "to bear a grudge against, to resent, to blame, to curse, to feel bitter towards" }, { "example": "恨み", "reading": "うらみ", "meaning": "resentment, grudge, malice, bitterness, matter for regret, regret" }, { "example": "恨み言", "reading": "うらみごと", "meaning": "grudge, complaint, reproach" }, { "example": "恨めしい", "reading": "うらめしい", "meaning": "reproachful, hateful, bitter" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "卩", "夕", "心" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24616_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06028.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"black smoke" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "煙る", "reading": "けむる", "meaning": "to smoke (e.g. fire), to billow smoke, to smoulder, to smolder, to be hazy, to look dim" }, { "example": "煙", "reading": "けむり", "meaning": "smoke, fumes" }, { "example": "煙草", "reading": "たばこ", "meaning": "tobacco, cigarette, cigaret, cigar, tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum)" }, { "example": "黒煙", "reading": "こくえん", "meaning": "black smoke" }, { "example": "砂煙", "reading": "すなけむり", "meaning": "cloud of sand (dust, etc.)" }, { "example": "煙い", "reading": "けむい", "meaning": "smoky" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "火", "forms": [ "灬" ], "meaning": "fire" }, "parts": [ "土", "火", "西" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29017_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07159.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7159.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%85%99%23kanji" }, { "query": "猿", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1772", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "monkey", "kunyomi": [ "さる" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "猿人", "reading": "エンジン", "meaning": "ape man" }, { "example": "猿害", "reading": "エンガイ", "meaning": "damages inflicted by monkeys (on crops, etc.)" }, { "example": "人類猿", "reading": "ジンルイエン", "meaning": "anthropoid ape" }, { "example": "孤猿", "reading": "コエン", "meaning": "lone monkey, stray monkey" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "猿", "reading": "さる", "meaning": "monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata), ape, non-human primate, sly person, idiot, hick, sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut), clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook, bathhouse prostitute" }, { "example": "猿尾", "reading": "さるお", "meaning": "backside part of the shamisen's neck where it meets the body" }, { "example": "木から落ちた猿", "reading": "きからおちたさる", "meaning": "person who has lost something they used to rely on, a monkey fallen from the tree" }, { "example": "真猿", "reading": "まさる", "meaning": "monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "口", "土", "犯", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29503_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0733f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/733f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8C%BF%23kanji" }, { "query": "鉛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1710", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "lead", "kunyomi": [ "なまり" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鉛筆", "reading": "エンピツ", "meaning": "pencil" }, { "example": "鉛管", "reading": "エンカン", "meaning": "lead pipe" }, { "example": "黒鉛", "reading": "コクエン", "meaning": "graphite" }, { "example": "硫化亜鉛", "reading": "リュウカアエン", "meaning": "zinc sulfide (ZnS) (sulphide)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鉛", "reading": "なまり", "meaning": "lead (Pb)" }, { "example": "鉛色", "reading": "なまりいろ", "meaning": "lead colour, lead color" }, { "example": "アジ化鉛", "reading": "アジかなまり", "meaning": "lead azide" }, { "example": "酢酸鉛", "reading": "さくさんなまり", "meaning": "lead acetate (i.e. plumbic acetate, plumbous acetate)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "口", "并", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37467_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0925b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/925b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%89%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "縁", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1291", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "affinity, relation, connection, edge, border, verge, brink", "kunyomi": [ "ふち", "ふちど.る", "ゆかり", "よすが", "へり", "えにし" ], "onyomi": [ "エン", "-ネン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "縁", "reading": "エン", "meaning": "fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, family ties, affinity, opportunity, chance (to meet someone and start a relationship), pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes), narrow open-air veranda" }, { "example": "縁起", "reading": "エンギ", "meaning": "omen, sign of luck, origin, history, causation, dependent arising, doctrine that everything has a cause and there is nothing that arises out of nothing" }, { "example": "遠縁", "reading": "トオエン", "meaning": "distant relative" }, { "example": "内縁", "reading": "ナイエン", "meaning": "de facto marriage, common-law marriage" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "縁", "reading": "ふち", "meaning": "rim, brim, edge, brink" }, { "example": "縁石", "reading": "えんせき", "meaning": "curb (stone), kerb" }, { "example": "盆の縁", "reading": "ぼんのふち", "meaning": "edge of a tray" }, { "example": "縁取る", "reading": "ふちどる", "meaning": "to (add a) border or fringe" }, { "example": "縁", "reading": "ゆかり", "meaning": "connection (to a person, place, etc.), relation, affinity" }, { "example": "縁の色", "reading": "ゆかりのいろ", "meaning": "violet" }, { "example": "縁", "reading": "よすが", "meaning": "something to rely on, aid, clue, way, means, someone to rely on, relative, reminder, memento" }, { "example": "縁", "reading": "へり", "meaning": "edge (of a river, woods, etc.), shoulder (of a road), rim, brim, hem, margin, fringe, selvage, fabric border (of a tatami mat, etc.), edging" }, { "example": "縁石", "reading": "えんせき", "meaning": "curb (stone), kerb" }, { "example": "縁", "reading": "えん", "meaning": "fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, family ties, affinity, opportunity, chance (to meet someone and start a relationship), pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes), narrow open-air veranda" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "小", "幺", "糸", "豕" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32257_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07e01.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7e01.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B8%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "艶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2207", "strokeCount": 19, "meaning": "glossy, luster, glaze, polish, charm, colorful, captivating", "kunyomi": [ "つや", "なま.めかしい", "あで.やか", "つや.めく", "なま.めく" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "艶", "reading": "エン", "meaning": "charming, fascinating, voluptuous" }, { "example": "演歌", "reading": "エンカ", "meaning": "enka, traditional-style Japanese popular ballad, troubadour" }, { "example": "妖艶", "reading": "ヨウエン", "meaning": "fascinating, voluptuous, bewitching, captivating" }, { "example": "凄艶", "reading": "セイエン", "meaning": "weirdly beautiful" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "艶", "reading": "つや", "meaning": "gloss, luster, lustre, shine, sheen, polish, mellowness (of a voice), youthfulness (e.g. of skin), interest, appeal, charm, color, colour, feeling, romance, love, sexiness" }, { "example": "艶々", "reading": "つやつや", "meaning": "glossy, bright, slick" }, { "example": "艶々", "reading": "つやつや", "meaning": "glossy, bright, slick" }, { "example": "艶かしい", "reading": "なまめかしい", "meaning": "charming, captivating, bewitching, seductive, coquettish" }, { "example": "艶やか", "reading": "あでやか", "meaning": "glamorous, charming, beguiling, bewitching, beautiful, fascinatingly elegant" }, { "example": "艶めく", "reading": "つやめく", "meaning": "(for an object) to be shiny, to be glossy, (for a woman) to be alluring, to look sexy" }, { "example": "艶めく", "reading": "なまめく", "meaning": "to brim over with feminine charm, to look captivating (of a woman), to be sexy, to be seductive, to be enticing, to look young and fresh, to be elegant, to look refined, to have a calm and composed appearance" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "色", "meaning": "colour, prettiness" }, "parts": [ "勹", "口", "并", "日", "色", "豆", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33398_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08276.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8276.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%89%B6%23kanji" }, { "query": "汚", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "908", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "dirty, pollute, disgrace, rape, defile", "kunyomi": [ "けが.す", "けが.れる", "けが.らわしい", "よご.す", "よご.れる", "きたな.い" ], "onyomi": [ "オ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "汚水", "reading": "オスイ", "meaning": "filthy water, sewage" }, { "example": "汚職", "reading": "オショク", "meaning": "corruption" }, { "example": "防汚", "reading": "ボウオ", "meaning": "antifouling, stain resistance, stain-proofing, anti-soiling" }, { "example": "貪汚", "reading": "タンオ", "meaning": "greed, corruption" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "汚す", "reading": "よごす", "meaning": "to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make dirty, to stain, to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to defile" }, { "example": "汚れる", "reading": "けがれる", "meaning": "to be violated, to be corrupted, to be polluted, to be stained" }, { "example": "汚らわしい", "reading": "けがらわしい", "meaning": "filthy, unfair, dirty, untouchable, disgusting, nasty, foul, odious, repulsive" }, { "example": "汚す", "reading": "よごす", "meaning": "to pollute, to contaminate, to soil, to make dirty, to stain, to disgrace, to dishonour, to dishonor, to defile" }, { "example": "汚れる", "reading": "よごれる", "meaning": "to get dirty, to become dirty, to become sullied, to become corrupted, to lose one's chastity" }, { "example": "汚い", "reading": "きたない", "meaning": "dirty, filthy, foul, unclean, disordered, messy, untidy, poor (e.g. handwriting), indecent (language, etc.), dirty, vulgar, coarse, dastardly, mean, base, underhanded, stingy, greedy" }, { "example": "汚い手を使う", "reading": "きたないてをつかう", "meaning": "to play a dirty trick, to use underhanded methods, to hit below the belt, to play false" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "勹", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27738_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06c5a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6c5a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B1%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "凹", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2206", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "concave, hollow, sunken", "kunyomi": [ "くぼ.む", "へこ.む", "ぼこ" ], "onyomi": [ "オウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "凹", "reading": "オウ", "meaning": "concave, hollow, sunken" }, { "example": "凹凸", "reading": "オウトツ", "meaning": "unevenness, bumpiness, roughness, ruggedness, imbalance, inequality, unevenness, disparity" }, { "example": "肋凹", "reading": "ロクオウ", "meaning": "costal fovea" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "窪む", "reading": "くぼむ", "meaning": "to cave in, to become depressed, to sink" }, { "example": "凹む", "reading": "へこむ", "meaning": "to be dented, to be indented, to yield, to give, to sink, to collapse, to cave in, to be beaten, to be overwhelmed, to yield, to give in, to give up, to be disheartened, to feel down, to feel depressed, to suffer a loss, to lose" }, { "example": "穴ぼこ", "reading": "あなぼこ", "meaning": "hole, hollow, pothole (road, pavement, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "凵", "meaning": "container, open mouth" }, "parts": [ "凵" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20985_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/051f9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/51f9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%87%B9%23kanji" }, { "query": "押", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "789", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of", "kunyomi": [ "お.す", "お.し-", "お.っ-", "お.さえる", "おさ.える" ], "onyomi": [ "オウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "押収", "reading": "オウシュウ", "meaning": "seizure, confiscation" }, { "example": "押印", "reading": "オウイン", "meaning": "affixing one's seal" }, { "example": "花押", "reading": "カオウ", "meaning": "written seal, stylized signature" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "押す", "reading": "おす", "meaning": "to push, to press, to apply pressure from above, to press down, to stamp (i.e. a passport), to apply a seal, to affix (e.g. gold leaf), to press (someone for something), to urge, to compel, to influence, to overwhelm, to overpower, to repress, to push (events along), to advance (a plan), to do in spite of ..., to do even though ..., to force, to make sure, to be pressed for time, to advance troops, to attack, (of light) to be diffused across an entire surface" }, { "example": "押忍", "reading": "おっす", "meaning": "hi!, yo!, hey man!, hey dude!" }, { "example": "押さえる", "reading": "おさえる", "meaning": "to pin down, to hold down, to press down, to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand), to clutch (a body part in pain), to press (a body part), to get a hold of, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to arrest, to grasp (a point), to comprehend, to quell, to subdue, to suppress, to repress, to hold back, to check, to curb, to contain" }, { "example": "押さえる", "reading": "おさえる", "meaning": "to pin down, to hold down, to press down, to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand), to clutch (a body part in pain), to press (a body part), to get a hold of, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to arrest, to grasp (a point), to comprehend, to quell, to subdue, to suppress, to repress, to hold back, to check, to curb, to contain" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "扎", "日", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25276_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062bc.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62bc.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8A%BC%23kanji" 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"翁", "reading": "おう", "meaning": "old man, venerable gentleman, venerable, old, father" }, { "example": "翁恵比須", "reading": "おきなえびす", "meaning": "Beyrich's slit shell (species of sea snail, Pleurotomaria beyrichii)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "羽", "meaning": "feather" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "冫", "厶", "羽" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32705_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07fc1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7fc1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%BF%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "奥", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1018", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "heart, interior", "kunyomi": [ "おく", "おく.まる", "くま" ], "onyomi": [ "オウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "奥地", "reading": "オクチ", "meaning": "interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions" }, { "example": "奥義", "reading": "オウギ", "meaning": "secret techniques (of an art or skill), inner mysteries, essence, quintessence, heart" }, { "example": "最奥", "reading": "サイオウ", "meaning": "deep inside, innermost place" }, { "example": "内奥", "reading": "ナイオウ", "meaning": "inner part, depths" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "奥", "reading": "おく", "meaning": "inner part, inside, interior, depths (e.g. of a forest), back (of a house, drawer, etc.), bottom (e.g. of one's heart), recesses, heart" }, { "example": "奥地", "reading": "おくち", "meaning": "interior, backwoods, hinterland, back regions" }, { "example": "山奥", "reading": "やまおく", "meaning": "deep in the mountains, mountain recesses" }, { "example": "大奥", "reading": "おおおく", "meaning": "inner palace (in Edo Castle), palace's ladies chambers, shogun's harem" }, { "example": "奥まる", "reading": "おくまる", "meaning": "to lie deep in, to extend far back" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "大", "meaning": "big, very" }, "parts": [ "冂", "大", "米" ], 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"meaning": "to be hesitant, to feel timid" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "心", "日", "月", "立", "音" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33222_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/081c6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/81c6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%87%86%23kanji" }, { "query": "虞", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "fear, uneasiness, anxiety, concern, expectation, consideration", "kunyomi": [ "おそれ", "おもんぱか.る", "はか.る", "うれ.える", "あざむ.く", "あやま.る", "のぞ.む", "たの.しむ" ], "onyomi": [ "グ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "虞犯", "reading": "グハン", "meaning": "likelihood of committing a crime, pre-delinquent" }, { "example": "虞犯少年", "reading": "グハンショウネン", "meaning": "juvenile likely to commit a crime, juvenile with a criminal bent, pre-delinquent juvenile, status offender" }, { "example": "憂虞", "reading": "ユウグ", "meaning": "anxiety, fear" }, { "example": "不虞", "reading": "フグ", "meaning": "emergency" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恐れ", "reading": "おそれ", "meaning": "fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness, reverence" }, { "example": "失敗の虞", "reading": "しっぱいのおそれ", "meaning": "risk of failure" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "虍", "meaning": "tiger stripes" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "匕", "卜", "厂", "口", "虍" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34398_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0865e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/865e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%99%9E%23kanji" }, { "query": "乙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1841", "strokeCount": 1, "meaning": "the latter, duplicate, 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"kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "乙", "reading": "きのと", "meaning": "second in rank, second sign of the Chinese calendar" }, { "example": "乙亥", "reading": "きのとい", "meaning": "Wood Boar (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "乛", "forms": [ "乙", "⺄", "乚" ], "meaning": "second" }, "parts": [ "乙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20057_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e59.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e59.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%B9%99%23kanji" }, { "query": "俺", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1946", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "I, myself", "kunyomi": [ "おれ", "われ" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "俺", "reading": "おれ", "meaning": "I, me" }, { "example": "オレオレ詐欺", "reading": "オレオレさぎ", "meaning": "phone scam involving calls from pretended relatives in distress" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "乙", "化", "大", "奄" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20474_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04ffa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4ffa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BF%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "卸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1520", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "wholesale", "kunyomi": [ "おろ.す", "おろし", "おろ.し" ], "onyomi": [ "シャ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "卸下", "reading": "シャガ", "meaning": "cargo unloading" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "卸す", "reading": "おろす", "meaning": "to sell wholesale, to grate (e.g. vegetables), to cut up fish" }, { "example": "卸", "reading": "おろし", "meaning": "wholesale" }, { "example": "下ろし", "reading": "おろし", "meaning": "dropping, unloading, removing, grated vegetables, fruit, etc., grater, using new tools (or clothes, etc.), new tools (or clothes, etc.)" }, { "example": "仲卸", "reading": "なかおろし", "meaning": "intermediate wholesaler, middle trader, middleman, broker" }, { "example": "貴金属卸", "reading": "ききんぞくおろし", "meaning": "wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals" }, { "example": "卸", "reading": "おろし", "meaning": "wholesale" }, { "example": "下ろし", "reading": "おろし", "meaning": "dropping, unloading, removing, grated vegetables, fruit, etc., grater, using new tools (or clothes, etc.), new tools (or clothes, etc.)" }, { "example": "仲卸", "reading": "なかおろし", "meaning": "intermediate wholesaler, middle trader, middleman, broker" }, { "example": "貴金属卸", "reading": "ききんぞくおろし", "meaning": "wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "卩", "meaning": "kneel" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乞", "卩", 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confectionery" }, { "example": "聖菓", "reading": "セイカ", "meaning": "Christmas cake" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "木", "田", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33747_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/083d3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/83d3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8F%93%23kanji" }, { "query": "渦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1789", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "whirlpool, eddy, vortex", "kunyomi": [ "うず" ], "onyomi": [ "カ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渦中", "reading": "カチュウ", "meaning": "vortex, maelstrom, whirlpool, (in the middle of a) scandal, controversy, quarrel, turmoil" }, { "example": "渦状", "reading": "カジョウ", "meaning": "spiral" }, { "example": "極渦", 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bride, to marry into (a family), to have sexual intercourse" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "女", "宀", "豕" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23233_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05ac1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5ac1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AB%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "暇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1386", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "spare time, rest, leisure, time, leave of absence", "kunyomi": [ "ひま", "いとま" ], "onyomi": [ "カ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "暇人", "reading": "ヒマジン", "meaning": "person with a lot of free time on their hands, person of leisure, idler, loafer" }, { "example": "寸暇", "reading": "スンカ", "meaning": "moment's leisure, free minute" }, { "example": "請暇", "reading": "セイカ", "meaning": "vacation request, request for leave of absence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "暇", "reading": "ひま", "meaning": "spare time, free time, leisure, time (e.g. time it takes to do something), time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave, quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse), (being) inactive, (of one's business) slow, leaving, departing" }, { "example": "暇つぶし", "reading": "ひまつぶし", "meaning": "waste of time, killing time" }, { "example": "暇暇", "reading": "ひまひま", "meaning": "one's leisure hours" }, { "example": "暇", "reading": "ひま", "meaning": "spare time, free time, leisure, time (e.g. time it takes to do something), time off, day off, vacation, holiday, leave, quitting (one's job), firing someone, divorcing (one's spouse), (being) inactive, (of one's business) slow, leaving, departing" }, { "example": "暇乞い", "reading": "いとまごい", "meaning": "leave-taking, offering one's resignation, farewell visit" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "又", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26247_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06687.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6687.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9A%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "禍", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2010", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "calamity, misfortune, evil, curse", "kunyomi": [ "わざわい" ], "onyomi": [ "カ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "禍", "reading": "カ", "meaning": "disaster, calamity, misfortune" }, { "example": "禍根", "reading": "カコン", "meaning": "root of an evil, source of a problem, source of trouble, cause of misfortune" }, { "example": "惨禍", "reading": "サンカ", "meaning": "calamity" }, { "example": "災禍", "reading": "サイカ", "meaning": "disaster, accident, calamity, catastrophe" } ], 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"meaning": "individual, one by one, separate, each" }, { "example": "真箇", "reading": "シンコ", "meaning": "real, true" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "竹", "forms": [ "⺮" ], "meaning": "bamboo" }, "parts": [ "乞", "十", "口", "囗", "竹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31623_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07b87.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7b87.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%AE%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "稼", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1264", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "earnings, work, earn money", "kunyomi": [ "かせ.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "カ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "稼働", "reading": "カドウ", "meaning": "operation (of machine), operating, running, working" }, { "example": "稼ぎ", "reading": "カセギ", "meaning": "earnings" } ], 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"tooth, ivory" }, { "example": "新象牙", "reading": "シンゾウゲ", "meaning": "ivory-like plastic (used for mahjong tiles, shogi pieces, etc.)" }, { "example": "黒花狼牙", "reading": "クロバナロウゲ", "meaning": "purple marshlocks (Comarum palustre), swamp cinquefoil, marsh cinquefoil" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "牙", "reading": "きば", "meaning": "tusk, fang" }, { "example": "牙海蜷", "reading": "きばうみにな", "meaning": "mud creeper (Terebralia palustris)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "牙", "meaning": "fang" }, "parts": [ "牙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29273_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07259.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7259.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%89%99%23kanji" }, { "query": "瓦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1850", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "tile, gram", "kunyomi": 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(e.g. financial situation), uncertain, suspicious (of a potential amorous relation), mysterious, bewitching, alluring, enticing, enchanting" }, { "example": "怪しい手つきで", "reading": "あやしいてつきで", "meaning": "clumsily, with clumsy hands" }, { "example": "怪しむ", "reading": "あやしむ", "meaning": "to suspect" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "又", "土", "忙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24618_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0602a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/602a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%80%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "拐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1498", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "kidnap, falsify", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "カイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拐引", "reading": "カイイン", 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"reading": "みんながみんな", "meaning": "each and all, every single one, everybody" }, { "example": "皆が皆", "reading": "みんながみんな", "meaning": "each and all, every single one, everybody" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "白", "meaning": "white" }, "parts": [ "比", "白" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30342_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07686.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7686.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%9A%86%23kanji" }, { "query": "塊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1800", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "clod, lump, chunk, clot, mass", "kunyomi": [ "かたまり", "つちくれ" ], "onyomi": [ "カイ", "ケ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "塊茎", "reading": "カイケイ", "meaning": "tuber" }, { "example": "塊鉱", "reading": "カイコウ", "meaning": "lump ore" }, { "example": "団塊", "reading": "ダンカイ", "meaning": "mass, lump, clod, clump, nodule, baby boom generation (of 1947-1949), babyboomer (born between 1947-1949)" }, { "example": "山塊", "reading": "サンカイ", "meaning": "mountain mass, massif" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "塊", "reading": "かたまり", "meaning": "lump, mass, bundle, clump, clod, cluster, group, crowd, embodiment (of an idea, quality, feeling etc.), personification" }, { "example": "塊肉", "reading": "かたまりにく", "meaning": "chunk of meat (e.g. for grilling), joint of meat" }, { "example": "一塊", "reading": "いっかい", "meaning": "one lump, one group" }, { "example": "拝金主義の塊", "reading": "はいきんしゅぎのかたまり", "meaning": "money-worshiper" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "儿", "匕", "厶", "土", "田", "鬼" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22602_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0584a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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(e.g. talents)" }, { "example": "潰れる", "reading": "つぶれる", "meaning": "to be crushed, to be smashed, to be broken, to collapse, to become useless, to cease functioning, to be wasted (e.g. time), to go bankrupt, to go out of business, to fail" }, { "example": "潰える", "reading": "ついえる", "meaning": "to fall apart, to collapse, to become useless, to be completely defeated (in battle), to be wiped out, to fall apart (one's body or health)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "十", "口", "汁", "目", "貝", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28528_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06f70.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6f70.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BD%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "壊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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to damage, to break (a bill, etc.)" }, { "example": "壊れる", "reading": "こわれる", "meaning": "to be broken, to break, to fall through, to come to nothing" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "亠", "十", "土", "衣", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22730_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/058ca.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/58ca.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A3%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "懐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1493", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast", "kunyomi": [ "ふところ", "なつ.かしい", "なつ.かしむ", "なつ.く", "なつ.ける", "なず.ける", "いだ.く", "おも.う" ], "onyomi": [ "カイ", "エ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "懐疑", "reading": "カイギ", "meaning": "doubt, skepticism, scepticism, disbelief" }, { "example": "懐古", "reading": "カイコ", "meaning": "reminiscence, nostalgia, thinking fondly of the past, recalling the old days" }, { "example": "述懐", "reading": "ジュッカイ", "meaning": "speaking about (one's thoughts, memories, etc.), relating (one's feelings, reminiscences, etc.), recollection, reminiscence" }, { "example": "追懐", "reading": "ツイカイ", "meaning": "recollection, remembrance, reminiscence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "懐", "reading": "ふところ", "meaning": "inside the breast of one's clothing (esp. kimono), bosom, (breast) pocket, space between one's chest and outstretched arms, (one's) reach, heart (e.g. of a mountain), bosom (e.g. of nature), depths, inner part, mind, heart, inner thoughts, money (one is carrying), purse, pocketbook" }, { "example": "懐刀", "reading": "ふところがたな", "meaning": "dagger, stiletto, confidant, right-hand man" }, { "example": "苦しい懐", "reading": "くるしいふところ", "meaning": "tight budget" }, { "example": "自然の懐", "reading": "しぜんのふところ", "meaning": "bosom of Nature" }, { "example": "懐かしい", "reading": "なつかしい", "meaning": "dear (old), fondly-remembered, beloved, missed, nostalgic" }, { "example": "懐かしむ", "reading": "なつかしむ", "meaning": "to yearn for (someone, something), to miss" }, { "example": "懐く", "reading": "なつく", "meaning": "to become emotionally attached (to), to take (to)" }, { "example": "懐ける", "reading": "なつける", "meaning": "to win over, to win another's heart" }, { "example": "抱く", "reading": "いだく", "meaning": "to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug, to have (a thought or feeling), to hold, to harbour (suspicion, doubt, etc.), to harbor, to bear (a grudge, ill will, etc.), to entertain (hope, illusions, etc.), to cherish (e.g. an ambition)" }, { "example": "思う", "reading": "おもう", "meaning": "to think, to consider, to believe, to reckon, to think (of doing), to plan (to do), to judge, to assess, to regard, to imagine, to suppose, to dream, to expect, to look forward to, to feel, to be (in a state of mind), to desire, to want, to recall, to remember" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "亠", "十", "忙", "衣", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25040_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/061d0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/61d0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%87%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "諧", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "harmony", "kunyomi": [ "かな.う", "やわ.らぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "カイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "諧和", "reading": "カイワ", "meaning": "gentle mutual affection, harmony, harmony" }, { "example": "諧謔", "reading": "カイギャク", "meaning": "joke, jest, banter" }, { "example": "俳諧", "reading": "ハイカイ", "meaning": "haikai, collective name for haiku, haibun, haiga, senryū, etc., humorous or 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"meaning": "deep emotion, strong feelings" }, { "example": "気概", "reading": "キガイ", "meaning": "strong spirit, mettle, backbone, guts, fighting spirit" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "忙", "牙", "艮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24936_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06168.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6168.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%85%A8%23kanji" }, { "query": "蓋", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2388", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "cover, lid, flap", "kunyomi": [ "ふた", "けだ.し", "おお.う", "かさ", "かこう" ], "onyomi": [ "ガイ", "カイ", "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "蓋果", "reading": "ガイカ", "meaning": "pyxidium" }, { "example": "蓋然", "reading": "ガイゼン", "meaning": "probability" }, { 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summary, epitome" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "概ね", "reading": "おおむね", "meaning": "in general, generally, mostly, roughly, largely, mainly, on the whole, by and large, gist, point, main idea" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "木", "牙", "艮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27010_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06982.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6982.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%A6%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "骸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "bone, body, corpse", "kunyomi": [ "むくろ" ], "onyomi": [ "ガイ", "カイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "骸骨", "reading": "ガイコツ", "meaning": "skeleton" }, { "example": "骸炭", "reading": "ガイタン", "meaning": "coke (carbon fuel)" }, { "example": "死骸", "reading": "シガイ", "meaning": "(dead) body, corpse, carcass, remains" }, { "example": "形骸", "reading": "ケイガイ", "meaning": "ruin, wreck, mere skeleton, framework" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "躯", "reading": "むくろ", "meaning": "(dead) body, corpse" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "骨", "meaning": "bone" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "亠", "人", "冂", "冖", "月", "骨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39608_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09ab8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9ab8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%AA%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "垣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1539", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "hedge, fence, wall", "kunyomi": [ "かき" ], "onyomi": [ "エン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "垣牆", "reading": "エンショウ", "meaning": "hedge, fence" }, { "example": "紫微垣", "reading": "シビエン", "meaning": "Purple Forbidden Enclosure (group of constellations in the northern sky associated with the emperor)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "垣", "reading": "かき", "meaning": "fence, hedge, barrier, wall, railing" }, { "example": "垣根", "reading": "かきね", "meaning": "hedge, fence, border, limit" }, { "example": "築垣", "reading": "ついがき", "meaning": "mud wall with a roof" }, { "example": "岩垣", "reading": "いわかき", "meaning": "stone wall, natural stone wall" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "一", "土", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22435_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/057a3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/57a3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%9E%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "柿", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1745", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": 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"hull" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "殻", "reading": "から", "meaning": "shell, husk, hull, pod, chaff" }, { "example": "殻竿", "reading": "からざお", "meaning": "flail (for threshing grain)" }, { "example": "雪花菜", "reading": "おから", "meaning": "okara, soy pulp, tofu dregs, edible pulp separated from soybean milk in the production of tofu" }, { "example": "もぬけの殻", "reading": "もぬけのから", "meaning": "completely empty (of a residence, etc.), vacant, deserted, body from which the soul has left, corpse, shed skin (of a snake, insect, etc.)" }, { "example": "殻", "reading": "がら", "meaning": "chicken bones (e.g. for soup), chicken carcass, poor-quality coke (coal), left-overs, remnants" }, { "example": "灰殻", "reading": "はいがら", "meaning": "ashes" }, { "example": "燃え殻", "reading": "もえがら", "meaning": "embers, cinders, burnt residue, combustion residue" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "殳", "meaning": "weapon, lance" }, "parts": [ "冖", "几", "又", "士", "殳" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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light district" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "廓", "reading": "くるわ", "meaning": "district, quarter, enclosure, area enclosed by earthwork, red-light district, wide and empty" }, { "example": "郭言葉", "reading": "くるわことば", "meaning": "sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts (Edo period), vulgar words used by prostitutes (Edo period)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "邑", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "town (阝 right)" }, "parts": [ "亅", "亠", "口", "子", "邦" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37101_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/090ed.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/90ed.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%83%AD%23kanji" }, { "query": "較", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1172", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "contrast, compare", 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8f03.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%BC%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "隔", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1382", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "isolate, alternate, distance, separate, gulf", "kunyomi": [ "へだ.てる", "へだ.たる" ], "onyomi": [ "カク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "隔", "reading": "カク", "meaning": "every other, second, alternate" }, { "example": "隔月", "reading": "カクゲツ", "meaning": "every second month, every other month" }, { "example": "遠隔", "reading": "エンカク", "meaning": "distant, remote, isolated" }, { "example": "縦隔", "reading": "ジュウカク", "meaning": "mediastinum" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "隔てる", "reading": "へだてる", "meaning": "to separate (by distance, time, etc.), to isolate, to partition, to divide, to interpose, to have between, to alienate, to estrange" }, { "example": "隔たる", "reading": "へだたる", "meaning": "to be distant" } ], 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overhunting, excessive taking" }, { "example": "収獲", "reading": "シュウカク", "meaning": "catch (fishing), bag (hunting), haul" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "得る", "reading": "える", "meaning": "to get, to earn, to acquire, to procure, to gain, to secure, to attain, to obtain, to win, to understand, to comprehend, to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment), to get (ill), to be able to ..., can ..." } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "又", "犯", "艾", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29554_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07372.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7372.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8D%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "嚇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2141", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": 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true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1642", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "harvest, reap", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "カク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "規模に関する収穫", "reading": "キボニカンスルシュウカク", "meaning": "returns to scale" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "禾", "meaning": "grain" }, "parts": [ "又", "禾", "艾", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31339_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07a6b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7a6b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%A9%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "岳", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1334", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "point, peak, mountain", "kunyomi": [ "たけ" ], "onyomi": [ "ガク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "岳人", "reading": "ガクジン", "meaning": 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Go)" }, { "example": "足掛け", "reading": "あしかけ", "meaning": "leg trip (in sumo, judo, etc.), foothold, pedal, indicates a consecutive period of time incl. incomplete days, etc. at the ends" }, { "example": "掛かる", "reading": "かかる", "meaning": "to take (a resource, e.g. time or money), to hang, to come into view, to arrive, to come under (a contract, a tax), to start (engines, motors), to attend, to deal with, to handle, to have started to, to be on the verge of, to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover, to (come) at, to be fastened, to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.), to be caught in, to get a call, to depend on" }, { "example": "掛かり", "reading": "かかり", "meaning": "starting, engaging, expenses, costs, attack (esp. a corner approach in the game of go), barb, charge, duty, person in charge, official, clerk" }, { "example": "係長", "reading": "かかりちょう", "meaning": "subsection head, assistant manager, chief clerk" }, { "example": "掛かり", "reading": "かかり", "meaning": "starting, engaging, expenses, costs, attack (esp. a corner approach in the game of go), barb, charge, duty, person in charge, official, clerk" }, { "example": "係長", "reading": "かかりちょう", "meaning": "subsection head, assistant manager, chief clerk" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "卜", "土", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25499_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0639b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/639b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8E%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "括", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1026", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "fasten, tie up, arrest, constrict", "kunyomi": [ "くく.る" ], "onyomi": [ "カツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "括約筋", "reading": "カツヤクキン", "meaning": "sphincter, sphincter muscle, constrictor" }, { "example": "総括", "reading": "ソウカツ", "meaning": "summarization, summary, generalization, review (by labour or political movements of past activities, results, etc.)" }, { "example": "概括", "reading": "ガイカツ", "meaning": "summary, generalization, generalisation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "括る", "reading": "くくる", "meaning": "to tie up, to tie together, to bind, to bundle, to fasten, to hang (oneself), to summarize, to put (it all) together, to consolidate, to estimate, to expect, to tie-dye, to detain, to check, to restrain" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "十", "口", "扎", "舌" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25324_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062ec.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62ec.gif", "uri": 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trim, to prune, to shear, to reap, to harvest" }, { "example": "刈萱", "reading": "かるかや", "meaning": "Themeda triandra var. japonica (variety of kangaroo grass), Cymbopogon tortilis var. goeringii (variety of grass closely related to lemongrass), thatching grass, thatching sedge" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "刈" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21000_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05208.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5208.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%88%88%23kanji" }, { "query": "甘", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1248", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "sweet, coax, pamper, be content, sugary", "kunyomi": [ "あま.い", "あま.える", "あま.やかす", "うま.い" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "さつま芋", "reading": "サツマイモ", "meaning": "sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)" }, { "example": "甘言", "reading": "カンゲン", "meaning": "sweet words, smooth talk, cajolery, flattery, sycophancy" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "甘い", "reading": "あまい", "meaning": "sweet-tasting, sweet, sugary, sugared, fragrant (smelling), sweet (music), lightly salted, light in salt, not spicy, naive, overly optimistic, soft on, generous, indulgent, easy-going, lenient, half-hearted, not finished properly, insufficient, not satisfactory, inadequate, loose, mild, tempting, enticing, luring" }, { "example": "甘い顔をする", "reading": "あまいかおをする", "meaning": "to go easy on somebody, to be easygoing, to be lenient" }, { "example": "甘える", "reading": "あまえる", "meaning": "to behave like a spoiled child, to fawn on, to take advantage of, to presume upon (e.g. another's benevolence), to depend on" }, { "example": "甘やかす", "reading": "あまやかす", "meaning": "to pamper, to spoil" }, { "example": "上手い", "reading": "うまい", "meaning": "skillful, skilful, clever, expert, wise, successful, delicious, appetizing, appetising, tasty, fortunate, splendid, promising" }, { "example": "うまい話", "reading": "うまいはなし", "meaning": "too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds), too-good-to-be-true stories" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "甘", "meaning": "sweet" }, "parts": [ "甘" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29976_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07518.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7518.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%94%98%23kanji" }, { "query": "汗", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1502", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "sweat, perspire", "kunyomi": [ "あせ" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "汗", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "khan (medieval ruler of a Tatary tribe)" }, { "example": "汗顔", "reading": "カンガン", "meaning": "ashamed" }, { "example": "成吉思汗", "reading": "ジンギスカン", "meaning": "jingisukan, grilled mutton and vegetable dish, slotted dome cast iron grill (used for jingisukan)" }, { "example": "大汗", "reading": "タイカン", "meaning": "Great Khan, Grand Khan" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "汗", "reading": "あせ", "meaning": "sweat, perspiration, moisture, condensation, gulp, oops" }, { "example": "汗だく", "reading": "あせだく", "meaning": "dripping with sweat, bathed in perspiration" }, { "example": "滝汗", "reading": "たきあせ", "meaning": "profuse sweating" }, { "example": "手汗", "reading": "てあせ", "meaning": "palm sweat" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "干", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27735_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06c57.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6c57.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B1%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "缶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1543", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "tin can, container, jar radical (no. 121)", "kunyomi": [ "かま" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "缶", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "can, tin, canned food" }, { "example": "缶詰", "reading": "カンヅメ", "meaning": "canned food, tinned food, confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work), being stuck in a confined space" }, { "example": "ドラム缶", "reading": "ドラムカン", "meaning": "drum (e.g. oil, gasoline), metal barrel" }, { "example": "開缶", "reading": "カイカン", "meaning": "opening a can" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "缶", "reading": "かま", "meaning": "boiler" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "缶", "meaning": "jar" }, "parts": [ "凵", "山", "缶" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32566_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07f36.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7f36.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%BC%B6%23kanji" }, { "query": "肝", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1118", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "liver, pluck, nerve, chutzpah", "kunyomi": [ "きも" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "肝硬変", "reading": "カンコウヘン", "meaning": "cirrhosis of the liver" }, { "example": "肝炎", "reading": "カンエン", "meaning": "hepatitis" }, { "example": "肺肝", "reading": "ハイカン", "meaning": "lungs and livers, depths of one's heart, innermost heart" }, { "example": "脂肪肝", "reading": "シボウカン", "meaning": "fatty liver" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "肝", "reading": "きも", "meaning": "liver, innards, courage, spirit, pluck, guts, crux, essential point" }, { "example": "肝いり", "reading": "きもいり", "meaning": "good offices, auspices, sponsorship, help, assistance, village official (during the Edo period)" }, { "example": "群肝", "reading": "むらぎも", "meaning": "internal organs, entrails" }, { "example": "あん肝", "reading": "あんきも", "meaning": "monkfish liver, goosefish liver" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "干", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32925_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0809d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/809d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%82%9D%23kanji" }, { "query": "冠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1503", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "crown, best, peerless", "kunyomi": [ "かんむり" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "冠", "reading": "カンムリ", "meaning": "traditional cap worn by Shinto clergy and courtiers, crown, diadem, coronet, top kanji radical, first verse of a haikai, etc., best, peerless, first, name, title, named sponsorship of a program, event, team, etc." }, { "example": "冠婚葬祭", "reading": "カンコンソウサイ", "meaning": "important ceremonial occasions in family relationships" }, { "example": "宝冠", "reading": "ホウカン", "meaning": "diadem, jeweled crown" }, { "example": "月桂冠", "reading": "ゲッケイカン", "meaning": "laurel wreath" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "冠", "reading": "かんむり", "meaning": "traditional cap worn by Shinto clergy and courtiers, crown, diadem, coronet, top kanji radical, first verse of a haikai, etc., best, peerless, first, name, title, named sponsorship of a program, event, team, etc." }, { "example": "冠海雀", "reading": "かんむりうみすずめ", "meaning": "Japanese murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume), crested murrelet" }, { "example": "初冠", "reading": "ういこうぶり", "meaning": "crowning a boy for the first time at a coming-of-age ceremony, noh cap with a rolled or drooping tail (indicative of nobility)" }, { "example": "老冠", "reading": "おいかんむり", "meaning": "kanji \"old\" radical at top" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "冖", "meaning": "cover" }, "parts": [ "儿", "元", "冖", "寸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20896_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/051a0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/51a0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%86%A0%23kanji" }, { "query": "陥", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1154", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "collapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into", "kunyomi": [ "おちい.る", "おとしい.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "陥落", "reading": "カンラク", "meaning": "fall, sinking, surrender, capitulation" }, { "example": "陥没", "reading": "カンボツ", "meaning": "cave-in, collapse, sinking, depression (e.g. of the skull), subsidence" }, { "example": "擠陥", "reading": "セイカン", "meaning": "tempting into crime" }, { "example": "注意欠陥", "reading": "チュウイケッカン", "meaning": "attention deficit" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "陥る", "reading": "おちいる", "meaning": "to fall into (e.g. a hole), to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.), to fall into (a trap, etc.), to fall, to surrender, to capitulate" }, { "example": "陥れる", "reading": "おとしいれる", "meaning": "to trap (into a difficult situation), to put (in a fix), to throw (e.g. into turmoil), to trick (into doing), to lure (into a trap), to frame (for a crime), to capture (a castle, fortress, etc.), to take, to reduce, to drop (something) into" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "阜", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "mound, dam (阝 left)" }, "parts": [ "勹", "日", "阡", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38501_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09665.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9665.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%99%A5%23kanji" }, { "query": "乾", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1453", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "drought, dry, dessicate, drink up, heaven, emperor", "kunyomi": [ "かわ.く", "かわ.かす", "ほ.す", "ひ.る", "いぬい" ], "onyomi": [ "カン", "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "乾電池", "reading": "カンデンチ", "meaning": "dry cell, battery" }, { "example": "乾燥", "reading": "カンソウ", "meaning": "dryness, aridity, drying (e.g. clothes), dehydration, desiccation, insipidity" }, { "example": "速乾", "reading": "ソッカン", "meaning": "drying quickly" }, { "example": "臘乾", "reading": "ラカン", "meaning": "Chinese smoked and salted ham" }, { "example": "乾", "reading": "ケン", "meaning": "qian (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: heaven, northwest)" }, { "example": "乾位", "reading": "ケンイ", "meaning": "northwest" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "乾く", "reading": "かわく", "meaning": "to get dry" }, { "example": "乾かす", "reading": "かわかす", "meaning": "to dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccate" }, { "example": "干す", "reading": "ほす", "meaning": "to air, to dry, to desiccate, to drain (off), to drink up, to deprive of a role, job, etc." }, { "example": "戌亥", "reading": "いぬい", "meaning": "northwest" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "乛", "forms": [ "乙", "⺄", "乚" ], "meaning": "second" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "乙", "乞", "人", "十", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20094_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e7e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e7e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%B9%BE%23kanji" }, { 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/52d8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8B%98%23kanji" }, { "query": "患", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "796", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "afflicted, disease, suffer from, be ill", "kunyomi": [ "わずら.う" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "患者", "reading": "カンジャ", "meaning": "patient" }, { "example": "患部", "reading": "カンブ", "meaning": "affected part, diseased part, wound" }, { "example": "疾患", "reading": "シッカン", "meaning": "disease, ailment, illness" }, { "example": "病患", "reading": "ビョウカン", "meaning": "sickness, disease" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "患う", "reading": "わずらう", "meaning": "to be ill, to suffer from, to worry about, to be concerned about, to have trouble doing ..., to be unable to ..., to fail to ..." } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "口", "心", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24739_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/060a3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/60a3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%82%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "貫", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1156", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace", "kunyomi": [ "つらぬ.く", "ぬ.く", "ぬき" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貫", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "kan (obs. unit of weight, approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb), kan (obs. unit of currency, equiv. to 1000 mon in the Edo period; col. 10 mon in the Meiji period), counter for pieces of sushi, 10 points, 12 points" }, { "example": "貫通", "reading": "カンツウ", "meaning": "piercing, penetrating, perforating, passing through, being well versed (in something)" }, { "example": "終始一貫", "reading": "シュウシイッカン", "meaning": "consistently, unchangingly, throughout" }, { "example": "縦貫", "reading": "ジュウカン", "meaning": "running through, traversal" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貫く", "reading": "つらぬく", "meaning": "to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, to run through (e.g. a river through a city), to pass through, to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.), to carry out, to persist with, to keep (e.g. faith), to maintain (e.g. independence)" }, { "example": "貫", "reading": "ぬき", "meaning": "crosspiece (between pillars, etc.), penetrating tie beam" }, { "example": "貫き通す", "reading": "つらぬきとおす", "meaning": "to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, to stick to (opinion, principles, etc.), to carry out, to persist with, to keep (e.g. faith), to maintain (e.g. independence)" }, { "example": "吹き抜き", "reading": "ふきぬき", "meaning": "stairwell, atrium, streamer, pennant" }, { "example": "指貫", "reading": "さしぬき", "meaning": "type of hakama worn in ancient times" } ], 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hells" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喚く", "reading": "わめく", "meaning": "to shout, to cry, to scream, to clamour" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冂", "勹", "口", "大" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21914_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0559a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/559a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%96%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "堪", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1953", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "withstand, endure, support, resist", "kunyomi": [ "た.える", "たま.る", "こら.える", "こた.える" ], "onyomi": [ "カン", "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "堪忍袋", "reading": "カンニンブクロ", "meaning": "one's store of patience" }, { "example": "堪忍", "reading": "カンニン", "meaning": "patience, patient endurance, forbearance, tolerance, forgiveness, pardon" }, { "example": "不堪", "reading": "フカン", "meaning": "incompetence" }, { "example": "堪能", "reading": "タンノウ", "meaning": "proficient, skillful, enjoying, satisfaction, satiation, having one's fill (of)" }, { "example": "堪航能力", "reading": "タンコウノウリョク", "meaning": "seaworthiness" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "耐える", "reading": "たえる", "meaning": "to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, to be equal to" }, { "example": "堪る", "reading": "たまる", "meaning": "to bear, to endure" }, { "example": "堪える", "reading": "こらえる", "meaning": "to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to restrain, to control, to keep a check on, to forgive, to put up with, to pardon" }, { "example": "堪える", "reading": "こらえる", "meaning": "to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to restrain, to control, to keep a check on, to forgive, to put up with, to pardon" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "儿", "匚", "土", "甘" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22570_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0582a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/582a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A0%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "換", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "687", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "interchange, period, change, convert, replace, renew", "kunyomi": [ "か.える", "-か.える", "か.わる" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "換金", "reading": "カンキン", "meaning": "realization (of goods into money), conversion (into money), liquidation" }, { "example": "換気", "reading": "カンキ", "meaning": "ventilation" }, { "example": "互換", "reading": "ゴカン", "meaning": "interchange, transposition, compatible (e.g. PC)" }, { "example": "代換", "reading": "ダイカン", "meaning": "hypallage" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "換える", "reading": "かえる", "meaning": "to replace, to exchange, to interchange, to substitute" }, { "example": "替わる", "reading": "かわる", "meaning": "to succeed, to relieve, to replace, to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, to hand over (telephone), to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冂", "勹", "大", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25563_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063db.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63db.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8F%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "敢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1859", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "daring, 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25954_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06562.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6562.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%95%A2%23kanji" }, { "query": "棺", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2161", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "coffin, casket", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "棺", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "coffin, casket" }, { "example": "棺桶", "reading": "カンオケ", "meaning": "coffin, casket" }, { "example": "石棺", "reading": "セッカン", "meaning": "sarcophagus, stone coffin" }, { "example": "納棺", "reading": "ノウカン", "meaning": "placing of body in coffin" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "口", "宀", "木", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26874_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/068fa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/68fa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%A3%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "款", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1854", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "goodwill, article, section, friendship, collusion", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "款", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "title, heading, article, benevolence, friendly feeling" }, { "example": "歓待", "reading": "カンタイ", "meaning": "warm welcome, friendly reception, hospitality, entertainment" }, { "example": "約款", "reading": "ヤッカン", "meaning": "agreement, stipulation, article, clause" }, { "example": "交歓", "reading": "コウカン", "meaning": "exchange of courtesies (cordialities), fraternization, fraternisation" } 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"セイカン", "meaning": "peaceful, quiet, tranquility, tranquillity" }, { "example": "休閑", "reading": "キュウカン", "meaning": "fallowing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "門", "meaning": "gate" }, "parts": [ "木", "門" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38289_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09591.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9591.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%96%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "勧", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1068", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "persuade, recommend, advise, encourage, offer", "kunyomi": [ "すす.める" ], "onyomi": [ "カン", "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "勧奨", "reading": "カンショウ", "meaning": "encouragement, stimulation" }, { "example": "勧告", "reading": "カンコク", "meaning": "advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "勧める", "reading": "すすめる", "meaning": "to recommend (someone to do), to advise, to encourage, to urge, to recommend (a book, someone for a position, etc.), to suggest, to offer (a drink, cigarette, seat, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "力", "meaning": "power, force" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乞", "力", "矢", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21223_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/052e7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/52e7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8B%A7%23kanji" }, { "query": "寛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1377", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "tolerant, leniency, generosity, relax, feel at home, be at ease, broadminded", "kunyomi": [ "くつろ.ぐ", "ひろ.い", "ゆる.やか" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], 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"example": "緩い", "reading": "ゆるい", "meaning": "loose, lenient, lax, gentle (curve, slope, etc.), slow, weak, soft, not firm, difficult, hard" }, { "example": "緩やか", "reading": "ゆるやか", "meaning": "loose, slack, gentle (slope, curve), slow (speed), lenient, liberal, lax" }, { "example": "緩やかに進む", "reading": "ゆるやかにすすむ", "meaning": "to proceed slowly" }, { "example": "緩む", "reading": "ゆるむ", "meaning": "to become loose, to slacken (e.g. rope), to become less tense, to relax, to let one's guard down, to slacken (e.g. coldness, supervision), to become lax, to become softer (e.g. ground, facial expression), (of ice) to partially melt, to decrease (e.g. speed), (of a market price) to go down slightly" }, { "example": "緩める", "reading": "ゆるめる", "meaning": "to loosen, to slacken, to relax (attention, efforts, etc.), to let down (one's guard), to relieve (tension), to relax (a rule), to ease (e.g. restrictions), to loosen (control), to reduce (speed), to slow down, to ease up, to make more gradual (of a slope)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "又", "小", "幺", "爪", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32233_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07de9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7de9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B7%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "憾", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1682", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "remorse, regret, be sorry", "kunyomi": [ "うら.む" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憾む", "reading": "うらむ", "meaning": "to regret" }, { "example": "恨むらくは", "reading": "うらむらくは", "meaning": "I regret that, I feel terrible but, I'm sorry but" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "口", 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[ { "example": "帰る", "reading": "かえる", "meaning": "to return, to come home, to go home, to go back, to leave, to get home, to get to home plate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "一", "口", "衣", "買", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36996_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09084.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9084.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%82%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "環", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "409", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "ring, circle, link, wheel", "kunyomi": [ "わ" ], "onyomi": [ "カン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "環", "reading": "カン", "meaning": "ring, band, rim, ring, circum-" }, { "example": "環境", "reading": "カンキョウ", "meaning": "environment, circumstance" }, { 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"example": "手鑑", "reading": "てかがみ", "meaning": "collection of handwriting (usu. old), model, example" }, { "example": "武士の鑑", "reading": "ぶしのかがみ", "meaning": "paragon of knighthood" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "乞", "二", "皿", "臣", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37969_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09451.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9451.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%91%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "含", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "466", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "contain, include, hold in the mouth, bear in mind, understand, cherish", "kunyomi": [ "ふく.む", "ふく.める" ], "onyomi": [ "ガン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "含有", "reading": "ガンユウ", "meaning": "containing (an ingredient, mineral, etc.)" }, { "example": "含蓄", "reading": "ガンチク", "meaning": "implication, significance, connotation, depth of meaning, complications of a problem" }, { "example": "内含", "reading": "ナイガン", "meaning": "containing within (it), inclusion, (logical) implication, material conditional, material consequence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "含む", "reading": "ふくむ", "meaning": "to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace, to hold in the mouth, to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor (grudge, etc.), to harbour, to express (emotion, etc.), to imply" }, { "example": "含むところがある", "reading": "ふくむところがある", "meaning": "to harbor ill feeling" }, { "example": "含める", "reading": "ふくめる", "meaning": "to include (in a group or scope), to instruct, to make one understand, to include (a nuance), to put in (an implication), to put in (someone's) mouth, to permeate with flavor" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "一", "个", "口" ], 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one's hair, etc.), to fiddle with, to toy with (one's emotions, etc.), to trifle with, to do with something as one pleases, to appreciate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "玉", "forms": [ "王" ], "meaning": "jade (king)" }, "parts": [ "二", "儿", "元", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29609_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/073a9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/73a9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8E%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "頑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1247", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "stubborn, foolish, firmly", "kunyomi": [ "かたく" ], "onyomi": [ "ガン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "頑張って", "reading": "ガンバッテ", "meaning": "do your best, go for it, hang in there, keep at it" }, { "example": "頑固", "reading": "ガンコ", "meaning": "stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "頑な", "reading": "かたくな", "meaning": "obstinate, stubborn, mulish, die-hard, bigoted" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "頁", "meaning": "leaf" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "二", "儿", "元", "目", "貝", "頁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38929_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09811.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9811.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%A0%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "企", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "278", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "undertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan", "kunyomi": [ "くわだ.てる", "たくら.む" ], "onyomi": [ "キ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "企画室", "reading": "キカクシツ", "meaning": "planning office" }, { "example": "企画", "reading": "キカク", "meaning": "planning, project, plan, design" }, { "example": "投企", "reading": "トウキ", "meaning": "projection, project, philosophical concept introduced by Heidegger (Entwurf)" }, { "example": "発起", "reading": "ホッキ", "meaning": "proposal, promotion, spiritual awakening, resolution" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "企てる", "reading": "くわだてる", "meaning": "to plan, to plot, to propose, to design, to intend, to contemplate, to attempt (e.g. suicide, murder), to undertake (e.g. business), to stand on tip-toes" }, { "example": "企む", "reading": "たくらむ", "meaning": "to scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame up" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "个", "止" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20225_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04f01.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4f01.gif", "uri": 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"meaning": "damage, injury, defamation, harm" }, { "example": "毀壊", "reading": "キカイ", "meaning": "breaking, demolishing, smashing, destroying, wrecking, being broken, being ruined, being destroyed, being worn out" }, { "example": "焼毀", "reading": "ショウキ", "meaning": "completely destroying by fire" }, { "example": "誹毀", "reading": "ヒキ", "meaning": "defamation, libel, calumny, slander" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "毀つ", "reading": "こぼつ", "meaning": "to destroy, to break, to damage" }, { "example": "壊す", "reading": "こわす", "meaning": "to break, to destroy, to demolish, to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to damage, to break (a bill, etc.)" }, { "example": "毀れる", "reading": "こぼれる", "meaning": "to be chipped, to be nicked" }, { "example": "壊れる", "reading": "こわれる", "meaning": "to be broken, to break, to fall through, to come to nothing" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "殳", "meaning": "weapon, lance" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "土", "殳", "臼" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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"meaning": "brilliance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "輝く", "reading": "かがやく", "meaning": "to shine, to glitter, to sparkle" }, { "example": "輝く女性", "reading": "かがやくじょせい", "meaning": "women who excel, women in prominent positions" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "車", "meaning": "cart, car" }, "parts": [ "一", "儿", "冖", "尚", "車" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36637_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08f1d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8f1d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%BC%9D%23kanji" }, { "query": "騎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1696", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "equestrian, riding on horses, counter for equestrians", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "キ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "騎", "reading": "キ", "meaning": "counter for horsemen" }, { 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treasures and historical artifacts (in Heian Palace)" }, { "example": "時宜", "reading": "ジギ", "meaning": "right time, appropriate time, season's greetings" }, { "example": "友誼", "reading": "ユウギ", "meaning": "friendship, friendly relations, fellowship" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "宜しい", "reading": "よろしい", "meaning": "good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can" }, { "example": "宜しく", "reading": "よろしく", "meaning": "well, properly, suitably, best regards, please remember me, please treat me favorably (favourably), please take care of, please do, just like ..., as though one were ..., by all means, of course" }, { "example": "よろしくお願いいたします", "reading": "よろしくおねがいいたします", "meaning": "please remember me, please help me, please treat me well, I look forward to working with you, please do, please take care of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "宀", "meaning": "roof" }, "parts": [ "一", "宀", "目" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23452_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05b9c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5b9c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AE%9C%23kanji" }, { "query": "偽", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1171", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "falsehood, lie, deceive, pretend, counterfeit, forgery", "kunyomi": [ "いつわ.る", "にせ", "いつわ.り" ], "onyomi": [ "ギ", "カ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "偽", "reading": "ギ", "meaning": "falseness (logic), falsehood" }, { "example": "偽証", "reading": "ギショウ", "meaning": "false evidence, perjury, false testimony" }, { "example": "真偽", "reading": "シンギ", "meaning": "truth or falsehood, genuineness, authenticity, veracity" }, { "example": "詐偽", "reading": "サギ", "meaning": "lie, untruth, prevarication" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "偽る", "reading": "いつわる", "meaning": "to lie, to cheat, to pretend, to feign, to falsify, to trick, to deceive" }, { "example": "偽", "reading": "にせ", "meaning": "imitation, fake, phony, counterfeit, forged, bogus, sham, pseudo-" }, { "example": "偽物", "reading": "にせもの", "meaning": "spurious article, forgery, counterfeit, imitation, sham" }, { "example": "偽り", "reading": "いつわり", "meaning": "lie, falsehood, fiction, fabrication" }, { "example": "偽り語る", "reading": "いつわりかたる", "meaning": "to speak falsely" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ユ", "丶", "勹", "化", "并", "杰" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20605_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0507d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/507d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%81%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "欺", "found": true, 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skill), inner mysteries, essence, quintessence, heart" }, { "example": "祭儀", "reading": "サイギ", "meaning": "rites, ritual" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "一", "亅", "化", "并", "戈", "手", "王", "羊" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20736_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05100.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5100.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%84%80%23kanji" }, { "query": "戯", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1880", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "frolic, play, sport", "kunyomi": [ "たわむ.れる", "ざ.れる", "じゃ.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "ギ", "ゲ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "冗談", "reading": "ジョウダン", "meaning": "jest, joke, funny story" }, { "example": "戯曲", "reading": "ギキョク", "meaning": "drama, play, Chinese opera" }, { "example": "遊戯", "reading": "ユウギ", "meaning": "game, play, sports" }, { "example": "性戯", "reading": "セイギ", "meaning": "sex act, sexual play" }, { "example": "冗談", "reading": "ジョウダン", "meaning": "jest, joke, funny story" }, { "example": "戯作", "reading": "ゲサク", "meaning": "cheap literature, writing for amusement, light literature popular in the late Edo period" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "戯れる", "reading": "たわむれる", "meaning": "to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with" }, { "example": "戯れる", "reading": "たわむれる", "meaning": "to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with" }, { "example": "戯れる", "reading": "たわむれる", "meaning": "to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "戈", "meaning": "spear, halberd" }, "parts": [ "匕", "卜", "厂", "戈", "虍" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25135_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0622f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/622f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%88%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "擬", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1990", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "mimic, aim (a gun) at, nominate, imitate", "kunyomi": [ "まが.い", "もど.き" ], "onyomi": [ "ギ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "擬", "reading": "ギ", "meaning": "pseudo-, quasi-" }, { "example": "疑似", "reading": "ギジ", "meaning": "pseudo, quasi, false, para-, mock, sham, suspected (case, e.g. of disease)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "紛い", "reading": "まがい", "meaning": "imitation, sham, -like" }, { "example": "紛い物", "reading": "まがいもの", "meaning": "imitation, fake, sham" }, { "example": "擬き", "reading": "もどき", "meaning": "-like, pseudo-, mock ..., imitation ..., in the style of ..., comical character who mocks or apes the main character (in Japanese performing arts), criticism, censure" }, { "example": "銀竜草擬", "reading": "ぎんりょうそうもどき", "meaning": "Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora)" }, { "example": "太平洋赤坊擬", "reading": "たいへいようあかぼうもどき", "meaning": "Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus), Indo-Pacific beaked whale, tropical bottlenose whale" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "マ", "乞", "匕", "扎", "疋", "矢" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25836_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/064ec.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/64ec.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%93%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "犠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1189", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "sacrifice", "kunyomi": [ "いけにえ" ], "onyomi": [ "ギ", "キ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "犠牲者", "reading": "ギセイシャ", "meaning": "victim" }, { "example": "犠牲", "reading": "ギセイ", "meaning": "sacrifice, victim, scapegoat, sacrifice (to the gods)" }, { "example": "供犠", "reading": "クギ", "meaning": "sacrifice, sacrificial animal" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "生贄", "reading": "いけにえ", "meaning": "sacrifice (to the gods), victim, scapegoat" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "牛", "forms": [ "牜" ], "meaning": "cow" }, "parts": [ "一", "亅", "并", "戈", "手", "牛", "王", "羊" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29344_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/072a0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/72a0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8A%A0%23kanji" }, { "query": "菊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1287", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "chrysanthemum", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "キク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "菊", "reading": "キク", "meaning": "chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)" }, { "example": "菊花", "reading": "キッカ", "meaning": "chrysanthemum flower" }, { "example": "一菊", "reading": "イッキク", "meaning": "one scoop (of water)" }, { "example": "斧琴菊", "reading": "ヨキコトキク", "meaning": "dyeing pattern with a yoki, koto bridge and a chrysanthemum" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "勹", "米", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33738_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/083ca.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/83ca.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8F%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "吉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "711", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "good luck, joy, congratulations", "kunyomi": [ "よし" ], "onyomi": [ "キチ", "キツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "吉", "reading": "キチ", "meaning": "good fortune (esp. omikuji fortune-telling result), good luck, auspiciousness, unspecified day of the month (used to obscure the date a letter, invitation, etc. was written)" }, { "example": "吉祥天", "reading": "キッショウテン", "meaning": "Sri-mahadevi (consort of Vaishravana)" }, { "example": "大吉", "reading": "ダイキチ", "meaning": "excellent luck" }, { "example": "小吉", "reading": "ショウキチ", "meaning": "slightly good luck (as a fortune telling result)" }, { "example": "吉", "reading": "キチ", "meaning": "good fortune (esp. omikuji fortune-telling result), good luck, auspiciousness, unspecified day of the month (used to obscure the date a letter, invitation, etc. was written)" }, { "example": "吉事", "reading": "キチジ", "meaning": "auspicious event" }, { "example": "嘉吉", "reading": "カキツ", "meaning": "Kakitsu era (1441.2.17-1444.2.5)" }, { "example": "勿吉", "reading": "モッキツ", "meaning": "Mohe (one of the Tungusic-speaking tribes)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "吉川神道", "reading": "よしかわしんとう", "meaning": "Yoshikawa Shinto (Confucianist form of Shinto, stripped of Buddhist influence)" }, { "example": "吉牛", "reading": "よしぎゅう", "meaning": "Yoshinoya gyudon (beef on rice)" }, { "example": "土吉", "reading": "つちよし", "meaning": "earth form of \"good luck\" character" }, { "example": "豊臣秀吉", "reading": "とよとみひでよし", "meaning": "Toyotomi Hideyoshi" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "口", "士" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21513_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05409.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5409.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%90%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "喫", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1347", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "consume, eat, drink, smoke, receive (a blow)", "kunyomi": [ "の.む" ], "onyomi": [ "キツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喫煙", "reading": "キツエン", "meaning": "smoking" }, { "example": "喫飲", "reading": "キツイン", "meaning": "eating and drinking" }, { "example": "漫喫", "reading": "マンキツ", "meaning": "manga cafe, coffee shop with a manga library (usu. has Internet facilities and charges by the hour)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喫む", "reading": "のむ", "meaning": "to smoke (tobacco)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "二", "亠", "刀", "口", "土", "大" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21931_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/055ab.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/55ab.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%96%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "詰", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1020", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "packed, close, pressed, reprove, rebuke, blame", "kunyomi": [ "つ.める", "つ.め", "-づ.め", "つ.まる", "つ.む" ], "onyomi": [ "キツ", "キチ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詰問", "reading": "キツモン", "meaning": "cross-examination, close questioning, demanding an explanation" }, { "example": "難詰", "reading": "ナンキツ", "meaning": "reprimand" }, { "example": "面詰", "reading": "メンキツ", "meaning": "reprimanding (a person) personally, personal reproof" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詰める", "reading": "つめる", "meaning": "to stuff into, to jam, to cram, to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up, to shorten, to move closer together, to reduce (spending), to conserve, to focus intently on, to strain oneself to do, to go through thoroughly, to work out (details), to bring to a conclusion, to wind up, to be on duty, to be stationed, to corner (esp. an opponent's king in shogi), to trap, to checkmate, to cut off (one's finger as an act of apology), to catch (one's finger in a door, etc.), to do non-stop, to do continuously, to keep doing (without a break), to do completely, to do thoroughly, to force someone into a difficult situation by ..." }, { "example": "詰め", "reading": "つめ", "meaning": "stuffing, packing, end (esp. the foot of a bridge), lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony, tea master, endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively), sweet eel sauce, middle-aged woman, appointment to a particular workplace, using as the sole ground of judgement (judgment), continuing, keep doing for period of time" }, { "example": "詰める", "reading": "つめる", "meaning": "to stuff into, to jam, to cram, to pack, to fill, to plug, to stop up, to shorten, to move closer together, to reduce (spending), to conserve, to focus intently on, to strain oneself to do, to go through thoroughly, to work out (details), to bring to a conclusion, to wind up, to be on duty, to be stationed, to corner (esp. an opponent's king in shogi), to trap, to checkmate, to cut off (one's finger as an act of apology), to catch (one's finger in a door, etc.), to do non-stop, to do continuously, to keep doing (without a break), to do completely, to do thoroughly, to force someone into a difficult situation by ..." }, { "example": "お詰め", "reading": "おつめ", "meaning": "lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony, tea master" }, { "example": "詰まる", "reading": "つまる", "meaning": "to be packed (with), to be full (space, schedule, etc.), to be blocked (road, pipe, nose, etc.), to be clogged, to be plugged up, to shorten (width, interval, etc.), to shrink (shirt, word form, etc.), to narrow, to be at a loss, to be hard pressed, to end up, to be settled, to become a geminate consonant, to hit the ball near the handle of the bat" }, { "example": "詰まるところ", "reading": "つまるところ", "meaning": "in short, in brief, to sum up, ultimately, in the end, in the long run, when all is said and done, what it all comes down to, when you get right down to it" }, { "example": "詰む", "reading": "つむ", "meaning": "to become fine (of fabric), to be checkmated, to be hard pressed, to be at a loss, to reach the limits" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "口", "士", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35440_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a70.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a70.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A9%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "却", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "959", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "instead, on the contrary, rather, step back, withdraw, retreat", "kunyomi": [ "かえ.って", "しりぞ.く", "しりぞ.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "キャク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "焼却", "reading": "ショウキャク", "meaning": "incineration, destroy by fire" }, { "example": "償却", "reading": "ショウキャク", "meaning": "repayment, redemption, depreciation, amortization, amortisation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "却って", "reading": "かえって", "meaning": "on the contrary, rather, all the more, instead" }, { "example": "退ける", "reading": "しりぞける", "meaning": "to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "卩", "meaning": "kneel" }, "parts": [ "卩", "厶", "土" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21364_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05374.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5374.gif", "uri": 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structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji, means of transportation, money, coin" }, { "example": "脚がある", "reading": "あしがある", "meaning": "to have legs, to be able to get around, to be a good runner" }, { "example": "舞脚", "reading": "まいあし", "meaning": "kanji \"dancing legs\" radical (radical 136)" }, { "example": "二十脚", "reading": "にじゅうあし", "meaning": "kanji \"twenty legs\" radical (radical 55)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "卩", "厶", "土", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33050_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0811a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/811a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%84%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "虐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1464", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "tyrannize, 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"http://jisho.org/search/%E8%99%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "及", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "544", "strokeCount": 3, "meaning": "reach out, exert, exercise, cause", "kunyomi": [ "およ.ぶ", "およ.び", "および", "およ.ぼす" ], "onyomi": [ "キュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "及第", "reading": "キュウダイ", "meaning": "passing (an examination), making the grade" }, { "example": "及第者", "reading": "キュウダイシャ", "meaning": "successful examinee" }, { "example": "波及", "reading": "ハキュウ", "meaning": "spread, extension, influence, aftereffect, ripple" }, { "example": "責任追及", "reading": "セキニンツイキュウ", "meaning": "pursuing liability, finding out who is at fault, trying to pin the blame on someone" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "及ぶ", "reading": "およぶ", "meaning": "to reach, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, to go on (for, until), to be up to the task, to come up to, to compare with, to be a match (for), to commit (a crime), to require (to do)" }, { "example": "及び", "reading": "および", "meaning": "and, as well as" }, { "example": "及び腰", "reading": "およびごし", "meaning": "bent back, indecisive attitude, timidity, lack of nerve" }, { "example": "及び", "reading": "および", "meaning": "and, as well as" }, { "example": "及び腰", "reading": "およびごし", "meaning": "bent back, indecisive attitude, timidity, lack of nerve" }, { "example": "及ぼす", "reading": "およぼす", "meaning": "to exert (influence), to exercise, to cause (e.g. damage), to do (e.g. harm), to bring about (e.g. benefits), to extend, to have an effect (on)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "又", "meaning": "right hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "乃", "及" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21450_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/053ca.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/53ca.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8F%8A%23kanji" 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{ "example": "糾合", "reading": "キュウゴウ", "meaning": "rally, muster" }, { "example": "糾弾", "reading": "キュウダン", "meaning": "censure, denunciation, (verbal) attack, blaming" }, { "example": "紛糾", "reading": "フンキュウ", "meaning": "complication, confusion, disorder" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "糺す", "reading": "ただす", "meaning": "to ascertain, to confirm, to verify, to make sure of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "十", "小", "幺", "糸", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31998_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07cfe.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7cfe.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B3%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "嗅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2480", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "smell, sniff, scent", "kunyomi": [ "か.ぐ" 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"meaning": "extremely, in the extreme, knows no bounds (e.g. rudeness), unparalleled, boundless (e.g. universe, ocean), limitless" }, { "example": "極み", "reading": "きわみ", "meaning": "height, acme, extremity, peak, end, limit" }, { "example": "窮みなき", "reading": "きわみなき", "meaning": "without limit, endless" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "穴", "meaning": "cave" }, "parts": [ "儿", "宀", "弓", "穴", "身" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31406_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07aae.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7aae.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%AA%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "巨", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "892", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "gigantic, big, large, great", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "キョ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "巨匠", "reading": "キョショウ", "meaning": "master, masterhand, maestro" }, { "example": "巨額", "reading": "キョガク", "meaning": "huge sum (esp. of money), enormous sum, massive amount" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "工", "meaning": "work" }, "parts": [ "匚", "巨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24040_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05de8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5de8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B7%A8%23kanji" }, { "query": "拒", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "863", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "repel, refuse, reject, decline", "kunyomi": [ "こば.む" ], "onyomi": [ "キョ", "ゴ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拒否", "reading": "キョヒ", "meaning": "refusal, rejection, denial, veto" }, { "example": "拒絶反応", "reading": "キョゼツハンノウ", "meaning": "(organ) rejection, unthinking dismissal, strong reaction (against)" }, { "example": "抗拒", "reading": "コウキョ", "meaning": "resistance, opposition" }, { "example": "着拒", "reading": "チャッキョ", "meaning": "blocking communications (from a phone number or an e-mail address)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拒む", "reading": "こばむ", "meaning": "to refuse, to reject, to decline, to prevent (from doing), to deny (e.g. access), to block" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "匚", "巨", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25298_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062d2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62d2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "拠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "858", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "foothold, based on, follow, therefore", "kunyomi": [ "よ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "キョ", "コ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拠点", "reading": "キョテン", "meaning": "position, location, base, point, site" }, { "example": "拠出", "reading": "キョシュツ", "meaning": "donation, contribution" }, { "example": "急遽", "reading": "キュウキョ", "meaning": "hurriedly, in a hurry, in haste, sudden" }, { "example": "群雄割拠", "reading": "グンユウカッキョ", "meaning": "rivalry of local warlords, a number of powerful (talented, influential) persons standing by themselves in a given field" }, { "example": "有罪証拠", "reading": "ユウザイショウコ", "meaning": "corpus delicti" }, { "example": "事例証拠", "reading": "ジレイショウコ", "meaning": "anecdotal evidence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "因る", "reading": "よる", "meaning": "to be due to, to be caused by, to depend on, to turn on, to be based on, to come from, to be based at (a location, an organization), to be headquartered at" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": 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moon, rising and falling (of fortune)" }, { "example": "太虚", "reading": "タイキョ", "meaning": "the sky, the universe, taixu (the great vacuity, in Chinese philosophy, the primordial substance that gives rise to qi)" }, { "example": "虚偽", "reading": "キョギ", "meaning": "falsehood, untruth, lie, misinformation, fallacy (logic)" }, { "example": "虚空", "reading": "コクウ", "meaning": "empty space, empty sky" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "虚しい", "reading": "むなしい", "meaning": "empty, void, vacant, vain, fruitless, futile, ineffective, lifeless" }, { "example": "虚ろ", "reading": "うつろ", "meaning": "cavity, hollow, void, hollow (voice, smile, etc.), blank (eyes, look, etc.), vacant (expression, stare, etc.), empty (words, heart, etc.)" }, { "example": "虚ろな表情", "reading": "うつろなひょうじょう", "meaning": "vacant expression (on one's face), blank expression" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "虍", "meaning": "tiger stripes" }, "parts": [ "一", "匕", "卜", "厂", "虍" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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Kyoto Imperial Palace), imperial residence, residence of a shogun, minister, etc., emperor, ex-emperor, empress, imperial prince, shogun, minister" }, { "example": "甥御", "reading": "オイゴ", "meaning": "(another person's) nephew" }, { "example": "大御", "reading": "オオイゴ", "meaning": "older lady" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "彳", "meaning": "step" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乞", "卩", "彳", "止" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24481_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05fa1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5fa1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BE%A1%23kanji" }, { "query": "凶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1673", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "villain, evil, bad luck, disaster", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "キョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "凶", 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on the verge of insanity" }, { "example": "狂おしい", "reading": "くるおしい", "meaning": "mad (with grief, love, etc.), crazy, out of one's mind, on the verge of insanity" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "犯", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29378_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/072c2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/72c2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8B%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "享", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1893", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "enjoy, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch", "kunyomi": [ "う.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "キョウ", "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "享受", "reading": "キョウジュ", "meaning": "reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given" }, { "example": "饗宴", "reading": "キョウエン", "meaning": "feast, banquet" }, { "example": "永享", "reading": "エイキョウ", "meaning": "Eikyō era (1429.9.5-1441.2.17)" }, { "example": "貞享", "reading": "ジョウキョウ", "meaning": "Jōkyō era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "受ける", "reading": "うける", "meaning": "to receive, to get, to catch (e.g. a ball), to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.), to sustain (damage), to incur (a loss), to suffer (an injury), to feel (influence), to undergo (e.g. surgery), to take (a test), to accept (a challenge), to be given (e.g. life, talent), to find funny, to find humorous, to be amused (by), to follow, to succeed, to be descended from, to face (south, etc.), to be modified by, to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee, to be well-received, to become popular, to go down well" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "亠", "meaning": "lid" }, "parts": [ "亠", "口", "子" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20139_frames.png", 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"挟む", "reading": "はさむ", "meaning": "to hold between (e.g. one's fingers, chopsticks), to grip (from both sides), to put between, to sandwich between, to insert, to interpose, to catch (e.g. a finger in a door), to trap, to pinch, to insert (e.g. a break into proceedings), to interpose (e.g. an objection), to interject, to throw in (e.g. a joke), to be on either side of (a road, table, etc.), to have between each other, to be across (a street, river, etc.), to harbour (feelings), to cast (e.g. doubt)" }, { "example": "挟まる", "reading": "はさまる", "meaning": "to get between, to be caught in" }, { "example": "差し挟む", "reading": "さしはさむ", "meaning": "to insert, to interrupt, to slip in a word, to harbor (e.g. doubts), to harbour, to entertain (e.g. a theory)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "丶", "二", "亠", "人", "大", "并", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25375_frames.png", 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narrow-minded, confining" }, { "example": "狭める", "reading": "せばめる", "meaning": "to narrow, to reduce, to contract" }, { "example": "狭まる", "reading": "せばまる", "meaning": "to narrow, to contract" }, { "example": "狭", "reading": "さ", "meaning": "narrow, thin" }, { "example": "狭霧", "reading": "さぎり", "meaning": "mist, fog" }, { "example": "若狭", "reading": "わかさ", "meaning": "Wakasa (former province located in the south of present-day Fukui Prefecture)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "丶", "二", "亠", "人", "大", "并", "犯" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29421_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/072ed.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/72ed.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8B%AD%23kanji" }, { "query": "恐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", 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"example": "恐ろしい思いをする", "reading": "おそろしいおもいをする", "meaning": "to find oneself fearful, to have an awful time" }, { "example": "怖い", "reading": "こわい", "meaning": "scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful" }, { "example": "怖いもの見たさ", "reading": "こわいものみたさ", "meaning": "curiosity of fear, urge to look at something frightening, wanting to take a peek at something unpleasant" }, { "example": "怖がる", "reading": "こわがる", "meaning": "to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "丶", "几", "工", "心" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24656_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06050.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6050.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%81%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "恭", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior 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"favorable influence, favourable influence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "響く", "reading": "ひびく", "meaning": "to resound, to be heard far away, to reverberate, to shake, to vibrate, to come (home), to remain (with someone), to have an effect, to make an impression" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "音", "meaning": "sound" }, "parts": [ "幺", "日", "立", "艮", "邦", "音" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38911_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/097ff.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/97ff.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9F%BF%23kanji" }, { "query": "驚", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1141", "strokeCount": 22, "meaning": "wonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed", "kunyomi": [ "おどろ.く", "おどろ.かす" ], "onyomi": [ "キョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "驚異", 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"あおぐ", "meaning": "to look up (at), to look up to, to respect, to revere, to ask for (e.g. guidance), to seek, to turn to (someone) for, to depend on, to rely on, to gulp down, to quaff, to drink" }, { "example": "仰せ", "reading": "おおせ", "meaning": "order (from one's superior), command, what you say, (someone's) words" }, { "example": "仰せ言", "reading": "おおせごと", "meaning": "statement, order" }, { "example": "仰る", "reading": "おっしゃる", "meaning": "to say, to speak, to tell, to talk" }, { "example": "おっしゃる通り", "reading": "おっしゃるとおり", "meaning": "I agree with you, it is as (someone) says" }, { "example": "仰る", "reading": "おっしゃる", "meaning": "to say, to speak, to tell, to talk" }, { "example": "おっしゃる通り", "reading": "おっしゃるとおり", "meaning": "I agree with you, it is as (someone) says" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "卩" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20208_frames.png", 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event (e.g. \"in the event of ...\"), occasion, occurrence" }, { "example": "暁起き", "reading": "あかつきおき", "meaning": "waking up just before daybreak" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "儿", "十", "廾", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26241_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06681.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6681.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9A%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "凝", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1712", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "congeal, freeze, stiff, be absorbed in", "kunyomi": [ "こ.る", "こ.らす", "こご.らす", "こご.らせる", "こご.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ギョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "凝縮", "reading": "ギョウシュク", "meaning": "condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.), condensation (of a vapour or gas)" }, { 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{ "symbol": "巾", "meaning": "turban, scarf" }, "parts": [ "冂", "巾", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24062_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05dfe.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5dfe.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B7%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "斤", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "axe, 1.32 lb, catty, counter for loaves of bread, axe radical (no. 69)", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "キン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "斤", "reading": "キン", "meaning": "kin, catty, traditional unit of weight, 600g, pound (unit of weight), loaf (of bread)" }, { "example": "斤量", "reading": "キンリョウ", "meaning": "weight" }, { "example": "英斤", "reading": "エイキン", "meaning": "pound (unit of weight)" }, { "example": "一斤", "reading": "イッキン", "meaning": "1 kin (approx. 0.6kg), 1 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instrument played with a bow)" }, { "example": "和琴", "reading": "ワゴン", "meaning": "wagon, yamatogoto, six-stringed native Japanese zither" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "琴", "reading": "こと", "meaning": "koto (13-stringed Japanese zither), stringed instrument, zheng (Chinese zither), guzheng" }, { "example": "琴座", "reading": "ことざ", "meaning": "Lyra (constellation), the Lyre" }, { "example": "箏の琴", "reading": "そうのこと", "meaning": "koto" }, { "example": "琵琶の琴", "reading": "びわのこと", "meaning": "biwa (4 or 5-stringed Oriental lute)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "玉", "forms": [ "王" ], "meaning": "jade (king)" }, "parts": [ "一", "个", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29748_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07434.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7434.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%90%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/50c5.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%83%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "緊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "677", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "tense, solid, hard, reliable, tight", "kunyomi": [ "し.める", "し.まる" ], "onyomi": [ "キン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "緊縮", "reading": "キンシュク", "meaning": "shrinkage, contraction, economy, retrenchment" }, { "example": "緊急", "reading": "キンキュウ", "meaning": "urgency, emergency" }, { "example": "喫緊", "reading": "キッキン", "meaning": "urgent, pressing, exigent" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "緊める", "reading": "しめる", "meaning": "to be strict with" }, { "example": "閉まる", "reading": "しまる", "meaning": "to be shut, to close, to be closed, to be firm (of a body, face, etc.), to be well-knit, to be locked, to tighten, to be tightened, to become sober, to become tense" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], 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examination, careful investigation, close inspection, careful selection, inquiry, enquiry, scrutiny, testing, investigation of a crime, inquiry into someone's guilt, winner (of the most rounds, i.e. a full game), reciting and appreciating traditional poetry" }, { "example": "愛吟", "reading": "アイギン", "meaning": "favourite poem or song, favorite poem or song, lover of poetry and song" }, { "example": "詠吟", "reading": "エイギン", "meaning": "reciting poetry" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "一", "个", "口" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21535_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0541f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/541f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%90%9F%23kanji" }, { "query": "駆", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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commerce" }, { "example": "悪知恵", "reading": "ワルヂエ", "meaning": "craft, cunning, guile, serpentine wisdom" }, { "example": "付け知恵", "reading": "ツケヂエ", "meaning": "hint, suggestion" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恵む", "reading": "めぐむ", "meaning": "to bless, to show mercy to, to give (money, etc.)" }, { "example": "恵み", "reading": "めぐみ", "meaning": "blessing, grace" }, { "example": "恵みの雨", "reading": "めぐみのあめ", "meaning": "welcome rain, merciful rain, blessed rain, rain after a long dry period" }, { "example": "天の恵み", "reading": "てんのめぐみ", "meaning": "God's gift, God's blessing, grace of God, godsend" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "一", "心", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24693_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06075.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6075.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%81%B5%23kanji" }, { "query": "啓", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1403", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "disclose, open, say", "kunyomi": [ "ひら.く", "さと.す" ], "onyomi": [ "ケイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "啓発", "reading": "ケイハツ", "meaning": "enlightenment, development, edification, public awareness, illumination, education, inspiration" }, { "example": "啓蒙", "reading": "ケイモウ", "meaning": "enlightenment, instruction" }, { "example": "拝啓", "reading": "ハイケイ", "meaning": "Dear (so and so), Dear Sir, Dear Madam, To Whom It May Concern" }, { "example": "敬啓", "reading": "ケイケイ", "meaning": "salutation at the end of a formal letter" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "啓く", "reading": "ひらく", "meaning": "to enlighten, to edify" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "一", "乞", "口", 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"meaning": "redisplaying, republishing, reproduction, reprint, repost" }, { "example": "上掲", "reading": "ジョウケイ", "meaning": "the above-mentioned" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "掲げる", "reading": "かかげる", "meaning": "to put up (a notice, sign, etc.), to hang out (e.g. a banner), to fly (e.g. a flag), to hoist, to raise, to display, to hold up high, to raise overhead, to tout (a principle, plan, etc.), to herald, to hold up (an ideal), to parade (e.g. a slogan), to publish, to print, to carry (e.g. an article), to tuck up (e.g. sleeves), to roll up, to stoke (a fire), to fan (a flame)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "勹", "匕", "扎", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25522_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063b2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63b2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8E%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "渓", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2063", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "mountain stream, valley", "kunyomi": [ "たに", "たにがわ" ], "onyomi": [ "ケイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渓谷", "reading": "ケイコク", "meaning": "valley (with a river running through it), gorge, ravine, canyon" }, { "example": "渓流", "reading": "ケイリュウ", "meaning": "mountain stream, mountain torrent" }, { "example": "雪渓", "reading": "セッケイ", "meaning": "snowy valley" }, { "example": "猊鼻渓", "reading": "ゲイビケイ", "meaning": "Geibi Gorge (Ichinoseki, Iwate)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "谷", "reading": "たに", "meaning": "valley" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "二", "人", "土", "大", "汁", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28179_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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anteversion" }, { "example": "右傾", "reading": "ウケイ", "meaning": "leaning to the right, turning rightist, being on the (political) right" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "傾く", "reading": "かたむく", "meaning": "to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to go down (sun), to wane, to sink, to decline" }, { "example": "傾ける", "reading": "かたむける", "meaning": "to incline, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to bend, to list, to devote oneself to, to concentrate on, to pour one's energy into, to ruin, to squander, to empty, to drink (alcohol)" }, { "example": "傾く", "reading": "かたむく", "meaning": "to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to go down (sun), to wane, to sink, to decline" }, { "example": "傾げる", "reading": "かしげる", "meaning": "to tilt (esp. head), to lean, to incline, to slant" }, { "example": "傾げる", "reading": "かしげる", "meaning": "to tilt (esp. head), to lean, to incline, to slant" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "匕", "化", "目", "貝", "頁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20670_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/050be.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/50be.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%82%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "携", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1017", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along", "kunyomi": [ "たずさ.える", "たずさ.わる" ], "onyomi": [ "ケイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "携帯", "reading": "ケイタイ", "meaning": "carrying (on one's person or in the hand), mobile phone, cell phone" }, { "example": "携帯ストラップ", "reading": "ケイタイストラップ", "meaning": "straps for mobile phone" }, { "example": "連携", "reading": "レンケイ", "meaning": "cooperation, coordination, link" }, { "example": "戦略的提携", "reading": "センリャクテキテイケイ", "meaning": "strategic partnership" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "携える", "reading": "たずさえる", "meaning": "to carry in one's hand, to carry with one, to have on one's person, to bear, to take along (someone), to take (someone) with one, to be accompanied by" }, { "example": "携わる", "reading": "たずさわる", "meaning": "to engage in, to participate in, to take part in, to be involved in" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乃", "扎", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25658_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0643a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/643a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%90%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "継", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "743", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree)", "kunyomi": [ "つ.ぐ", "まま-" ], "onyomi": [ "ケイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "継続", "reading": "ケイゾク", "meaning": "continuation" }, { "example": "継承", "reading": "ケイショウ", "meaning": "inheritance, succession, accession, share-alike" }, { "example": "後継", "reading": "コウケイ", "meaning": "succession, successor" }, { "example": "承継", "reading": "ショウケイ", "meaning": "succession, accession, inheritance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "継ぐ", "reading": "つぐ", "meaning": "to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.), to inherit, to take over, to follow, to patch (clothes), to mend, to repair, to add (e.g. charcoal to the fire), to replenish with, to feed with, to follow up with (e.g. remarks), to gather (one's breath)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "小", "幺", "米", "糸", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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make a pilgrimage" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "匕", "日", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35427_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a63.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a63.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A9%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "慶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1300", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy", "kunyomi": [ "よろこ.び" ], "onyomi": [ "ケイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "慶事", "reading": "ケイジ", "meaning": "happy event, auspicious event, matter for congratulation" }, { "example": "慶祝", "reading": "ケイシュク", "meaning": "congratulation, celebration" }, { "example": "弁慶", "reading": "ベンケイ", "meaning": "strong person, person putting on a brave 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"養鶏", "reading": "ヨウケイ", "meaning": "poultry raising, poultry farming, chicken farming" }, { "example": "成鶏", "reading": "セイケイ", "meaning": "adult chicken, mature fowl" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鶏", "reading": "にわとり", "meaning": "chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), domestic chicken, chicken meat" }, { "example": "鶏小屋", "reading": "にわとりごや", "meaning": "henhouse, chicken coop" }, { "example": "鳥", "reading": "とり", "meaning": "bird, bird meat (esp. chicken meat), fowl, poultry" }, { "example": "鶏", "reading": "にわとり", "meaning": "chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus), domestic chicken, chicken meat" }, { "example": "花鶏", "reading": "あとり", "meaning": "brambling (bird) (Fringilla montifringilla)" }, { "example": "頭青花鶏", "reading": "ずあおあとり", "meaning": "chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "鳥", "meaning": "bird" }, "parts": [ "二", "人", "土", "大", "杰", "爪", "鳥" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/40335_frames.png", 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Akasaka palace, also guest house in Kyoto)" }, { "example": "迎撃", "reading": "ゲイゲキ", "meaning": "intercept, interception, counter-attack" }, { "example": "奉迎", "reading": "ホウゲイ", "meaning": "welcome" }, { "example": "盛んな歓迎", "reading": "サカンナカンゲイ", "meaning": "cordial reception" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "迎える", "reading": "むかえる", "meaning": "to go out to meet, to receive, to welcome, to greet, to salute, to hail, to reach, to approach, to enter (a phase, era, etc.), to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family), to call for, to summon, to invite, to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "卩", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36814_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08fce.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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whales of family Delphinidae (esp. the pilot whale or blackfish)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "魚", "meaning": "fish" }, "parts": [ "亠", "口", "小", "杰", "田", "魚" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39912_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09be8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9be8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%AF%A8%23kanji" }, { "query": "隙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "crevice, fissure, discord, opportunity, leisure", "kunyomi": [ "すき", "す.く", "す.かす", "ひま" ], "onyomi": [ "ゲキ", "キャク", "ケキ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "隙", "reading": "スキ", "meaning": "gap, space, break, interlude, interval, chink (in one's armor, armour), chance, opportunity, weak spot, breach (of a relationship between people)" }, { "example": "細隙", "reading": "サイゲキ", "meaning": "slit, interstice, narrow aperture" }, { "example": "空隙", "reading": "クウゲキ", "meaning": "vacant space, aperture, gap, opening" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "隙", "reading": "すき", "meaning": "gap, space, break, interlude, interval, chink (in one's armor, armour), chance, opportunity, weak spot, breach (of a relationship between people)" }, { "example": "隙間", "reading": "すきま", "meaning": "crevice, crack, gap, opening, clearance, spare moment, interval, break, pause, spare time, chink (in one's armor, armour), unpreparedness, carelessness" }, { "example": "隙", "reading": "すき", "meaning": "gap, space, break, interlude, interval, chink (in one's armor, armour), chance, opportunity, weak spot, breach (of a relationship between people)" }, { "example": "暇人", "reading": "ひまじん", "meaning": "person with a lot of free time on their hands, person of leisure, idler, loafer" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "阜", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "mound, dam (阝 left)" }, "parts": [ "小", "日", "阡" ], 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"meaning": "to shoot (at), to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "手", "殳", "車" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25731_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06483.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6483.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%92%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "桁", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "beam, girder, spar, unit or column (accounting)", "kunyomi": [ "けた" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "桁端", "reading": "コウタン", "meaning": "yardarm" }, { "example": "衣桁", "reading": "イコウ", "meaning": "clothes rack" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "桁", "reading": "けた", "meaning": "column, beam, girder, crossbeam, spar, yard, digit, decade, order of magnitude" 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"example": "傑人", "reading": "ケツジン", "meaning": "outstanding person" }, { "example": "豪傑", "reading": "ゴウケツ", "meaning": "hero, great man" }, { "example": "英傑", "reading": "エイケツ", "meaning": "great man, hero, master mind" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "優れる", "reading": "すぐれる", "meaning": "to surpass, to outstrip, to excel" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "夕", "木", "舛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20625_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05091.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5091.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%82%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "肩", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1215", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "shoulder", "kunyomi": [ "かた" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { 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"meaning": "to be unable to, to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do, to serve two or more functions or roles simultaneously, to contain (or combine) two or more features, to work in two or more jobs simultaneously (positions, etc.), to do alongside, to hesitate to do something (out of consideration for others), to think of the future (as well as the present)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "八", "meaning": "eight" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "ヨ", "一", "并", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20860_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0517c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/517c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%85%BC%23kanji" }, { "query": "剣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1305", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "sabre, sword, blade, clock hand", "kunyomi": [ 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regalia), grass-mowing sword" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "个", "人", "刈", "口" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21091_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05263.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5263.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%89%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "拳", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1935", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "fist", "kunyomi": [ "こぶし" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン", "ゲン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拳", "reading": "ケン", "meaning": "hand game (e.g. rock, paper, scissors)" }, { "example": "拳銃", "reading": "ケンジュウ", "meaning": "pistol, handgun, revolver" }, { "example": "形意拳", "reading": "ケイイケン", "meaning": "shape-of-the-mind fist, Hsing I Chuan" }, { "example": "五形拳", "reading": "ゴケイケン", "meaning": "Wu Xing Fist, Five Form Fist (Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Leopard)" }, { "example": "拳骨", "reading": "ゲンコツ", "meaning": "(clenched) fist, knuckles" }, { "example": "拳固", "reading": "ゲンコ", "meaning": "fist" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拳", "reading": "こぶし", "meaning": "fist" }, { "example": "こぶし大", "reading": "こぶしだい", "meaning": "fist-sized" }, { "example": "力拳", "reading": "ちからこぶし", "meaning": "clenched fist" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "大", "并", "手" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25331_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062f3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62f3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "軒", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": 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center fielder, centre fielder, athlete competing in the middle-number match in a team competition, i.e. second in 3-on-3, third in 5-on-5 (kendo, judo, etc.)" }, { "example": "米利堅", "reading": "メリケン", "meaning": "America, American, fist" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "硬い", "reading": "かたい", "meaning": "hard, solid, tough, stiff, tight, wooden, unpolished (e.g. writing), strong, firm (not viscous or easily moved), safe, steady, honest, steadfast, obstinate, stubborn, bookish, formal, stuffy" }, { "example": "堅い商売", "reading": "かたいしょうばい", "meaning": "sound business" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "又", "土", "臣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22533_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05805.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5805.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A0%85%23kanji" 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to have a smack of" }, { "example": "嫌", "reading": "いや", "meaning": "disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant" }, { "example": "嫌がらせ", "reading": "いやがらせ", "meaning": "harassment, pestering" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "ヨ", "女", "并", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23244_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05acc.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5acc.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AB%8C%23kanji" }, { "query": "献", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "637", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "offering, counter for drinks, present, offer", "kunyomi": [ "たてまつ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン", "コン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "献金", "reading": "ケンキン", "meaning": "donation, contribution, offering" }, { "example": "献花", "reading": "ケンカ", "meaning": "flower offering, floral tribute, laying flowers" }, { "example": "社会貢献", "reading": "シャカイコウケン", "meaning": "contribution to society" }, { "example": "奉献", "reading": "ホウケン", "meaning": "dedication, presentation, consecration, offer (to a shrine)" }, { "example": "献立", "reading": "コンダテ", "meaning": "menu, bill of fare, program, programme, schedule" }, { "example": "献立表", "reading": "コンダテヒョウ", "meaning": "menu, list of meals (e.g. for the week)" }, { "example": "九献", "reading": "クコン", "meaning": "three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups, sake (secret language of court ladies), rice wine" }, { "example": "一献", "reading": "イッコン", "meaning": "one cup (of sake), (going out for, treating someone to) a drink, small drinking party" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "奉る", "reading": "たてまつる", "meaning": "to offer, to present, to set someone up in a high position, to revere at a distance, to do respectfully" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" 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sending" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "使う", "reading": "つかう", "meaning": "to use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use, to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.), to employ, to handle, to manage, to manipulate, to use (time, money, etc.), to spend, to consume, to use (language), to speak" }, { "example": "遣わす", "reading": "つかわす", "meaning": "to send, to dispatch, to despatch, to bestow (favour, etc.), to grant (e.g. pardon)" }, { "example": "遣る", "reading": "やる", "meaning": "to do, to undertake, to perform, to play (a game), to study, to send, to dispatch, to despatch, to put, to move, to turn (one's head, glance, etc.), to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status), to let have, to present, to bestow, to confer, to make (a vehicle) go faster, to run (a business), to keep, to be engaged in, to practice (law, medicine, etc.), to practise, to have (food, drink, etc.), to eat, to drink, to smoke, to hold (a performance), to perform, to show, to ease (one's mind), to harm, to injure, to kill, to have sex with, to live, to get by, to get along, to do ... completely, to do ... broadly, to do ... to a great distance, to do ... for (someone of equal or lower status), to do ... to (sometimes with negative nuance), to make active efforts to ..." }, { "example": "やる方ない", "reading": "やるかたない", "meaning": "unable to clear away one's ill feeling, not able to do anything (about...)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "一", "口", "込", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36963_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09063.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9063.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%81%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "賢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1159", 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"http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B3%A2%23kanji" }, { "query": "謙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1582", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "self-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest", "kunyomi": [ "へりくだ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "謙虚", "reading": "ケンキョ", "meaning": "modest, humble" }, { "example": "謙遜", "reading": "ケンソン", "meaning": "modesty, humility, being humble" }, { "example": "恭謙", "reading": "キョウケン", "meaning": "modesty, humility" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "謙る", "reading": "へりくだる", "meaning": "to deprecate oneself and praise the listener, to abase oneself" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "ヨ", "并", "言", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35609_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08b19.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8b19.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AC%99%23kanji" }, { "query": "鍵", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2029", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "key", "kunyomi": [ "かぎ" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鍵", "reading": "ケン", "meaning": "key (of a piano, etc.)" }, { "example": "鍵盤", "reading": "ケンバン", "meaning": "keyboard (piano, computer, etc.)" }, { "example": "打鍵", "reading": "ダケン", "meaning": "keystroke" }, { "example": "黒鍵", "reading": "コッケン", "meaning": "black key (on a piano, organ, etc.)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鍵", "reading": "かぎ", "meaning": "key, lock, key (to a problem), clue" }, { "example": "鍵垢", "reading": "かぎあか", "meaning": "private account (esp. on Twitter), account on a social networking service that can only be viewed by approved followers" }, { "example": "公開鍵", "reading": "こうかいかぎ", "meaning": "public key" }, { "example": "暗号鍵", "reading": "あんごうかぎ", "meaning": "cryptographic key, encryption key" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "廴", "聿", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37749_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09375.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9375.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8D%B5%23kanji" }, { "query": "繭", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2495", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "cocoon", "kunyomi": [ "まゆ", "きぬ" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "絹糸", "reading": "ケンシ", "meaning": "silk thread" }, { "example": "繭価", "reading": "マユカ", "meaning": "price of a cocoon" }, { "example": "黄繭", "reading": "コウケン", "meaning": "yellow cocoon" }, { "example": "収繭", "reading": "シュウケン", "meaning": "cocoon crop" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "繭", "reading": "まゆ", "meaning": "cocoon" }, { "example": "繭価", "reading": "まゆか", "meaning": "price of a cocoon" }, { "example": "黄繭", "reading": "こうけん", "meaning": "yellow cocoon" }, { "example": "屑繭", "reading": "くずまゆ", "meaning": "waste cocoon (silk), bad cocoon, damaged cocoon" }, { "example": "絹糸", "reading": "けんし", "meaning": "silk thread" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "冂", "小", "幺", "糸", "艾", "虫", "風" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32365_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07e6d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7e6d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B9%AD%23kanji" }, { "query": "顕", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1536", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "appear, existing", "kunyomi": [ "あきらか", "あらわ.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "ケン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "顕", "reading": "ケン", "meaning": "exposure, clarity, exoteric Buddhism, public Buddhist teachings" }, { "example": "顕在", "reading": "ケンザイ", "meaning": "being actual (as opposed to hidden or latent), being apparent, being obvious, being tangible, being revealed" }, { "example": "貴顕", "reading": "キケン", "meaning": "distinguished person" }, { "example": "丕顕", "reading": "ヒケン", "meaning": "great and brilliant, splendid" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "明らか", "reading": "あきらか", "meaning": "clear, obvious, evident, plain, definite, bright, light" }, { "example": "現れる", "reading": "あらわれる", "meaning": "to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "頁", "meaning": "leaf" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "日", "目", "貝", "頁" ], 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"example": "懸念", "reading": "ケネン", "meaning": "worry, fear, anxiety, concern" }, { "example": "手掛け", "reading": "テカケ", "meaning": "handle, mistress, kept woman, concubine" }, { "example": "首懸", "reading": "コウガケ", "meaning": "leather strap put across a horse's neck" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "掛ける", "reading": "かける", "meaning": "to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall), to let hang, to suspend (from), to hoist (e.g. sail), to raise (e.g. flag), to put on (e.g. a blanket), to put on top of, to cover, to lay, to spread, to put on (glasses, etc.), to wear (a necklace, etc.), to make (a call), to spend (time, money), to expend, to use, to pour (liquid) onto, to sprinkle (powder or spices) onto, to splash, to throw (e.g. water) onto, to turn on (an engine, radio, etc.), to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.), to put on (a DVD, a song, etc.), to cause (somebody inconvenience, trouble, etc.), to burden (someone), to impose, to multiply (arithmetic operation), to secure (e.g. lock), to take a seat, to sit, to rest (something on something else), to support (something on something else), to bind, to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble, to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on, to hold (a play, festival, etc.), to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.), to argue (in court), to deliberate (in a meeting), to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.), to increase further, to catch (in a trap, etc.), to set atop, to erect (a makeshift building), to apply (insurance), to pun (on a word), to use (a word) as a pivot word, to play on words, to be partway doing ..., to begin (but not complete) ..., to be about to ..., to address (someone), to direct (something, to someone), to do (something, to someone)" }, { "example": "掛かる", "reading": "かかる", "meaning": "to take (a resource, e.g. time or money), to hang, to come into view, to arrive, to come under (a contract, a tax), to start (engines, motors), to attend, to deal with, to handle, to have started to, to be on the verge of, to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover, to (come) at, to be fastened, to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.), to be caught in, to get a call, to depend on" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "小", "幺", "心", "目", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25080_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/061f8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/61f8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%87%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "幻", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1564", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "phantasm, vision, dream, illusion, apparition", "kunyomi": [ "まぼろし" ], "onyomi": [ "ゲン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "幻想", "reading": "ゲンソウ", "meaning": "fantasy, illusion, vision, dream" }, 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"イゲン", "meaning": "string-crossing (violin, cello, etc.)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "弦", "reading": "つる", "meaning": "bowstring, string (of shamisen, guitar, violin, etc.), bail (arched pot handle), diagonal levelling wire across the top of a masu" }, { "example": "弦音", "reading": "つるおと", "meaning": "sound of vibrating bowstring" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "弓", "meaning": "bow" }, "parts": [ "亠", "幺", "弓", "玄" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24358_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f26.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f26.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BC%A6%23kanji" }, { "query": "舷", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "gunwale", "kunyomi": [ "ふなばた", "ふなべり" ], "onyomi": [ "ゲン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "舷", "reading": "ゲン", "meaning": "side of a 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[ "コ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "股間", "reading": "コカン", "meaning": "nether region, between the legs, groin, crotch" }, { "example": "股関節", "reading": "コカンセツ", "meaning": "hip joint, coxa" }, { "example": "控股", "reading": "コウコ", "meaning": "holdings, holding company" }, { "example": "四股", "reading": "シコ", "meaning": "wrestler's ceremonial leg raising and stomping" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "股", "reading": "また", "meaning": "crotch, crutch, groin, thigh, fork (in a tree, road, river, etc.), tines (of a fork)" }, { "example": "跨る", "reading": "またがる", "meaning": "to straddle, to sit astride, to mount, to extend over, to spread over, to span, to extend into" }, { "example": "小股", "reading": "こまた", "meaning": "short steps, mincing stride, crotch, groin, thigh" }, { "example": "外小股", "reading": "そとこまた", "meaning": "over-thigh scooping body drop" }, { "example": "股", "reading": "もも", "meaning": "thigh, femoral" }, { "example": "股白蝙蝠", "reading": "ももじろこうもり", "meaning": 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26543_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/067af.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/67af.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9E%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "雇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "975", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "employ, hire", "kunyomi": [ "やと.う" ], "onyomi": [ "コ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "雇用", "reading": "コヨウ", "meaning": "employment (long term), hire" }, { "example": "雇い主", "reading": "ヤトイヌシ", "meaning": "employer" }, { "example": "不当解雇", "reading": "フトウカイコ", "meaning": "unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, unfair termination" }, { "example": "整理解雇", "reading": "セイリカイコ", "meaning": "restructuring termination (of employment), dismissal due to economic conditions" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "雇う", "reading": "やとう", 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vacancy, opening, flaw, well-kept secret place, upset victory (with a large payoff), pit (of a theater), hiding place, hideout, underbelly (of society, etc.)" }, { "example": "巣穴", "reading": "すあな", "meaning": "nesting hole, burrow, den" }, { "example": "鰓孔", "reading": "えらあな", "meaning": "gill slit, pharyngeal slit" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "子", "meaning": "child, seed" }, "parts": [ "乙", "子" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23380_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05b54.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5b54.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AD%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "巧", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1537", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "adroit, skilled, ingenuity", "kunyomi": [ "たく.み", "たく.む", "うま.い" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { 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"meaning": "deck (of a ship)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "甲", "reading": "きのえ", "meaning": "first sign of the Chinese calendar" }, { "example": "甲戌", "reading": "きのえいぬ", "meaning": "Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "田", "meaning": "field" }, "parts": [ "日", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30002_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07532.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7532.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%94%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "江", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "704", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "creek, inlet, bay", "kunyomi": [ "え" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "江", "reading": "コウ", "meaning": "large river (esp. the Yangtze), Lake Biwa" }, { 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assault, raid, onslaught, offensive, criticism, censure, denunciation, condemnation" }, { "example": "速攻", "reading": "ソッコウ", "meaning": "swift attack, quick attack, fast break, right away, without delay, immediately" }, { "example": "猛攻", "reading": "モウコウ", "meaning": "fierce attack" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "攻める", "reading": "せめる", "meaning": "to attack, to assault, to assail" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "攴", "forms": [ "攵" ], "meaning": "rap" }, "parts": [ "乞", "工", "攵" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25915_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0653b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/653b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%94%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "更", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "861", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "grow late, night watch, 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whatsoever" }, { "example": "更に", "reading": "さらに", "meaning": "furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover, even more" }, { "example": "さらに困ったことに", "reading": "さらにこまったことに", "meaning": "to make matters worse" }, { "example": "更ける", "reading": "ふける", "meaning": "to get late, to advance, to wear on" }, { "example": "更かす", "reading": "ふかす", "meaning": "to sit up late" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "曰", "meaning": "say" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "日", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26356_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/066f4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/66f4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9B%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "拘", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1336", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "arrest, seize, concerned, adhere to, despite", 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decay" }, { "example": "荒野", "reading": "コウヤ", "meaning": "wasteland, wilderness, deserted land, prairie, vast plain, wilds, desert, wild land" }, { "example": "破天荒", "reading": "ハテンコウ", "meaning": "unheard-of, unprecedented" }, { "example": "救荒", "reading": "キュウコウ", "meaning": "famine relief" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "荒い", "reading": "あらい", "meaning": "rough, wild, violent, rude, coarse, harsh, fierce, heavy (e.g. breathing), immoderate, extravagant, reckless" }, { "example": "荒石", "reading": "あらいし", "meaning": "unprocessed stone, rubble" }, { "example": "荒れる", "reading": "あれる", "meaning": "to be stormy, to be rough, to be rough (of skin), to be chapped, to be ruined, to fall into ruin, to be in a bad temper, to lose one's temper" }, { "example": "荒らす", "reading": "あらす", "meaning": "to lay waste, to devastate, to damage, to invade, to break into, to troll (e.g. web forums), to spam" }, { "example": "粗筋", "reading": "あらすじ", "meaning": "outline, summary, argument" }, { "example": "荒む", "reading": "すさむ", "meaning": "to grow wild, to run to waste, to become degenerate, to become rough (of art, craft, etc.), to lose refinement, to deteriorate (of skill), to intensify (of wind, rain, etc.), to become more severe" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "亡", "川", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33618_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08352.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8352.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8D%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "郊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1304", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "outskirts, suburbs, rural area", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "郊外", "reading": "コウガイ", "meaning": "suburb, residential area on the outskirt of a city, commuter belt" }, { "example": "郊外化", "reading": "コウガイカ", "meaning": "suburbanization" }, { "example": "南郊", "reading": "ナンコウ", "meaning": "southern suburbs" }, { "example": "北郊", "reading": "ホッコウ", "meaning": "northern suburbs" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "邑", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "town (阝 right)" }, "parts": [ "亠", "父", "邦" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37066_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/090ca.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/90ca.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%83%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "貢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "956", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "tribute, support, finance", "kunyomi": [ "みつ.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ", "ク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貢", "reading": "コウ", "meaning": "tribute" }, { "example": "貢献", "reading": "コウケン", "meaning": "contribution (furthering a goal or cause), services (to a cause)" }, { "example": "朝貢", "reading": "チョウコウ", "meaning": "bringing tribute" }, { "example": "幣貢", "reading": "ヘイコウ", "meaning": "offering, tribute" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貢ぐ", "reading": "みつぐ", "meaning": "to support (someone) financially, to finance, to supply (money), to give (in support), to present (money or gifts) to a monarch (feudal lord, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "工", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36002_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08ca2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8ca2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B2%A2%23kanji" }, { "query": "控", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1000", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "withdraw, draw in, hold back, refrain from, be moderate", "kunyomi": [ "ひか.える", "ひか.え" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "控訴", "reading": "コウソ", "meaning": "appeal to a higher court, intermediate appeal" }, { "example": "控除", "reading": "コウジョ", "meaning": "subtraction, deduction (e.g. tax), subsidy" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "控える", "reading": "ひかえる", "meaning": "to be temperate in, to refrain, to abstain, to hold back, to restrain oneself from excessive ..., to make notes, to jot down (e.g. phone number), to be in preparation for, to be in waiting for, to be soon, to be in the offing, to be in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.)" }, { "example": "控え", "reading": "ひかえ", "meaning": "reserve, spare, backup, note, memorandum, duplicate, copy, stub (of a ticket, etc.), waiting one's turn" }, { "example": "控え室", "reading": "ひかえしつ", "meaning": "waiting room, anteroom, antechamber, green room" }, { "example": "お客様控え", "reading": "おきゃくさまひかえ", "meaning": "customer copy (of a receipt, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "儿", "宀", "工", "扎", "穴" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25511_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063a7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63a7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8E%A7%23kanji" }, { "query": "梗", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "for the most part, close up, flower stem", "kunyomi": [ "ふさぐ", "やまにれ", "おおむね" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ", "キョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "梗塞", "reading": "コウソク", "meaning": "stoppage, tightness, block, infarction (e.g. cardiac)" }, { "example": "梗概", "reading": "コウガイ", "meaning": "outline, summary, epitome" }, { "example": "花梗", "reading": "カコウ", "meaning": "flower stalk, peduncle" }, { "example": "小花梗", "reading": "ショウカコウ", "meaning": "pedicel" }, { "example": "桔梗", "reading": "キキョウ", "meaning": "Chinese bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorus)" }, { "example": "捻じ桔梗", "reading": "ネジキキョウ", "meaning": "Chinese bellflower (slightly screwed)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "日", "木", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26775_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06897.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6897.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%A2%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "喉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2390", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "throat, voice", "kunyomi": [ "のど" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喉", "reading": "コン", "meaning": "fish, counter for fish" }, { "example": "喉頭", "reading": "コウトウ", "meaning": "larynx" }, { "example": "咽喉", "reading": "インコウ", "meaning": "throat" }, { "example": "耳鼻咽喉", "reading": "ジビインコウ", "meaning": "ear, nose, and throat" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "喉", "reading": "のど", "meaning": "throat, singing voice" }, { "example": "喉赤蜂鳥", "reading": "のどあかはちどり", "meaning": "ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "乞", "化", "口", "矢" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21897_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05589.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5589.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%96%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "慌", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1826", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "disconcerted, be confused, lose one's head", "kunyomi": [ "あわ.てる", "あわ.ただしい" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "世界恐慌", "reading": "セカイキョウコウ", "meaning": "worldwide financial crisis, global depression" }, { "example": "世界大恐慌", "reading": "セカイダイキョウコウ", "meaning": "the Great Depression" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "慌てる", "reading": "あわてる", "meaning": "to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic, to hurry, to rush, to hasten" }, { "example": "慌てる乞食はもらいが少ない", "reading": "あわてるこじきはもらいがすくない", "meaning": "slow and steady wins the race, there is luck in the last helping" }, { "example": "慌ただしい", "reading": "あわただしい", "meaning": "busy, hurried, confused, flurried" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "亡", "川", "忙", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24908_frames.png", 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stubborn, bookish, formal, stuffy" }, { "example": "かたいことは言いっこなし", "reading": "かたいことはいいっこなし", "meaning": "let's put formalities aside, let's not speak so stiffly" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "石", "meaning": "stone" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "口", "日", "田", "石" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30828_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0786c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/786c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%A1%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "絞", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1288", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "strangle, constrict, wring", "kunyomi": [ "しぼ.る", "し.める", "し.まる" ], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "絞", "reading": "コウ", "meaning": "death by hanging (punishment in the ritsuryō system)" }, { "example": "絞殺", "reading": "コウサツ", 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unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)" }, { "example": "命の綱", "reading": "いのちのつな", "meaning": "the thread of life" }, { "example": "望みの綱", "reading": "のぞみのつな", "meaning": "one's last hope, one's only hope, the last hope" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "一", "冂", "小", "山", "岡", "并", "幺", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32177_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07db1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7db1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B6%B1%23kanji" }, { "query": "酵", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1862", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "fermentation", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "コウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酵素", "reading": "コウソ", "meaning": "enzyme" }, { "example": "酵母", "reading": 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"meaning": "soul, spirit" }, { "example": "魂不死説", "reading": "たましいふしせつ", "meaning": "(theory of) the immortality of the soul" }, { "example": "一寸の虫にも五分の魂", "reading": "いっすんのむしにもごぶのたましい", "meaning": "tread on a worm and it will turn, even a tiny bug will defend itself, even the weakest and smallest beings have their own wills, so do not make light of them" }, { "example": "魂", "reading": "たましい", "meaning": "soul, spirit" }, { "example": "魂送り", "reading": "たまおくり", "meaning": "sending off the spirits of the dead" }, { "example": "稲魂", "reading": "うかのみたま", "meaning": "the god of foodstuffs (esp. of rice)" }, { "example": "亡き魂", "reading": "なきたま", "meaning": "departed soul, spirit" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "鬼", "meaning": "ghost, demon" }, "parts": [ "二", "儿", "匕", "厶", "田", "鬼" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39746_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09b42.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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become intimate with (e.g. a woman), to become acquainted" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "心", "爪", "犯", "艮", "豸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25031_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/061c7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/61c7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%87%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "沙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1897", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "sand", "kunyomi": [ "すな", "よなげる" ], "onyomi": [ "サ", "シャ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "沙", "reading": "シャ", "meaning": "one hundred-millionth" }, { "example": "砂漠", "reading": "サバク", "meaning": "desert" }, { "example": "秋沙", "reading": "アイサ", "meaning": "merganser (any duck of genus Mergus)" }, { "example": "海秋沙", "reading": "ウミアイサ", "meaning": "red-breasted merganser" }, { "example": "沙", "reading": "シャ", "meaning": "one hundred-millionth" }, { "example": "砂丘", "reading": "サキュウ", "meaning": "sand dune, sand hill" }, { "example": "泥砂", "reading": "デイサ", "meaning": "mud and sand" }, { "example": "恒河沙", "reading": "ゴウガシャ", "meaning": "10^52 (or 10^56), innumerable" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "砂", "reading": "すな", "meaning": "sand, grit" }, { "example": "砂子", "reading": "すなご", "meaning": "gold dust, silver dust, sand, grit" }, { "example": "白砂", "reading": "はくしゃ", "meaning": "white sand" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "小", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27801_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06c99.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6c99.gif", "uri": 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35408_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a50.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a50.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A9%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "鎖", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1250", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "chain, irons, connection", "kunyomi": [ "くさり", "とざ.す" ], "onyomi": [ "サ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "閉ざす", "reading": "トザス", "meaning": "to shut, to close, to fasten, to lock, to block (a street, entrance, etc.), to shut in (with snow, ice, etc.), to shut off, to cut off, to cover (e.g. in darkness), to consume (with negative feelings), to fill (e.g. with sadness), to bury (e.g. in grief)" }, { "example": "鎖国", "reading": "サコク", "meaning": "national isolation, closing the country (to foreigners), sakoku, policy of national isolation enacted by the Tokugawa shogunate" }, { "example": "経済封鎖", "reading": "ケイザイフウサ", "meaning": "economic blockade, embargo" }, { "example": "学級閉鎖", "reading": "ガッキュウヘイサ", "meaning": "temporary closing of classes" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鎖", "reading": "くさり", "meaning": "chain, chains" }, { "example": "鎖編み", "reading": "くさりあみ", "meaning": "chain stitch" }, { "example": "救命の鎖", "reading": "きゅうめいのくさり", "meaning": "chain of survival" }, { "example": "人間の鎖", "reading": "にんげんのくさり", "meaning": "human chain (chain of people holding hands, usually in protest)" }, { "example": "閉ざす", "reading": "とざす", "meaning": "to shut, to close, to fasten, to lock, to block (a street, entrance, etc.), to shut in (with snow, ice, etc.), to shut off, to cut off, to cover (e.g. in darkness), to consume (with negative feelings), to fill (e.g. with sadness), to bury (e.g. in grief)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "尚", "目", "貝", 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dampen (enthusiasm), to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit, to depress, to unnerve, to crush" }, { "example": "挫ける", "reading": "くじける", "meaning": "to be disheartened, to lose heart, to be dispirited, to be crushed (emotionally), to be sprained, to be snapped, to be broken" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "人", "土", "扎", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25387_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0632b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/632b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8C%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "采", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "dice, form, appearance, take, gather, coloring", "kunyomi": [ "と.る", "いろどり" ], "onyomi": [ "サイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "采", "reading": "サイ", "meaning": "dice, die, baton (of command)" }, { "example": "さいの目", "reading": "サイノメ", "meaning": "pip (spot on a die), small cube (esp. of food), die, dice" }, { "example": "納采", "reading": "ノウサイ", "meaning": "betrothal gift" }, { "example": "神采", "reading": "シンサイ", "meaning": "surpassing looks, exceptional appearance, mind and appearance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "釆", "meaning": "divide, distinguish, choose" }, "parts": [ "木", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37319_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/091c7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/91c7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%87%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "砕", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1579", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "smash, break, crush, familiar, popular", "kunyomi": [ "くだ.く", "くだ.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "サイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "砕石", "reading": "サイセキ", "meaning": "crushed stone, macadam, crushing (rock)" }, { "example": "砕岩機", "reading": "サイガンキ", "meaning": "rock crusher" }, { "example": "破砕", "reading": "ハサイ", "meaning": "crushing (into pieces), smashing, cracking, breaking up" }, { "example": "玉砕", "reading": "ギョクサイ", "meaning": "honourable defeat, honorable defeat, honourable death, honorable death, death without surrender, trying but being utterly beaten, being completely rejected when professing one's love" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "砕く", "reading": "くだく", "meaning": "to break, to smash" }, { "example": "砕ける", "reading": "くだける", "meaning": "to break (into pieces), to be broken, to be smashed, to collapse, to crumble, to decline, to cool (e.g. enthusiasm), to dampen (e.g. one's will to fight), to become less formal, to throw off reserve, to become affable, to become easy to understand (e.g. a story), to be worried" } ], 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"木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "土", "戈", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26685_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0683d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/683d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%A0%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "彩", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1251", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "coloring, paint, makeup", "kunyomi": [ "いろど.る" ], "onyomi": [ "サイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "彩色", "reading": "サイシキ", "meaning": "colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration, painting" }, { "example": "彩雲", "reading": "サイウン", "meaning": "glowing clouds" }, { "example": "油彩", "reading": "ユサイ", "meaning": "oil painting" }, { "example": "光彩", "reading": "コウサイ", "meaning": "brilliance, splendour, splendor, lustre, luster" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "彩る", "reading": "いろどる", "meaning": "to colour, to color, to paint, to apply make-up, to decorate, to garnish, to adorn, to add flair" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "彡", "meaning": "bristle, beard" }, "parts": [ "彡", "木", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24425_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f69.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f69.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BD%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "斎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1155", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "purification, Buddhist food, room, worship, avoid, alike", "kunyomi": [ "とき", "つつし.む", "ものいみ", "い.む", "いわ.う", "いつ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "サイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "斎場", "reading": "サイジョウ", "meaning": "funeral hall, ceremony site" }, { "example": "斎戒", "reading": "サイカイ", "meaning": "purification" }, { "example": "大斎", "reading": "タイサイ", "meaning": "Great Lent, Great Fast" }, { "example": "小斎", "reading": "ショウサイ", "meaning": "abstinence (in Catholicism)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "斎", "reading": "とき", "meaning": "meals exchanged by parishioners and priests" }, { "example": "忌む", "reading": "いむ", "meaning": "to avoid, to refrain from, to shun, to detest" }, { "example": "祝う", "reading": "いわう", "meaning": "to celebrate, to congratulate, to observe (a festival), to present (a gift) in celebration, to drink in celebration, to wish for (a happy future, good fortune, etc.), to pray for" }, { "example": "斎く", "reading": "いつく", "meaning": "to worship, to enshrine" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "文", "meaning": "script, literature" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "二", "小", "廾", "文", "斉", "示", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25998_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.), to show signs of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "山", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20652_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/050ac.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/50ac.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%82%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "塞", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "close, shut, cover, block, obstruct", "kunyomi": [ "ふさ.ぐ", "とりで", "み.ちる" ], "onyomi": [ "ソク", "サイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "塞源", "reading": "ソクゲン", "meaning": "blockage of a source" }, { "example": "塞栓", "reading": "ソクセン", "meaning": "embolus, abnormal substance (i.e. air) circulating in the blood" }, { "example": "梗塞", "reading": "コウソク", "meaning": "stoppage, tightness, block, infarction (e.g. cardiac)" }, { "example": "閉塞", "reading": "ヘイソク", "meaning": "blockage, blockade, blocking up, stoppage, obstruction, occlusion" }, { "example": "塞翁が馬", "reading": "サイオウガウマ", "meaning": "the future is unpredictable, inscrutable are the ways of heaven, the irony of fate" }, { "example": "道祖神", "reading": "ドウソジン", "meaning": "traveler's guardian deity (traveller)" }, { "example": "防塞", "reading": "ボウサイ", "meaning": "fort, defensive position" }, { "example": "城塞", "reading": "ジョウサイ", "meaning": "fortress, stronghold, citadel" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "塞ぐ", "reading": "ふさぐ", "meaning": "to stop up, to close up, to block (up), to plug up, to shut up, to cover (ears, eyes, etc.), to close (eyes, mouth), to stand in the way, to obstruct, to occupy, to fill up, to take up, to perform one's role, to do one's duty, to feel depressed, to be in low spirits, to mope" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "土", "宀" ], 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], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "年", "reading": "とし", "meaning": "year, age, years, past one's prime, old age" }, { "example": "歳月", "reading": "さいげつ", "meaning": "time, years" }, { "example": "大年", "reading": "おおとし", "meaning": "New Year's Eve, December 31, Jupiter (planet)" }, { "example": "年", "reading": "とせ", "meaning": "counter for years (following a number in the hito-futa-mi counting system)" }, { "example": "万年", "reading": "まんねん", "meaning": "ten thousand years, eternity, perennial, perpetual" }, { "example": "二十歳", "reading": "はたとせ", "meaning": "twenty years" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "止", "meaning": "stop" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "小", "戈", "止" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27507_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06b73.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6b73.gif", "uri": 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to excite (someone), to publish (an article), to run (an ad)" }, { "example": "載る", "reading": "のる", "meaning": "to be placed on, to be set on, to be piled on, to be loaded on, to appear (in print), to be mentioned, to be recorded, to be reported, to be given" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "車", "meaning": "cart, car" }, "parts": [ "土", "戈", "車" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36617_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08f09.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8f09.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%BC%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "剤", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1151", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "dose, medicine, drug", "kunyomi": [ "かる", "けず.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ザイ", "スイ", "セイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "剤", "reading": "ザイ", "meaning": "medicine, agent, 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"そ.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "サク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "削", "reading": "サク", "meaning": "plane, sharpen, whittle, pare, shave (leather), scrape off, crossout, reduce, curtail" }, { "example": "削減", "reading": "サクゲン", "meaning": "cut, reduction, curtailment" }, { "example": "掘削", "reading": "クッサク", "meaning": "digging out, excavation" }, { "example": "開削", "reading": "カイサク", "meaning": "excavation, cutting, digging" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "削る", "reading": "けずる", "meaning": "to shave (wood, leather, etc.), to sharpen (e.g. pencil), to plane, to whittle, to pare, to scrape off, to erode, to cut down (budget, expenses, staff, time, etc.), to curtail, to reduce, to delete, to erase, to remove, to cross out, to strike out" }, { "example": "削る", "reading": "はつる", "meaning": "to shave off (esp. concrete), to take a percentage, to take a cut" }, { "example": "削ぐ", "reading": "そぐ", "meaning": "to chip (off), to shave (off), to slice (off), to sharpen, to dampen (e.g. enthusiasm), to discourage, to weaken, to reduce" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "刈", "尚", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21066_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0524a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/524a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%89%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "柵", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "stockade, fence, weir, entwine around", "kunyomi": [ "しがら.む", "しがらみ", "とりで", "やらい" ], "onyomi": [ "サク", "サン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "柵", "reading": "サク", "meaning": "fence, paling, railing, fortress" }, { "example": "柵状組織", "reading": "サクジョウソシキ", "meaning": "palisade layer" }, { "example": "馬防柵", "reading": "バボウサク", "meaning": "anti-cavalry palisade (Sengoku period)" }, { "example": "電気柵", "reading": "デンキサク", "meaning": "electric fence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "柵", "reading": "しがらみ", "meaning": "weir, bonds, fetters, ties of obligation" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "一", "亅", "冂", "冊", "廾", "木", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26613_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/067f5.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/67f5.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9F%B5%23kanji" }, { "query": "索", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1127", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "cord, rope, searching, inquiring", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "サク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "索", "reading": "サク", "meaning": "rope, cord" }, { "example": "索引", "reading": "サクイン", "meaning": "index (in a book)" }, { "example": "模索", "reading": "モサク", "meaning": "groping (for), fumbling around (for), searching (for an answer, solution, etc.), trying to find" }, { "example": "神経索", "reading": "シンケイサク", "meaning": "nerve cord" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "冖", "十", "小", "幺", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32034_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07d22.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7d22.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B4%A2%23kanji" }, { "query": "酢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1955", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "vinegar, sour, acid, tart", "kunyomi": [ "す" ], "onyomi": [ "サク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酢酸", "reading": "サクサン", "meaning": "acetic acid" }, { "example": "酢酸エチル", "reading": "サクサンエチル", "meaning": "ethyl acetate" }, { "example": "木酢", "reading": "モクサク", "meaning": "wood vinegar, pyroligneous acid" }, { "example": "鉛酢", "reading": "エンサク", "meaning": "Goulard's extract, subacetate of lead, vinegar of lead" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酢", "reading": "す", "meaning": "vinegar" }, { "example": "酢の物", "reading": "すのもの", "meaning": "vinegared dish, pickled dish" }, { "example": "合成酢", "reading": "ごうせいす", "meaning": "synthetic vinegar" }, { "example": "醸造酢", "reading": "じょうぞうす", "meaning": "brewed vinegar" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "酉", "meaning": "wine, alcohol" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "酉", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37218_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09162.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9162.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%85%A2%23kanji" }, { "query": "搾", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2046", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "squeeze", "kunyomi": [ "しぼ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "サク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "搾取", "reading": "サクシュ", "meaning": "exploitation, bleeding dry, squeezing dry, milking (e.g. a cow's teat), extracting (a liquid) through squeezing" }, { "example": "搾乳", "reading": "サクニュウ", "meaning": "milking (a cow)" }, { "example": "圧搾", "reading": "アッサク", "meaning": "pressure, compression" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "絞る", "reading": "しぼる", "meaning": "to wring (towel, rag), to squeeze, to squeeze (fruit to extract juice), to press, to extract, to milk, to express milk, to rack (one's brains), to strain (one's voice), to extort, to exploit, to chew out, to reprimand severely, to rake over the coals, to give a sound scolding, to tell someone off, to scold, to rebuke, to drill into, to train, to narrow down (one's focus), to whittle down, to gather up (curtain, etc.), to tighten (drawstring), to stop down (lens), to turn down (e.g. radio), to bend (bow), to draw, to hold down, to constrict, to immobilize" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "儿", "宀", "扎", "穴", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25662_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0643e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/643e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%90%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "錯", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1740", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "confused, mix, be in disorder", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "サク", "シャク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "錯誤", "reading": "サクゴ", "meaning": "mistake, error, discrepancy, discrepancy between one's actions and intentions" }, { "example": "錯綜", "reading": "サクソウ", "meaning": "complication, intricacy, involution, to become complicated, to get entangled" }, { "example": "交錯", "reading": "コウサク", "meaning": "mixture, blending, complication, crossing, intersecting, interlacing" }, { "example": "性倒錯", "reading": "セイトウサク", "meaning": "paraphilia, sexual deviancy" }, { "example": "介錯", "reading": "カイシャク", "meaning": "beheading (as the ending to a seppuku), assistance, help" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "二", "廾", "日", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37679_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0932f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/932f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8C%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "咲", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1534", 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central pillar of a pagoda, kshetra (realm, country), ksetra" }, { "example": "刹那", "reading": "セツナ", "meaning": "moment, instant, kshana, duration of a single mental event (about 1/75 second), shortest possible interval of time" }, { "example": "十刹", "reading": "ジッサツ", "meaning": "ten important Rinzai temples, second in significance to the Kyoto Gozan" }, { "example": "仏刹", "reading": "ブッサツ", "meaning": "Buddhist temple" }, { "example": "刹", "reading": "サツ", "meaning": "temple (Buddhist), central pillar of a pagoda, kshetra (realm, country), ksetra" }, { "example": "名刹", "reading": "メイサツ", "meaning": "famous temple" }, { "example": "古刹", "reading": "コサツ", "meaning": "ancient temple" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "刈", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21049_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%B6%23kanji" }, { "query": "撮", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1023", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "snapshot, take pictures", "kunyomi": [ "と.る", "つま.む", "-ど.り" ], "onyomi": [ "サツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "撮影", "reading": "サツエイ", "meaning": "photography (still or motion), photographing, filming, shooting, (video) recording" }, { "example": "撮影会", "reading": "サツエイカイ", "meaning": "photography event, photo session, photo shoot" }, { "example": "特撮", "reading": "トクサツ", "meaning": "special effects, SFX, tokusatsu (genre of live-action film or television drama that makes heavy use of special effects, e.g. Godzilla)" }, { "example": "空撮", "reading": "クウサツ", "meaning": "aerial photography" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "撮る", "reading": "とる", "meaning": "to take (a photo), to record (video, audio, etc.), to make (a film)" }, { "example": "摘む", "reading": "つまむ", "meaning": "to pinch, to hold (between one's fingers), to pick up (with chopsticks, tweezers, etc.), to pick up and eat, to snack on, to pick out (the main point), to summarize, to sum up, to bewitch, to possess, to fascinate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "又", "扎", "日", "耳" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25774_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/064ae.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/64ae.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%92%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "擦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1485", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "grate, rub, scratch, scrape, chafe, scour", "kunyomi": [ "す.る", "す.れる", "-ず.れ", "こす.る", "こす.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "サツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "擦弦楽器", "reading": "サツゲンガッキ", "meaning": "bowed stringed instrument" }, { "example": "塗擦", "reading": "トサツ", "meaning": "rubbing an ointment into the skin" }, { "example": "冷水摩擦", "reading": "レイスイマサツ", "meaning": "rubdown with a wet towel, cold-water rubbing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "擦る", "reading": "する", "meaning": "to rub, to chafe, to strike (match), to file, to frost (glass), to lose (e.g. a match), to forfeit, to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)" }, { "example": "擦れる", "reading": "すれる", "meaning": "to rub, to chafe, to wear out, to become worn, to lose one's innocence, to become sly" }, { "example": "擦る", "reading": "こする", "meaning": "to rub, to scrub, to scrape" }, { "example": "擦れる", "reading": "こすれる", "meaning": "to be rubbed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "二", "宀", "小", "扎", "癶", "示" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25830_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"ジュンシュ", "meaning": "Imperial visit" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "狩る", "reading": "かる", "meaning": "to hunt (animals), to search (for a criminal), to go looking for (flowers, etc.), to gather (mushrooms), to pick (berries)" }, { "example": "狩り", "reading": "かり", "meaning": "hunting, harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit), picking, gathering" }, { "example": "狩場", "reading": "かりば", "meaning": "hunting ground, hunting preserve" }, { "example": "虫狩", "reading": "むしかり", "meaning": "viburnum, Viburnum furcatum" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "宀", "寸", "犯" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29417_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/072e9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/72e9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8B%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "殊", "found": true, "taughtIn": 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bulb (i.e. a light bulb), lens (of glasses, etc.), bead (of an abacus), ball (i.e. a testicle), gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl, female entertainer (e.g. a geisha), person (when commenting on their nature), character, item, funds or person used as part of a plot, egg, coin, precious, beautiful, excellent" }, { "example": "珠算", "reading": "しゅざん", "meaning": "calculation on an abacus" }, { "example": "射干玉", "reading": "ぬばたま", "meaning": "pitch-black, darkness" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "玉", "forms": [ "王" ], "meaning": "jade (king)" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ハ", "二", "木", "牛", "王", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29664_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/073e0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/73e0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8F%A0%23kanji" }, { "query": "腫", "found": true, 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"はれもの", "meaning": "tumor, tumour, swelling, boil, abscess" }, { "example": "腫れ物扱い", "reading": "はれものあつかい", "meaning": "treating (someone) with great caution (so as not to anger or upset them), handling with kid gloves, treating gingerly" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "日", "月", "里", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33131_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0816b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/816b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%85%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "趣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1153", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "purport, gist, elegance, interest, proceed to, tend, become", "kunyomi": [ "おもむき", "おもむ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "シュ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "趣旨", "reading": "シュシ", 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22234_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/056da.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/56da.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%9B%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "舟", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1786", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "boat, ship", "kunyomi": [ "ふね", "ふな-", "-ぶね" ], "onyomi": [ "シュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "舟艇", "reading": "シュウテイ", "meaning": "boat, watercraft" }, { "example": "舟運", "reading": "シュウウン", "meaning": "transportation by water (e.g. by ship)" }, { "example": "軽舟", "reading": "ケイシュウ", "meaning": "light boat, skiff" }, { "example": "同舟", "reading": "ドウシュウ", "meaning": "shipmates, fellow passengers" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "船", "reading": "ふね", "meaning": "ship, boat, watercraft, vessel, seaplane, tank, tub, vat, trough, counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)" }, { "example": "船貝", "reading": "ふねがい", "meaning": "Arca avellana (species of ark shell)" }, { "example": "釣り船", "reading": "つりぶね", "meaning": "fishing boat, boat-shaped hanging flower vase" }, { "example": "曳船", "reading": "えいせん", "meaning": "tugboat, tug, towboat, tugging (a boat), towing, towage" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "舟", "meaning": "boat" }, "parts": [ "舟" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33311_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0821f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/821f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%88%9F%23kanji" }, { "query": "秀", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "848", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass", "kunyomi": [ "ひい.でる" ], "onyomi": [ "シュウ" ], 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"to be fragrant, to smell (good), to stink, to smell (bad), to glow, to be bright, to smack of, to show hints of" }, { "example": "匂い", "reading": "におい", "meaning": "odour, odor, scent, smell, stench, aura, whiff, smacks of ..., sense, flavour, flavor" }, { "example": "匂いがする", "reading": "においがする", "meaning": "to smell, to smell of, to have a smell" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "自", "meaning": "self" }, "parts": [ "大", "目", "自" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33261_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/081ed.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/81ed.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%87%AD%23kanji" }, { "query": "袖", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1960", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "sleeve, wing (building), extension, give cold shoulder", "kunyomi": [ "そで" ], "onyomi": [ "シュウ" ], 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"reading": "キシュウ", "meaning": "surprise attack" }, { "example": "強襲", "reading": "キョウシュウ", "meaning": "assault, violent attack" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "襲う", "reading": "おそう", "meaning": "to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down, to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.), to make a sudden visit" }, { "example": "重ね", "reading": "かさね", "meaning": "pile, heap, layers (e.g. of clothing), set (e.g. of boxes), course (e.g. of stones), counter for things that are stacked, piled up (or layered, etc.), layers of clothing worn under one's overcoat, combination of colors created by layering of garments (colours)" }, { "example": "かさねの色目", "reading": "かさねのいろめ", "meaning": "combination of colors created by layering of garments (colours)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "亠", "月", "立", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35186_frames.png", 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Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture" }, { "example": "藍汁", "reading": "あいしる", "meaning": "mixture of lime and fermented indigo leaves after the indigo dye has precipitated from the leaves (byproduct in the process of creating indigo dye)" }, { "example": "汁", "reading": "しる", "meaning": "juice, sap, soup, broth, (dipping) sauce" }, { "example": "汁だく", "reading": "つゆだく", "meaning": "soupy, containing more broth or sauce than usual (of gyudon, etc.)" }, { "example": "お汁", "reading": "おつゆ", "meaning": "broth, soup (esp. miso soup)" }, { "example": "蕎麦つゆ", "reading": "そばつゆ", "meaning": "soba dipping sauce" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "十", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27713_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06c41.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6c41.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B1%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "充", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "949", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "allot, fill", "kunyomi": [ "あ.てる", "み.たす" ], "onyomi": [ "ジュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "充足", "reading": "ジュウソク", "meaning": "sufficiency" }, { "example": "充実", "reading": "ジュウジツ", "meaning": "fullness, completion, perfection, substantiality, enhancement, improvement, enrichment, upgrading, replenishment, repletion" }, { "example": "リア充", "reading": "リアジュウ", "meaning": "person who is satisfied with their real (offline) life, normie" }, { "example": "事業拡充", "reading": "ジギョウカクジュウ", "meaning": "business expansion" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "充てる", "reading": "あてる", "meaning": "to assign, to set aside" }, { "example": "満たす", "reading": "みたす", "meaning": "to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.), to meet (e.g. demands), to fulfill, to gratify, to fill (e.g. a cup), to pack, to supply" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "儿", "meaning": "legs" }, "parts": [ "亠", "儿", "厶" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20805_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05145.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5145.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%85%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "柔", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1187", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "tender, weakness, gentleness, softness", "kunyomi": [ "やわ.らか", "やわ.らかい", "やわ", "やわ.ら" ], "onyomi": [ "ジュウ", "ニュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "柔", "reading": "ジュウ", "meaning": "softness, gentleness, weakness" }, { "example": "柔道", "reading": "ジュウドウ", "meaning": "judo" }, { "example": "内剛外柔", "reading": "ナイゴウガイジュウ", "meaning": "gentle on the outside but tough on the inside, an iron hand in a velvet glove" }, { "example": "外剛内柔", "reading": "ガイゴウナイジュウ", "meaning": "being tough on the outside but soft at heart, a faint-hearted person pretending to be brave" }, { "example": "柔和", "reading": "ニュウワ", "meaning": "gentle, mild, meek, tender" }, { "example": "柔弱", "reading": "ニュウジャク", "meaning": "weakness, effeminacy, enervation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "柔らか", "reading": "やわらか", "meaning": "soft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek" }, { "example": "柔らかい", "reading": "やわらかい", "meaning": "soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)" }, { "example": "柔らかい", "reading": "やわらかい", "meaning": "soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)" }, { "example": "柔らかい文章", "reading": "やわらかいぶんしょう", "meaning": "informal style" }, { "example": "柔", "reading": "やわ", "meaning": "soft, fragile, weak, poorly built, insubstantial" }, { "example": "柔ら", "reading": "やわら", "meaning": "judo, jujutsu" }, { "example": "柔ら", "reading": "やわら", "meaning": "judo, jujutsu" }, { "example": "柔らか", "reading": "やわらか", "meaning": "soft, tender, limp, subdued (colour or light) (color), gentle, meek" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "マ", "木", "矛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26580_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/067d4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/67d4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9F%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "渋", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1011", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea", "kunyomi": [ "しぶ", "しぶ.い", "しぶ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ジュウ", "シュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渋滞", "reading": "ジュウタイ", "meaning": "congestion (e.g. traffic), delay, stagnation" }, { "example": "渋面", "reading": "ジュウメン", "meaning": "grimace, sullen face" }, { "example": "難渋", "reading": "ナンジュウ", "meaning": "suffering, distress, difficulty, hardship, misery, being bogged down, hurdle" }, { "example": "晦渋", "reading": "カイジュウ", "meaning": "ambiguous, obscure, equivocal" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渋", "reading": "しぶ", "meaning": "astringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons)" }, { "example": "渋い", "reading": "しぶい", "meaning": "astringent, bitter, puckery, rough, harsh, tart, austere, elegant (and unobtrusive), refined, quiet (and simple), sober, sombre, subdued, tasteful (in a quiet way), understated, sour (look), glum, grim, sullen, sulky, stingy, tight-fisted" }, { "example": "柿渋", "reading": "かきしぶ", "meaning": "(astringent) persimmon juice" }, { "example": "鉄渋", "reading": "かなしぶ", "meaning": "aqueous iron rust" }, { "example": "渋い", "reading": "しぶい", "meaning": "astringent, bitter, puckery, rough, harsh, tart, austere, elegant (and unobtrusive), refined, quiet (and simple), sober, sombre, subdued, tasteful (in a quiet way), understated, sour (look), glum, grim, sullen, sulky, stingy, tight-fisted" }, { "example": "渋い顔をする", "reading": "しぶいかおをする", "meaning": "to frown (on), to be grim-faced, to look sullen" }, { "example": "渋る", "reading": "しぶる", "meaning": "to hesitate, to hold back, to balk, to falter, to be reluctant, to be unwilling, to begrudge, to have loose painful bowel movement, to suffer from tenesmus" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "冫", "止", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28171_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06e0b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6e0b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B8%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "銃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1013", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "gun, arms", "kunyomi": [ "つつ" ], "onyomi": [ "ジュウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "銃", "reading": "ジュウ", "meaning": "gun, rifle, small arms" }, { "example": "銃器", "reading": "ジュウキ", "meaning": "small arms" }, { "example": "短銃", "reading": "タンジュウ", "meaning": "pistol, revolver" }, { "example": "小銃", "reading": "ショウジュウ", "meaning": "rifle, small arms" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "捧げ銃", "reading": "ささげつつ", "meaning": "presenting arms" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "亠", "儿", "厶", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37507_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09283.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9283.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8A%83%23kanji" 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"reading": "ヤクジョ", "meaning": "vivid, lifelike, graphic" }, { "example": "鞠躬如", "reading": "キッキュウジョ", "meaning": "deferential, humble, reverent, respectful" }, { "example": "如", "reading": "ニョ", "meaning": "tathata (the ultimate nature of all things)" }, { "example": "如実", "reading": "ニョジツ", "meaning": "reality, actuality, actual conditions, true situation, faithful representation, vivid depiction, ultimate reality, absolute truth" }, { "example": "一如", "reading": "イチニョ", "meaning": "oneness" }, { "example": "形影一如", "reading": "ケイエイイチニョ", "meaning": "being inseparable as a form and its shadow, a person's deed mirrors the good or evil of his mind, husband and wife being never apart" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "如し", "reading": "ごとし", "meaning": "like, as if, the same as" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "口", "女" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22914_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"measuring container, measure, box (seating at a theatre, etc.), square on a grid, cell of a grid, square bearing block (at the top of a pillar)" }, { "example": "升売り", "reading": "ますうり", "meaning": "selling something by the boxful (in a wooden masu box)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "十", "meaning": "ten, complete" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "十", "廾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21319_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05347.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5347.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8D%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "召", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1540", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "seduce, call, send for, wear, put on, ride in, buy, eat, drink, catch (cold)", "kunyomi": [ "め.す" ], "onyomi": [ "ショウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "招請", "reading": "ショウセイ", "meaning": "invitation" }, { "example": "召集", "reading": "ショウシュウ", "meaning": "convening, calling together (e.g. parliament), call-up (for military service)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "召す", "reading": "めす", "meaning": "to call, to invite, to send for, to summon, to eat, to drink, to put on, to wear, to ride, to catch (a cold), to take (a bath), to tickle (one's fancy), to put on (years), to commit (seppuku), to do, used to show respect" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "刀", "口" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21484_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/053ec.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/53ec.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8F%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "匠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1718", 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"meaning": "tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)" }, { "example": "鋏", "reading": "やっとこ", "meaning": "pincers, nippers, pliers" }, { "example": "鉄床", "reading": "かなとこ", "meaning": "anvil" }, { "example": "床", "reading": "ゆか", "meaning": "floor, stage (for the narrator and the shamisen player), dining platform built across a river" }, { "example": "床下", "reading": "ゆかした", "meaning": "under the floor" }, { "example": "河床", "reading": "かしょう", "meaning": "riverbed, raised platform on the bank of a river for enjoying the cool in summer" }, { "example": "納涼床", "reading": "のうりょうゆか", "meaning": "raised platform on the bank of a river for enjoying the summer cool" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "广", "meaning": "house on cliff" }, "parts": [ "广", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24202_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05e8a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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the same benefits (of someone or something), to be named after" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "尚", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32918_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08096.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8096.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%82%96%23kanji" }, { "query": "尚", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1531", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", "kunyomi": [ "なお" ], "onyomi": [ "ショウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尚古", "reading": "ショウコ", "meaning": "respect for olden days" }, { "example": "尚古主義", "reading": "ショウコシュギ", "meaning": "classicism, primitivism" }, { "example": "好尚", "reading": "コウショウ", "meaning": "taste, fancy, fashion" }, { "example": "早尚", "reading": "ソウショウ", "meaning": "prematurity" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尚", "reading": "なお", "meaning": "still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, as ..., like ..., furthermore, in addition, moreover, note that ..." }, { "example": "尚更", "reading": "なおさら", "meaning": "still more, even more, all the more, still less, even less" }, { "example": "尚々", "reading": "なおなお", "meaning": "all the more" }, { "example": "今なお", "reading": "いまなお", "meaning": "still, even now" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "小", "meaning": "small, insignificant" }, "parts": [ "冂", "口", "尚" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23578_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c1a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c1a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "昇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", 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"honouring (publicly), honoring, making someone's good deeds or achievements well-known" }, { "example": "表彰", "reading": "ヒョウショウ", "meaning": "public acknowledgment, public acknowledgement, public recognition, commendation, awarding" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "彡", "meaning": "bristle, beard" }, "parts": [ "十", "彡", "日", "立", "音" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24432_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f70.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f70.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BD%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "憧", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2259", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "yearn after, long for, aspire to, admire, adore", "kunyomi": [ "あこが.れる" ], "onyomi": [ "ショウ", "トウ", "ドウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憧憬", "reading": 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height" }, { "example": "着丈", "reading": "きたけ", "meaning": "dress length" }, { "example": "丈", "reading": "だけ", "meaning": "only, just, merely, simply, no more than, nothing but, alone, as much as, to the extent of, enough to" }, { "example": "丈に", "reading": "だけに", "meaning": "given that ... it is only natural that ..., ... being the case, it is unavoidable that ..., (precisely) because ..., as might be expected (from ...), contrary to expectations ..." }, { "example": "何れ丈", "reading": "どれだけ", "meaning": "how long, how much, to what extent" }, { "example": "一度だけ", "reading": "いちどだけ", "meaning": "only once" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "一", "meaning": "one" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "丶" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/19976_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e08.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e08.gif", "uri": 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"placed one upon another, piled up, excellent, splendid, superimposition, superposition" }, { "example": "山岳重畳", "reading": "サンガクチョウジョウ", "meaning": "mountains rising one above another" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "畳む", "reading": "たたむ", "meaning": "to fold (clothes, umbrella), to close (a shop, business), to vacate" }, { "example": "畳", "reading": "たたみ", "meaning": "tatami mat, Japanese straw floor coverings" }, { "example": "畳敷き", "reading": "たたみじき", "meaning": "tatami-matted" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "田", "meaning": "field" }, "parts": [ "一", "冖", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30067_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07573.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7573.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%95%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "壌", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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eradicating, dispelling" }, { "example": "清拭", "reading": "セイシキ", "meaning": "bed bath, sponge bath, blanket bath, toilet" }, { "example": "払拭", "reading": "フッショク", "meaning": "wiping out, sweeping away, eradicating, dispelling" }, { "example": "清拭", "reading": "セイシキ", "meaning": "bed bath, sponge bath, blanket bath, toilet" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拭う", "reading": "ぬぐう", "meaning": "to wipe, to mop up, to get rid of (an impression, feeling, blemish, etc.), to dispel (e.g. shame), to erase, to remove" }, { "example": "拭く", "reading": "ふく", "meaning": "to wipe, to dry" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "工", "弋", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25325_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062ed.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62ed.gif", "uri": 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the day with a victory), to adorn (e.g. the front page), to grace (e.g. the cover), to affect (a manner), to keep up (appearances), to embellish, to dress up, to be showy, to be pretentious" }, { "example": "飾り", "reading": "かざり", "meaning": "decoration, ornament, trimmings" }, { "example": "飾り気", "reading": "かざりけ", "meaning": "affectation, showing off" }, { "example": "蓬莱飾り", "reading": "ほうらいかざり", "meaning": "Kansai New Year decoration (made from food)" }, { "example": "松飾り", "reading": "まつかざり", "meaning": "New Year's pine decorations" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "食", "forms": [ "飠" ], "meaning": "eat, food" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "乞", "人", "巾", "食" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39166_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/098fe.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/98fe.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%A3%BE%23kanji" 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(law, copyright, etc.), to infringe, to proclaim, to make known, to spread (e.g. a rumour)" }, { "example": "触る", "reading": "さわる", "meaning": "to touch, to feel, to get involved (with), to approach, to be harmful to, to hinder, to interfere with, to irritate" }, { "example": "触る", "reading": "さわる", "meaning": "to touch, to feel, to get involved (with), to approach, to be harmful to, to hinder, to interfere with, to irritate" }, { "example": "触らぬ神に祟りなし", "reading": "さわらぬかみにたたりなし", "meaning": "let sleeping dogs lie, wake not a sleeping lion, the spirit you do not approach will not curse you" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "角", "meaning": "horn" }, "parts": [ "虫", "角" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35302_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/089e6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/89e6.gif", "uri": 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"example": "尻尾", "reading": "しっぽ", "meaning": "tail (animal), tail end, tip" }, { "example": "道の後", "reading": "みちのしり", "meaning": "the part of a province furthest from the capital" }, { "example": "美尻", "reading": "びしり", "meaning": "beautiful buttocks" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "尸", "meaning": "corpse" }, "parts": [ "九", "尸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23611_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c3b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c3b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "伸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "730", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", "kunyomi": [ "の.びる", "の.ばす", "の.べる", "の.す" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "伸張", "reading": "シンチョウ", "meaning": "expansion, extension, elongation, stretching, uncompression" }, { "example": "伸縮", "reading": "シンシュク", "meaning": "expansion and contraction, elasticity, flexibility" }, { "example": "続伸", "reading": "ゾクシン", "meaning": "continuous rise (in market price)" }, { "example": "急伸", "reading": "キュウシン", "meaning": "sudden rise (esp. of stock prices), jump" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "伸びる", "reading": "のびる", "meaning": "to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to grow (of hair, height, grass, etc.), to straighten out, to be flattened, to become smooth, to spread (of paint, cream, etc.), to stretch out (e.g. of a hand), to extend, to lose elasticity, to become slack, to become soggy (e.g. noodles), to make progress, to develop, to expand, to increase, to improve, to be exhausted, to be groggy, to pass out, to collapse, to be prolonged (meeting, life span, etc.), to be extended (e.g. deadline), to lengthen (e.g. of the days), to be postponed, to be delayed, to be put off" }, { "example": "伸ばす", "reading": "のばす", "meaning": "to grow long (e.g. hair, nails), to lengthen, to extend, to stretch, to reach out, to hold out, to straighten, to smooth out, to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.), to dilute, to thin out, to postpone, to prolong, to strengthen, to develop, to expand" }, { "example": "延べる", "reading": "のべる", "meaning": "to lay out (a futon), to make (bed), to spread out, to stretch, to widen, to postpone, to extend" }, { "example": "伸す", "reading": "のす", "meaning": "to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to spread, to gain influence, to become stronger, to increase (e.g. in scope), to go further, to extend one's journey, to smooth out, to roll out, to spread out (something folded), to iron out (creases), to knock out, to knock down" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "日", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20280_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33455_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/082af.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/82af.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8A%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "辛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1607", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "spicy, bitter, hot, acrid", "kunyomi": [ "から.い", "つら.い", "-づら.い", "かのと" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "辛", "reading": "カノト", "meaning": "8th in rank, eighth sign of the Chinese calendar" }, { "example": "辛抱", "reading": "シンボウ", "meaning": "patience, endurance" }, { "example": "細辛", "reading": "サイシン", "meaning": "Siebold's wild ginger (esp. its dried root or rhizome, used as an antitussive and analgesic in traditional Chinese medicine)" }, { "example": "薄葉細辛", "reading": "ウスバサイシン", "meaning": "Siebold's wild ginger (Asarum sieboldii)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "辛い", "reading": "からい", "meaning": "spicy, hot, salty, harsh (criticism), severe (punishment), strict, painful, bitter, difficult, tough" }, { "example": "辛い味", "reading": "からいあじ", "meaning": "pungent taste" }, { "example": "辛い", "reading": "つらい", "meaning": "painful, bitter, heart-breaking, difficult (emotionally), tough, difficult, hard (usu. of situations), cruel, harsh, cold" }, { "example": "辛い目に会う", "reading": "つらいめにあう", "meaning": "to have a hard time of it" }, { "example": "辛", "reading": "かのと", "meaning": "8th in rank, eighth sign of the Chinese calendar" }, { "example": "辛卯", "reading": "かのとう", "meaning": "Metal Rabbit (28th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1951, 2011, 2071)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辛", "meaning": "bitter" }, "parts": [ "十", "立", "辛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36763_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "冖", "化", "又" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20405_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04fb5.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4fb5.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BE%B5%23kanji" }, { "query": "津", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1036", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "haven, port, harbor, ferry", "kunyomi": [ "つ" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "津液", "reading": "シンエキ", "meaning": "saliva, spit, spittle, fluid (in Chinese medicine, esp. a colourless bodily fluid, e.g. tears)" }, { "example": "津々", "reading": "シンシン", "meaning": "gushing, overflowing, everlasting, unfailing, endless" }, { "example": "京津", "reading": "ケイシン", "meaning": "Kyoto-Otsu, Kyoto and Otsu, Kyoto-Settsu, Kyoto and Settsu" }, { 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word, to slightly change headings, to change directions, to extract by broiling, to prepare an infusion of, to decoct, to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine), to bring up a topic, to lead to a topic, to replace, to substitute, to set up a joke for somebody else" }, { "example": "振る舞い", "reading": "ふるまい", "meaning": "behavior, behaviour, conduct, entertainment, treat, feast, banquet" }, { "example": "振れる", "reading": "ふれる", "meaning": "to swing, to shake, to wave, to veer, to deflect, to lean towards" }, { "example": "振るう", "reading": "ふるう", "meaning": "to swing, to wield (physically), to exert, to exercise (e.g. power, ability), to exhibit, to display, to wield (metaphorically), to flourish, to prosper, to thrive" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "厂", "扎", "衣", "辰" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25391_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7d33.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B4%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "診", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1019", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "checkup, seeing, diagnose, examine", "kunyomi": [ "み.る" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "診断", "reading": "シンダン", "meaning": "diagnosis, medical examination" }, { "example": "診察", "reading": "シンサツ", "meaning": "medical examination" }, { "example": "検診", "reading": "ケンシン", "meaning": "physical examination, medical examination, health checkup, health screening" }, { "example": "受診", "reading": "ジュシン", "meaning": "having a medical examination, seeing a doctor" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "診る", "reading": "みる", "meaning": "to examine (medically)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "个", "彡", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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miso, etc.)" }, { "example": "寝る子は育つ", "reading": "ねるこはそだつ", "meaning": "sleep brings up a child well, a well-slept child is a well-kept child" }, { "example": "寝かす", "reading": "ねかす", "meaning": "to put to sleep, to lay (something) on its side" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "宀", "meaning": "roof" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "冖", "又", "宀", "爿" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23517_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05bdd.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5bdd.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AF%9D%23kanji" }, { "query": "慎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "999", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "humility, be careful, discreet, prudent", "kunyomi": [ "つつし.む", "つつ.ましい", "つつし", "つつし.み" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "慎重", "reading": "シンチョウ", "meaning": "careful, cautious, prudent, discreet, deliberate" }, { "example": "慎重吟味", "reading": "シンチョウギンミ", "meaning": "scrutiny, careful (close) examination (investigation), careful inquiry, careful selection" }, { "example": "謹慎", "reading": "キンシン", "meaning": "self restraint, moderating one's behaviour, penitence, discipline, confinement to one's home, house arrest" }, { "example": "不謹慎", "reading": "フキンシン", "meaning": "indiscrete, imprudent, unscrupulous" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "慎む", "reading": "つつしむ", "meaning": "to be careful, to be discreet, to do in moderation, to refrain (from overdoing), to abstain, to be reverent, to be purified, to be chaste" }, { "example": "慎ましい", "reading": "つつましい", "meaning": "modest, reserved, quiet, humble" }, { "example": "慎む", "reading": "つつしむ", "meaning": "to be careful, to be discreet, to do in moderation, to refrain (from overdoing), to abstain, to be reverent, to be purified, to be chaste" }, { "example": "慎み", "reading": "つつしみ", "meaning": "modesty, self-control, discretion" }, { "example": "慎み", "reading": "つつしみ", "meaning": "modesty, self-control, discretion" }, { "example": "慎み深い", "reading": "つつしみぶかい", "meaning": "discreet, modest, cautious" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "十", "忙", "目" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24910_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0614e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/614e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%85%8E%23kanji" }, { "query": "審", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "412", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "hearing, judge, trial", "kunyomi": [ "つまび.らか", "つぶさ.に" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "審査", "reading": "シンサ", "meaning": "judging, inspection, examination, investigation, review" }, { "example": "審議", "reading": "シンギ", "meaning": "deliberation" }, { "example": "一審", "reading": "イッシン", "meaning": "first instance, first trial" }, { "example": "再審", "reading": "サイシン", "meaning": "retrial, reopening of a case, review, reexamination" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詳らか", "reading": "つまびらか", "meaning": "detailed, clear" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "宀", "meaning": "roof" }, "parts": [ "宀", "田", "米", "釆" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23529_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05be9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5be9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AF%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "震", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "893", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "quake, shake, tremble, quiver, shiver", "kunyomi": [ "ふる.う", "ふる.える" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "震", "reading": "シン", "meaning": "zhen (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: thunder, east)" }, { "example": "震源", "reading": "シンゲン", "meaning": "hypocentre (of an earthquake), hypocenter" }, { "example": "微震", "reading": "ビシン", "meaning": "slight earthquake" }, { "example": "軽震", "reading": "ケイシン", "meaning": "weak earthquake" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "震う", "reading": "ふるう", "meaning": "to shake, to tremble, to vibrate" }, { "example": "震える", "reading": "ふるえる", "meaning": "to shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble, to quaver, to quiver" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "雨", "meaning": "rain" }, "parts": [ "厂", "衣", "辰", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38663_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09707.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9707.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9C%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "薪", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2182", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "fuel, firewood, kindling", "kunyomi": [ "たきぎ", "まき" ], "onyomi": [ "シン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "薪炭", "reading": "シンタン", "meaning": "wood and charcoal, fuel" }, { "example": "薪水", "reading": "シンスイ", "meaning": "fuel and water, firewood and water, gathering firewood and drawing water, kitchen work, housework" }, { "example": "柴薪", "reading": "サイシン", "meaning": "brushwood and firewood" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "薪", "reading": "まき", "meaning": "piece(s) of firewood (esp. chopped or split from logs), kindling (twigs, branches, etc.), firewood" }, { "example": "薪入れ", "reading": "たきぎいれ", "meaning": "wood basket, firewood bucket, log holder" }, { "example": "薪", "reading": "まき", "meaning": "piece(s) of firewood (esp. chopped or split from logs), kindling (twigs, branches, etc.), firewood" }, { "example": "薪小屋", "reading": "まきごや", "meaning": "woodshed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "亠", "并", "斤", "木", "立", "艾", "辛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34218_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/085aa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/85aa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%96%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "刃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1763", "strokeCount": 3, "meaning": "blade, sword, edge", "kunyomi": [ "は", "やいば", "き.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ジン", "ニン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "兵刃", "reading": "ヘイジン", "meaning": "sword blade" }, { "example": "刀刃", "reading": "トウジン", "meaning": "sword blade" }, { "example": "刃傷", "reading": "ニンジョウ", "meaning": "bloodshed" }, { "example": "刃傷沙汰", "reading": "ニンジョウザタ", "meaning": "bloodshed" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "刃", "reading": "は", "meaning": "edge (of a knife or sword), prong (of an electrical plug)" }, { "example": "鋼", "reading": "はがね", "meaning": "steel" }, { "example": "諸刃", "reading": "もろは", "meaning": "double-edged, double-edged blade" }, { "example": "直刃", "reading": "すぐは", "meaning": "suguha, straight temper line (on a sword)" }, { "example": "刃", "reading": "やいば", "meaning": "blade, sword, forged blade, wavy pattern on forged blades, sharpness, unhulled rice" }, { "example": "刃を交える", "reading": "やいばをまじえる", "meaning": "to cross swords (with)" }, { "example": "氷の刃", "reading": "こおりのやいば", "meaning": "gleaming sword" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "丶", "刀" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20995_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05203.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5203.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%88%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "尽", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1234", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "exhaust, use up, run out of, deplete, befriend, serve", "kunyomi": [ "つ.きる", "つ.くす", "つ.かす", "-づ.く", "-ず.く", "ことごと.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ジン", "サン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尽", "reading": "ジン", "meaning": "last day (of the month)" }, { "example": "尽力", "reading": "ジンリョク", "meaning": "efforts, exertion, endeavour, assistance, services" }, { "example": "理不尽", "reading": "リフジン", "meaning": "unreasonable, irrational, outrageous, absurd" }, { "example": "縦横無尽", "reading": "ジュウオウムジン", "meaning": "freely, right and left, as one pleases" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尽きる", "reading": "つきる", "meaning": "to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end" }, { "example": "尽くす", "reading": "つくす", "meaning": "to exhaust, to run out, to devote, to serve (a person), to befriend, to do to exhaustion" }, { "example": "尽かす", "reading": "つかす", "meaning": "to use completely, to use up, to exhaust, to exhaust somebody's civility, to give up (on someone)" }, { "example": "悉く", "reading": "ことごとく", "meaning": "altogether, entirely" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "尸", "meaning": "corpse" }, "parts": [ "丶", "尸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23613_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c3d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c3d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "迅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1888", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "swift, fast", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ジン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { 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"meaning": "hearing, interrogation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "尋ねる", "reading": "たずねる", "meaning": "to ask, to enquire, to inquire, to search, to look for, to look into, to investigate" }, { "example": "尋", "reading": "ひろ", "meaning": "fathom" }, { "example": "八尋", "reading": "やひろ", "meaning": "great length, great size" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "寸", "meaning": "thumb, inch" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "口", "寸", "工" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23563_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c0b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c0b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "腎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1755", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "kidney", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ジン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "腎", "reading": "ジン", "meaning": 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"須恵器", "reading": "スエキ", "meaning": "Sue ware (type of unglazed pottery made from the middle of the Kofun era through the Heian era)" }, { "example": "須義", "reading": "スギ", "meaning": "cobia (Rachycentron canadum), sergeant fish" }, { "example": "恵比寿", "reading": "エビス", "meaning": "Ebisu, god of fishing and commerce" }, { "example": "提宇子", "reading": "ダイウス", "meaning": "God" }, { "example": "須髯", "reading": "シュゼン", "meaning": "beard" }, { "example": "須弥山", "reading": "シュミセン", "meaning": "Mount Sumeru (believed to be the centre of the Buddhist world)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "須らく", "reading": "すべからく", "meaning": "absolutely (ought to), by all means, all, entirely" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "頁", "meaning": "leaf" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "彡", "目", "貝", "頁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38920_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09808.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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to whistle (a tune), to emit (smoke, fire, etc.), to spout, to spew, to puff out, to sprout, to put forth (buds), to appear (on the surface), to form, to be coated with (powder, rust, etc.), to burst out laughing, to burst into laughter, to brag, to talk big, to smelt, to mint" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "口", "欠" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21561_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05439.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5439.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%90%B9%23kanji" }, { "query": "炊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1777", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "cook, boil", "kunyomi": [ "た.く", "-だ.き" ], "onyomi": [ "スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "炊飯器", "reading": "スイハンキ", "meaning": "rice cooker" }, { "example": "炊事", "reading": "スイジ", "meaning": "cooking, kitchen work" }, { "example": "雑炊", "reading": "ゾウスイ", "meaning": "rice gruel containing vegetables, fish, etc., and seasoned with miso or soy sauce" }, { "example": "烹炊", "reading": "ホウスイ", "meaning": "cooking by boiling" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "炊く", "reading": "たく", "meaning": "to cook (grains, e.g. rice), to boil, to simmer, to stew, to seethe" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "火", "forms": [ "灬" ], "meaning": "fire" }, "parts": [ "欠", "火" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28810_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0708a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/708a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%82%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "帥", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2016", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": 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"スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "粋", "reading": "イキ", "meaning": "chic, smart, stylish, tasteful, refined, sophisticated, familiar with worldly pleasures and subtleties of human nature (esp. sexual relations, geisha districts and red-light districts), considerate, understanding, sympathetic, essence, the best, the cream" }, { "example": "粋が身を食う", "reading": "スイガミヲクウ", "meaning": "too much pleasure ruins a man (esp. in reference to spending too much time with geisha and prostitutes), playing the dandy ruins a man" }, { "example": "国粋", "reading": "コクスイ", "meaning": "national characteristics" }, { "example": "清粋", "reading": "セイスイ", "meaning": "elegance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "粋", "reading": "いき", "meaning": "chic, smart, stylish, tasteful, refined, sophisticated, familiar with worldly pleasures and subtleties of human nature (esp. sexual relations, geisha districts and red-light districts), considerate, understanding, sympathetic, essence, the best, the cream" }, { "example": "粋がる", "reading": "いきがる", "meaning": "to be pretentious, to put on airs, to try to appear smart, to act brave, to try to look cool" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "米", "meaning": "rice" }, "parts": [ "九", "十", "米" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31883_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07c8b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7c8b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B2%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "衰", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1432", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "decline, wane, weaken", "kunyomi": [ "おとろ.える" ], "onyomi": [ "スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "衰退", "reading": "スイタイ", "meaning": "decline, degeneration, decay, waning, ebbing" }, { "example": "衰弱", "reading": "スイジャク", "meaning": "weakness, debility, breakdown, prostration" }, { "example": "減衰", "reading": "ゲンスイ", "meaning": "attenuation, damping, decay" }, { "example": "盛衰", "reading": "セイスイ", "meaning": "rise and fall, ups and downs, welfare, vicissitudes" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "衰える", "reading": "おとろえる", "meaning": "to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "一", "亠", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34928_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08870.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8870.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A1%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "酔", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1640", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "drunk, feel sick, poisoned, elated, spellbound", "kunyomi": [ "よ.う", "よ.い", "よ" ], "onyomi": [ "スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酔客", "reading": "スイキャク", "meaning": "drunken person" }, { "example": "酔漢", "reading": "スイカン", "meaning": "drunkard, drunken fellow" }, { "example": "陶酔", "reading": "トウスイ", "meaning": "intoxication, being carried away by, being enraptured by" }, { "example": "大酔", "reading": "タイスイ", "meaning": "dead drunk" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酔う", "reading": "よう", "meaning": "to get drunk, to become intoxicated, to feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle), to become nauseated, to be elated, to be exalted, to be spellbound, to be in raptures" }, { "example": "酔い", "reading": "よい", "meaning": "drunkenness, intoxication, motion sickness, travel sickness" }, { "example": "酔いが覚める", "reading": "よいがさめる", "meaning": "to sober up" }, { "example": "酔い", "reading": "よい", "meaning": "drunkenness, intoxication, motion sickness, travel sickness" }, { "example": "酔う", "reading": "よう", "meaning": "to get drunk, to become intoxicated, to feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle), to become nauseated, to be elated, to be exalted, to be spellbound, to be in raptures" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "酉", "meaning": "wine, alcohol" }, "parts": [ "九", "十", "酉" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37204_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09154.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9154.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%85%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "遂", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1423", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "consummate, accomplish, attain, commit (suicide)", "kunyomi": [ "と.げる", "つい.に" ], "onyomi": [ "スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "遂行", "reading": "スイコウ", "meaning": "accomplishment, execution" }, { "example": "完遂", "reading": "カンスイ", "meaning": "successful execution, accomplishment, completion, fulfillment, carrying through" }, { "example": "既遂", "reading": "キスイ", "meaning": "already finished (action), already accomplished, committed (crime; as opposed to attempted), perpetrated, consummated, successful" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "遂げる", "reading": "とげる", "meaning": "to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to arrive at (a certain outcome), to come to, to end with" }, { "example": "遂に", "reading": "ついに", "meaning": "finally, at last, in the end, after all, never (happened)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "并", "豕", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36930_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09042.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9042.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%81%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "睡", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1739", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "drowsy, sleep, die", "kunyomi": [ "ねむ.る", "ねむ.い" ], "onyomi": [ "スイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "睡眠", "reading": "スイミン", "meaning": "sleep" }, { "example": "睡魔", "reading": "スイマ", "meaning": "sleepiness, drowsiness, the sandman, Morpheus" }, { "example": "昏睡", "reading": "コンスイ", "meaning": "coma, dead sleep" }, { "example": "仮睡", "reading": "カスイ", "meaning": "nap, siesta" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "眠る", "reading": "ねむる", "meaning": "to sleep, to die, to rest (in peace), to lie (buried), to sleep (in the grave), to lie idle (e.g. of resources), to lie unused, to lie untapped, to lie untouched, to close one's eyes" }, { "example": "眠い", "reading": "ねむい", "meaning": "sleepy, drowsy, somnolent" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "目", "meaning": "eye" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "目", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30561_frames.png", 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grafting, budwood" }, { "example": "花穂", "reading": "かすい", "meaning": "spike" }, { "example": "初穂", "reading": "はつほ", "meaning": "first ears of rice of the season, first crops of the season, first harvest of the season, offering (to the gods)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "禾", "meaning": "grain" }, "parts": [ "十", "心", "田", "禾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31298_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07a42.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7a42.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%A9%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "随", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1396", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "follow, though, notwithstanding, while, during, both, all, obey, submit to, comply, at the mercy of (the waves)", "kunyomi": [ "まにま.に", "したが.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ズイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "随意", "reading": "ズイイ", "meaning": "voluntary, optional, free, elective" }, { "example": "随一", "reading": "ズイイチ", "meaning": "best, greatest, first" }, { "example": "追随", "reading": "ツイズイ", "meaning": "following (in the footsteps of), catching up with, coming level with" }, { "example": "付随", "reading": "フズイ", "meaning": "being incident to, being accompanied by, being collateral with, being attached to" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "随に", "reading": "まにまに", "meaning": "at the mercy of (e.g. wind, waves), (act) as one is told (by)" }, { "example": "従う", "reading": "したがう", "meaning": "to obey (an order, law, etc.), to abide by (a rule, custom, etc.), to follow, to observe, to conform to, to yield to, to follow (a person), to accompany, to go with, to go alongside (e.g. a river), to follow (e.g. a sign), to serve (as), to engage in (work)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "阜", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "mound, dam (阝 left)" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "月", "込", "阡" ], 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pinching, hard toil" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "据える", "reading": "すえる", "meaning": "to place (in position), to fix, to set (e.g. table), to lay (foundation), to install, to seat (someone), to settle (upon something), to fix (e.g. one's gaze), to apply (moxa)" }, { "example": "座る", "reading": "すわる", "meaning": "to sit, to squat, to assume (a position), to hold steady, to hold still" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "十", "口", "尸", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25454_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0636e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/636e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8D%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "杉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1095", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "cedar, 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this one, this person, now, this point (in time), here, used to stress the subject of a sentence, I, me" }, { "example": "これ迄", "reading": "これまで", "meaning": "so far, up to now, hitherto, that's enough (for today), it ends here" }, { "example": "此処", "reading": "ここ", "meaning": "here, this place, this point, here, now, these past ... (e.g. three years), these last ..., the next ... (e.g. few days), these next ..." } ], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "日", "疋" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26159_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0662f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/662f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%98%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "姓", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1628", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "surname", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "セイ", "ショウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "姓", "reading": "セイ", "meaning": "surname, family name, hereditary title (used in ancient Japan to denote rank and political standing)" }, { "example": "姓名", "reading": "セイメイ", "meaning": "(full) name, family name and given name" }, { "example": "旧姓", "reading": "キュウセイ", "meaning": "one's original family name, maiden name" }, { "example": "同姓", "reading": "ドウセイ", "meaning": "same surname" }, { "example": "姓", "reading": "セイ", "meaning": "surname, family name, hereditary title (used in ancient Japan to denote rank and political standing)" }, { "example": "俗姓", "reading": "ゾクショウ", "meaning": "secular surname (of a priest)" }, { "example": "本百姓", "reading": "ホンヒャクショウ", "meaning": "freeholding farmer, freeholding peasant" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "女", "生" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22995_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/059d3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/59d3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A7%93%23kanji" }, { "query": "征", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1578", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": 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"すごいことになる", "meaning": "to go crazy (esp. of a situation or thing), to get out of hand, to end up in an extreme state" }, { "example": "凄まじい", "reading": "すさまじい", "meaning": "terrific, fierce, terrible, tremendous, dreadful, awful, amazing, absurd, cutthroat, intense" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "冫", "meaning": "ice" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "冫", "十", "女" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20932_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/051c4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/51c4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%87%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "逝", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2018", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "departed, die", "kunyomi": [ "ゆ.く", "い.く" ], "onyomi": [ "セイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "逝去", "reading": "セイキョ", "meaning": "death" }, { "example": "永逝", "reading": "エイセイ", "meaning": "death, dying" }, { "example": "薨逝", "reading": "コウセイ", "meaning": "death (of a nobleman)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "行く", "reading": "いく", "meaning": "to go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach, to proceed, to take place, to pass through, to come and go, to walk, to die, to pass away, to do (in a specific way), to stream, to flow, to continue, to have an orgasm, to come, to cum, to trip, to get high, to have a drug-induced hallucination" }, { "example": "行く", "reading": "いく", "meaning": "to go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach, to proceed, to take place, to pass through, to come and go, to walk, to die, to pass away, to do (in a specific way), to stream, to flow, to continue, to have an orgasm, to come, to cum, to trip, to get high, to have a drug-induced hallucination" } ], "radical": 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pledge" }, { "example": "祈誓", "reading": "キセイ", "meaning": "vow, oath, pledge" }, { "example": "偽誓", "reading": "ギセイ", "meaning": "perjury, false oath" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "誓う", "reading": "ちかう", "meaning": "to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "扎", "斤", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35475_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a93.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a93.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AA%93%23kanji" }, { "query": "請", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "524", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "solicit, invite, ask", "kunyomi": [ "こ.う", "う.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "セイ", "シン", "ショウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "請求", "reading": "セイキュウ", 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to sober up, to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia), to come to one's senses, to be disillusioned" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "酉", "meaning": "wine, alcohol" }, "parts": [ "日", "生", "酉" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37266_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09192.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9192.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%86%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "斥", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2231", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "reject, retreat, recede, withdraw, repel, repulse", "kunyomi": [ "しりぞ.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "セキ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "斥力", "reading": "セキリョク", "meaning": "repulsion, repulsive force" }, { "example": "外国人排斥", "reading": "ガイコクジンハイセキ", "meaning": "xenophobia, exclusion (of foreigners)" }, { "example": "除斥", "reading": "ジョセキ", "meaning": "exclusion" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "退ける", "reading": "しりぞける", "meaning": "to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "斤", "meaning": "axe" }, "parts": [ "丶", "斤" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26021_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/065a5.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/65a5.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%96%A5%23kanji" }, { "query": "析", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "980", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "chop, divide, tear, analyze", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "セキ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "析出", "reading": "セキシュツ", "meaning": "separation, deposition, precipitation" }, { "example": "透析", "reading": "トウセキ", "meaning": "dialysis" }, { "example": "人工透析", "reading": 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"meaning": "lamenting the passing of spring, lamenting the passing of one's youth" }, { "example": "痛惜", "reading": "ツウセキ", "meaning": "deep regret" }, { "example": "哀惜", "reading": "アイセキ", "meaning": "grief, sorrow" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "惜しい", "reading": "おしい", "meaning": "regrettable, disappointing, unfortunate, precious, dear, valuable, too good for, deserving better, almost (but not quite), close (but no cigar)" }, { "example": "惜しむ", "reading": "おしむ", "meaning": "to be frugal, to be sparing, to value, to hold dear, to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for), to be unwilling, to be reluctant" }, { "example": "惜しむべき", "reading": "おしむべき", "meaning": "lamentable, regrettable" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "忙", "日", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24796_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"meaning": "transfer (of one's name into another family register), transfer (to another team, company, etc.)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "竹", "forms": [ "⺮" ], "meaning": "bamboo" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ハ", "一", "乞", "二", "亠", "土", "日", "木", "竹", "耒", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31821_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07c4d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7c4d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B1%8D%23kanji" }, { "query": "拙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1938", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "bungling, clumsy, unskillful", "kunyomi": [ "つたな.い" ], "onyomi": [ "セツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拙", "reading": "セツ", "meaning": "poor, unskillful, clumsy, I, me" }, { "example": "拙劣", "reading": "セツレツ", "meaning": "clumsy, 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"selection, screening" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詮ずる所", "reading": "せんずるところ", "meaning": "after all, in the end, in short, given due consideration, when all is said and done" }, { "example": "甲斐", "reading": "かい", "meaning": "effect, result, worth, use, avail, Kai (former province located in present-day Yamanashi Prefecture)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "个", "王", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35438_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a6e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a6e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A9%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "践", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1570", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "tread, step on, trample, practice, carry through", "kunyomi": [ "ふ.む" 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to creep into, to crawl under, to bury oneself, to burrow into, to dig oneself into, to snuggle under, to hide oneself (esp. from the government), to conceal oneself, to go underground" }, { "example": "潜る", "reading": "くぐる", "meaning": "to go under, to pass under, to go through, to pass through, to dive (into or under the water), to evade, to get around, to slip past, to survive, to surmount" }, { "example": "潜める", "reading": "ひそめる", "meaning": "to hide, to conceal, to lower volume (of a sound or one's voice) so as not to be heard, to become quiet and inconspicuous" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "二", "大", "日", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28508_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06f5c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6f5c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BD%9C%23kanji" }, { "query": "遷", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1937", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "transition, move, change", "kunyomi": [ "うつ.る", "うつ.す", "みやこがえ" ], "onyomi": [ "セン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "遷都", "reading": "セント", "meaning": "relocation of the capital, transfer of the capital" }, { "example": "遷宮", "reading": "セングウ", "meaning": "installation of a deity in a new shrine, transfer of a shrine" }, { "example": "左遷", "reading": "サセン", "meaning": "demotion, relegation, reduction in rank, degradation, downward move" }, { "example": "聖遷", "reading": "セイセン", "meaning": "Hegira, Hejira, Hijra" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "移る", "reading": "うつる", "meaning": "to move (house), to transfer (department), to change the target of interest or concern, to elapse (passage of time), to be permeated by a colour or scent, to be infected, to be contagious, to spread (as in fire)" }, { "example": "移す", "reading": "うつす", "meaning": "to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer, to change the object of one's interest or focus, to spend or take time, to infect, to permeate something with the smell or colour of something, to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "大", "已", "西", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36983_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09077.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9077.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%81%B7%23kanji" }, { "query": "薦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1082", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "recommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer", "kunyomi": [ "すす.める" ], "onyomi": [ "セン" ], 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[ "ソ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "措置", "reading": "ソチ", "meaning": "measure, step, action" }, { "example": "措辞", "reading": "ソジ", "meaning": "wording, phraseology, diction" }, { "example": "特措", "reading": "トクソ", "meaning": "special measure, special measures" }, { "example": "挙措", "reading": "キョソ", "meaning": "behavior, behaviour, manner" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "措く", "reading": "おく", "meaning": "to stop (doing something), to cease, to put aside, to leave as is, to leave alone, to exclude, to except" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "扎", "日", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25514_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063aa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63aa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8E%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "粗", 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prosecution" }, { "example": "提訴", "reading": "テイソ", "meaning": "presenting a case, suing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "訴える", "reading": "うったえる", "meaning": "to raise, to bring to (someone's attention), to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.), to work on (one's emotions), to play on (one's sympathies), to complain, to sue (a person), to take someone to court, to resort to (e.g. arms, violence)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "丶", "斤", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35380_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a34.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a34.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A8%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "塑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "model, molding", "kunyomi": [ "でく" ], 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"遡河魚", "reading": "ソカギョ", "meaning": "anadromous fish (fish that migrates upstream, e.g. salmon)" }, { "example": "遡及", "reading": "ソキュウ", "meaning": "tracing back, retroactivity" }, { "example": "遡源", "reading": "サクゲン", "meaning": "returning to the origin, going back to the beginning, retracing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "遡る", "reading": "さかのぼる", "meaning": "to go upstream, to go back (in time, to origin), to date back to, to trace back to, to make retroactive" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "屮", "并", "月", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36961_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09061.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9061.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%81%A1%23kanji" }, { "query": "礎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", 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road, table, etc.), to have between each other, to be across (a street, river, etc.), to harbour (feelings), to cast (e.g. doubt)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "十", "扎", "日", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25407_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0633f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/633f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8C%BF%23kanji" }, { "query": "桑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1650", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "mulberry", "kunyomi": [ "くわ" ], "onyomi": [ "ソウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "桑田", "reading": "ソウデン", "meaning": "mulberry plantation" }, { "example": "桑園", "reading": "ソウエン", "meaning": "mulberry plantation" }, { "example": "扶桑", "reading": "フソウ", "meaning": 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dragging for mines" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "掃く", "reading": "はく", "meaning": "to sweep, to brush, to clean, to gather silkworms" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "冖", "巾", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25475_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06383.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6383.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8E%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "曹", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1998", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "office, official, comrade, fellow", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ソウ", "ゾウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "曹", "reading": "ソウ", "meaning": "palace room for government officials, fellow, set (of people), clan, family" }, { "example": "曹灰硼石", "reading": "ソウカイホウセキ", "meaning": "ulexite" }, { "example": "法曹", "reading": "ホウソウ", "meaning": "legal profession, judicial officer, lawyer, attorney" }, { "example": "海曹", "reading": "カイソウ", "meaning": "petty officer (navy)" }, { "example": "曹司", "reading": "ゾウシ", "meaning": "palace room for government officials or ladies in waiting, room inside a palace or private estate allocated to employees, person living in such a room, boarding house for trainee administrators (Ritsuryo period)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "曰", "meaning": "say" }, "parts": [ "一", "日", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26361_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/066f9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/66f9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9B%B9%23kanji" }, { "query": "曽", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": 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a funeral" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "葬る", "reading": "ほうむる", "meaning": "to bury, to inter, to entomb, to cover up, to hush up, to shelve" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "一", "匕", "夕", "廾", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33900_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0846c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/846c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%91%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "僧", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1724", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "Buddhist priest, monk", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ソウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "僧", "reading": "ソウ", "meaning": "monk, priest, sangha (the Buddhist community)" }, { "example": "僧侶", "reading": "ソウリョ", "meaning": "priest, monk, bonze" }, { 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"ソウガイ", "meaning": "frost damage" }, { "example": "霜剣", "reading": "ソウケン", "meaning": "cold sharp sword, blade of ice" }, { "example": "星霜", "reading": "セイソウ", "meaning": "years, time" }, { "example": "幾星霜", "reading": "イクセイソウ", "meaning": "many months and years" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "霜", "reading": "しも", "meaning": "frost" }, { "example": "霜降り", "reading": "しもふり", "meaning": "speckled with white, salt-and-pepper (pattern, fabric, etc.), marbling (of beef), (of fish, chicken, shellfish, etc.) blanching by exposure to boiling and then icy water, formation of frost" }, { "example": "朝霜", "reading": "あさしも", "meaning": "morning frost" }, { "example": "露霜", "reading": "つゆじも", "meaning": "frozen dew, frost and dew, years, time" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "雨", "meaning": "rain" }, "parts": [ "木", "目", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38684_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"藻菌類", "reading": "ソウキンルイ", "meaning": "algal fungi" }, { "example": "海藻", "reading": "カイソウ", "meaning": "seaweed" }, { "example": "珪藻", "reading": "ケイソウ", "meaning": "diatom" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "藻", "reading": "も", "meaning": "algae, waterweed, seaweed, duckweed" }, { "example": "藻掻く", "reading": "もがく", "meaning": "to struggle, to writhe, to wriggle, to squirm, to act frantically, to make desperate efforts" }, { "example": "山椒藻", "reading": "さんしょうも", "meaning": "floating watermoss (Salvinia natans)" }, { "example": "菅藻", "reading": "すがも", "meaning": "Phyllospadix iwatensis (species of seagrass)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "口", "品", "木", "汁", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34299_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/085fb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"reading": "にくしみあう", "meaning": "to hate each other, to hate mutually" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "并", "忙", "日", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24974_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0618e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/618e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%86%8E%23kanji" }, { "query": "贈", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1001", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "presents, send, give to, award to, confer on, presenting something", "kunyomi": [ "おく.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ゾウ", "ソウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "贈答", "reading": "ゾウトウ", "meaning": "exchange of presents" }, { "example": "贈呈", "reading": "ゾウテイ", "meaning": "presentation (e.g. of a gift, etc.)" }, { "example": "遺贈", "reading": "イゾウ", "meaning": "bequest, legacy" }, { "example": "恵贈", "reading": "ケイゾウ", "meaning": "presenting (a gift, etc.), giving, bestowing" }, { "example": "位記追贈", "reading": "イキツイソウ", "meaning": "conferment of posthumous rank" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "贈る", "reading": "おくる", "meaning": "to give (as a gift), to present, to confer, to bestow, to award" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "并", "日", "田", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36104_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08d08.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8d08.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B4%88%23kanji" }, { "query": "即", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1167", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "instant, namely, as is, conform, agree, adapt", "kunyomi": [ "つ.く", "つ.ける", "すなわ.ち" ], "onyomi": [ "ソク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "即", "reading": "ソク", "meaning": "instantly, immediately, at once, equals, means, is, oneness (of two opposing things), inseparability" }, { "example": "即位", "reading": "ソクイ", "meaning": "accession to the throne, enthronement" }, { "example": "相即", "reading": "ソウソク", "meaning": "coming together and dissolving into oneness, being closely related, being inseparable" }, { "example": "即即", "reading": "ソクソク", "meaning": "immediate sex (without taking a shower first)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "就く", "reading": "つく", "meaning": "to take (seat, position, course, office, etc.), to assume, to be hired, to be employed, to ascend (the throne), to accede, to start (on a journey), to commence, to depart, to study (under teacher), to be an apprentice" }, { "example": "就ける", "reading": "つける", "meaning": "to install (a king, emperor, etc.), to appoint (to a post), to promote, to assign (to study under)" }, { "example": "即ち", "reading": "すなわち", "meaning": "that is, namely, i.e." } ], "radical": { "symbol": "卩", "meaning": "kneel" }, "parts": [ "卩", "艮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21363_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05373.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5373.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8D%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "促", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "998", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "stimulate, urge, press, demand, incite", "kunyomi": [ "うなが.す" ], "onyomi": [ "ソク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "促進", "reading": "ソクシン", "meaning": "promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on" }, { "example": "促成", "reading": "ソクセイ", "meaning": "promotion of growth" }, { "example": "督促", "reading": "トクソク", "meaning": "urge, demand, importunity" }, { "example": "矢の催促", "reading": "ヤノサイソク", "meaning": "strongly and repeatedly urging (demanding, requesting, pressing)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "促す", "reading": "うながす", "meaning": "to urge, to encourage, to press, to prompt, to draw (attention to), to stimulate (e.g. growth), to hasten (e.g. development), to quicken, to accelerate, to promote" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "口", "止", "足" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20419_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04fc3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4fc3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BF%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "捉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1976", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "catch, capture", "kunyomi": [ "とら.える" ], "onyomi": [ "ソク", "サク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "把捉", "reading": "ハソク", "meaning": "grasping (a meaning)" }, { "example": "捕捉", "reading": "ホソク", "meaning": "capture, seizure, prehension, trapping, apprehension, understanding, grasp" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "捉える", "reading": "とらえる", "meaning": "to catch, to capture, to seize, to arrest, to grab, to catch hold of, to grasp (e.g. meaning), to perceive, to capture (e.g. features), to captivate, to move (one's heart)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "口", "扎", "止", "足" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25417_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06349.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6349.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8D%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "俗", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": 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(e.g. sun or moon), to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze), to be used in a certain place (e.g. money), to be omitted, to be missing, to decrease, to sink, to fail (e.g. exam or class), to lose (contest, election, etc.), to crash, to degenerate, to degrade, to fall behind, to become indecent (of a conversation), to be ruined, to go under, to fade, to come out (e.g. a stain), to come off (e.g. makeup), to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list), to fall (into someone's hands), to become someone's possession, to fall (into a trap), to fall (for a trick), to give in, to give up, to confess, to flee, to fall, to be defeated, to surrender, to come to (in the end), to end in, to fall (in love, asleep, etc.), to swoon (judo), to consent, to understand, to go down (of a website, server, etc.), to crash, to log out (of an online game, chat room, etc.), to drop out, to leave, to go offline, to die, to move to the depths, to go down (of a website, server, etc.)" } ], 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not, not allowed, neutral point (in go), intersection owned by neither player at the end of a game" }, { "example": "雪駄", "reading": "セッタ", "meaning": "leather-soled sandals (geta)" }, { "example": "足駄", "reading": "アシダ", "meaning": "high clogs, rain clogs" }, { "example": "中下駄", "reading": "チュウゲタ", "meaning": "medium height geta" }, { "example": "高下駄", "reading": "タカゲタ", "meaning": "tall wooden clogs" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "馬", "meaning": "horse" }, "parts": [ "丶", "大", "杰", "馬" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39364_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/099c4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/99c4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%A7%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "耐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1295", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": 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"reading": "セイタイ", "meaning": "bag manufacturing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "袋", "reading": "ふくろ", "meaning": "bag, sack, pouch, skin of an orange (and other like fruits), dead end, plot of land surrounded by water" }, { "example": "袋小路", "reading": "ふくろこうじ", "meaning": "blind alley, cul-de-sac, dead end street, deadlock, impasse, dead end" }, { "example": "空気袋", "reading": "くうきふくろ", "meaning": "air sac, bladder, air bag, windbag, type of inflatable air mattress" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "亠", "化", "弋", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34955_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0888b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/888b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A2%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "逮", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": 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"reading": "いただく", "meaning": "to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy, to eat, to drink, to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), to have (as one's leader), to live under (a ruler), to install (a president), to get somebody to do something" }, { "example": "戴くものは夏も小袖", "reading": "いただくものはなつもこそで", "meaning": "taking whatever one can get one's hands on, being greedy, accepting a padded silk sleeve even in summer" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "戈", "meaning": "spear, halberd" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "二", "土", "戈", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25140_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06234.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6234.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%88%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "滝", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": 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"聖卓", "reading": "セイタク", "meaning": "altar (esp. 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exploitation" }, { "example": "干拓", "reading": "カンタク", "meaning": "land reclamation (from sea)" }, { "example": "未開拓", "reading": "ミカイタク", "meaning": "undeveloped (area), unexplored (field of study), wild (areas), untapped area" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拓く", "reading": "ひらく", "meaning": "to open (e.g. path), to clear (the way), to break up (e.g. land)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "口", "扎", "石" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25299_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062d3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62d3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%93%23kanji" }, { "query": "託", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1021", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, 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"かこつけ", "meaning": "pretext, excuse" }, { "example": "託つける", "reading": "かこつける", "meaning": "to use as a pretext, to use as an excuse" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "乙", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35351_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a17.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a17.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A8%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "濯", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1698", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "laundry, wash, pour on, rinse", "kunyomi": [ "すす.ぐ", "ゆす.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "タク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "乾燥洗濯", "reading": "カンソウセンタク", "meaning": "dry cleaning" }, { "example": "鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯", "reading": "オニノイヌマニセンタク", "meaning": "playing while the cat is away, taking a break while the boss is out, doing what one wants when one is (finally) alone, relaxing while the demon is out" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "濯ぐ", "reading": "すすぐ", "meaning": "to rinse, to wash out, to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace" }, { "example": "濯ぐ", "reading": "すすぐ", "meaning": "to rinse, to wash out, to have one's revenge, to wipe out a disgrace" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "汁", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28655_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06fef.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6fef.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BF%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "諾", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1490", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "consent, assent, agreement", 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a heart, society, etc.), to be corrupted, to be polluted, to become voiced, to add voiced consonant marks" }, { "example": "濁す", "reading": "にごす", "meaning": "to make muddy (of a liquid), to make cloudy, to make turbid, to roil, to make ambiguous, to evade (e.g. the point), to be noncommittal about" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "勹", "汁", "虫", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28609_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06fc1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6fc1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BF%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "但", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2404", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "however, but", "kunyomi": [ "ただ.し" ], "onyomi": [ "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { 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"ダツゼイ", "meaning": "tax evasion" }, { "example": "逸脱", "reading": "イツダツ", "meaning": "deviation, departure, omission" }, { "example": "解脱", "reading": "ゲダツ", "meaning": "liberation from earthly desires and the woes of man, deliverance of one's soul, moksha, mukti, vimukti" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "脱ぐ", "reading": "ぬぐ", "meaning": "to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.), to undress" }, { "example": "脱げる", "reading": "ぬげる", "meaning": "to come off, to slip down, to slip off" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "儿", "口", "并", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33073_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08131.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8131.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%84%B1%23kanji" }, { "query": "奪", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", 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"誰が為に", "reading": "たがために", "meaning": "for whom" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "言", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35504_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08ab0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8ab0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AA%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "丹", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1402", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "rust-colored, red, red lead, pills, sincerity", "kunyomi": [ "に" ], "onyomi": [ "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "丹念", "reading": "タンネン", "meaning": "painstaking, careful, meticulous, scrupulous, detailed, elaborate" }, { "example": "丹精", "reading": "タンセイ", "meaning": "working earnestly, sincerity, diligence, effort, pains" }, { "example": "伊勢丹", "reading": 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"マイダン", "meaning": "dawn, daybreak" }, { "example": "震旦", "reading": "シンタン", "meaning": "(ancient) China" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "一", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26086_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/065e6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/65e6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%97%A6%23kanji" }, { "query": "胆", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1449", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "gall bladder, courage, pluck, nerve", "kunyomi": [ "きも" ], "onyomi": [ "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "肝", "reading": "キモ", "meaning": "liver, innards, courage, spirit, pluck, guts, crux, essential point" }, { "example": "胆石", "reading": "タンセキ", "meaning": "gallstones" }, { "example": "魂胆", "reading": "コンタン", "meaning": "ulterior motive, plot, scheme, complicated circumstances, intricacies" }, { "example": "剛胆", "reading": "ゴウタン", "meaning": "boldness, hardihood, courage, valour, valor" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "肝", "reading": "きも", "meaning": "liver, innards, courage, spirit, pluck, guts, crux, essential point" }, { "example": "肝いり", "reading": "きもいり", "meaning": "good offices, auspices, sponsorship, help, assistance, village official (during the Edo period)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "一", "日", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32966_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/080c6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/80c6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%83%86%23kanji" }, { "query": "淡", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", 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least 7.27 m in length, for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length, tip, extremity" }, { "example": "端緒", "reading": "タンショ", "meaning": "start, beginning, first step, clue" }, { "example": "末端", "reading": "マッタン", "meaning": "end, tip, extremities, terminal" }, { "example": "北端", "reading": "ホクタン", "meaning": "northern extremity" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "端", "reading": "はし", "meaning": "end (e.g. of street), tip, point, edge, margin, beginning, start, first, odds and ends, scrap, odd bit, least" }, { "example": "端", "reading": "はした", "meaning": "fraction, odd sum, odd money, small change, low class female servant" }, { "example": "木の端", "reading": "きのはし", "meaning": "fragment of wood" }, { "example": "道の端", "reading": "みちのはし", "meaning": "edge of a street" }, { "example": "端", "reading": "はし", "meaning": "end (e.g. of street), tip, point, edge, margin, beginning, start, first, odds and ends, scrap, odd bit, least" }, { "example": "端", "reading": "はした", "meaning": "fraction, odd sum, odd money, small change, low class female servant" }, { "example": "切り羽", "reading": "きりは", "meaning": "face (of a wall of coal or ore, etc.), working face (of a mine)" }, { "example": "継端", "reading": "つぎは", "meaning": "opportunity to continue a conversation" }, { "example": "側", "reading": "そば", "meaning": "near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while, third person" }, { "example": "端から", "reading": "はたから", "meaning": "from outside, from the side" }, { "example": "端", "reading": "はし", "meaning": "end (e.g. of street), tip, point, edge, margin, beginning, start, first, odds and ends, scrap, odd bit, least" }, { "example": "鼻先", "reading": "はなさき", "meaning": "tip of nose, before one's eyes, under one's nose, in front of, tip (of something)" }, { "example": "出鼻", "reading": "でばな", "meaning": "projecting part (of a headland, etc.), moment of departure, (on the) point of going out, outset, start, beginning" }, { "example": "上がり端", "reading": "あがりはな", "meaning": "entrance (i.e. of a Japanese house), start of a rise (e.g. in prices)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "立", "meaning": "stand, erect" }, "parts": [ "山", "立", "而" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31471_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07aef.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7aef.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%AB%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "綻", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "be rent, ripped, unravel, run, begin to open, smile", "kunyomi": [ "ほころ.びる" ], "onyomi": [ "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "経営破綻", "reading": "ケイエイハタン", "meaning": "business failure" }, { "example": "経済破綻", "reading": "ケイザイハタン", "meaning": "economic collapse, financial failure, bankruptcy" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "綻びる", "reading": "ほころびる", "meaning": "to come apart at the seams, to be ripped, to be torn, to begin to open, to begin to bloom, to smile broadly, to break into a smile" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "宀", "小", "幺", "疋", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32187_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07dbb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7dbb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B6%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "鍛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1793", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "forge, discipline, train", "kunyomi": [ "きた.える" ], "onyomi": [ "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鍛錬", "reading": "タンレン", "meaning": "tempering (metal), annealing, forging, toughening, disciplining, training" }, { "example": "鍛金", "reading": "タンキン", "meaning": "hammering" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鍛える", "reading": "きたえる", "meaning": "to forge, to temper, to drill, to train, to discipline" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "殳", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37723_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0935b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/935b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8D%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "弾", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "853", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "bullet, twang, flip, snap", "kunyomi": [ "ひ.く", "-ひ.き", "はず.む", "たま", "はじ.く", "はじ.ける", "ただ.す", "はじ.きゆみ" ], "onyomi": [ "ダン", "タン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "弾", "reading": "ダン", "meaning": "counter for parts (of a story, etc.)" }, { "example": "弾圧", "reading": "ダンアツ", "meaning": "oppression, suppression, pressure" }, { "example": "防弾", "reading": "ボウダン", "meaning": "bulletproof, bombproof" }, { "example": "砲弾", "reading": "ホウダン", "meaning": "shell, cannonball" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "弾く", "reading": "ひく", "meaning": "to play (a stringed or keyboard instrument)" }, { "example": "弾む", "reading": "はずむ", "meaning": "to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to pay handsomely, to splurge, to part eagerly with (money, etc.), to breathe hard, to pant, to be out of breath" }, { "example": "玉", "reading": "たま", "meaning": "ball, sphere, globe, orb, bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet, ball (in sports), pile (of noodles, etc.), bullet, bulb (i.e. a light bulb), lens (of glasses, etc.), bead (of an abacus), ball (i.e. a testicle), gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl, female entertainer (e.g. a geisha), person (when commenting on their nature), character, item, funds or person used as part of a plot, egg, coin, precious, beautiful, excellent" }, { "example": "弾傷", "reading": "たまきず", "meaning": "bullet wound, gunshot wound" }, { "example": "弾く", "reading": "はじく", "meaning": "to flip, to snap, to flick, to repel, to use (an abacus), to calculate, to strum, to pluck the strings (of a guitar, etc.)" }, { "example": "弾ける", "reading": "はじける", "meaning": "to burst open, to split open, to pop, to be bursting with (e.g. youth, laughter, flavor), to bounce, to bound" }, { "example": "弾正台", "reading": "だんじょうだい", "meaning": "Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office (1869-1871 CE), Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office (under the ritsuryo system)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "弓", "meaning": "bow" }, "parts": [ "十", "尚", "弓", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24382_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f3e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22727_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/058c7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/58c7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A3%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "恥", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1575", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "shame, dishonor", "kunyomi": [ "は.じる", "はじ", "は.じらう", "は.ずかしい" ], "onyomi": [ "チ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恥辱", "reading": "チジョク", "meaning": "disgrace, shame, insult" }, { "example": "恥丘", "reading": "チキュウ", "meaning": "mons pubis, mons veneris" }, { "example": "無恥", "reading": "ムチ", "meaning": "shameless" }, { "example": "羞恥", "reading": "シュウチ", "meaning": "shyness, bashfulness, shame" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "恥じる", "reading": "はじる", "meaning": "to feel ashamed" }, { "example": "恥", "reading": "はじ", "meaning": 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condole with (the bereaved family, etc.), to hold a memorial service for, to hold a funeral service for" }, { "example": "弔う", "reading": "とむらう", "meaning": "to mourn for, to grieve for, to condole with (the bereaved family, etc.), to hold a memorial service for, to hold a funeral service for" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "弓", "meaning": "bow" }, "parts": [ "弓", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24340_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f14.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f14.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BC%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "挑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "989", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "challenge, contend for, make love to", "kunyomi": [ "いど.む" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "挑発", "reading": "チョウハツ", "meaning": "provocation, stirring up, arousal, excitement, stimulation" }, { "example": "挑戦", "reading": "チョウセン", "meaning": "challenge, defiance, dare, attempt, try" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "挑む", "reading": "いどむ", "meaning": "to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.), to throw down the gauntlet, to contend for, to tackle (e.g. a problem), to attempt, to go after (a prize, record, etc.), to pressure (someone) for sex, to make advances to" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冫", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25361_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06311.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6311.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8C%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "彫", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": 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true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1726", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "stare, watch, look at, see, scrutinize", "kunyomi": [ "なが.める" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "眺望", "reading": "チョウボウ", "meaning": "prospect, view, outlook" }, { "example": "眺望権", "reading": "チョウボウケン", "meaning": "right to a view" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "眺める", "reading": "ながめる", "meaning": "to look at, to gaze at, to watch, to stare at, to look out over, to get a view of, to admire (e.g. the scenery), to look on (from the sidelines), to stand by and watch, to observe" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "目", "meaning": "eye" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冫", "目" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30522_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0773a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/773a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%9C%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "釣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1542", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "angling, fish, catch, allure, ensnare", "kunyomi": [ "つ.る", "つ.り", "つ.り-" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "釣果", "reading": "チョウカ", "meaning": "catch (fishing), amount of fish caught, caught fish" }, { "example": "釣菌", "reading": "チョウキン", "meaning": "extracting bacteria (from a petri dish, etc.)" }, { "example": "爆釣", "reading": "バクチョウ", "meaning": "big catch (of fish), big haul" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "釣る", "reading": "つる", "meaning": "to fish, to angle, to catch, to lure in, to tempt, to attract, to entice, to allure" }, { "example": "釣瓶", "reading": "つるべ", "meaning": "well bucket" }, { "example": "釣り", "reading": "つり", "meaning": "fishing, angling, change (for a purchase), trolling, writing deliberately inflammatory posts online" }, { "example": "釣り合い", "reading": "つりあい", "meaning": "balance, equilibrium" }, { "example": "雪釣り", "reading": "ゆきつり", "meaning": "game in which children use a piece of charcoal on a string to create and lift up snowballs" }, { "example": "雪吊り", "reading": "ゆきづり", "meaning": "placing ropes or wires around trees to protect them from the snow, ropes stretched from the top of a tree to the lower branches to prevent their breaking under heavy snow" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "丶", "勹", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37347_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/091e3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/91e3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%87%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "貼", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2444", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "stick, paste, apply", "kunyomi": [ "は.る", "つ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "テン", "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "貼付", "reading": "チョウフ", "meaning": "pasting, sticking, attaching, affixing, appending" }, { "example": "貼", "reading": "チョウ", "meaning": "counter for doses of medicine, etc." }, { "example": "貼付", "reading": "チョウフ", "meaning": "pasting, sticking, attaching, affixing, appending" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "張る", "reading": "はる", "meaning": "to stick, to paste, to affix, to stretch, to spread, to strain, to tighten, to put up (tent), to form (e.g. ice on a pond), to fill, to swell, to stick out, to put, to slap, to post (a link, etc. online), to be expensive, to keep a watch on, to be on the lookout, to become one tile away from completion, to span, to generate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "卜", "口", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36028_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08cbc.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8cbc.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B2%BC%23kanji" }, { "query": "超", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "597", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "transcend, super-, ultra-", "kunyomi": [ "こ.える", "こ.す" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "超", "reading": "チョウ", "meaning": "super-, ultra-, hyper-, extreme, extremely, really, totally, absolutely, over, more than" }, { "example": "超音波", "reading": "チョウオンパ", "meaning": "ultrasonic waves, ultrasound" }, { "example": "出超", "reading": "シュッチョウ", "meaning": "excess of exports, favorable balance of trade, favourable balance of trade" }, { "example": "入超", "reading": "ニュウチョウ", "meaning": "excess of imports" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "越える", "reading": "こえる", "meaning": "to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), to go beyond, to go past, to exceed, to surpass, to be more (than)" }, { "example": "越す", "reading": "こす", "meaning": "to cross over (e.g. mountain), to go across, to get over (e.g. hardship), to pass time (e.g. a winter), to surpass, to be better than, to exceed, to move house, to go, to come" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "走", "forms": [ "赱" ], "meaning": "run" }, "parts": [ "刀", "口", "土", "走" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36229_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08d85.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8d85.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B6%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "跳", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1716", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "hop, leap up, spring, jerk, prance, buck, splash, sputter, snap", "kunyomi": [ "は.ねる", "と.ぶ", "-と.び" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "跳躍", "reading": "チョウヤク", "meaning": "jump, leap, skip, bound" }, { "example": "跳馬", "reading": "チョウバ", "meaning": "long horse (for vaulting)" }, { "example": "反跳", "reading": "ハンチョウ", "meaning": "(physical) recoil" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "跳ねる", "reading": "はねる", "meaning": "to jump, to leap, to prance, to spring up, to bound, to hop, to break up, to close, to come to an end, to hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)" }, { "example": "飛ぶ", "reading": "とぶ", "meaning": "to fly, to soar, to jump, to leap, to spring, to bound, to hop, to spatter, to scatter, to splash, to fly (e.g. of sparks), to hurry, to rush, to flee, to run off, to escape, to disappear, to vanish, to fade, to thin out, to break off, to come off, to fall off, to blow (of a fuse), to be sent out (of an order), to fly (of false rumours, catcalls, etc.), to come flying (of a punch, kick, etc.), to be missing (of a page, stitch, etc.), to skip, to jump (e.g. of a conversation)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "足", "forms": [ "⻊" ], "meaning": "foot" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冫", "口", "止", "足" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36339_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08df3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8df3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B7%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "徴", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "850", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "indications, sign, omen, symptom, collect, seek, refer to, question", "kunyomi": [ "しるし" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ", "チ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "徴", "reading": "チョウ", "meaning": "sign, indication, symptom, call, summons, requisition, expropriation" }, { "example": "兆候", "reading": "チョウコウ", "meaning": "sign, indication, omen, symptom" }, { "example": "追徴", "reading": "ツイチョウ", "meaning": "supplementary charge, additional collection" }, { "example": "吉兆", "reading": "キッチョウ", "meaning": "lucky omen, good omen" }, { "example": "徴", "reading": "チ", "meaning": "fourth degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale)" }, { "example": "徴", "reading": "チョウ", "meaning": "sign, indication, symptom, call, summons, requisition, expropriation" }, { "example": "変徴", "reading": "ヘンチ", "meaning": "note a semitone below the fourth degree of the Chinese and Japanese pentatonic scale" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "徴", "reading": "しるし", "meaning": "sign, indication, omen" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "彳", "meaning": "step" }, "parts": [ "乞", "山", "彳", "攵", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24500_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05fb4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5fb4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BE%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "嘲", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "ridicule, insult", "kunyomi": [ "あざけ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ", "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "嘲笑", "reading": "チョウショウ", "meaning": "scornful laughter, ridicule, derision, sneer" }, { "example": "嘲罵", "reading": "チョウバ", "meaning": "(verbal) abuse, insulting remark, taunt" }, { "example": "自嘲", "reading": "ジチョウ", "meaning": "self-deprecation, self-derision, self-mockery, laughing at oneself" }, { "example": "冷嘲", "reading": "レイチョウ", "meaning": "sneer, derision, scornful laugh" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "嘲る", "reading": "あざける", "meaning": "to scoff, to laugh at, to make fun of, to ridicule, to jeer at" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "十", "口", "日", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22066_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05632.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5632.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%98%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "澄", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1722", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave", "kunyomi": [ "す.む", "す.ます", "-す.ます" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "澄徹", "reading": "チョウテツ", "meaning": "clearness (e.g. sky), transparency" }, { "example": "澄明", "reading": "チョウメイ", "meaning": "clear and bright" }, { "example": "清澄", "reading": "セイチョウ", "meaning": "clear, serene" }, { "example": "明澄", "reading": "メイチョウ", "meaning": "lucid, clear" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "澄む", "reading": "すむ", "meaning": "to become clear (water, air, etc.), to become transparent, to resonate clearly (e.g. voice), to become serene, to become tranquil, to be free of worries, to pronounce as an unvoiced sound" }, { "example": "澄ます", "reading": "すます", "meaning": "to clear, to make clear, to be unruffled, to look unconcerned, to feign indifference, to look demure, to look prim, to put on airs, to strain (one's ears), to listen carefully" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "口", "并", "汁", "癶", "豆" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28548_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06f84.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6f84.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BE%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "聴", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "781", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "listen, headstrong, naughty, careful inquiry", "kunyomi": [ "き.く", "ゆる.す" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ", "テイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "聴講", "reading": "チョウコウ", "meaning": "lecture attendance, auditing" }, { "example": "聴覚", "reading": "チョウカク", "meaning": "the sense of hearing" }, { "example": "難聴", "reading": "ナンチョウ", "meaning": "hardness of hearing, bradyacusia, deafness, hearing loss" }, { "example": "愛聴", "reading": "アイチョウ", "meaning": "loving listening to something, loving to listen to something" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "聞く", "reading": "きく", "meaning": "to hear, to listen (e.g. to music), to ask, to enquire, to query, to hear about, to hear of, to learn of, to follow (advice, order, etc.), to obey, to listen to, to comply with, to hear (e.g. a plea), to grant (a request), to accept (e.g. an argument), to give consideration to, to smell (esp. incense), to sample (a fragrance), to taste (alcohol), to try" }, { "example": "許す", "reading": "ゆるす", "meaning": "to permit, to allow, to approve, to consent to, to forgive, to pardon, to excuse, to tolerate, to exempt (someone) from, to remit, to release, to let off, to acknowledge, to admit, to trust, to confide in, to let one's guard down, to give up (points in a game, distance in a race, etc.), to yield" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "耳", "meaning": "ear" }, "parts": [ "十", "心", "耳", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32884_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08074.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8074.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%81%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "懲", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1303", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "penal, chastise, punish, discipline", "kunyomi": [ "こ.りる", "こ.らす", "こ.らしめる" ], "onyomi": [ "チョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "懲戒", "reading": "チョウカイ", "meaning": "discipline, punishment, reprimand" }, { "example": "懲役", "reading": "チョウエキ", "meaning": "penal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour)" }, { "example": "膺懲", "reading": "ヨウチョウ", "meaning": "punishment (of an enemy), chastisement" }, { "example": "暴支膺懲", "reading": "ボウシヨウチョウ", "meaning": "punishing savage China" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "懲りる", "reading": "こりる", "meaning": "to learn by experience, to learn one's lesson, to learn the hard way, to be discouraged (by), to have enough (of), to be disgusted (with)" }, { "example": "懲らす", "reading": "こらす", "meaning": "to chastise, to punish, to discipline" }, { "example": "懲らしめる", "reading": "こらしめる", "meaning": "to chastise, to punish, to discipline" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "乞", "山", "彳", "心", "攵", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25074_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/061f2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/61f2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%87%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "勅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2157", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "imperial order", "kunyomi": [ "いまし.める", "みことのり" ], "onyomi": [ "チョク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詔", "reading": "ミコトノリ", "meaning": "imperial decree, imperial edict" }, { "example": "勅意", "reading": "チョクイ", "meaning": "meaning or gist of a decree" }, { "example": "違勅", "reading": "イチョク", "meaning": "disobeying the emperor's order" }, { "example": "回勅", "reading": "カイチョク", "meaning": "encyclical" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "詔", "reading": "みことのり", "meaning": "imperial decree, imperial edict" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "力", "meaning": "power, force" }, "parts": [ "一", "力", "口", "木", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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aquilaria tree, lign aloes" }, { "example": "沈香も焚かず屁も放らず", "reading": "ジンコウモタカズヘモヒラズ", "meaning": "having few faults as well as few virtues, not burning agarwood (incense); not passing wind" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "沈む", "reading": "しずむ", "meaning": "to sink, to go under, to submerge, to go down (e.g. sun), to set, to descend, to feel depressed, to become subdued, to become somber" }, { "example": "沈む瀬あれば浮かぶ瀬あり", "reading": "しずむせあればうかぶせあり", "meaning": "life has its ups and downs, he who falls today may rise tomorrow" }, { "example": "沈める", "reading": "しずめる", "meaning": "to sink (e.g. a ship), to submerge, to lower (e.g. one's body into a chair), to floor (an opponent)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "冖", "尢", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27784_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06c88.svg", 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"阝" ], "meaning": "mound, dam (阝 left)" }, "parts": [ "一", "日", "木", "田", "阡", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38515_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09673.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9673.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%99%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "鎮", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1617", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "tranquilize, ancient peace-preservation centers", "kunyomi": [ "しず.める", "しず.まる", "おさえ" ], "onyomi": [ "チン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鎮", "reading": "チン", "meaning": "a weight, temple supervisor, town (of China)" }, { "example": "鎮圧", "reading": "チンアツ", "meaning": "suppression, subjugation" }, { "example": "重鎮", "reading": "ジュウチン", "meaning": "leader, authority, mainstay" }, { "example": "郷鎮", "reading": "ゴウチン", "meaning": "township and village enterprises (in China), TVE" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "静める", "reading": "しずめる", "meaning": "to appease, to suppress, to calm" }, { "example": "静まる", "reading": "しずまる", "meaning": "to become quiet, to quiet down, to quieten down, to calm down, to die down, to subside, to abate, to be suppressed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "十", "并", "目", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37806_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/093ae.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/93ae.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8E%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "椎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1911", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "chinquapin, mallet, spine", "kunyomi": [ "つち", "う.つ" 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"お.つ" ], "onyomi": [ "ツイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "墜落", "reading": "ツイラク", "meaning": "fall, crash (e.g. aircraft)" }, { "example": "墜死", "reading": "ツイシ", "meaning": "falling to one's death" }, { "example": "人気失墜", "reading": "ニンキシッツイ", "meaning": "decline in public favor, fall in popularity" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "落ちる", "reading": "おちる", "meaning": "to fall down, to drop, to fall (e.g. rain), to sink (e.g. sun or moon), to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze), to be used in a certain place (e.g. money), to be omitted, to be missing, to decrease, to sink, to fail (e.g. exam or class), to lose (contest, election, etc.), to crash, to degenerate, to degrade, to fall behind, to become indecent (of a conversation), to be ruined, to go under, to fade, to come out (e.g. a stain), to come off (e.g. makeup), to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list), to fall (into someone's hands), to become someone's possession, to fall (into a trap), to fall (for a trick), to give in, to give up, to confess, to flee, to fall, to be defeated, to surrender, to come to (in the end), to end in, to fall (in love, asleep, etc.), to swoon (judo), to consent, to understand, to go down (of a website, server, etc.), to crash, to log out (of an online game, chat room, etc.), to drop out, to leave, to go offline, to die, to move to the depths, to go down (of a website, server, etc.)" }, { "example": "落つ", "reading": "おつ", "meaning": "to fall down, to drop, to fall (e.g. rain), to sink (e.g. sun or moon), to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze), to be omitted, to be missing, to crash, to degenerate, to degrade, to fall behind, to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list), to fall (into someone's hands), to become someone's possession, to fall, to be defeated, to surrender" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "土", "并", "豕", "阡" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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"reading": "つぼあたり", "meaning": "per tsubo (area)" }, { "example": "米坪", "reading": "べいつぼ", "meaning": "paper weight in gsm" }, { "example": "立坪", "reading": "りゅうつぼ", "meaning": "cubic tsubo (approx. 6 cubic metres)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "土", "干", "并" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22378_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0576a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/576a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%9D%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "爪", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2025", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "claw, nail, talon", "kunyomi": [ "つめ", "つま-" ], "onyomi": [ "ソウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "爪牙", "reading": "ソウガ", "meaning": "claws and fangs, claws and tusks, clutches, devious design, means of causing harm, weapon, pawn, stooge, cat's-paw, right-hand man" }, { "example": "爪痕", "reading": "ソウコン", "meaning": "fingernail mark, scratch" }, { "example": "陥入爪", "reading": "カンニュウソウ", "meaning": "ingrown nail, ingrowing nail" }, { "example": "狼爪", "reading": "ロウソウ", "meaning": "dewclaw" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "爪", "reading": "つめ", "meaning": "nail (e.g. fingernail, toenail), claw, talon, hoof, plectrum, pick, hook, clasp" }, { "example": "爪切り", "reading": "つめきり", "meaning": "nail clippers" }, { "example": "陥入爪", "reading": "かんにゅうそう", "meaning": "ingrown nail, ingrowing nail" }, { "example": "鷹の爪", "reading": "たかのつめ", "meaning": "Gamblea innovans (species of deciduous tree), extremely spicy form of chili pepper, variety of high-quality green tea" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "爪", "forms": [ "爫" ], "meaning": "claw" }, "parts": [ "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29226_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"meaning": "crane (any bird of the family Gruidae, esp. the red-crowned crane, Grus japonensis)" }, { "example": "ツル科", "reading": "ツルか", "meaning": "Gruidae, bird family comprising the cranes" }, { "example": "掃き溜めに鶴", "reading": "はきだめにつる", "meaning": "a jewel in a dunghill" }, { "example": "焼け野の雉夜の鶴", "reading": "やけののきぎすよるのつる", "meaning": "parents may risk life and limb for their children (like a pheasant when the plains are burning or a crane on a cold night)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "鳥", "meaning": "bird" }, "parts": [ "冖", "宀", "杰", "隹", "鳥" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/40372_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09db4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9db4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%B6%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "呈", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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"reading": "リョウテイ", "meaning": "ryotei, traditional Japanese restaurant (esp. a luxurious one)" }, { "example": "亭亭", "reading": "テイテイ", "meaning": "lofty (tree)" }, { "example": "亭", "reading": "テイ", "meaning": "arbor, arbour, bower, pavilion, suffix forming the final part of the pseudonyms of some writers and performers, suffix forming the final part of the name of a restaurant" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "亠", "meaning": "lid" }, "parts": [ "亅", "亠", "冖", "口" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20141_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04ead.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4ead.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BA%AD%23kanji" }, { "query": "貞", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1389", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "upright, chastity, 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"内偵", "reading": "ナイテイ", "meaning": "secret investigation, private enquiry, private inquiry, reconnaissance, scouting" }, { "example": "密偵", "reading": "ミッテイ", "meaning": "spy, emissary" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "化", "卜", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20597_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05075.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5075.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%81%B5%23kanji" }, { "query": "堤", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1658", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "dike, bank, embankment", "kunyomi": [ "つつみ" ], "onyomi": [ "テイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "堤防", "reading": "テイボウ", "meaning": "bank, weir, embankment, levee" }, { "example": "提出", 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"N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1433", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "rowboat, small boat", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "テイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "艇", "reading": "テイ", "meaning": "boat" }, { "example": "艇庫", "reading": "テイコ", "meaning": "boat-house" }, { "example": "艦艇", "reading": "カンテイ", "meaning": "military vessel, war fleet" }, { "example": "競艇", "reading": "キョウテイ", "meaning": "boat race" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "舟", "meaning": "boat" }, "parts": [ "廴", "王", "舟" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33351_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08247.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8247.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%89%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "締", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "797", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": 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cut down on, to salt, to marinate, to pickle, to make sushi adding a mixture of vinegar and salt" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "亠", "冖", "小", "巾", "并", "幺", "立", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32224_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07de0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7de0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B7%A0%23kanji" }, { "query": "諦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2457", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "truth, clarity, abandon, give up", "kunyomi": [ "あきら.める", "つまびらか", "まこと" ], "onyomi": [ "テイ", "タイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "諦観", "reading": "テイカン", "meaning": "clear vision, resignation (as in reconciling oneself)" }, { "example": "諦念", "reading": "テイネン", "meaning": "understanding and acceptance, spiritual awakening, a heart that understands truth, (feeling of) resignation" }, { "example": "妙諦", "reading": "ミョウテイ", "meaning": "amazing truth, cardinal principle, key (to understanding)" }, { "example": "要諦", "reading": "ヨウテイ", "meaning": "important point" }, { "example": "空諦", "reading": "クウタイ", "meaning": "truth of emptiness (holding that all things are void)" }, { "example": "道諦", "reading": "ドウタイ", "meaning": "truth of the way to the cessation of suffering" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "諦める", "reading": "あきらめる", "meaning": "to give up, to abandon (hope, plans), to resign oneself (to)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "亠", "冖", "巾", "并", "立", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35558_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08ae6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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quagmire, morass, quandary, dire situation from which one cannot extricate oneself, imbroglio" }, { "example": "泥水", "reading": "ドロミズ", "meaning": "muddy water, red-light district" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "泥", "reading": "どろ", "meaning": "mud, slush, (wet) dirt, mire, thief" }, { "example": "泥沼", "reading": "どろぬま", "meaning": "bog, marsh, swamp, quagmire, morass, quandary, dire situation from which one cannot extricate oneself, imbroglio" }, { "example": "泥々", "reading": "どろどろ", "meaning": "thick, viscous, mushy, pulpy, slushy, syrupy, sticky, muddy, dirty (with oil, grease, etc.), to be in an ugly state (of emotions, relations, etc.), to be murky, to be sordid" }, { "example": "警泥", "reading": "けいどろ", "meaning": "cops and robbers (hide-and-seek game)" }, { "example": "泥む", "reading": "なずむ", "meaning": "to cling to, to stick to, to be wedded to" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "匕", "尸", "汁" ], 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"N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "811", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "remove, withdraw, disarm, dismantle, reject, exclude", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "テツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "乞", "亠", "厶", "扎", "攵", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25764_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/064a4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/64a4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%92%A4%23kanji" }, { "query": "添", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1501", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate", "kunyomi": [ "そ.える", "そ.う" ], "onyomi": [ "テン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "添乗", "reading": "テンジョウ", "meaning": "accompanying (on a trip), escorting (a tour group)" }, { "example": "添加物", "reading": "テンカブツ", "meaning": "additive" }, { "example": "水添", "reading": "スイテン", "meaning": "hydrogenation" }, { "example": "別添", "reading": "ベッテン", "meaning": "attachment, annexation, addendum, appendix" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "添える", "reading": "そえる", "meaning": "to garnish, to accompany (as a card does a gift), to add to as support, to prop up, to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.), to mimic, to imitate, to draw something near to oneself, to approach nearby" }, { "example": "添う", "reading": "そう", "meaning": "to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.), to satisfy, to comply with, to live up to, to accompany, to go with, to stay by one's side, to associate with (someone), to mix with, to marry, to wed, to be added" }, { "example": "添水", "reading": "そうず", "meaning": "water-filled bamboo tube in Japanese garden which clacks against a stone when emptied" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", 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{ "example": "装填", "reading": "ソウテン", "meaning": "loading, charging, filling" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "嵌める", "reading": "はめる", "meaning": "to insert, to put in (such that there is a snug fit), to button, to put on (something that envelops, e.g. gloves, ring), to have sex, to fuck, to pigeonhole (into a particular category), to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs), to entrap, to set someone up (e.g. frame them for a crime, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22625_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05861.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5861.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A1%A1%23kanji" }, { "query": "殿", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1199", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "Mr., hall, mansion, palace, temple, lord", "kunyomi": [ "との", "-どの" ], "onyomi": [ "デン", "テン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "殿堂", "reading": "デンドウ", "meaning": "palace, hall, shrine, temple, sanctuary, hall of fame" }, { "example": "殿下", "reading": "デンカ", "meaning": "your Highness, his Highness, her Highness" }, { "example": "拝殿", "reading": "ハイデン", "meaning": "front shrine, hall of worship" }, { "example": "正殿", "reading": "セイデン", "meaning": "main temple, main building of a shrine, alternate name for the Shishiden, Hall for State Ceremonies, central building of a palace, State Chamber" }, { "example": "殿下", "reading": "デンカ", "meaning": "your Highness, his Highness, her Highness" }, { "example": "殿上", "reading": "テンジョウ", "meaning": "the court, palace circles, palace floor" }, { "example": "御殿", "reading": "ゴテン", "meaning": "palace, court" }, { "example": "紫御殿", "reading": "ムラサキゴテン", "meaning": "wandering jew (Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'), purple secretia, purple-heart, purple queen" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "殿", "reading": "との", "meaning": "feudal lord, mansion, palace" }, { "example": "殿様", "reading": "とのさま", "meaning": "nobleman, dignitary, lord, feudal lord (of the Edo period), daimyō, man brought up away from the world, arrogant man with little knowledge of the ways of the world" }, { "example": "大殿", "reading": "おおとの", "meaning": "current master, father of one's current master, minister (of government), noble, nobleman's residence" }, { "example": "若殿", "reading": "わかとの", "meaning": "young lord, successor of one's current lord" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "殳", "meaning": "weapon, lance" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "二", "几", "又", "尸", "殳", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27583_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06bbf.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6bbf.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%AE%BF%23kanji" }, { "query": "斗", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1885", "strokeCount": 4, "meaning": "Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68)", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ト", "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "斗", "reading": "ト", "meaning": "to, traditional unit of volume, approx. 18 litres, square bearing block (at the top of a pillar), Chinese \"Dipper\" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)" }, { "example": "斗", "reading": "トマス", "meaning": "kanji radical 68 at right" }, { "example": "星斗", "reading": "セイト", "meaning": "star" }, { "example": "泰斗", "reading": "タイト", "meaning": "great authority, eminent person, luminary" }, { "example": "闘争", "reading": "トウソウ", "meaning": "fight, battle, combat, conflict, struggle (for rights, higher wages, etc.), strife, (labor) dispute, strike" }, { "example": "闘魂", "reading": "トウコン", "meaning": "fighting spirit" }, { "example": "擬斗", "reading": "ギトウ", "meaning": "fight scene, stage combat, staged sword fight" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "斗", "meaning": "dipper" }, "parts": [ "斗" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26007_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06597.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6597.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%96%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "吐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1674", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "spit, vomit, belch, confess, tell (lies)", "kunyomi": [ "は.く", "つ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ト" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "吐露", "reading": "トロ", "meaning": "expressing one's mind, speaking out" }, { "example": "吐息", "reading": "トイキ", "meaning": "sigh, long breath" }, { "example": "噴出性嘔吐", "reading": "フンシュツセイオウト", "meaning": "projectile vomiting" }, { "example": "音吐", "reading": "オント", "meaning": "voice" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "吐く", "reading": "はく", "meaning": "to vomit, to throw up, to spit up, to emit, to send forth, to breathe out, to give (an opinion), to make (a comment), to express, to tell, to confess" }, { "example": "吐く息", "reading": "はくいき", "meaning": "exhaled air, one's breath" }, { "example": "吐く", "reading": "つく", "meaning": "to breathe out, to breathe, to tell (a lie), to use (foul language), to vomit, to throw up, to spit up" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "口", "土" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21520_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05410.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5410.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%90%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "妬", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "jealous, envy", "kunyomi": [ "ねた.む", "そね.む", "つも.る", "ふさ.ぐ" ], "onyomi": [ "ト", "ツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "妬心", "reading": "トシン", "meaning": "jealousy" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "妬む", "reading": "ねたむ", "meaning": "to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge" }, { "example": "嫉む", "reading": "そねむ", "meaning": "to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "口", "女", "石" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22956_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/059ac.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/59ac.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A6%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "途", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior 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Confucian or Buddhist), dogma, field (e.g. of medicine), subject, speciality, means, way, method" }, { "example": "冥き途", "reading": "くらきみち", "meaning": "Hades, underworld, realm of the dead, other world" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "个", "亅", "木", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36884_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09014.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9014.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%80%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "渡", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "446", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate", "kunyomi": [ "わた.る", "-わた.る", "わた.す" ], "onyomi": [ "ト" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渡航", "reading": "トコウ", "meaning": "voyage, passage, travelling" }, { "example": "渡欧", "reading": "トオウ", "meaning": "going to Europe" }, { "example": "過渡", "reading": "カト", "meaning": "crossing, ferry, transient, changing old to new" }, { "example": "譲渡", "reading": "ジョウト", "meaning": "transfer, assignment, conveyance" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "渡る", "reading": "わたる", "meaning": "to cross over, to go across, to extend, to cover, to range, to span" }, { "example": "渡る世間に鬼はない", "reading": "わたるせけんにおにはない", "meaning": "all people aren't evil, don't distrust everyone, there is kindness to be found everywhere" }, { "example": "渡す", "reading": "わたす", "meaning": "to ferry across (e.g. a river), to carry across, to traverse, to lay across, to build across, to hand over, to hand in, to pass, to give, to transfer" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "又", "广", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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to lacquer, to varnish, to spread, to smear, to put up (wallpaper)" }, { "example": "塗り", "reading": "ぬり", "meaning": "coating (esp. lacquering)" }, { "example": "塗り替える", "reading": "ぬりかえる", "meaning": "to repaint, to paint again, to break (a record), to rewrite, to remake" }, { "example": "春慶塗", "reading": "しゅんけいぬり", "meaning": "Shunkei lacquerware, lacquerware created using transparent lacquer on yellow or red-stained wood, allowing the natural wood grain to be seen" }, { "example": "中塗り", "reading": "なかぬり", "meaning": "intermediate coat of paint or lacquer, second coat" }, { "example": "塗れる", "reading": "まみれる", "meaning": "to be smeared, to be covered" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "个", "亅", "土", "木", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22615_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05857.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5857.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A1%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "賭", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1989", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "gamble, wager, bet", "kunyomi": [ "か.ける", "かけ" ], "onyomi": [ "ト" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "賭博", "reading": "トバク", "meaning": "gambling" }, { "example": "賭場", "reading": "トバ", "meaning": "gambling den, gambling house" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "賭ける", "reading": "かける", "meaning": "to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble" }, { "example": "賭け", "reading": "かけ", "meaning": "bet, wager, stake, gamble" }, { "example": "賭ける", "reading": "かける", "meaning": "to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "日", "目", "老", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36077_frames.png", 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"example": "臣", "reading": "やつこ", "meaning": "slave, retainer, servant, captive, varlet, I, me" }, { "example": "懲りない奴", "reading": "こりないやつ", "meaning": "person (generally male) who won't learn their lesson, persistent jerk" }, { "example": "何奴", "reading": "どいつ", "meaning": "who?" }, { "example": "奴", "reading": "やっこ", "meaning": "servant (esp. a samurai's attendant), chivalrous man (Edo period), cubed tofu (often served cold), kite shaped like an Edo-period footman, Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants, enslavement (of a woman; Edo-period punishment for her own or her husband's crime), he, she, him, her" }, { "example": "奴頭", "reading": "やっこあたま", "meaning": "Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants" }, { "example": "輪抜奴", "reading": "わぬけやっこ", "meaning": "bluering angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis)" }, { "example": "三下奴", "reading": "さんしたやっこ", "meaning": "petty underling, small fry" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "又", "女" 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"onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "到着", "reading": "トウチャク", "meaning": "arrival" }, { "example": "到達", "reading": "トウタツ", "meaning": "reaching, attaining, arrival" }, { "example": "前人未到", "reading": "ゼンジンミトウ", "meaning": "untrodden (region, field of study, etc.), unprecedented (discovery, achievement, etc.)" }, { "example": "精到", "reading": "セイトウ", "meaning": "meticulous" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "至る", "reading": "いたる", "meaning": "to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain, to lead to (a place), to get to, in the extreme case of, to come, to arrive, to result in" }, { "example": "至る所", "reading": "いたるところ", "meaning": "everywhere, all over, throughout" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [ "刈", "厶", "土", "至" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21040_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05230.svg", 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{ "example": "逃す", "reading": "のがす", "meaning": "to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away, to set free, to let go, to fail to ..." }, { "example": "逃れる", "reading": "のがれる", "meaning": "to escape" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冫", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36867_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09003.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9003.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%80%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "倒", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "791", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "overthrow, fall, collapse, drop, break down", "kunyomi": [ "たお.れる", "-だお.れ", "たお.す", "さかさま", "さかさ", "さかしま" ], "onyomi": [ "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "倒産", "reading": "トウサン", "meaning": "(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business" }, { "example": "倒閣", "reading": "トウカク", "meaning": "overthrow of government" }, { "example": "傾倒", "reading": "ケイトウ", "meaning": "devoting oneself to, concentrating on, being an ardent admirer of, having great esteem for, tipping over and collapsing" }, { "example": "風倒", "reading": "フウトウ", "meaning": "falling due to a strong wind, being toppled by the wind" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "倒れる", "reading": "たおれる", "meaning": "to fall (over, down), to collapse, to take a fall, to topple, to be destroyed (in a collapse), to collapse, to cave in, to crumble, to give away, to be confined to bed (with an illness), to come down with, to break down (e.g. from overwork), to die, to be killed, to go bankrupt (of a company, bank, etc.), to fail, to collapse, to go under, to be defeated (in a game), to lose, to fall (of a government, dictator, etc.), to be overthrown" }, { "example": "倒す", "reading": "たおす", "meaning": "to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down, to set (something) down on its side, to turn (something) on its side, to recline (e.g. a seat), to kill, to defeat, to beat, to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin, to leave unpaid, to cheat" }, { "example": "逆さま", "reading": "さかさま", "meaning": "inverted, upside down, reversed, back to front" }, { "example": "逆様事", "reading": "さかさまごと", "meaning": "child dying before parents, occurrence out of sequence, wrong order" }, { "example": "逆さま", "reading": "さかさま", "meaning": "inverted, upside down, reversed, back to front" }, { "example": "逆さ", "reading": "さかさ", "meaning": "inverted, upside down, reversed, back to front" }, { "example": "逆しま", "reading": "さかしま", "meaning": "reverse, inversion, upside down, unreasonable, absurd, wrong" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "刈", "化", "厶", "土", "至" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20498_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05012.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5012.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%80%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "凍", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1284", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "frozen, congeal, refrigerate", "kunyomi": [ "こお.る", "こご.える", "こご.る", "い.てる", "し.みる" ], "onyomi": [ "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "凍結", "reading": "トウケツ", "meaning": "freezing (e.g. water), freezing (prices, wages, assets, etc.), moratorium, suspension (e.g. investment)" }, { "example": "凍死", "reading": "トウシ", "meaning": "death from cold, freezing to death" }, { "example": "解凍", "reading": "カイトウ", "meaning": "thaw, defrosting, decompression (e.g. of a file), unpacking, extracting, unzipping" }, { "example": "自動解凍", "reading": "ジドウカイトウ", "meaning": "self-extracting (file)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "凍る", "reading": "こおる", "meaning": "to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal" }, { "example": "凍える", "reading": "こごえる", "meaning": "to freeze (of one's body), to be frozen, to become numb (with cold), to be chilled" }, { "example": "凍てる", "reading": "いてる", "meaning": "to freeze, to freeze over" }, { "example": "凍みる", "reading": "しみる", "meaning": "to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "冫", "meaning": "ice" }, "parts": [ "一", "冫", "日", "木", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20941_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/051cd.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/51cd.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%87%8D%23kanji" }, { "query": "唐", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1727", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "T'ang, China, foreign", "kunyomi": [ "から" ], "onyomi": [ "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "唐", "reading": "トウ", "meaning": "Tang dynasty (China, 618-907), T'ang dynasty, China, foreign country" }, { "example": "唐土", "reading": "モロコシ", "meaning": "China, Chinese" }, { "example": "頽唐", "reading": "タイトウ", "meaning": "decadence, decline" }, { "example": "後唐", "reading": "コウトウ", "meaning": "Later Tang dynasty (China, 923-937), Later T'ang dynasty" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "唐", "reading": "から", "meaning": "China (sometimes also used in ref. to Korea or other foreign countries)" }, { "example": "空手", "reading": "からて", "meaning": "karate, empty handed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "一", "口", "广", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21776_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05510.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5510.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%94%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "桃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1784", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "peach", "kunyomi": [ "もも" ], "onyomi": [ "トウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "桃花", "reading": "トウカ", "meaning": "peach blossom" }, { "example": "桃源", "reading": "トウゲン", "meaning": "earthly paradise, Shangri-la" }, { "example": "寿星桃", "reading": "ジュセイトウ", "meaning": "Prunus persica var. densa (Chinese variety of peach)" }, { "example": "黄桃", "reading": "オウトウ", "meaning": "yellow peach" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "桃", "reading": "もも", "meaning": "peach (Prunus persica)" }, { "example": "桃色", "reading": "ももいろ", "meaning": "pink (colour, color), colour of peach (flowers)" }, { "example": "椿桃", "reading": "つばいもも", "meaning": "nectarine" }, { "example": "苔桃", "reading": "こけもも", 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"シジョウシントウ", "meaning": "market penetration" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "透く", "reading": "すく", "meaning": "to be transparent, to leave a gap" }, { "example": "透かす", "reading": "すかす", "meaning": "to look through, to hold up to the light, to make an opening, to leave space, to space (lines), to prune (trees), to fart without making a sound" }, { "example": "透ける", "reading": "すける", "meaning": "to be transparent, to show through" }, { "example": "透水", "reading": "とうすい", "meaning": "permeation (e.g. of water), percolation, seepage" }, { "example": "透水性", "reading": "とうすいせい", "meaning": "permeability" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", "forms": [ "辶", "⻌", "⻍" ], "meaning": "walk" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乃", "禾", "込" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36879_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0900f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"reading": "コウトウ", "meaning": "highbrow, aloof, transcendent" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "踏む", "reading": "ふむ", "meaning": "to step on, to tread on, to trample on, to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil), to stand on, to visit, to experience, to undergo, to follow (rules, principles, etc.), to go through (e.g. formalities), to complete, to estimate, to guess, to judge, to value, to appraise, to rhyme, to succeed to (e.g. the throne)" }, { "example": "踏まえる", "reading": "ふまえる", "meaning": "to be based on, to take into account, to build upon, to have origin in, to have one's feet firmly planted on, to plant oneself on" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "足", "forms": [ "⻊" ], "meaning": "foot" }, "parts": [ "口", "日", "止", "水", "足" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36367_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08e0f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"トツゼン", "meaning": "abrupt, sudden, unexpected" }, { "example": "強制衝突", "reading": "キョウセイショウトツ", "meaning": "collision enforcement" }, { "example": "非弾性衝突", "reading": "ヒダンセイショウトツ", "meaning": "inelastic collision" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "突く", "reading": "つく", "meaning": "to prick, to stab, to poke, to prod, to push, to thrust, to nudge, to hit, to strike, to use (a cane), to prop oneself up with, to press against (the floor, etc.), to attack, to brave (the rain, etc.)" }, { "example": "突棒", "reading": "つくぼう", "meaning": "barbed T-shaped weapon for catching thieves (Edo period)" }, { "example": "麦突", "reading": "むぎつく", "meaning": "Pungtungia herzi (species of cyprinid)" }, { "example": "剣突く", "reading": "けんつく", "meaning": "rough scolding, upbraiding, tongue-lashing, dressing-down" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "穴", "meaning": "cave" }, "parts": [ "儿", "大", "宀", "穴" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31361_frames.png", 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slowing down" }, { "example": "焼鈍", "reading": "ショウドン", "meaning": "annealing" }, { "example": "愚鈍", "reading": "グドン", "meaning": "stupidity, silliness, asininity, imbecility, dim-wittedness" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "鈍い", "reading": "にぶい", "meaning": "dull (e.g. a knife), blunt, thickheaded, obtuse, stupid, dull (sound, color, etc.), dim (light), slow, sluggish, inert, lethargic, insensitive, dull (e.g. reflexes), unperceptive, unfeeling" }, { "example": "鈍い音", "reading": "にぶいおと", "meaning": "dull sound, muffled sound" }, { "example": "鈍る", "reading": "にぶる", "meaning": "to become blunt, to grow dull, to become less capable, to weaken, to falter" }, { "example": "鈍る", "reading": "にぶる", "meaning": "to become blunt, to grow dull, to become less capable, to weaken, to falter" }, { "example": "鈍ら", "reading": "なまくら", "meaning": "blunt (e.g. sword), dull, lazy, cowardly, good for nothing" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ 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slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "日", "meaning": "sun, day" }, "parts": [ "二", "厶", "日", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26311_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/066c7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/66c7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9B%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "丼", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2088", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "bowl, bowl of food", "kunyomi": [ "どんぶり" ], "onyomi": [ "トン", "タン", "ショウ", "セイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "丼", "reading": "どんぶり", "meaning": "porcelain bowl, donburi, bowl of meat, fish, etc. served over rice" }, { "example": "どんぶり勘定", "reading": "どんぶりかんじょう", "meaning": "rough estimate, sloppy accounting, slapdash bookkeeping" }, { "example": "開化丼", "reading": "かいかどんぶり", "meaning": "beef (or pork) and egg on rice" }, { "example": "中華丼", "reading": "ちゅうかどんぶり", "meaning": "bowl of rice with a chop-suey-like mixture on it" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "丶", "meaning": "dot" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "二", "井", "廾", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20028_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e3c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e3c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%B8%BC%23kanji" }, { "query": "那", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1621", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "what?", "kunyomi": [ "なに", "なんぞ", "いかん" ], "onyomi": [ "ナ", "ダ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "那覇", "reading": "ナハ", "meaning": "Naha (city in Okinawa)" }, { "example": "那辺", "reading": "ナヘン", "meaning": "where" }, { "example": "刹那", 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"stew, food cooked in a pot" }, { "example": "もつ鍋", "reading": "もつなべ", "meaning": "hot pot stew made with offal, vegetables and (often) miso" }, { "example": "土鍋", "reading": "どなべ", "meaning": "earthenware pot" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "金", "forms": [ "釒" ], "meaning": "metal, gold" }, "parts": [ "冂", "口", "金" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37707_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0934b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/934b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8D%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "軟", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1269", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "soft", "kunyomi": [ "やわ.らか", "やわ.らかい" ], "onyomi": [ "ナン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "軟", "reading": "ナン", "meaning": "soft" }, { "example": "軟化", "reading": "ナンカ", "meaning": "softening, 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the eye)" }, { "example": "副虹", "reading": "フクニジ", "meaning": "secondary rainbow" }, { "example": "月虹", "reading": "ゲッコウ", "meaning": "moonbow, lunar rainbow, whitish rainbow cast by moonlight, lunar bow, space rainbow" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "虹", "reading": "にじ", "meaning": "rainbow" }, { "example": "虹色", "reading": "にじいろ", "meaning": "rainbow-colored, rainbow-coloured" }, { "example": "夕虹", "reading": "ゆうにじ", "meaning": "evening rainbow" }, { "example": "過剰虹", "reading": "かじょうにじ", "meaning": "supernumerary rainbow" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "虫", "meaning": "insect" }, "parts": [ "工", "虫" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34425_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08679.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8679.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%99%B9%23kanji" }, { "query": "尿", "found": true, "taughtIn": 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consequences, etc.), to involve (e.g. risk), to be swollen and ripe (of a plant ear, head, sprout, etc.)" }, { "example": "身ごもる", "reading": "みごもる", "meaning": "to become pregnant" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "士", "女", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22922_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0598a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/598a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A6%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "忍", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1700", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "endure, bear, put up with, conceal, secrete, spy, sneak", "kunyomi": [ "しの.ぶ", "しの.ばせる" ], "onyomi": [ "ニン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "忍", "reading": "ニン", "meaning": "endurance, forbearance, patience, self-restraint" }, { "example": "忍耐", "reading": "ニンタイ", "meaning": "endurance, perseverance, patience" }, { "example": "無生法忍", "reading": "ムショウホウニン", "meaning": "anutpattika-dharma-ksanti (recognition that nothing really arises or perishes)" }, { "example": "中忍", "reading": "チュウニン", "meaning": "ninja commander" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "忍", "reading": "しのぶ", "meaning": "squirrel's foot fern (Davallia mariesii), Lepisorus thunbergianus (species of fern), color of clothing layers under one's overcoat (light green on blue), ancient women's hairstyle, clothing patterned using squirrel's foot fern" }, { "example": "忍ぶ", "reading": "しのぶ", "meaning": "to conceal oneself, to hide, to endure, to bear, to stand, to put up with" }, { "example": "軒忍", "reading": "のきしのぶ", "meaning": "weeping fern (Lepisorus thunbergianus)" }, { "example": "立忍", "reading": "たちしのぶ", "meaning": "Japanese claw fern (Onychium japonicum), carrot fern" }, { "example": "忍ばせる", "reading": "しのばせる", "meaning": "to conceal, to hide" } ], 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"バカテイネイ", "meaning": "overly polite, excessively polite, polite to a fault" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "寧ろ", "reading": "むしろ", "meaning": "rather, better, instead" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "宀", "meaning": "roof" }, "parts": [ "一", "亅", "宀", "心", "皿", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23527_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05be7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5be7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%AF%A7%23kanji" }, { "query": "捻", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "twirl, twist, play with", "kunyomi": [ "ね.じる", "ねじ.る", "ひね.くる", "ひね.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ネン", "ジョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "捻挫", "reading": "ネンザ", "meaning": "sprain, twist, wrench" }, { "example": "捻軍", "reading": "ネングン", "meaning": "Nian Rebellion (China, 1851-1868)" }, { "example": 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"meaning": "bitter experience (ordeal)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "杯", "reading": "さかずき", "meaning": "sake cup, cup for alcoholic beverages" }, { "example": "杯洗い", "reading": "さかずきあらい", "meaning": "small vessel or bowl in which sake cups are rinsed" }, { "example": "べく杯", "reading": "べくはい", "meaning": "sake cup shaped so it cannot be put down until emptied" }, { "example": "水杯", "reading": "みずさかずき", "meaning": "farewell cups of water" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "木", "礼", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26479_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0676f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/676f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9D%AF%23kanji" }, { "query": "排", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1047", 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take offense, to be miffed, to come unstuck from, to peel off, to come off, to be taken off" }, { "example": "剥げる", "reading": "はげる", "meaning": "to come off, to be worn off, to fade, to discolor, to discolour" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "刀", "forms": [ "刂" ], "meaning": "knife, sword" }, "parts": [], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21085_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0525d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/525d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%89%9D%23kanji" }, { "query": "舶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1753", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "liner, ship", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ハク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "舶来", "reading": "ハクライ", "meaning": "imported, foreign-made" }, { "example": "舶載", "reading": "ハクサイ", "meaning": "ocean 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(remuneration, token of gratitude)" }, { "example": "肉薄", "reading": "ニクハク", "meaning": "closing in on (the enemy, first place, etc.), coming close to, pressing hard, pressing hard (e.g. with a question), taking to task, grilling" }, { "example": "精薄", "reading": "セイハク", "meaning": "mental retardation (pejorative), mentally retarded" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "薄い", "reading": "うすい", "meaning": "thin, pale, light, faint, watery, thin, dilute, weak (taste, etc.), little (affection, etc.) not much (of a presence), slim (probability, etc.), small, sparse, patchy, scattered" }, { "example": "薄板", "reading": "うすいた", "meaning": "laminate, veneer" }, { "example": "薄める", "reading": "うすめる", "meaning": "to dilute, to water down" }, { "example": "薄まる", "reading": "うすまる", "meaning": "to become weak" }, { "example": "薄らぐ", "reading": "うすらぐ", "meaning": "to become thin, to fade, to grow pale" }, { "example": "薄れる", "reading": "うすれる", "meaning": "to fade, to become dim" }, { "example": "薄", "reading": "すすき", "meaning": "Japanese pampas grass (Miscanthus sinensis), maiden silvergrass, zebra grass" }, { "example": "花薄", "reading": "はなすすき", "meaning": "Japanese pampas grass in ear" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "丶", "十", "寸", "汁", "田", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34180_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08584.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8584.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%96%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "漠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1611", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "vague, obscure, desert, wide", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "バク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "漠", "reading": "バク", "meaning": "vague, obscure, vast, boundless" }, { "example": "漠然", "reading": "バクゼン", 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"はだいろ", "meaning": "(one's) skin colour, skin color, skin tone, flesh colour (of a Japanese person), flesh color, pale orange" }, { "example": "素肌", "reading": "すはだ", "meaning": "bare (naked) body, complexion (e.g. face)" }, { "example": "地肌", "reading": "じはだ", "meaning": "texture, grain, one's skin (lacking makeup, etc.), natural skin, bare skin, scalp, surface of the earth, bare ground, surface of a sword blade" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "几", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32908_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0808c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/808c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%82%8C%23kanji" }, { "query": "鉢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1890", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "bowl, 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break through, to go through, to cut out (a shape), to create (a pattern) by dying the surrounding area, to seize, to capture, to reduce, to scoop (a story), to take out (an opponent's stones; in go), to masturbate (of a male), to ejaculate (while masturbating), to take (a photo), to record (video)" }, { "example": "抜くべからざる", "reading": "ぬくべからざる", "meaning": "deep-rooted (suspicion, etc.)" }, { "example": "抜き", "reading": "ぬき", "meaning": "leaving out, omitting, skipping, dispensing with, (beating) in succession, in a row" }, { "example": "抜き打ち", "reading": "ぬきうち", "meaning": "drawing a katana and attacking in the same stroke, doing something suddenly, without warning" }, { "example": "手抜き", "reading": "てぬき", "meaning": "omitting crucial steps, cutting corners, skimping, intentional negligence, tenuki, taking the initiative by ignoring the opponent's last move and playing somewhere else (in go)" }, { "example": "栓抜き", "reading": "せんぬき", "meaning": "bottle opener, corkscrew" }, { 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"随伴", "reading": "ズイハン", "meaning": "attendance, accompanying, following, adjoint" }, { "example": "朴伴", "reading": "ボクハン", "meaning": "Camellia japonica 'Bokuhan' (cultivar of common camellia)" }, { "example": "伴奏", "reading": "バンソウ", "meaning": "(musical) accompaniment" }, { "example": "伴走", "reading": "バンソウ", "meaning": "running alongside, pacesetting, accompanying" }, { "example": "相伴", "reading": "ショウバン", "meaning": "partaking, participating, taking part in, sharing (something with someone)" }, { "example": "お相伴", "reading": "オショウバン", "meaning": "sharing a meal" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "伴う", "reading": "ともなう", "meaning": "to accompany, to go hand in hand with, to be consequent upon, to be accompanied by, to bring with, to take with, to be involved in" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "二", "化", "十", "并", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20276_frames.png", 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"meaning": "ridge of earth between rice fields, ridge between grooves in threshold or lintel, footpath between rice fields, causeway" }, { "example": "辺", "reading": "ほとり", "meaning": "side (esp. of a waterbody), edge, bank, shore" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "田", "meaning": "field" }, "parts": [ "二", "十", "并", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30036_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07554.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7554.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%95%94%23kanji" }, { "query": "般", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "649", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "carrier, carry, all, general, sort, kind", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ハン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "般若", "reading": "ハンニャ", "meaning": "prajna, wisdom required to attain enlightenment, noh mask of a grinning, horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy), family crest designed after the Hannya noh mask, dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy), terrifying facial expression" }, { "example": "汎化", "reading": "ハンカ", "meaning": "generalization (psychology, linguistics, etc.)" }, { "example": "諸般", "reading": "ショハン", "meaning": "various, several" }, { "example": "過般", "reading": "カハン", "meaning": "some time ago, recently" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "舟", "meaning": "boat" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "殳", "舟" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33324_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0822c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/822c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%88%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "販", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": 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"example": "斑海豚", "reading": "まだらいるか", "meaning": "pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata)" }, { "example": "浅葱斑", "reading": "あさぎまだら", "meaning": "chestnut tiger butterfly (Parantica sita)" }, { "example": "鹿の子斑", "reading": "かのこまだら", "meaning": "pattern of white spots, dapples" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "文", "meaning": "script, literature" }, "parts": [ "文", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26001_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06591.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6591.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%96%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "搬", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1664", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "conveyor, carry, transport", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ハン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "搬入", "reading": "ハンニュウ", "meaning": "carrying in (esp. heavy objects, artwork, furniture), bringing in, taking in" }, { "example": "搬送", "reading": "ハンソウ", "meaning": "transportation, conveyance, delivery, hospitalization, transfer to hospital" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "几", "又", "扎", "殳", "舟" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25644_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0642c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/642c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%90%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "煩", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2081", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "anxiety, trouble, worry, pain, ill, annoy, nuisance, irksome", "kunyomi": [ "わずら.う", "わずら.わす", "うるさ.がる", "うるさ.い" ], "onyomi": [ "ハン", "ボン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "煩", "reading": "ハン", "meaning": "trouble" }, { "example": "煩雑", "reading": "ハンザツ", "meaning": "complex, intricate, complicated, confused, troublesome, vexatious, cumbersome" }, { "example": "煩悩", "reading": "ボンノウ", "meaning": "worldly desires, evil passions, appetites of the flesh, klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)" }, { "example": "煩悩具足", "reading": "ボンノウグソク", "meaning": "possessing worldly desires and passions" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "患う", "reading": "わずらう", "meaning": "to be ill, to suffer from, to worry about, to be concerned about, to have trouble doing ..., to be unable to ..., to fail to ..." }, { "example": "煩わす", "reading": "わずらわす", "meaning": "to trouble, to bother, to annoy, to give trouble" }, { "example": "煩がる", "reading": "うるさがる", "meaning": "to feel annoyed at" }, { "example": "煩い", "reading": "うるさい", "meaning": "noisy, loud, annoying, troublesome, tiresome, persistent, importunate, fussy, finicky, picky, particular, nagging, fastidious, bossy, shut up!, be quiet!" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "火", "forms": [ "灬" ], "meaning": "fire" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "火", "目", "貝", "頁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29033_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07169.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7169.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%85%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "頒", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2287", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "distribute, disseminate, partition, understand", "kunyomi": [ "わ.かつ", "わ.ける" ], "onyomi": [ "ハン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "頒布", "reading": "ハンプ", "meaning": "distribution, circulation" }, { "example": "頒価", "reading": "ハンカ", "meaning": "distribution price" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "頁", "meaning": "leaf" 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"meaning": "to grow thickly, to be in full leaf, to be rampant, to luxuriate, to be luxurious" }, { "example": "繁く", "reading": "しげく", "meaning": "frequently" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "乞", "小", "幺", "攵", "毋", "母", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32321_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07e41.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7e41.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B9%81%23kanji" }, { "query": "藩", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1896", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "clan, enclosure", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ハン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "藩", "reading": "ハン", "meaning": "feudal domain (Edo and early Meiji periods, precursor to current prefectures), fiefdom, province, clan" }, { "example": "藩主", "reading": "ハンシュ", "meaning": "feudal lord, daimyo" }, { "example": "大藩", "reading": "タイハン", "meaning": "large feudal domain, large fiefdom, powerful clan" }, { "example": "廃藩", "reading": "ハイハン", "meaning": "abolition of the han system" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "汁", "田", "米", "艾", "釆" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34281_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/085e9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/85e9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%97%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "蛮", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2339", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "barbarian", "kunyomi": [ "えびす" ], "onyomi": [ "バン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "蛮勇", "reading": "バンユウ", "meaning": "foolhardiness, 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Spain and Portugal, their South-East Asian colonies, and their goods and people arriving in Japan via the colonies), exotic (esp. Western European or South-East Asian style), (in dance, puppetry, etc.) thrusting the right foot and right arm forward at the same time (or left foot and left arm), food prepared using chili peppers or Welsh onions" }, { "example": "生蕃", "reading": "セイバン", "meaning": "unconquered savage, uncivilized aboriginal, aboriginal Taiwanese tribes outside Qing China's jurisdiction" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "虫", "meaning": "insect" }, "parts": [ "亠", "虫" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34542_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/086ee.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/86ee.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%9B%AE%23kanji" }, { "query": "盤", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "881", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "tray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, 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"http://jisho.org/search/%E7%9B%A4%23kanji" }, { "query": "妃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1752", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "queen, princess", "kunyomi": [ "きさき" ], "onyomi": [ "ヒ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "妃", "reading": "ヒ", "meaning": "princess, consort" }, { "example": "妃殿下", "reading": "ヒデンカ", "meaning": "princess, Her Royal Highness" }, { "example": "皇太子妃", "reading": "コウタイシヒ", "meaning": "crown princess" }, { "example": "王太妃", "reading": "オウタイヒ", "meaning": "crown princess" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "后", "reading": "きさき", "meaning": "empress, queen" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "女", "已" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22915_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05983.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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boyfriend, ex-boyfriend" }, { "example": "彼の", "reading": "かの", "meaning": "that well-known ..." }, { "example": "彼女", "reading": "かのじょ", "meaning": "she, her, girlfriend" }, { "example": "彼の", "reading": "かの", "meaning": "that well-known ..." }, { "example": "彼女", "reading": "かのじょ", "meaning": "she, her, girlfriend" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "彳", "meaning": "step" }, "parts": [ "又", "彳", "皮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24444_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f7c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f7c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BD%BC%23kanji" }, { "query": "披", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1438", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "expose, open", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ヒ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "披露", "reading": "ヒロウ", "meaning": "announcement, presentation, demonstration, displaying, showing, introducing, exhibiting, unveiling, revealing, showcasing, performing, giving a rendition" }, { "example": "披露宴", "reading": "ヒロウエン", "meaning": "reception (e.g. wedding), banquet, celebration, party" }, { "example": "直披", "reading": "ジキヒ", "meaning": "personal, confidential (letter)" }, { "example": "嫡披", "reading": "チャクヒ", "meaning": "confidential letter" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "又", "扎", "皮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25259_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062ab.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62ab.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8A%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "卑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2003", 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"despicable" }, { "example": "卑しめる", "reading": "いやしめる", "meaning": "to demean, to despise, to treat with contempt, to abase" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "十", "meaning": "ten, complete" }, "parts": [ "十", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21329_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05351.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5351.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8D%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "疲", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1263", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "exhausted, tire, weary", "kunyomi": [ "つか.れる", "-づか.れ", "つか.らす" ], "onyomi": [ "ヒ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "疲労", "reading": "ヒロウ", "meaning": "fatigue, weariness" }, { "example": "疲弊", "reading": "ヒヘイ", "meaning": "exhaustion, fatigue, impoverishment, (financial) exhaustion, ruin" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "疲れる", "reading": "つかれる", "meaning": "to get tired, to tire, to get fatigued, to become exhausted, to grow weary, to become worn out (of a well-used object), to starve" }, { "example": "疲らす", "reading": "つからす", "meaning": "to tire, to weary, to exhaust, to fatigue" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "疒", "meaning": "sickness" }, "parts": [ "又", "疔", "皮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30130_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/075b2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/75b2.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%96%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "被", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "431", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "incur, cover, veil, brood over, shelter, wear, put on, be exposed (film), receiving", "kunyomi": [ "こうむ.る", "おお.う", "かぶ.る", "かぶ.せる" ], "onyomi": [ "ヒ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "被", "reading": "ヒ", "meaning": "indicates the target of an activity, -ee (e.g. employee, examinee, trustee)" }, { "example": "被害", "reading": "ヒガイ", "meaning": "(suffering) damage, injury, harm" }, { "example": "外被", "reading": "ガイヒ", "meaning": "(protective) coat, casing, housing, jacket" }, { "example": "花被", "reading": "カヒ", "meaning": "perianth, floral envelope" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "被る", "reading": "こうむる", "meaning": "to suffer, to receive (kindness, rebuke, support), to sustain (damage)" }, { "example": "覆う", "reading": "おおう", "meaning": "to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise" }, { "example": "被る", "reading": "かぶる", "meaning": "to put on (one's head), to wear, to have on, to pull over (one's head), to crown (oneself), to be covered with (dust, snow, etc.), to pour (water, etc.) on oneself, to dash on oneself, to ship water, to bear (e.g. someone's debts, faults, etc.), to take (blame), to assume (responsibility), to shoulder (burden), to overlap (e.g. sound or color), to be similar, to be redundant, to be fogged (due to overexposure, etc.), to close, to come to an end, to get a full house, to sell out, to blunder, to bungle, to fail, to be deceived" }, { "example": "被せる", "reading": "かぶせる", "meaning": "to cover (with something), to put on (e.g. on someone else's head), to plate something (with a metal), to pour or dash a liquid (on something), to charge (a person with a guilt)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "初", "又", "皮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34987_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/088ab.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/88ab.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A2%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "扉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", 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spleenwort)" }, { "example": "岡虎の尾", "reading": "おかとらのお", "meaning": "gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "尸", "meaning": "corpse" }, "parts": [ "尸", "毛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23614_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c3e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c3e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "眉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2177", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "eyebrow", "kunyomi": [ "まゆ" ], "onyomi": [ "ビ", "ミ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "眉宇", "reading": "ビウ", "meaning": "brow, brows" }, { "example": "眉雪", "reading": "ビセツ", "meaning": "snow-white eyebrows" }, { "example": "拝眉", "reading": "ハイビ", "meaning": "having the pleasure of seeing (a person)" }, { "example": "愁眉", "reading": "シュウビ", "meaning": "worried look, melancholy air" }, { "example": "眉間", "reading": "ミケン", "meaning": "brow, glabella, middle forehead, area between the eyebrows" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "眉", "reading": "まゆ", "meaning": "eyebrow, eyebrows" }, { "example": "眉毛", "reading": "まゆげ", "meaning": "eyebrow" }, { "example": "描き眉", "reading": "かきまゆ", "meaning": "painted eyebrows, pencilled eyebrows" }, { "example": "三日月眉", "reading": "みかづきまゆ", "meaning": "arched eyebrows" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "目", "meaning": "eye" }, "parts": [ "尸", "目", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30473_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07709.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7709.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%9C%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "微", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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"reading": "バヒツ", "meaning": "horses" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "匹", "reading": "ひき", "meaning": "counter for small animals, counter for rolls of cloth (two han in size), counter for horses, roll of cloth" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "匸", "meaning": "hiding enclosure" }, "parts": [ "儿", "匚" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21305_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05339.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5339.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8C%B9%23kanji" }, { "query": "泌", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2112", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "ooze, flow, soak in, penetrate, secrete", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ヒツ", "ヒ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "泌尿器", "reading": "ヒニョウキ", "meaning": "urinary organs" }, { "example": "泌乳", "reading": "ヒツニュウ", "meaning": "lactation" }, { "example": "泌尿器", "reading": "ヒニョウキ", "meaning": "urinary organs" }, { "example": "泌乳", "reading": "ヒツニュウ", "meaning": "lactation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "心", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27852_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06ccc.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6ccc.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B3%8C%23kanji" }, { "query": "姫", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1566", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "princess", "kunyomi": [ "ひめ", "ひめ-" ], "onyomi": [ "キ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "舞姫", "reading": "マイヒメ", "meaning": "female dancer, dancing girl, danseuse" }, { "example": "寵姫", "reading": "チョウキ", "meaning": "one's favorite mistress, one's favourite mistress" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "姫", "reading": "ひめ", "meaning": "young lady of noble birth, princess (esp. in Western contexts, tales, etc.), girl, small, cute, lesser (in names of species), prostitute" }, { "example": "姫君", "reading": "ひめぎみ", "meaning": "daughter of a person of high rank (esp. eldest daughter)" }, { "example": "歌姫", "reading": "うたひめ", "meaning": "songstress, diva" }, { "example": "舞姫", "reading": "まいひめ", "meaning": "female dancer, dancing girl, danseuse" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "女", "臣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23019_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/059eb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/59eb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A7%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "漂", "found": true, "taughtIn": 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"ミョウジタイトウ", "meaning": "the right to bear a surname and to wear a sword (during the Edo period)" }, { "example": "豆苗", "reading": "トウミョウ", "meaning": "pea sprouts" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "苗", "reading": "なえ", "meaning": "seedling, young plant, rice seedling" }, { "example": "苗木", "reading": "なえぎ", "meaning": "seedling, sapling, young tree" }, { "example": "早苗", "reading": "さなえ", "meaning": "rice seedling" }, { "example": "玉苗", "reading": "たまなえ", "meaning": "rice seedling" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "田", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33495_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/082d7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/82d7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8B%97%23kanji" }, { "query": "描", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": 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"meaning": "to be scared" }, { "example": "恐れる", "reading": "おそれる", "meaning": "to fear, to be afraid of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "巾", "忙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24598_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06016.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6016.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%80%96%23kanji" }, { "query": "附", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2396", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "affixed, attach, refer to, append", "kunyomi": [ "つ.ける", "つ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "フ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "付近", "reading": "フキン", "meaning": "neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs, approaching" }, { "example": "付加", "reading": "フカ", "meaning": "addition, annexation, appendage" }, { "example": "交附", "reading": "コウフ", "meaning": "delivery, grant, handing (a ticket) to (a person)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "付ける", "reading": "つける", "meaning": "to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment), to furnish (a house with), to wear, to put on, to keep a diary, to make an entry, to appraise, to set (a price), to allot, to budget, to assign, to bring alongside, to place (under guard or doctor), to follow, to shadow, to load, to give (courage to), to keep (an eye on), to establish (relations or understanding), to turn on (light), to produce flowers, to produce fruit" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "阜", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "mound, dam (阝 left)" }, "parts": [ "化", "寸", "阡" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38468_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09644.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9644.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%99%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "訃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2379", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "obituary", "kunyomi": [ "しらせ" ], "onyomi": [ "フ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "訃", "reading": "フ", "meaning": "news of someone's death" }, { "example": "訃報", "reading": "フホウ", "meaning": "news of someone's death, obituary" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "卜", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35331_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a03.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a03.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A8%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "赴", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior 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have (time, money, etc.) left over, to be saved (e.g. money), to have no basis, to be unreliable" }, { "example": "浮かれる", "reading": "うかれる", "meaning": "to make merry, to be festive" }, { "example": "浮かぶ", "reading": "うかぶ", "meaning": "to float, to be suspended, to rise to the surface, to appear, to emerge, to show up, to loom (up), to come to mind, to have inspiration" }, { "example": "浮かぶ瀬", "reading": "うかぶせ", "meaning": "chance, opportunity, lucky break" }, { "example": "浮かべる", "reading": "うかべる", "meaning": "to float, to set afloat, to launch, to show on one's face (smile, sadness, etc.), to recall, to call to mind, to imagine, to think of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "子", "汁", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28014_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06d6e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"防腐", "reading": "ボウフ", "meaning": "preservation from decay, prevention of putrefaction, embalmment, antisepsis" }, { "example": "高野豆腐", "reading": "コウヤドウフ", "meaning": "freeze-dried tofu" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "腐る", "reading": "くさる", "meaning": "to rot, to go bad, to decay, to spoil, to fester, to decompose, to turn sour (e.g. milk), to corrode, to weather, to crumble, to become useless, to blunt, to weaken (from lack of practice), to become depraved, to be degenerate, to be morally bankrupt, to be corrupt, to be depressed, to be dispirited, to feel discouraged, to feel down, to have the audacity to, to be bastard enough to, to lose a bet, to be drenched, to become sopping wet" }, { "example": "腐るほど", "reading": "くさるほど", "meaning": "more than one can possibly use, countless (e.g. examples), (money) to burn, rolling in (cash)" }, { "example": "腐れる", "reading": "くされる", "meaning": "to spoil, to rot, to corrode" }, { "example": "腐れ", "reading": "くされ", "meaning": "rotting, spoiling, decaying, corroding, rotten, worthless, paltry, contemptible" }, { "example": "腐れ縁", "reading": "くされえん", "meaning": "(undesirable but) inseparable relationship" }, { "example": "腐らす", "reading": "くさらす", "meaning": "to let spoil, to leave to rot, to cause to rot, to corrode, to discourage, to dishearten" }, { "example": "腐す", "reading": "くさす", "meaning": "to speak ill of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "化", "寸", "广", "肉" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33104_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08150.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8150.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%85%90%23kanji" }, { "query": "敷", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1212", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "spread, pave, sit, promulgate", "kunyomi": [ "し.く", "-し.き" ], "onyomi": [ "フ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "敷設", "reading": "フセツ", "meaning": "laying (a railroad, pipes, naval mines, etc.), construction" }, { "example": "敷衍", "reading": "フエン", "meaning": "expatiation, enlargement (e.g. on a point), elaboration, amplification, clear explanation, paraphrasing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "敷く", "reading": "しく", "meaning": "to spread out, to lay out, to take a position, to impose widely (e.g. over a city)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "攴", "forms": [ "攵" ], "meaning": "rap" }, "parts": [ "丶", "乞", "十", "攵", "方", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25975_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06577.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6577.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%95%B7%23kanji" }, { "query": "膚", "found": true, 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sword blade" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "匕", "卜", "厂", "月", "田", "虍" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33178_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0819a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/819a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%86%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "賦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "levy, ode, prose, poem, tribute, installment", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "フ", "ブ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "賦", "reading": "フ", "meaning": "poem, narrative (style of the Shi Jing), classical Chinese rhymed prose" }, { "example": "賦課", "reading": "フカ", "meaning": "levy, imposition" }, { "example": "配賦", "reading": "ハイフ", "meaning": "allocation, apportionment, distribution" }, { "example": "貢賦", "reading": "コウフ", "meaning": "tribute and taxation" }, { "example": "賦役", "reading": "フエキ", "meaning": "slave labour, slave labor, compulsory service, forced labour, forced labor, exacted service" }, { "example": "賦払い", "reading": "ブバライ", "meaning": "payment on an installment system, payment on an instalment system, easy payment plan" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "弋", "止", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36070_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08ce6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8ce6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B3%A6%23kanji" }, { "query": "譜", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1919", "strokeCount": 19, "meaning": "musical score, music, note, staff, table, genealogy", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "フ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "譜", "reading": "フ", "meaning": "(sheet) music, (musical) note, (musical) score, genealogy, family tree, record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc." }, { "example": "譜面", "reading": "フメン", "meaning": "sheet music, score" }, { "example": "系譜", "reading": "ケイフ", "meaning": "genealogy, lineage, family tree, pedigree" }, { "example": "五線譜", "reading": "ゴセンフ", "meaning": "staff notation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "并", "日", "言", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35676_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08b5c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8b5c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AD%9C%23kanji" }, { "query": "侮", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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"meaning": "dancing, dance" }, { "example": "舞い上がる", "reading": "まいあがる", "meaning": "to soar, to fly high, to be whirled up, to make merry, to be ecstatic, to be in high spirits" }, { "example": "立ち居振る舞い", "reading": "たちいふるまい", "meaning": "movements, behavior, behaviour, bearing, deportment, manners, demeanor" }, { "example": "獅子舞", "reading": "ししまい", "meaning": "lion dance, traditional dance performed by one or more dancers wearing a guardian lion costume" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "舛", "meaning": "opposite" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "乞", "二", "夕", "無", "舛", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33310_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0821e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/821e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%88%9E%23kanji" }, { "query": "封", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1143", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "seal, closing", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "フウ", "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "封", "reading": "フウ", "meaning": "seal" }, { "example": "封鎖", "reading": "フウサ", "meaning": "blockade, lockdown, sealing off (an area), freezing (funds)" }, { "example": "帯封", "reading": "オビフウ", "meaning": "bill strap, currency strap, currency band, money band, wrapper band, newspaper band" }, { "example": "液封", "reading": "エキフウ", "meaning": "liquid seal, liquid ring" }, { "example": "封建的", "reading": "ホウケンテキ", "meaning": "feudal, feudalistic" }, { "example": "封建主義", "reading": "ホウケンシュギ", "meaning": "feudalism" }, { "example": "移封", "reading": "イホウ", "meaning": "forced relocation of a daimyo to a different domain by the Edo shogunate" }, { "example": "旧封", "reading": "キュウホウ", "meaning": "former fief" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "寸", "meaning": "thumb, inch" }, "parts": [ "土", "寸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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compliance, agreement, consent" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "伏せる", "reading": "ふせる", "meaning": "to turn over (face down), to lay face down, to lay upside down, to point downwards (eyes, head, etc.), to cast down (eyes), to lie (one's body) face down, to lie flat (on the ground), to conceal, to hide, to keep secret, to place in hiding (e.g. troops for an ambush), to lie down, to retire, to go to bed (with an illness)" }, { "example": "伏す", "reading": "ふす", "meaning": "to bend down, to bow down, to prostrate oneself, to hide oneself" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "化", "犬" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20239_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04f0f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4f0f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BC%8F%23kanji" }, { "query": "幅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "641", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "hanging scroll, width", "kunyomi": [ "はば" ], "onyomi": [ "フク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "幅", "reading": "フク", "meaning": "scroll, counter for scrolls" }, { "example": "幅員", "reading": "フクイン", "meaning": "breadth, extent" }, { "example": "増幅", "reading": "ゾウフク", "meaning": "amplification (elec.), magnification, amplification, making larger" }, { "example": "双幅", "reading": "ソウフク", "meaning": "pair of hanging scrolls" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "幅", "reading": "はば", "meaning": "width, breadth, freedom (e.g. of thought), latitude, gap, difference (e.g. in price), range (e.g. of voice)" }, { "example": "幅広い", "reading": "はばひろい", "meaning": "extensive, wide, broad" }, { "example": "小幅", "reading": "こはば", "meaning": "small, narrow, single-breadth cloth (approx. 36 cm wide)" }, { "example": "値幅", "reading": "ねはば", "meaning": "price range or fluctuation" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "巾", "meaning": "turban, scarf" }, "parts": [ "一", "口", "巾", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24133_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05e45.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5e45.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B9%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "覆", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1378", "strokeCount": 18, "meaning": "capsize, cover, shade, mantle, be ruined", "kunyomi": [ "おお.う", "くつがえ.す", "くつがえ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "フク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "覆", "reading": "フク", "meaning": "concealment (of one's vices), veil, cover, overturning, toppling" }, { "example": "覆面", "reading": "フクメン", "meaning": "mask, veil, disguise, anonymous, unmarked, incognito" }, { "example": "被覆", "reading": "ヒフク", "meaning": "coating, covering, cover" }, { "example": "傾覆", "reading": "ケイフク", "meaning": "turning upside down" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "覆う", "reading": "おおう", "meaning": "to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise" }, { "example": "覆す", "reading": "くつがえす", "meaning": "to overturn, to capsize, to upset, to overthrow (government etc.), to reverse (decision etc.), to disprove (an established theory etc.), to overrule" }, { "example": "覆る", "reading": "くつがえる", "meaning": "to topple over, to be overturned, to capsize, to be overruled, to be reversed, to be discredited" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "西", "forms": [ "襾", "覀" ], "meaning": "west" }, "parts": [ "乞", "夂", "彳", "日", "西" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35206_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08986.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8986.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A6%86%23kanji" }, { "query": "払", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "813", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "pay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of", "kunyomi": [ "はら.う", "-はら.い", "-ばら.い" ], "onyomi": [ "フツ", "ヒツ", "ホツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "払暁", "reading": "フツギョウ", "meaning": "dawn, daybreak" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "払う", "reading": "はらう", "meaning": "to pay (e.g. money, bill), to brush off, to wipe away, to clear away, to dust off, to cut off (e.g. branches), to drive away (e.g. one's competitors), to sell off (something unneeded), to dispose of, to pay (e.g. attention), to show (e.g. respect, concern), to make (e.g. effort, sacrifice), to expend, to exert, to move out (of one's own place), to vacate, to sweep (e.g. one's legs), to knock aside, to make a sweeping stroke (in Japanese calligraphy), to reset (an abacus)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "厶", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25173_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06255.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6255.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%89%95%23kanji" }, { "query": "沸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1709", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "seethe, boil, ferment, uproar, breed", "kunyomi": [ "わ.く", "わ.かす" ], "onyomi": [ "フツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "沸々", "reading": "フツフツ", "meaning": "simmer, bubble out, flow out" }, { "example": "沸々", "reading": "フツフツ", "meaning": "simmer, bubble out, flow out" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "沸く", "reading": "わく", "meaning": "to grow hot (e.g. water), to boil, to get excited (at), to erupt (in applause, cheering, etc.), to be in a ferment, to take place energetically, to ferment, to melt (of metal)" }, { "example": "沸かす", "reading": "わかす", "meaning": "to boil, to heat, to excite, to melt (metal)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "弓", "汁", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27832_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06cb8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6cb8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B2%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "紛", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "994", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "distract, be mistaken for, go astray, divert", "kunyomi": [ "まぎ.れる", "-まぎ.れ", "まぎ.らす", "まぎ.らわす", "まぎ.らわしい" ], "onyomi": [ "フン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "紛争", "reading": "フンソウ", "meaning": "dispute, conflict, trouble, strife" }, { "example": "紛糾", "reading": "フンキュウ", "meaning": "complication, confusion, disorder" }, { "example": "人工授粉", "reading": "ジンコウジュフン", "meaning": "artificial pollination, hand pollination, mechanical pollination" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "紛れる", "reading": "まぎれる", "meaning": "to disappear into, to be lost in, to slip into, to get mixed in among, to do something under the cover of (confusion, etc.), to be almost indistinguishable, to be confusingly similar, to be diverted from (negative emotions, etc.), to forget about, to be distracted by, to be too absorbed in" }, { "example": "紛らす", "reading": "まぎらす", "meaning": "to divert (e.g. one's mind), to distract, to relieve (e.g. boredom), to conceal (e.g. one's sorrow with a smile), to shift (the conversation)" }, { "example": "紛らわす", "reading": "まぎらわす", "meaning": "to divert, to distract" }, { "example": "紛らわしい", "reading": "まぎらわしい", "meaning": "easily mixed up (e.g. similar words), easily mistaken, confusingly similar, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "糸", "forms": [ "糹" ], "meaning": "silk" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "刀", "小", "幺", "糸" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32027_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07d1b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7d1b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B4%9B%23kanji" }, { "query": "雰", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1341", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "atmosphere, fog", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "フン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "雰囲気", "reading": "フンイキ", "meaning": "atmosphere, mood, ambience, ambiance, aura, feel, a certain air, presence, special aura, something (about someone), (Earth's) atmosphere" }, { "example": "雰囲気美人", "reading": "フンイキビジン", "meaning": "woman who is not traditionally beautiful yet somehow very attractive, woman with an aura of beauty" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "雨", "meaning": "rain" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "刀", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38640_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/096f0.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/96f0.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9B%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "噴", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1270", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "erupt, spout, emit, flush out", "kunyomi": [ "ふ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "フン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "噴煙", "reading": "フンエン", "meaning": "(eruption of) smoke" }, { "example": "噴火", "reading": "フンカ", "meaning": "eruption, volcanic eruption" }, { "example": "暴噴", "reading": "ボウフン", "meaning": "blowout (oil well, gas field, etc.)" }, { "example": "自噴", "reading": "ジフン", "meaning": "gushing forth (e.g. oil well), natural emergence (e.g. spring water)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "噴く", "reading": "ふく", "meaning": "to emit, to spout, to spurt, to boil over" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "十", "口", "目", "艾", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22132_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05674.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5674.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%99%B4%23kanji" }, { "query": "墳", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1822", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "tomb, mound", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "フン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "墳墓", "reading": "フンボ", "meaning": "grave, tomb" }, { "example": "墳丘", "reading": "フンキュウ", "meaning": "tumulus, grave mound" }, { "example": "前方後円墳", "reading": "ゼンポウコウエンフン", "meaning": "keyhole-shaped tumulus (form of ancient Imperial grave)" }, { "example": "方墳", "reading": "ホウフン", "meaning": "flat-topped burial mound" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "十", "土", "目", "艾", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22707_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/058b3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/58b3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A2%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "憤", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1863", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "aroused, resent, be indignant, anger", "kunyomi": [ "いきどお.る" ], "onyomi": [ "フン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憤慨", "reading": "フンガイ", "meaning": "indignation, resentment" }, { "example": "憤激", "reading": "フンゲキ", "meaning": "fury" }, { "example": "公憤", "reading": "コウフン", "meaning": "public indignation, anger (as a citizen)" }, { "example": "痛憤", "reading": "ツウフン", "meaning": "strong indignation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憤る", "reading": "いきどおる", "meaning": "to be angry, to resent, to be enraged, to be indignant" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "十", "忙", "目", "艾", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24996_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/061a4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/61a4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%86%A4%23kanji" }, { "query": "丙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 5, "meaning": "third class, 3rd, 3rd calendar sign", "kunyomi": [ "ひのえ" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { 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design, body build, figure, physique, essential qualities, character, nature, appropriate to, fitting of, suitable for" }, { "example": "ガラが悪い", "reading": "ガラがわるい", "meaning": "ill-bred, vulgar, boorish" }, { "example": "土地柄", "reading": "とちがら", "meaning": "nature of the locality, character of a place, local colour, local color" }, { "example": "役柄", "reading": "やくがら", "meaning": "role" }, { "example": "柄", "reading": "え", "meaning": "handle, grip, stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)" }, { "example": "柄鏡", "reading": "えかがみ", "meaning": "traditional mirror with a handle, popular since the Muromachi period" }, { "example": "長柄", "reading": "ながえ", "meaning": "long handle, long-handled spear, long shaft" }, { "example": "槍の柄", "reading": "やりのえ", "meaning": "spear handle" }, { "example": "柄", "reading": "つか", "meaning": "hilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handle, handgrip" }, { "example": "柄頭", "reading": "つかがしら", "meaning": "pommel" }, { "example": "鎌柄", "reading": "かまつか", "meaning": "sickle handle, goby minnow (Pseudogobio esocinus), Oriental photinia (species of shrub, Photinia villosa), Asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis), Joseph's-coat (species of amaranth, Amaranthus tricolor)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "一", "人", "冂", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26564_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/067c4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/67c4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9F%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "塀", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1991", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "fence, wall, (kokuji)", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ", "ベイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "塀", "reading": "ヘイ", "meaning": "wall, fence" }, { "example": "塀越し", "reading": "ヘイゴシ", "meaning": "over a wall, crossing a fence" }, { "example": "土塀", "reading": "ドベイ", "meaning": "mud wall, earthen wall, plaster wall" }, { "example": "高塀", "reading": "タカベイ", "meaning": "tall fence" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ハ", "一", "二", "土", "尸", "廾", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22592_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05840.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5840.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A1%80%23kanji" }, { "query": "幣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1803", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "cash, bad habit, humble prefix, gift, Shinto offerings of cloth, rope, cut paper", "kunyomi": [ "ぬさ" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "幣", "reading": "ヘイ", "meaning": "staff with plaited paper streamers" }, { "example": "幣串", "reading": "ヘイグシ", "meaning": "staff to which shide are attached to make a go-hei" }, { "example": "造幣", "reading": "ゾウヘイ", "meaning": "coinage, mintage" }, { "example": "衰幣", "reading": "スイヘイ", "meaning": "decline" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "幣", "reading": "へい", "meaning": "staff with plaited paper streamers" }, { "example": "幣を奉る", "reading": "ぬさをたてまつる", "meaning": "to offer a wand with hemp and paper streamers to a Shinto god" }, { "example": "大幣", "reading": "おおぬさ", "meaning": "streamers (made of linen, paper, etc.) attached to a long pole (used as a wand in grand purification ceremonies), being in great demand" }, { "example": "小幣", "reading": "こぬさ", "meaning": "small purification wand, thinly cut hemp or paper mixed with rice (scattered as an offering to the gods)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "巾", "meaning": "turban, scarf" }, "parts": [ "乞", "冂", "巾", "并", "攵" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24163_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05e63.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5e63.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B9%A3%23kanji" }, { "query": "弊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1750", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "abuse, evil, vice, breakage", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "弊", "reading": "ヘイ", "meaning": "bad habit, harm, my, our" }, { "example": "弊害", "reading": "ヘイガイ", "meaning": "harmful effect, harmful influence, evil practice, abuse, malady" }, { "example": "疲弊", "reading": "ヒヘイ", "meaning": "exhaustion, fatigue, impoverishment, (financial) exhaustion, ruin" }, { "example": "病弊", "reading": "ビョウヘイ", "meaning": "evil influence, ill effect" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "廾", "meaning": "two hands, twenty" }, "parts": [ "乞", "冂", "尚", "巾", "并", "廾", "攵", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24330_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f0a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f0a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BC%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "蔽", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "cover, shade, mantle, capsize, be ruined", "kunyomi": [ "おお.う", "おお.い" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ", "ヘツ", "フツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "障屏", "reading": "ショウヘイ", "meaning": "partitions in a Japanese house (e.g. screens, sliding doors, etc.)" }, { "example": "遮蔽", "reading": "シャヘイ", "meaning": "shielding, sheltering, screening, shading, masking" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "覆う", "reading": "おおう", "meaning": "to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise" }, { "example": "覆い", "reading": "おおい", "meaning": "cover, mantle, shroud, hood" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "乞", "冂", "尚", "巾", "并", "攵", "艾", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34109_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0853d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/853d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%94%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "餅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2152", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "mochi rice cake", "kunyomi": [ "もち", "もちい" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘイ", "ヒョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "餅餤", "reading": "ベイダン", "meaning": "Heian-period pastry made of duck or goose eggs mixed with vegetables boiled and wrapped in mochi which is then cut into squares" }, { "example": "餅盤", "reading": "ヘイバン", "meaning": "laccolith" }, { "example": "画餅", "reading": "ガベイ", "meaning": "something useless, picture of rice cakes" }, { "example": "供餅", "reading": "クモチ", "meaning": "mochi rice cakes used as offering" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "餅", "reading": "もち", "meaning": "mochi, (sticky) rice cake" }, { "example": "餅網", "reading": "もちあみ", "meaning": "grill or grate for toasting rice cakes" }, { "example": "椿餅", "reading": "つばいもちい", "meaning": "rice-cake sweet sandwiched between two camellia leaves" }, { "example": "五平餅", "reading": "ごへいもち", "meaning": "skewered sweet rice cakes served with soy sauce and miso" }, { "example": "餅", "reading": "もち", "meaning": "mochi, (sticky) rice cake" }, { "example": "餅いなり", "reading": "もちいなり", "meaning": "sticky rice wrapped in deep-fried tofu" }, { "example": "椿餅", "reading": "つばいもちい", "meaning": "rice-cake sweet sandwiched between two camellia leaves" }, { "example": "愛敬の餅", "reading": "あいきょうのもちい", "meaning": "Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "食", "forms": [ "飠" ], "meaning": "eat, food" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "二", "并", "廾", "食", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39173_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09905.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9905.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%A4%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "壁", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1037", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "wall, lining (stomach), fence", "kunyomi": [ "かべ" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘキ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "壁", "reading": "カベ", "meaning": "wall, partition, barrier, obstacle, Chinese \"Wall\" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)" }, { "example": "壁画", "reading": "ヘキガ", "meaning": "fresco, mural, wall painting" }, { "example": "隔壁", "reading": "カクヘキ", "meaning": "barrier wall, bulkhead, partition, septum, diaphragm" }, { "example": "内壁", "reading": "ナイヘキ", "meaning": "inner wall" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "壁", "reading": "かべ", "meaning": "wall, partition, barrier, obstacle, Chinese \"Wall\" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)" }, { "example": "壁掛け", "reading": "かべかけ", "meaning": "wall-mounted ornament, wall decoration, wall hanging, wall-mounted" }, { "example": "白壁", "reading": "しらかべ", "meaning": "white plaster wall, tofu, bean curd" }, { "example": "厚い壁", "reading": "あついかべ", "meaning": "hard-to-overcome obstacle, high hurdle, thick wall" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "十", "口", "土", "尸", "立", "辛" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22721_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/058c1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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"junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1340", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "partial, side, left-side radical, inclining, biased", "kunyomi": [ "かたよ.る" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "偏", "reading": "ヘン", "meaning": "left-hand radical of a character" }, { "example": "偏見", "reading": "ヘンケン", "meaning": "prejudice, bias, distorted view" }, { "example": "普遍", "reading": "フヘン", "meaning": "universal, general, ubiquitous, omnipresent" }, { "example": "貝偏", "reading": "カイヘン", "meaning": "kanji \"shell\" radical at left" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "偏る", "reading": "かたよる", "meaning": "to lean (to one side), to incline, to be unbalanced (e.g. diet), to be unduly weighted towards, to be concentrated on, to be partial, to be biased, to be prejudiced" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "一", "冂", "冊", "化", "尸", "廾", "戸", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20559_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0504f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/504f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%81%8F%23kanji" }, { "query": "遍", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1845", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "everywhere, times, widely, generally", "kunyomi": [ "あまね.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ヘン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "遍", "reading": "ヘン", "meaning": "number of times" }, { "example": "遍歴", "reading": "ヘンレキ", "meaning": "travels, pilgrimage, itinerancy" }, { "example": "普遍", "reading": "フヘン", "meaning": "universal, general, ubiquitous, omnipresent" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "普く", "reading": "あまねく", "meaning": "widely, extensively, far and wide, everywhere, all around, generally, universally" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "辵", 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great wisdom)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "丶", "十", "口", "用" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21754_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/054fa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/54fa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%93%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "捕", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "604", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "catch, capture", "kunyomi": [ "と.らえる", "と.らわれる", "と.る", "とら.える", "とら.われる", "つか.まえる", "つか.まる" ], "onyomi": [ "ホ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "捕鯨", "reading": "ホゲイ", "meaning": "whaling, whale hunting, whale fishing" }, { "example": "捕獲", "reading": "ホカク", "meaning": "capture, seizure" }, { "example": "採捕", "reading": "サイホ", "meaning": "collecting (plants and animals), gathering, capturing, catching" }, { "example": "再逮捕", "reading": "サイタイホ", "meaning": "rearrest, recapture" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "捉える", "reading": "とらえる", "meaning": "to catch, to capture, to seize, to arrest, to grab, to catch hold of, to grasp (e.g. meaning), to perceive, to capture (e.g. features), to captivate, to move (one's heart)" }, { "example": "捕らわれる", "reading": "とらわれる", "meaning": "to be caught, to be captured, to be taken prisoner, to be arrested, to be apprehended, to be seized with (fear, etc.), to be a slave to, to stick to, to adhere to, to be swayed by" }, { "example": "捕る", "reading": "とる", "meaning": "to take, to catch, to capture" }, { "example": "捉える", "reading": "とらえる", "meaning": "to catch, to capture, to seize, to arrest, to grab, to catch hold of, to grasp (e.g. meaning), to perceive, to capture (e.g. features), to captivate, to move (one's heart)" }, { "example": "捕らわれる", "reading": "とらわれる", "meaning": "to be caught, to be captured, to be 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6355.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8D%95%23kanji" }, { "query": "舗", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1412", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "shop, store, pave", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ホ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "舗", "reading": "ホ", "meaning": "shop, store, counter for foldable things such as maps, etc." }, { "example": "舗装", "reading": "ホソウ", "meaning": "pavement, road surface" }, { "example": "老舗", "reading": "シニセ", "meaning": "long-established shop, shop of long standing, old shop" }, { "example": "名舗", "reading": "メイホ", "meaning": "quality shop, famous store" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "个", "丶", "十", "口", "土", "用" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33303_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"急募", "reading": "キュウボ", "meaning": "hurried recruitment, urgent recruitment" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "募る", "reading": "つのる", "meaning": "to become stronger, to grow in intensity, to grow violent, to become worse, to invite contributions, etc., to solicit help, participation, etc., to recruit (e.g. soldiers)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "力", "meaning": "power, force" }, "parts": [ "力", "大", "日", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21215_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/052df.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/52df.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%8B%9F%23kanji" }, { "query": "慕", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2100", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "pining, yearn for, love dearly, adore", "kunyomi": [ "した.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ボ" ], 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"http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B0%BF%23kanji" }, { "query": "芳", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1302", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "perfume, balmy, favorable, fragrant", "kunyomi": [ "かんば.しい" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "芳香", "reading": "ホウコウ", "meaning": "perfume, fragrance, aroma, balm, sweet scent" }, { "example": "芳韻", "reading": "ホウイン", "meaning": "Chinese poem, poem, rhyme" }, { "example": "遺芳", "reading": "イホウ", "meaning": "memory or autograph of deceased" }, { "example": "余芳", "reading": "ヨホウ", "meaning": "lingering fragrance, continuing fame (after death)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "芳しい", "reading": "かんばしい", "meaning": "sweet-smelling, fragrant, aromatic, good (reputation, condition, results, etc.), favorable" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "艸", "forms": [ "艹" ], "meaning": "grass" }, "parts": [ "方", "艾" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33459_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/082b3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/82b3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%8A%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "邦", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "654", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "home country, country, Japan", "kunyomi": [ "くに" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "邦楽", "reading": "ホウガク", "meaning": "Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music)" }, { "example": "邦画", "reading": "ホウガ", "meaning": "Japanese film, Japanese painting" }, { "example": "東邦", "reading": "トウホウ", "meaning": "Oriental country, the Orient" }, { "example": "友邦", "reading": "ユウホウ", "meaning": "friendly nation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "国", "reading": "くに", "meaning": "country, state, region, national government, central government, home (i.e. hometown, home country), province (of Japan), land, earth" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "邑", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "town (阝 right)" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "二", "邦" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37030_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/090a6.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/90a6.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%82%A6%23kanji" }, { "query": "奉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1624", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "observance, offer, present, dedicate", "kunyomi": [ "たてまつ.る", "まつ.る", "ほう.ずる" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ", "ブ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "奉仕", "reading": "ホウシ", "meaning": "service, ministry, attendance, church work, offering goods at a reduced price, providing a service for free" }, { "example": "奉公", "reading": "ホウコウ", "meaning": "live-in domestic service, live-in apprenticeship, public duty, public service" }, { "example": "奉行", "reading": "ブギョウ", "meaning": "magistrate, shogunate administrator" }, { "example": "奉行所", "reading": "ブギョウショ", "meaning": "magistrate's office" }, { "example": "供奉", "reading": "グブ", "meaning": "accompanying, being in attendance on, inner offerer (any of the 10 high-ranking monks serving at the inner offering hall)" }, { "example": "内供奉", "reading": "ナイグブ", "meaning": "inner offerer (any of the 10 high-ranking monks serving at the inner offering hall)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "奉る", "reading": "たてまつる", "meaning": "to offer, to present, to set someone up in a high position, to revere at a distance, to do respectfully" }, { "example": "奉る", "reading": "たてまつる", "meaning": "to offer, to present, to set someone up in a high position, to revere at a distance, to do respectfully" }, { "example": "奉ずる", "reading": "ほうずる", "meaning": "to present, to dedicate, to obey, to follow, to believe in, to serve, to proudly bear" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "大", "meaning": "big, very" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "人", "大", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22857_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05949.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5949.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%A5%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "抱", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "871", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "embrace, hug, hold in arms", "kunyomi": [ "だ.く", "いだ.く", "かか.える" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "抱負", "reading": "ホウフ", "meaning": "aspiration, ambition, pretension" }, { "example": "抱擁", "reading": "ホウヨウ", "meaning": "embrace, hug, holding in one's arms" }, { "example": "懐抱", "reading": "カイホウ", "meaning": "bearing in mind (a thought, feeling, etc.), embrace, hug, holding in one's arms, bosom, (breast) pocket" }, { "example": "合抱", "reading": "ゴウホウ", "meaning": "armful" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "抱く", "reading": "だく", "meaning": "to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug, to have sex with, to make love to, to sleep with, to sit on (eggs), to brood" }, { "example": "抱く", "reading": "いだく", "meaning": "to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug, to have (a thought or feeling), to hold, to harbour (suspicion, doubt, etc.), to harbor, to bear (a grudge, ill will, etc.), to entertain (hope, illusions, etc.), to cherish (e.g. an ambition)" }, { "example": "抱える", "reading": "かかえる", "meaning": "to hold or carry under or in the arms, to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.), to employ, to engage, to hire" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "勹", "已", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": 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"ホウキュウ", "meaning": "salary (esp. public employees), wages, pay" }, { "example": "号俸", "reading": "ゴウホウ", "meaning": "gradational salary" }, { "example": "増俸", "reading": "ゾウホウ", "meaning": "salary increase, raise" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "人", "forms": [ "亻" ], "meaning": "man, human" }, "parts": [ "一", "二", "人", "化", "大", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20472_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04ff8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4ff8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%BF%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "倣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2454", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "emulate, imitate", "kunyomi": [ "なら.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "倣う", "reading": "ならう", "meaning": "to 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Mt. Fuji, wrestling ring, dire or risky situation with no room for error, sink-or-swim position" }, { "example": "峰々", "reading": "みねみね", "meaning": "peaks" }, { "example": "剣ヶ峰", "reading": "けんがみね", "meaning": "rim of a volcano, esp. Mt. 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(radioactive) decay, disintegration" }, { "example": "壊崩", "reading": "カイホウ", "meaning": "collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "崩れる", "reading": "くずれる", "meaning": "to collapse, to crumble, to get out of shape, to lose one's shape, to become disorganized, to become untidy, to break down, to be thrown into disarray, to crash (stock market), to slump, to decline, to break money into small change, to turn bad (e.g. weather), to change for the worse, to deteriorate" }, { "example": "崩す", "reading": "くずす", "meaning": "to destroy, to demolish, to pull down, to tear down, to level, to disturb, to put into disorder, to throw off balance, to make shaky, to relax (one's pose), to make oneself at ease, to break (a bill), to change, to make change, to write in cursive style, to write in running style, to break into a smile, to let off a smile, to lower (a price)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "山", "meaning": "mountain" }, "parts": [ "山", "月" ], 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"meaning": "honey" }, { "example": "虻蜂", "reading": "あぶはち", "meaning": "horsefly and bee, horsefly and wasp" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "虫", "meaning": "insect" }, "parts": [ "一", "夂", "虫", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34562_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08702.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8702.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%9C%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "飽", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1780", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "sated, tired of, bored, satiate", "kunyomi": [ "あ.きる", "あ.かす", "あ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "飽和", "reading": "ホウワ", "meaning": "saturation, satiation" }, { "example": "飽食", "reading": "ホウショク", "meaning": "gluttony, satiation, engorgement" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "飽きる", "reading": "あきる", "meaning": "to get tired of, to lose interest in, to be fed up with, to have enough" }, { "example": "飽かす", "reading": "あかす", "meaning": "to bore, to tire, to weary, to stultify, to use lavishly (and without regret)" }, { "example": "飽く", "reading": "あく", "meaning": "to tire of, to lose interest in, to be satisfied, to enjoy, to do adequately" }, { "example": "飽くまでも", "reading": "あくまでも", "meaning": "to the last, persistency, thoroughness" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "食", "forms": [ "飠" ], "meaning": "eat, food" }, "parts": [ "勹", "已", "食" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/39165_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/098fd.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/98fd.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%A3%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "褒", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2073", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "praise, extol", "kunyomi": [ "ほ.める" ], "onyomi": [ "ホウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "報奨金", "reading": "ホウショウキン", "meaning": "cash bonus, reward, bounty" }, { "example": "褒美", "reading": "ホウビ", "meaning": "reward, prize" }, { "example": "過褒", "reading": "カホウ", "meaning": "excessive praise, overpraise" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "褒める", "reading": "ほめる", "meaning": "to praise, to commend, to compliment, to speak well of, to speak highly of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "亠", "化", "口", "小", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35090_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08912.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8912.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A4%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "縫", 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"ボウサツサレル", "meaning": "to be very busily occupied, to be swamped with work" }, { "example": "煩忙", "reading": "ハンボウ", "meaning": "pressure of business, busy" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "忙しい", "reading": "いそがしい", "meaning": "busy, occupied, hectic, restless, hurried, fidgety" }, { "example": "忙しい", "reading": "せわしい", "meaning": "busy, hectic, frantic, restless, hurried, fidgety" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "亠", "亡", "忙" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24537_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05fd9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5fd9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BF%99%23kanji" }, { "query": "坊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1832", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "boy, priest's residence, priest", 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"坊主", "reading": "ボウズ", "meaning": "Buddhist priest, bonze, close-cropped hair, crew cut, person with a shorn head, boy, sonny, lad, not catching anything (in fishing), the August 20-point card" }, { "example": "書房", "reading": "ショボウ", "meaning": "study, library, bookstore, bookshop, publishing company" }, { "example": "工房", "reading": "コウボウ", "meaning": "workshop, studio, atelier" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "房", "reading": "ふさ", "meaning": "tuft (of hair, threads, etc.), fringe, tassel, bunch (of grapes, bananas, etc.), cluster (of flowers), segment (of a tangerine, etc.), section" }, { "example": "房尾巻猿", "reading": "ふさおまきざる", "meaning": "brown capuchin, tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)" }, { "example": "一房", "reading": "ひとふさ", "meaning": "one tuft (of hair, threads, etc.), one bunch (of grapes, bananas, etc.), one cluster (e.g. of flowers), one segment (of a tangerine, etc.), one section" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "戶", "forms": [ "户", "戸" ], "meaning": "door, house" }, 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danger, hazard, risk" }, { "example": "感冒", "reading": "カンボウ", "meaning": "cold (illness)" }, { "example": "流行性感冒", "reading": "リュウコウセイカンボウ", "meaning": "influenza, flu" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "冒す", "reading": "おかす", "meaning": "to brave, to risk, to face, to venture, to harm, to afflict, to affect, to desecrate, to profane, to assume (someone else's surname), to take" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "冂", "meaning": "open country" }, "parts": [ "日", "目" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/20882_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05192.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5192.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%86%92%23kanji" }, { "query": "剖", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1918", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "divide", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ボウ" ], 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treason" }, { "example": "謀反", "reading": "ムヘン", "meaning": "plotting to overthrow the government (by assassinating the emperor)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "図る", "reading": "はかる", "meaning": "to plan, to attempt, to devise, to plot, to conspire, to scheme, to aim for, to strive for, to work towards, to seek, to deceive, to trick, to take in" }, { "example": "謀る", "reading": "たばかる", "meaning": "to work out a plan of deception, to scheme, to take in, to dupe, to deceive, to think up a plan, to think over a plan, to discuss, to consult" }, { "example": "謀", "reading": "はかりごと", "meaning": "plan, strategy" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "木", "甘", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35584_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08b00.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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flip over, to suddenly change (attitude, opinion, etc.), to suddenly switch, to alter, to flip" }, { "example": "翻す", "reading": "ひるがえす", "meaning": "to turn over, to turn around, to change (one's mind), to reverse (one's decision), to take back (one's words), to fly (flag, etc.), to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "羽", "meaning": "feather" }, "parts": [ "冫", "田", "米", "羽", "釆" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32763_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07ffb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7ffb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%BF%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "凡", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1730", "strokeCount": 3, "meaning": "commonplace, ordinary, mediocre", "kunyomi": [ "およ.そ", "おうよ.そ", "すべ.て" ], "onyomi": [ "ボン", "ハン" ], 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"meaning": "sesame seeds, sesame (Sesamum indicum)" }, { "example": "麻雀", "reading": "マージャン", "meaning": "mahjong, mah-jongg" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "麻", "reading": "あさ", "meaning": "cannabis (Cannabis sativa), hemp (plant), hemp (fiber), linen, flax, jute" }, { "example": "麻布", "reading": "あさぬの", "meaning": "hemp cloth, linen" }, { "example": "大麻", "reading": "たいま", "meaning": "hemp, cannabis, marijuana, pot, hashish, Shinto paper offerings" }, { "example": "絹麻", "reading": "きぬあさ", "meaning": "thin linen polished to appear like silk" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "麻", "meaning": "hemp, flax" }, "parts": [ "广", "木", "麻" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/40635_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09ebb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9ebb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%BA%BB%23kanji" }, { "query": "摩", 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chafe, to strike (match), to file, to frost (glass), to lose (e.g. a match), to forfeit, to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "广", "手", "木", "麻" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25705_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06469.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6469.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%91%A9%23kanji" }, { "query": "磨", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1608", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", "kunyomi": [ "みが.く", "す.る" ], "onyomi": [ "マ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "摩耗", "reading": "マモウ", "meaning": "wear, abrasion" }, { "example": "磨羯宮", "reading": "マカツキュウ", "meaning": "Capricorn (10th zodiacal sign), the Goat" }, { "example": "琢磨", "reading": "タクマ", "meaning": "polish (jewels), cultivation" }, { "example": "達磨", "reading": "ダルマ", "meaning": "daruma, tumbling doll, round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted, Bodhidharma, prostitute" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "磨く", "reading": "みがく", "meaning": "to polish, to shine, to brush (e.g. teeth), to grind (e.g. lens), to refine (e.g. a skill), to improve, to cultivate" }, { "example": "擦る", "reading": "する", "meaning": "to rub, to chafe, to strike (match), to file, to frost (glass), to lose (e.g. a match), to forfeit, to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "石", "meaning": "stone" }, "parts": [ "口", "广", "木", "石", "麻" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/30952_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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difference, a gap), to fill (a seat, a vacant position), to fill out, to make up for (a loss, shortage, etc.), to make amends, to compensate for, to put cold water (in a bath), to cover, to scatter something over" }, { "example": "埋まる", "reading": "うまる", "meaning": "to be buried, to be covered, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be crowded, to be filled, to be repaid (e.g. debt), to be replenished, to be filled (e.g. blank, vacancy, schedule)" }, { "example": "埋もれる", "reading": "うもれる", "meaning": "to be buried, to be covered, to be hidden" }, { "example": "埋める", "reading": "うずめる", "meaning": "to cover, to bury (e.g. one's face in hands), to submerge, to fill (completely), to stuff, to pack, to cram, to fill up" }, { "example": "埋まる", "reading": "うまる", "meaning": "to be buried, to be covered, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be crowded, to be filled, to be repaid (e.g. debt), to be replenished, to be filled (e.g. blank, vacancy, schedule)" }, { "example": "埋ける", "reading": "いける", "meaning": "to bury something in the ground, to cover coals with ash, to bank a fire" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "土", "meaning": "earth" }, "parts": [ "土", "里" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22475_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/057cb.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/57cb.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%9F%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "膜", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1804", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "membrane", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "マク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "膜", "reading": "マク", "meaning": "membrane, film" }, { "example": "膜厚", "reading": "マクアツ", "meaning": "film thickness, coating thickness" }, { "example": "角膜", "reading": "カクマク", "meaning": "cornea" }, { "example": "網膜", "reading": "モウマク", "meaning": "retina" } ], 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pillows and futon (in Zen Buddhism), sleeping" }, { "example": "陶枕", "reading": "トウチン", "meaning": "porcelain pillow (used in summer)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "枕", "reading": "まくら", "meaning": "pillow, bolster, introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story), lead-in" }, { "example": "枕絵", "reading": "まくらえ", "meaning": "erotic picture" }, { "example": "新枕", "reading": "にいまくら", "meaning": "bridal bed" }, { "example": "高枕", "reading": "たかまくら", "meaning": "high pillow" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乙", "冖", "尢", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26517_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06795.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6795.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9E%95%23kanji" }, { "query": "又", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", 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"慢", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1368", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "ridicule, laziness", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "マン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "慢性的", "reading": "マンセイテキ", "meaning": "chronic" }, { "example": "慢性", "reading": "マンセイ", "meaning": "chronic (illness)" }, { "example": "職務怠慢", "reading": "ショクムタイマン", "meaning": "neglect (dereliction) of duty, negligence" }, { "example": "暴慢", "reading": "ボウマン", "meaning": "ill-mannered, overbearing" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "又", "忙", "日", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24930_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06162.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6162.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%85%A2%23kanji" }, { 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"meaning": "slow, relaxed walk, stroll" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "又", "日", "汁", "買" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28459_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06f2b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6f2b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BC%AB%23kanji" }, { "query": "魅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1206", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "fascination, charm, bewitch", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ミ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "魅力", "reading": "ミリョク", "meaning": "charm, fascination, glamour, glamor, attraction, appeal" }, { "example": "魅了", "reading": "ミリョウ", "meaning": "fascination, to charm, to fascinate, to mesmerize" }, { "example": "魑魅", "reading": "チミ", "meaning": "mountain demon" }, { 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"example": "岬", "reading": "みさき", "meaning": "cape (on coast)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "山", "meaning": "mountain" }, "parts": [ "山", "日", "田", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23724_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05cac.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5cac.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B2%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "蜜", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2203", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "honey, nectar, molasses", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ミツ", "ビツ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "蜜", "reading": "ミツ", "meaning": "nectar, honey, honeydew, treacle, molasses, sorbitol (when visible as dark patches inside an apple)" }, { "example": "蜜月", "reading": "ミツゲツ", "meaning": "honeymoon, in an intimate relationship" }, { "example": "水蜜", "reading": "スイミツ", "meaning": "white peach" }, { "example": "糖蜜", "reading": "トウミツ", "meaning": "molasses, black treacle, (sugar) syrup" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "虫", "meaning": "insect" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "丶", "宀", "心", "虫" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34588_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0871c.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/871c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%9C%9C%23kanji" }, { "query": "妙", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1122", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "exquisite, strange, queer, mystery, miracle, excellent, delicate, charming", "kunyomi": [ "たえ" ], "onyomi": [ "ミョウ", "ビョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "妙", "reading": "ミョウ", "meaning": "strange, weird, odd, curious, wonder, mystery, miracle, excellence, cleverness, adroitness, knack, skill" }, { "example": "妙案", "reading": "ミョウアン", "meaning": "ingenious idea, excellent plan, bright idea" }, { "example": "絶妙", "reading": "ゼツミョウ", "meaning": "exquisite, superb, perfect, miraculous" }, { "example": "軽妙", "reading": "ケイミョウ", "meaning": "light and easy, lambent, clever, witty, smart" }, { "example": "神妙", "reading": "シンミョウ", "meaning": "meek, quiet, docile, humble, faithful, obedient, mysterious, marvelous, marvellous" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "妙なる", "reading": "たえなる", "meaning": "exquisite (e.g. melody), melodious, delicate, enchanting" }, { "example": "妙なる調べ", "reading": "たえなるしらべ", "meaning": "enchanting melody, sweet tune" }, { "example": "白妙", "reading": "しろたえ", "meaning": "white cloth, white" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "女", "meaning": "woman, female" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "女", "小" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/22937_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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"ユウヤク", "meaning": "taking heart, being in high spirits" }, { "example": "時間跳躍", "reading": "ジカンチョウヤク", "meaning": "time travel, leaping through time" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "躍る", "reading": "おどる", "meaning": "to jump up, to spring up, to leap, to move around, to bounce up and down, to pound (of one's heart, e.g. with excitement), to throb, to be messy (of handwriting), to be untidy" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "足", "forms": [ "⻊" ], "meaning": "foot" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "口", "止", "足", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36493_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08e8d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8e8d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%BA%8D%23kanji" }, { "query": "闇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1969", "strokeCount": 17, "meaning": "get dark, gloom, 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"ユウウツ", "meaning": "depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom, despondency" }, { "example": "幽々", "reading": "ユウユウ", "meaning": "deep, dark" }, { "example": "帰幽", "reading": "キユウ", "meaning": "death" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "微か", "reading": "かすか", "meaning": "faint, dim, weak, slight, vague, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched, meagre, meager, scanty" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "幺", "meaning": "short, tiny" }, "parts": [ "凵", "幺", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24189_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05e7d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5e7d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B9%BD%23kanji" }, { "query": "悠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1921", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "permanence, distant, long time, leisure", "kunyomi": [], 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[ "ユウ", "ヨウ", "ユ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "湧水", "reading": "ユウスイ", "meaning": "spring, welling of water" }, { "example": "湧出", "reading": "ユウシュツ", "meaning": "gushing out, welling up, springing up" }, { "example": "湧出", "reading": "ユウシュツ", "meaning": "gushing out, welling up, springing up" }, { "example": "湧水", "reading": "ユウスイ", "meaning": "spring, welling of water" }, { "example": "湧出", "reading": "ユウシュツ", "meaning": "gushing out, welling up, springing up" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "湧く", "reading": "わく", "meaning": "to well (up), to gush forth (of water), to spring out, to surge, to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.), to feel emotions from (joy, bravery, etc.), to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "マ", "力", "汁", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28263_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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addition, moreover, note that ..." }, { "example": "尚更", "reading": "なおさら", "meaning": "still more, even more, all the more, still less, even less" }, { "example": "今なお", "reading": "いまなお", "meaning": "still, even now" }, { "example": "今もなお", "reading": "いまもなお", "meaning": "still, even now" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "犬", "forms": [ "犭" ], "meaning": "dog" }, "parts": [ "并", "犯", "酉" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29494_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07336.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7336.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%8C%B6%23kanji" }, { "query": "裕", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1048", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "abundant, rich, fertile", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ユウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "裕福", "reading": "ユウフク", "meaning": "wealthy, rich, affluent, well-off" }, { "example": "優に", "reading": "ユウニ", "meaning": "easily (reach, exceed, etc.), comfortably, amply, fully, well over" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "个", "初", "口", "谷" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35029_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/088d5.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/88d5.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A3%95%23kanji" }, { "query": "雄", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "669", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence", "kunyomi": [ "お-", "おす", "おん" ], "onyomi": [ "ユウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "雄", "reading": "ユウ", "meaning": "male, man, excellence, greatness, best (of), great person, leading figure" }, { "example": "雄大", "reading": "ユウダイ", "meaning": "grand, magnificent, majestic, great, sublime" }, { "example": "雌雄", "reading": "シユウ", "meaning": "male and female (animals), the two sexes, victory and defeat, strengths and weaknesses" }, { "example": "両雄", "reading": "リョウユウ", "meaning": "two great men (rivals)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "雄", "reading": "おす", "meaning": "male (animal, plant)" }, { "example": "雄犬", "reading": "おすいぬ", "meaning": "male dog" }, { "example": "雄", "reading": "おす", "meaning": "male (animal, plant)" }, { "example": "雄鶏", "reading": "おんどり", "meaning": "cock, rooster, chanticleer" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "隹", "meaning": "small bird" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "一", "厶", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38596_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/096c4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/96c4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9B%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "誘", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "993", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "entice, lead, tempt, invite, ask, call for, seduce, allure", "kunyomi": [ "さそ.う", "いざな.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ユウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "誘致", "reading": "ユウチ", "meaning": "attraction, lure, invitation" }, { "example": "誘拐", "reading": "ユウカイ", "meaning": "abduction, kidnapping, kidnaping" }, { "example": "不招請勧誘", "reading": "フショウセイカンユウ", "meaning": "unsolicited promotion" }, { "example": "劇場型勧誘", "reading": "ゲキジョウガタカンユウ", "meaning": "advertising fraudulent investment schemes with glossy brochures, phone calls, etc." } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "誘う", "reading": "さそう", "meaning": "to invite, to ask (someone to do), to call (for), to take (someone) along, to tempt, to lure, to entice, to seduce, to induce (tears, laughter, sleepiness, etc.), to arouse (e.g. sympathy), to provoke" }, { "example": "誘う", "reading": "さそう", "meaning": "to invite, to ask (someone to do), to call (for), to take (someone) along, to tempt, to lure, to entice, to seduce, to induce (tears, laughter, sleepiness, etc.), to arouse (e.g. sympathy), to provoke" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "乃", "禾", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35480_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a98.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a98.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AA%98%23kanji" }, { "query": "憂", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1625", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy", "kunyomi": [ "うれ.える", "うれ.い", "う.い", "う.き" ], "onyomi": [ "ユウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憂慮", "reading": "ユウリョ", "meaning": "anxiety, concern, fear" }, { "example": "憂鬱", "reading": "ユウウツ", "meaning": "depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom, despondency" }, { "example": "外憂", "reading": "ガイユウ", "meaning": "external troubles, foreign threat" }, { "example": "内憂", "reading": "ナイユウ", "meaning": "internal troubles, domestic discord" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "憂える", "reading": "うれえる", "meaning": "to worry about, to be anxious about, to be concerned about, to lament, to grieve, to feel sorrow for" }, { "example": "憂い", "reading": "うれい", "meaning": "sorrow, grief, anguish, distress, trouble, affliction, anxiety, fear, misgivings" }, { "example": "憂い顔", "reading": "うれいがお", "meaning": "sad face, sorrowful face, anxious look, sad countenance" }, { "example": "憂い", "reading": "うい", "meaning": "unhappy, sad, gloomy" }, { "example": "憂き", "reading": "うき", "meaning": "unhappy, sad, gloomy" }, { "example": "憂き目", "reading": "うきめ", "meaning": "bitter experience, misery, distress, grief, sad thoughts, hardship" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "一", "冖", "夂", "心", "白", "自" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24962_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06182.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6182.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%86%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "融", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "481", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "dissolve, melt", "kunyomi": [ "と.ける", "と.かす" ], "onyomi": [ "ユウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "融資", "reading": "ユウシ", "meaning": "financing, loan" }, { "example": "融合", "reading": "ユウゴウ", "meaning": "agglutination, adhesion, fusion, combination, blending, uniting" }, { "example": "溶融", "reading": "ヨウユウ", "meaning": "melting, fusion" }, { "example": "炉心溶融", "reading": "ロシンヨウユウ", "meaning": "core meltdown, meltdown, nuclear reactor core meltdown" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "溶ける", "reading": "とける", "meaning": "to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve" }, { "example": "溶かす", "reading": "とかす", "meaning": "to dissolve, to melt" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "虫", "meaning": "insect" }, "parts": [ "儿", "冂", "口", "虫", "鬲" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/34701_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0878d.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/878d.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%9E%8D%23kanji" }, { "query": "与", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "308", "strokeCount": 3, "meaning": "bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend", "kunyomi": [ "あた.える", "あずか.る", "くみ.する", "ともに" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "与野党", "reading": "ヨヤトウ", "meaning": "ruling and opposition parties, parties in and out of power" }, { "example": "与党", "reading": "ヨトウ", "meaning": "ruling party, government party, party in power, government" }, { "example": "賞与", "reading": "ショウヨ", "meaning": "bonus, reward, prize" }, { "example": "贈与", "reading": "ゾウヨ", "meaning": "donation, presentation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "与える", "reading": "あたえる", "meaning": "to give (esp. to someone of lower status), to bestow, to grant, to confer, to present, to award, to provide, to afford, to offer, to supply, to assign, to cause, to pass (a variable to a function)" }, { "example": "与る", "reading": "あずかる", "meaning": "to participate in, to take part in, to play a part in, to receive, to be given, to enjoy" }, { "example": "与する", "reading": "くみする", "meaning": "to take part in, to be a party to, to side with, to support, to agree with" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "一", "meaning": "one" }, "parts": [ "一", "勹", "卜" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/19982_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/04e0e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/4e0e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E4%B8%8E%23kanji" }, { "query": "誉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1064", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "reputation, praise, honor, glory", "kunyomi": [ "ほま.れ", "ほ.める" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "誉望", "reading": "ヨボウ", "meaning": "honor, honour" }, { "example": "声誉", "reading": "セイヨ", "meaning": "reputation, fame, credit, honor and distinction, honour and distinction" }, { "example": "毀誉", "reading": "キヨ", "meaning": "praise and censure, approval and disapproval, approbation and condemnation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "誉れ", "reading": "ほまれ", "meaning": "honour, honor" }, { "example": "誉れ高い", "reading": "ほまれたかい", "meaning": "renowned, famous" }, { "example": "褒める", "reading": "ほめる", "meaning": "to praise, to commend, to compliment, to speak well of, to speak highly of" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "一", "尚", "并", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35465_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08a89.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8a89.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AA%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "妖", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1964", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "attractive, bewitching, calamity", "kunyomi": [ "あや.しい", "なま.めく", "わざわ.い" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" 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"jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2038", "strokeCount": 11, "meaning": "commonplace, ordinary, employment", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "庸", "reading": "ヨウ", "meaning": "tax paid to avoid forced labor (ritsuryo period), tax in kind, mediocrity" }, { "example": "庸君", "reading": "ヨウクン", "meaning": "stupid ruler" }, { "example": "登用", "reading": "トウヨウ", "meaning": "appointment, assignment, promotion" }, { "example": "凡庸", "reading": "ボンヨウ", "meaning": "mediocre, ordinary, commonplace, banal" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "广", "meaning": "house on cliff" }, "parts": [ "ヨ", "广", "用", "聿" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24248_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05eb8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5eb8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BA%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "揚", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1316", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "raise, elevate, hoist, praise, extol, fry in deep fat", "kunyomi": [ "あ.げる", "-あ.げ", "あ.がる" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "揚力", "reading": "ヨウリョク", "meaning": "dynamic lift, lifting power" }, { "example": "揚音", "reading": "ヨウオン", "meaning": "acute (accent, etc.)" }, { "example": "高揚", "reading": "コウヨウ", "meaning": "elevation (of spirits), raising (of morale), uplift, upsurge" }, { "example": "掲揚", "reading": "ケイヨウ", "meaning": "hoisting (e.g. a flag), raising, flying, putting up" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "上げる", "reading": "あげる", "meaning": "to raise, to elevate, to do up (one's hair), to fly (a kite, etc.), to launch (fireworks, etc.), to surface (a submarine, etc.), to land (a boat), to deep-fry, to show someone (into a room), to give, to send someone (away), to enrol (one's child in school), to enroll, to increase (price, quality, status, etc.), to develop (talent, skill), to improve, to make (a loud sound), to raise (one's voice), to earn (something desirable), to praise, to give (an example, etc.), to cite, to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.), to arrest, to nominate, to summon (for geishas, etc.), to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.), to bear (a child), to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding), (of the tide) to come in, to vomit, to do for (the sake of someone else), to complete ..., to humbly do ..." }, { "example": "上がる", "reading": "あがる", "meaning": "to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, to get out (of water), to come ashore, to increase, to improve, to make progress, to be promoted, to advance, to be made (of profit, etc.), to occur (esp. of a favourable result), to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.), to be finished, to be done, to be over, (of rain) to stop, to lift, to stop (working properly), to cut out, to give out, to die, to win (in a card game, etc.), to be arrested, to turn up (of evidence, etc.), to be deep fried, to be spoken loudly, to get nervous, to get stage fright, to be offered (to the gods, etc.), to go, to visit, to eat, to drink, to be listed (as a candidate), to serve (in one's master's home), to go north, to be complete, to finish" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "一", "勿", "扎", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25562_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063da.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63da.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8F%9A%23kanji" }, { "query": "揺", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1079", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "swing, shake, sway, rock, tremble, vibrate", "kunyomi": [ "ゆ.れる", "ゆ.る", "ゆ.らぐ", "ゆ.るぐ", "ゆ.する", "ゆ.さぶる", "ゆ.すぶる", "うご.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "揺曳", "reading": "ヨウエイ", "meaning": "flutter, linger" }, { "example": "揺蕩", "reading": "ヨウトウ", "meaning": "shaking, swaying" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "揺れる", "reading": "ゆれる", "meaning": "to shake, to sway, to waver" }, { "example": "揺る", "reading": "ゆる", "meaning": "to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing" }, { "example": "揺るがす", "reading": "ゆるがす", "meaning": "to shake, to swing, to sway, to shock" }, { "example": "揺らぐ", "reading": "ゆらぐ", "meaning": "to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble, to waver, to feel shaken, to become unstable" }, { "example": "揺るぐ", "reading": "ゆるぐ", "meaning": "to shake, to waver, to tremble" }, { "example": "揺する", "reading": "ゆする", "meaning": "to shake, to jolt, to rock (cradle), to swing, to blackmail, to extort, to shake down" }, { "example": "揺さぶる", "reading": "ゆさぶる", "meaning": "to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing, to sway, to shake (e.g. the political world), to disturb, to shock, to upset, to put off a batter (by varying one's type of pitch)" }, { "example": "揺すぶる", "reading": "ゆすぶる", "meaning": "to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "凵", "干", "扎", "爪" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25594_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/063fa.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/63fa.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8F%BA%23kanji" }, { "query": "溶", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1364", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "melt, dissolve, thaw", "kunyomi": [ "と.ける", "と.かす", "と.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "溶岩", "reading": "ヨウガン", "meaning": "lava" }, { "example": "溶液", "reading": "ヨウエキ", "meaning": "solution (liquid)" }, { "example": "溶溶", "reading": "ヨウヨウ", "meaning": "vast, overflowing with water, spacious" }, { "example": "可溶", "reading": "カヨウ", "meaning": "soluble, solubilizing, solubilising" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "溶ける", "reading": "とける", "meaning": "to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve" }, { "example": "溶かす", "reading": "とかす", "meaning": "to dissolve, to melt" }, { "example": "溶く", "reading": "とく", "meaning": "to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs), to melt (metal, etc.), to mix (water with flour, etc.)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "个", "口", "宀", "汁", "穴", "谷" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28342_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": 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swords, hakama, obi, etc. worn around the waist, counter for quivers of arrows" }, { "example": "お腰", "reading": "おこし", "meaning": "buttocks, lower back, waist, hips, kimono underskirt" }, { "example": "太刀二腰", "reading": "たちふたこし", "meaning": "two swords" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "女", "月", "西" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33136_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08170.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8170.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%85%B0%23kanji" }, { "query": "瘍", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "swelling, boil, tumor", "kunyomi": [ "かさ" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "胃潰瘍", "reading": "イカイヨウ", "meaning": "stomach ulcer" }, { "example": "消化性潰瘍", "reading": "ショウカセイカイヨウ", "meaning": 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"reading": "おどる", "meaning": "to dance (orig. a hopping dance)" }, { "example": "踊る阿呆に見る阿呆", "reading": "おどるあほうにみるあほう", "meaning": "you're a fool if you dance, and a fool if you just look on; we're all fools, so let's dance" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "足", "forms": [ "⻊" ], "meaning": "foot" }, "parts": [ "マ", "口", "止", "用", "足" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36362_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08e0a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8e0a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B8%8A%23kanji" }, { "query": "窯", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2072", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "kiln, oven, furnace", "kunyomi": [ "かま" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "窯業", "reading": "ヨウギョウ", "meaning": "ceramics, ceramic industry" }, { "example": "窯変", 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recite a poem" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "言", "forms": [ "訁" ], "meaning": "speech" }, "parts": [ "凵", "干", "爪", "言" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35617_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08b21.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8b21.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%AC%A1%23kanji" }, { "query": "抑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "834", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "repress, well, now, in the first place, push, shove, press, seal, do in spite of", "kunyomi": [ "おさ.える" ], "onyomi": [ "ヨク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "抑止", "reading": "ヨクシ", "meaning": "check, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit, deterrent, deterrence" }, { "example": "抑圧", "reading": "ヨクアツ", "meaning": "check, restraint, oppression, suppression" }, { "example": "圧抑", "reading": "アツヨク", "meaning": "check, restraint, oppression, suppression" }, { "example": "謙抑", "reading": "ケンヨク", "meaning": "humbling oneself" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "抑える", "reading": "おさえる", "meaning": "to keep within limits (e.g. spending), to restrain (e.g. emotions), to control, to curb, to hold in check, to hold back (e.g. an enemy), to check, to curb, to contain, to quell, to subdue, to suppress, to repress" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "卩", "扎" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25233_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06291.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6291.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8A%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "沃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "fertility", "kunyomi": [ "そそ.ぐ" ], 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mansions), counter for birds or bird wings" }, { "example": "翼沙魚", "reading": "つばさはぜ", "meaning": "loach goby (Rhyacichthys aspro)" }, { "example": "片翼", "reading": "かたよく", "meaning": "one wing, single wing" }, { "example": "虎に翼", "reading": "とらにつばさ", "meaning": "making the strong even stronger" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "羽", "meaning": "feather" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "一", "二", "井", "冫", "田", "羽", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32764_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07ffc.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7ffc.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%BF%BC%23kanji" }, { "query": "拉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "Latin, kidnap, crush", "kunyomi": [ "らっ.する", "ひし.ぐ", "くだ.く" ], "onyomi": [ "ラツ", "ラ", "ロウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拉麺", "reading": "ラーメン", "meaning": "ramen, Chinese-style noodles" }, { "example": "拉致問題", "reading": "ラチモンダイ", "meaning": "abduction issue (esp. of those Japanese abducted by North Korea)" }, { "example": "撒哈拉", "reading": "サハラ", "meaning": "Sahara" }, { "example": "委内瑞拉", "reading": "ベネズエラ", "meaning": "Venezuela" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "拉ぐ", "reading": "ひしぐ", "meaning": "to crush" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "手", "forms": [ "扌龵" ], "meaning": "hand" }, "parts": [ "扎", "立" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/25289_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/062c9.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/62c9.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%89%23kanji" }, { "query": "裸", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1796", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "naked, nude, uncovered, partially clothed", "kunyomi": [ "はだか" ], "onyomi": [ "ラ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "裸体", "reading": "ラタイ", "meaning": "naked body, nudity" }, { "example": "裸眼", "reading": "ラガン", "meaning": "bare eyes (i.e. without glasses, contact lenses, etc.), uncorrected vision, unaided vision" }, { "example": "全裸", "reading": "ゼンラ", "meaning": "stark naked, nude" }, { "example": "赤裸", "reading": "セキラ", "meaning": "stark naked, nude, bare, unvarnished (e.g. truth), plain (e.g. fact), frank, candid, outspoken" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "裸", "reading": "はだか", "meaning": "nakedness, nudity, bareness, nakedness, baldness, being uncovered, being penniless, concealing nothing, openness" }, { "example": "裸一貫", "reading": "はだかいっかん", "meaning": "having nothing except one's body, having empty pockets, being penniless" }, { "example": "丸裸", "reading": "まるはだか", "meaning": "being stark-naked, having no possessions, losing all one's belongings" }, { "example": "赤裸", "reading": "あかはだか", "meaning": "stark naked, nude, bare, stripped of all belongings, penniless, naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "初", "木", "田" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35064_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/088f8.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/88f8.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%A3%B8%23kanji" }, { "query": "羅", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1831", "strokeCount": 19, "meaning": "gauze, thin silk, Rome, arrange, spread out", "kunyomi": [ "うすもの" ], "onyomi": [ "ラ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "薄物", "reading": "ウスモノ", "meaning": "lightweight fabric or clothing, silk gauze, thin silk, Latin (language)" }, { "example": "ラテン語", "reading": "ラテンゴ", "meaning": "Latin (language)" }, { "example": "修羅", "reading": "シュラ", "meaning": "Asura, demigod, anti-god, titan, demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology, fighting, carnage, conflict, strife, sledge (for conveying large rocks, logs, etc.), log slide, chute, flume" }, { "example": "甲羅", "reading": "コウラ", "meaning": "shell (of crab, tortoise, etc.), carapace, plastron, person's back, years of experience" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "薄物", "reading": "うすもの", "meaning": "lightweight fabric or clothing, silk gauze, thin silk, Latin (language)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "网", "forms": [ "罒", "⺲", "罓", "⺳" ], "meaning": "net" }, "parts": [ "小", "幺", "糸", "買", "隹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/32645_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07f85.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7f85.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%BE%85%23kanji" }, { "query": "雷", 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"meaning": "thunder on a clear day, lightning that starts a fire" }, { "example": "雷", "reading": "かみなり", "meaning": "lightning, thunder, thunderbolt, god of thunder, god of lightning, anger, fit of anger" }, { "example": "雷雲", "reading": "らいうん", "meaning": "thunder cloud" }, { "example": "雷", "reading": "かみなり", "meaning": "lightning, thunder, thunderbolt, god of thunder, god of lightning, anger, fit of anger" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "雨", "meaning": "rain" }, "parts": [ "田", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38647_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/096f7.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/96f7.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9B%B7%23kanji" }, { "query": "頼", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N3", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "708", "strokeCount": 16, "meaning": "trust, request", "kunyomi": [ 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"ラク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "酪", "reading": "ラク", "meaning": "acidic drink made from fermented milk (cow, sheep, mare; one of the five flavors in Buddhism)" }, { "example": "酪農", "reading": "ラクノウ", "meaning": "dairy farming" }, { "example": "製酪", "reading": "セイラク", "meaning": "dairy production (butter, cheese, etc.)" }, { "example": "牛酪", "reading": "ギュウラク", "meaning": "butter" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "酉", "meaning": "wine, alcohol" }, "parts": [ "口", "夂", "酉" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37226_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0916a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/916a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%85%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "辣", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "pungent, spicy, harsh, cruel, severe", "kunyomi": [ "から.い" ], 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"文芸欄", "reading": "ブンゲイラン", "meaning": "literary (and the arts) column" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "一", "日", "木", "田", "門", "|" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/27396_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06b04.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6b04.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%AC%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "吏", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 6, "meaning": "officer, an official", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "リ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "吏", "reading": "リ", "meaning": "government official, public official" }, { "example": "吏員", "reading": "リイン", "meaning": "official" }, { "example": "官吏", "reading": "カンリ", "meaning": "government official, clerk" }, { "example": "刑吏", "reading": "ケイリ", "meaning": 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Japanese thonged sandals" }, { "example": "再履", "reading": "サイリ", "meaning": "repeating a course, taking a course again" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "履く", "reading": "はく", "meaning": "to put on (lower-body clothing, e.g. pants, skirt, footwear), to wear, to affix (a sword to one's hip), to affix (a bowstring to a bow)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "尸", "meaning": "corpse" }, "parts": [ "乞", "夂", "尸", "彳", "日" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/23653_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05c65.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5c65.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%B1%A5%23kanji" }, { "query": "璃", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "strokeCount": 15, "meaning": "glassy, lapis lazuli", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "リ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "瑠璃", "reading": "ルリ", "meaning": "lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli (color), beryl, mall blue passerine bird (esp. the blue-and-white flycatcher and the Siberian blue robin, but also the red-flanked bluetail), glass" }, { "example": "浄瑠璃", "reading": "ジョウルリ", "meaning": "jōruri, type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with Japanese puppet theater)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "玉", "forms": [ "王" ], "meaning": "jade (king)" }, "parts": [ "亠", "凵", "王", "禹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/29827_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07483.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7483.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%92%83%23kanji" }, { "query": "離", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "555", "strokeCount": 19, "meaning": "detach, separation, disjoin, digress", 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(any tree of genus Salix), weeping willow (Salix babylonica)" }, { "example": "柳刃包丁", "reading": "やなぎばぼうちょう", "meaning": "kitchen knife for sashimi" }, { "example": "青柳", "reading": "あおやぎ", "meaning": "green willow (i.e. one that has budded), meat of the trough shell (Mactra chinensis)" }, { "example": "化粧柳", "reading": "けしょうやなぎ", "meaning": "chosenia (Chosenia arbutifolia) (species of willow, also Salix arbutifolia)" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "木", "meaning": "tree" }, "parts": [ "卩", "木" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/26611_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/067f3.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/67f3.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%9F%B3%23kanji" }, { "query": "竜", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1195", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "dragon, imperial", 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the eastern heavens)" }, { "example": "蛟竜", "reading": "コウリョウ", "meaning": "mizuchi, mythical dragon-like beast, believed to ascend to the heavens through rain, unfulfilled genius, dormant talent" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "竜", "reading": "りゅう", "meaning": "dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), naga, semi-divine human-cobra chimera in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, promoted rook" }, { "example": "竜巻", "reading": "たつまき", "meaning": "tornado, waterspout" }, { "example": "伊勢海老", "reading": "いせえび", "meaning": "spiny lobster (esp. 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"carnassial, carnassial tooth" }, { "example": "核分裂", "reading": "カクブンレツ", "meaning": "nuclear fission, karyokinesis (division of a cell nucleus during mitosis or meiosis)" }, { "example": "炸裂", "reading": "サクレツ", "meaning": "violent explosion, bursting" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "裂く", "reading": "さく", "meaning": "to tear, to rip up, to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen), to forcibly separate (e.g. two lovers), to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something, to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye" }, { "example": "裂ける", "reading": "さける", "meaning": "to split, to tear, to burst, to be separated, to be divided" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "衣", "forms": [ "衤" ], "meaning": "clothes" }, "parts": [ "亠", "刈", "歹", "衣" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/35010_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/088c2.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": 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boyfriend, girlfriend" }, { "example": "リア恋", "reading": "リアこい", "meaning": "being in love with an idol, actor, etc., fan who is in love with an idol, actor, etc." }, { "example": "片恋", "reading": "かたこい", "meaning": "unrequited love, one-sided love" }, { "example": "恋しい", "reading": "こいしい", "meaning": "yearned for, longed for, missed" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "ハ", "亠", "心" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24651_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/0604b.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/604b.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%81%8B%23kanji" }, { "query": "廉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2066", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low 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"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/932c.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%8C%AC%23kanji" }, { "query": "呂", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2055", "strokeCount": 7, "meaning": "spine, backbone", "kunyomi": [ "せぼね" ], "onyomi": [ "ロ", "リョ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "呂律", "reading": "ロレツ", "meaning": "articulation" }, { "example": "ろれつが回らない", "reading": "ロレツガマワラナイ", "meaning": "speaking inarticulately (slurring, lisping, etc.)" }, { "example": "大呂", "reading": "タイリョ", "meaning": "second note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D sharp) (in China), twelfth lunar month" }, { "example": "仲呂", "reading": "チュウリョ", "meaning": "(in China) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G), fourth lunar month" }, { "example": "呂", "reading": "リョ", "meaning": "bass range (in Japanese music), six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale, Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale similar to Mixolydian mode (corresp. to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do)" }, { "example": "呂旋", "reading": "リョセン", "meaning": "Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale (corresponding to: so, la, ti, do, re, mi, fa), similar to Mixolydian mode" }, { "example": "大呂", "reading": "タイリョ", "meaning": "second note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. D sharp) (in China), twelfth lunar month" }, { "example": "仲呂", "reading": "チュウリョ", "meaning": "(in China) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G), fourth lunar month" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "口" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/21570_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05442.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5442.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%91%82%23kanji" }, { "query": "炉", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1359", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "hearth, furnace, kiln, reactor", "kunyomi": [ "いろり" ], "onyomi": [ "ロ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "炉", "reading": "ロ", "meaning": "hearth, fireplace, furnace, kiln" }, { "example": "炉心", "reading": "ロシン", "meaning": "nuclear reactor core" }, { "example": "原子炉", "reading": "ゲンシロ", "meaning": "atomic reactor, nuclear reactor" }, { "example": "高炉", "reading": "コウロ", "meaning": 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"シンジョシュッセヒロウ", "meaning": "presenting of new wrestlers to audience" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "露", "reading": "つゆ", "meaning": "dew, tears, (not) a bit, (not) at all" }, { "example": "露払い", "reading": "つゆはらい", "meaning": "outrider, herald, rikishi who leads the yokozuna to the ring prior to his ring-entering ceremony" }, { "example": "朝露", "reading": "あさつゆ", "meaning": "morning dew" }, { "example": "下露", "reading": "したつゆ", "meaning": "dew under (dripping from) trees" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "雨", "meaning": "rain" }, "parts": [ "口", "夂", "止", "足", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/38706_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09732.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9732.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%9C%B2%23kanji" }, { "query": "弄", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 7, 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pocket, bag, etc.)" }, { "example": "弄ぶ", "reading": "もてあそぶ", "meaning": "to play with (a toy, one's hair, etc.), to fiddle with, to toy with (one's emotions, etc.), to trifle with, to do with something as one pleases, to appreciate" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "廾", "meaning": "two hands, twenty" }, "parts": [ "廾", "王" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24324_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/05f04.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/5f04.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E5%BC%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "郎", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "569", "strokeCount": 9, "meaning": "son, counter for sons", "kunyomi": [ "おとこ" ], "onyomi": [ "ロウ", "リョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "郎", "reading": "ロウ", "meaning": "nth son, lang, official title in ancient China, man, young man, my husband, my lover, nth child (male and female)" }, { "example": "郎君", "reading": "ロウクン", "meaning": "young man, boy, son (of one's master, employer, etc.), husband, (male) lover, dear, darling" }, { "example": "新郎", "reading": "シンロウ", "meaning": "bridegroom" }, { "example": "女郎", "reading": "ジョロウ", "meaning": "prostitute (esp. Edo period)" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "邑", "forms": [ "阝" ], "meaning": "town (阝 right)" }, "parts": [ "艮", "邦" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/37070_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/090ce.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/90ce.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%83%8E%23kanji" }, { "query": "浪", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1508", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ロウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "浪", "reading": "ロウ", "meaning": "person who has spent X years after graduating high school attempting to get admitted to (a specific) university" }, { "example": "浪人", "reading": "ロウニン", "meaning": "ronin, masterless samurai, high school graduate waiting for another chance to enter university after having failed the yearly entrance examination, person out of work, jobless person, wanderer, drifter" }, { "example": "放浪", "reading": "ホウロウ", "meaning": "wandering" }, { "example": "1浪", "reading": "イチロウ", "meaning": "failing college entrance exams and retaking them a year later" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "汁", "艮" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28010_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06d6a.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6d6a.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B5%AA%23kanji" }, { "query": "廊", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1598", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "corridor, hall, tower", "kunyomi": [], "onyomi": [ "ロウ" ], 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"junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1298", "strokeCount": 14, "meaning": "leak, escape, time", "kunyomi": [ "も.る", "も.れる", "も.らす" ], "onyomi": [ "ロウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "漏洩", "reading": "ロウエイ", "meaning": "leak (of secrets, information, etc.), disclosure, divulging, leak (of gas, liquid, etc.), leakage, escape (of gas), coming through (of light)" }, { "example": "漏出", "reading": "ロウシュツ", "meaning": "leaking out, leak" }, { "example": "遺漏", "reading": "イロウ", "meaning": "omission" }, { "example": "早漏", "reading": "ソウロウ", "meaning": "premature ejaculation" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "漏る", "reading": "もる", "meaning": "to leak, to run out" }, { "example": "漏れる", "reading": "もれる", "meaning": "to leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to find expression, to give vent, to leak out, to be divulged, to be disclosed, to be omitted, to be left out, to be excluded, to be not included" }, { "example": "漏らす", "reading": "もらす", "meaning": "to let leak, to reveal, to wet one's pants, to give utterance, to vent, to express, to omit, to leave out" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "尸", "汁", "雨" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28431_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06f0f.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6f0f.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%BC%8F%23kanji" }, { "query": "籠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "strokeCount": 22, "meaning": "basket, devote oneself, seclude oneself, cage, coop, implied", "kunyomi": [ "かご", "こ.める", "こも.る", "こ.む" ], "onyomi": [ "ロウ", "ル" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "牢", "reading": "ロウ", "meaning": "prison, jail, gaol, firm, solid, strong" }, { "example": "籠球", "reading": "ロウキュウ", "meaning": "basketball" }, { "example": "蒸籠", "reading": "セイロ", "meaning": "bamboo steamer, steaming basket, wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot, soba served on a small wickerwork tray, wickerwork tray (for serving soba)" }, { "example": "灯籠", "reading": "トウロウ", "meaning": "garden lantern, hanging lantern" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "籠", "reading": "かご", "meaning": "basket (shopping, etc.), hamper, cage" }, { "example": "籠で水を汲む", "reading": "かごでみずをくむ", "meaning": "to bail out the ocean with a teaspoon, to scoop water with a basket" }, { "example": "相合駕籠", "reading": "あいあいかご", "meaning": "two people riding in a palanquin together (esp. a man and a woman)" }, { "example": "ほい駕籠", "reading": "ほいかご", "meaning": "crude palanquin, street palanquin" }, { "example": "込める", "reading": "こめる", "meaning": "to load (a gun, etc.), to charge, to put into (e.g. emotion, effort), to include (e.g. tax in a sales price), to hang over, to shroud, to enshroud, to envelop, to screen" }, { "example": "篭る", "reading": "こもる", "meaning": "to shut oneself in (e.g. one's room), to be confined in, to seclude oneself, to hide away, to stay inside (one's shell), to be filled with (emotion, enthusiasm, etc.), to fill the room (of a gas, smell, etc.), to be heavy with (e.g. smoke), to be stuffy, to be dense, to be muffled (e.g. voice), to hold (a castle, fortress, etc.), to confine oneself in a temple to pray" }, { "example": "込む", "reading": "こむ", "meaning": "to be crowded, to be packed, to be complex, to go into, to put into, to remain (seated), to be plunged into (silence), to do thoroughly, to do intently, to continue in the same state" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "竹", "forms": [ "⺮" ], "meaning": "bamboo" }, "parts": [ "乞", "月", "立", "竹" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/31840_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/07c60.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/7c60.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E7%B1%A0%23kanji" }, { "query": "麓", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "2366", "strokeCount": 19, "meaning": "foot of a mountain", "kunyomi": [ "ふもと" ], "onyomi": [ "ロク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "山麓", "reading": "サンロク", "meaning": "foot of a mountain, base of a mountain" }, { "example": "岳麓", "reading": "ガクロク", "meaning": "foot of Mt Fuji" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "麓", "reading": "ふもと", "meaning": "foot (of a mountain or hill), bottom, base" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "鹿", "meaning": "deer" }, "parts": [ "广", "木", "比", "鹿" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/40595_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/09e93.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/9e93.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E9%BA%93%23kanji" }, { "query": "賄", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1282", "strokeCount": 13, "meaning": "bribe, board, supply, finance", "kunyomi": [ "まかな.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ワイ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "賄賂", "reading": "ワイロ", "meaning": "bribe, sweetener, douceur" }, { "example": "斡旋収賄", "reading": "アッセンシュウワイ", "meaning": "influence peddling" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "賄う", "reading": "まかなう", "meaning": "to supply (goods, money, etc.), to cover (costs), to pay, to finance, to maintain (e.g. a family), to give board, to provide meals" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "貝", "meaning": "shell" }, "parts": [ "ノ", "ハ", "一", "月", "目", "貝" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/36036_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08cc4.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8cc4.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%B3%84%23kanji" }, { "query": "脇", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "1806", "strokeCount": 10, "meaning": "armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role", "kunyomi": [ "わき", "わけ" ], "onyomi": [ "キョウ" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "脇侍", "reading": "ワキジ", "meaning": "flanking image (e.g. in a Buddha triad)" }, { "example": "脇息", "reading": "キョウソク", "meaning": "armrest" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "脇", "reading": "わき", "meaning": "armpit, under one's arm, side, flank, beside, close to, near, by, aside, to the side, away, out of the way, off-track, off-topic, deuteragonist, supporting role, second verse (in a linked series of poems)" }, { "example": "脇見", "reading": "わきみ", "meaning": "looking from the side, looking aside" }, { "example": "床脇", "reading": "とこわき", "meaning": "section of a room next to the alcove (where shelves are often placed)" }, { "example": "口脇", "reading": "くちわき", "meaning": "edges of the mouth" }, { "example": "関脇", "reading": "せきわけ", "meaning": "wrestler of the third highest rank" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "肉", "forms": [ "⺼" ], "meaning": "meat" }, "parts": [ "力", "月" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/33031_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/08107.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/8107.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E8%84%87%23kanji" }, { "query": "惑", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "777", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "beguile, delusion, perplexity", "kunyomi": [ "まど.う" ], "onyomi": [ "ワク" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "惑", "reading": "ワク", "meaning": "klesha" }, { "example": "惑星", "reading": "ワクセイ", "meaning": "planet" }, { "example": "魅惑", "reading": "ミワク", "meaning": "attraction, fascination, lure, captivation, charm" }, { "example": "不惑", "reading": "フワク", "meaning": "past forty, following right course" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [ { "example": "惑う", "reading": "まどう", "meaning": "to get lost, to lose one's bearings, to be puzzled, to be perplexed, to be confused, to be at a loss, to be tempted, to be seduced, to be captivated" } ], "radical": { "symbol": "心", "forms": [ "忄", "⺗" ], "meaning": "heart" }, "parts": [ "口", "心", "戈" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/24785_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/060d1.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/60d1.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%83%91%23kanji" }, { "query": "枠", "found": true, "taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N1", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "922", "strokeCount": 8, "meaning": "frame, 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"taughtIn": "junior high", "jlptLevel": "N2", "newspaperFrequencyRank": "545", "strokeCount": 12, "meaning": "gulf, bay, inlet", "kunyomi": [ "いりえ" ], "onyomi": [ "ワン" ], "onyomiExamples": [ { "example": "湾", "reading": "ワン", "meaning": "bay, gulf, inlet" }, { "example": "湾岸", "reading": "ワンガン", "meaning": "gulf coast, bay coast" }, { "example": "メキシコ湾", "reading": "メキシコワン", "meaning": "Gulf of Mexico" }, { "example": "内湾", "reading": "ナイワン", "meaning": "enclosed bay, inlet, deep bay, basin" } ], "kunyomiExamples": [], "radical": { "symbol": "水", "forms": [ "氵", "氺" ], "meaning": "water" }, "parts": [ "亠", "弓", "汁" ], "strokeOrderDiagramUri": "http://classic.jisho.org/static/images/stroke_diagrams/28286_frames.png", "strokeOrderSvgUri": "http://d1w6u4xc3l95km.cloudfront.net/kanji-2015-03/06e7e.svg", "strokeOrderGifUri": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mistval/kanji_images/master/gifs/6e7e.gif", "uri": "http://jisho.org/search/%E6%B9%BE%23kanji" }, { "query": "腕", "found": true, 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