### TDT 4310 - Intelligent Text Analysis Project #### Sorting japanese sentences by linguistic complexity ---- ### Overview 1. Introduction and motivation 1. Background 1. Datasets 1. Methodology 1. Evaluation 1. Conclusion, and further work ---

| JMDict | Tatoeba / Tanaka corpus | NHK Easy News | MeCab | |--------|-------------------------|---------------|-------| | Open source dictionary | Multilingual sentence pairs | Easy-to-read news articles | POS and morphological analyzer | | | | | |

--- #### TF-IDF Extract the most meaningful words of a document
#### Sense disambiguation Pinpoint which sense of the word is used, based on surrounding context and grammar. ---- ### Japanese
#### Three writing systems | hiragana | katakana | kanji | |----------|----------|-------| | | | |

10 ページ 行目 をみなさい

Let's start from (the) fifth line on page 10

##### Multiple readings per kanji 形 - katachi, kata, gyou, kei

##### Furigana (furi)(ga)(na)
--- #### Data ingestion, preprocessing and disambiguation
##### Tanaka Corpus


##### NHK News Articles Scrape -> Extract text -> MeCab + Furigana -> Try disambiguating with POS Note: Disambiguation here, is not necissarily sense ambiguation, but rather disambiguating the dictionary entry. Could exploit the english translation to disambiguate all the way down to the word senses. ---- #### TF-IDF?
$ \text{TF-IDF} = \frac{\text{Amount of term in doc}}{\text{Amount of terms in doc}} \cdot log \frac{\text{Amount of docs}}{1 + \text{ Amount of docs containing term}} $

$ \text{TF-DF} = \frac{AVG(\text{Amount of term in doc})}{\text{Amount of terms in doc}} \cdot \frac{\text{ Amount of docs containing term}}{\text{Amount of docs}} $
Note: TF-IDF is usually used for finding out how meaningful a word is to a document. Here, we want to do the opposite. The value should have a higher score, if it is more common across several documents. ---- #### Word difficulty | Commonness | Dialects | Kanji | Katakana | NHK rating | |------------|----------|-------|----------|------------| | 25% | 10 % | 25% | 15% | 25% | | | | | | | ---- #### Sentence difficulty | Word difficulty sum | Hardest word | Sentence Length | |------------|----------|-------| | 50% | 20 % | 30% | | | | | ---