from typing import Callable, Iterable, Union from os import system from piece import Piece from util import centerText, centerBlockText, boxCharsToBoldBoxCharsMap, determineMove class Board: def __init__(self, boardState=None): self.boardArray = [ [Piece(type, 'black') for type in ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r']], [Piece('p', 'black') for _ in range(8)], *[[None for _ in range(8)] for _ in range(4)], [Piece('p', 'white') for _ in range(8)], [Piece(type, 'white') for type in ['r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r']], ] if boardState == None else boardState def draw( self, config={ 'highlightedContent': [], 'highlightEscapeCodes': ('\033[32;5;7m', '\033[0m'), 'highlightedBoxes': [], } ) -> str: """Returns a string representing the board config options: highlightedContent: [(x,y)] - Pieces to color highlightEscapeCodes: (str, str) - Terminal escape codes to color highlightedContent with highlightedBoxes: [(x,y)] - Boxes to make bold """ def fillConfigDefaultValue(key, defaultValue): if key not in config: config[key] = defaultValue fillConfigDefaultValue('highlightedContent', []) fillConfigDefaultValue('highlightedBoxes', []) fillConfigDefaultValue('highlightEscapeCodes', ('\033[32;5;7m', '\033[0m')) # Draw general outline stringArray = [list('┼' + '───┼' * 8)] + [[None] for _ in range(8 * 2)] for y, row in enumerate(self.boardArray): for x, _ in enumerate(row): stringArray[2 * y + 1][4 * x] = '│' stringArray[2 * y + 2][4 * x] = '┼' stringArray[2 * y + 1] += list( ' {} │'.format(str(self.boardArray[y][x]) if self.boardArray[y][x] != None else ' ')) stringArray[2 * y + 2] += list('───┼') # Overwrite corners stringArray[0][0] = '╭' stringArray[0][-1] = '╮' stringArray[-1][0] = '╰' stringArray[-1][-1] = '╯' # Overwrite T-junctions for i in range(int(len(stringArray[0]) / 4) - 1): stringArray[0][i * 4 + 4] = '┬' stringArray[-1][i * 4 + 4] = '┴' for i in range(int(len(stringArray) / 2) - 1): stringArray[i * 2 + 2][0] = '├' stringArray[i * 2 + 2][-1] = '┤' def highlightContent(x, y, escapeCodes=config['highlightEscapeCodes']): """highlight contents of a piece with xterm-256colors modifiers""" stringArray[y * 2 + 1][x * 4 + 1] = \ escapeCodes[0] + stringArray[y * 2 + 1][x * 4 + 1] stringArray[y * 2 + 1][x * 4 + 3] += escapeCodes[1] def highlightBox(x, y): """Make box around a piece bold""" pointsToChange = \ [(x * 4 + 0, y * 2 + i) for i in range(3)] + \ [(x * 4 + 4, y * 2 + i) for i in range(3)] + \ [(x * 4 + i, y * 2 + 0) for i in range(1,4)] + \ [(x * 4 + i, y * 2 + 2) for i in range(1,4)] for x, y in pointsToChange: stringArray[y][x] = boxCharsToBoldBoxCharsMap[ stringArray[y] [x]] if stringArray[y][x] in boxCharsToBoldBoxCharsMap else stringArray[y][x] # Color white pieces for piece in self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.color == 'white'): highlightContent(*piece, ('\033[7m', '\033[0m')) for box in config['highlightedBoxes']: highlightBox(*box) for piece in config['highlightedContent']: highlightContent(*piece) return '\n'.join([''.join(line) for line in stringArray]) def selectPiece(self, player, x=0, y=0, centering=True) -> tuple: """Lets the user select a piece from a graphic board""" while True: system('clear') playerString = '\n' + + '\n\n' menuString = self.draw({'highlightedBoxes': [(x, y)]}) + '\n' inputString = f" W E\nA S D <- Enter : " if centering: playerString = centerText(playerString) menuString = centerBlockText(menuString) inputString = centerBlockText(inputString) print(playerString) print(menuString) try: key = input(inputString)[0] except IndexError: key = '' try: if move := determineMove(key, x, y, (0, 7)): x += move[0] y += move[1] elif key == 'e' and self.getPieceAt(x, y).color==player.color: return (x, y) except AttributeError: pass def selectMove(self, player, x, y, legalMoves, centering=True) -> Union[tuple, bool]: """Lets the user select a move to make from a graphic board""" while True: system('clear') playerString = '\n' + + '\n\n' menuString = self.draw({ 'highlightedBoxes': [(x, y)], 'highlightedContent': legalMoves }) + '\n' inputString = f"Q W E\nA S D <- Enter : " if centering: playerString = centerText(playerString) menuString = centerBlockText(menuString) inputString = centerBlockText(inputString) print(playerString) print(menuString) try: key = input(inputString)[0] except IndexError: key = '' if move := determineMove(key, x, y, (0, 7)): x += move[0] y += move[1] elif key == 'q': return False elif key == 'e' and (x, y) in legalMoves: return (x, y) def getPieceAt(self, x, y) -> Piece: try: return self.boardArray[y][x] except IndexError: return None def getPositionsWhere(self, condition: Callable[[Piece], bool]) -> Iterable[tuple]: """ Returns a list of xy pairs of the pieces where a condition is met """ result = [] for y, row in enumerate(self.boardArray): for x, piece in enumerate(row): try: if condition(piece): result.append((x, y)) except AttributeError: pass return result def checkCheck(self, color) -> bool: """Check whether a team is caught in check. The color is the color of the team to check""" king = self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.type == 'k' and piece.color == color)[0] piecesToCheck = self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.color != color) return any([king in Piece.possibleMoves(*piece, self) for piece in piecesToCheck]) def getPositionsToProtectKing(self, color) -> Iterable[tuple]: """Get a list of the positions to protect in order to protect the king when in check. The color is the color of the team who's in check""" king = self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.type == 'k' and piece.color == color)[0] piecesToCheck = self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.color != color) for piece in piecesToCheck: if king not in Piece.possibleMoves(*piece, self): piecesToCheck.remove(piece) result = [] for piece in piecesToCheck: result.append(piece) if self.getPieceAt(*piece).type not in ['p', 'n', 'k']: def getDirection(fromPosition, toPosition) -> tuple: x = -1 if toPosition[0] > fromPosition[0] else \ 0 if toPosition[0] == fromPosition[0] else 1 y = -1 if toPosition[1] > fromPosition[1] else \ 0 if toPosition[1] == fromPosition[1] else 1 return (x, y) direction = getDirection(piece, king) def getPositionsUntilKing(x, y, direction) -> Iterable[tuple]: result = [] while self.getPieceAt(x, y) == None: result.append((x, y)) x += direction[0] y += direction[1] return result result += getPositionsUntilKing(*piece, direction) return result def playerHasLegalMoves(self, color) -> bool: enemyPieces = self.getPositionsWhere(lambda piece: piece.color == color) getLegalMoves = lambda piece: Piece.possibleMoves( *piece, self, legalMoves=self.getPositionsToProtectKing(color)) return not any(getLegalMoves(piece) == None for piece in enemyPieces) def checkStaleMate(self, color) -> bool: """Check whether a team is caught in stalemate. The color is the color of the team to check""" return (not self.checkCheck(color)) and not self.playerHasLegalMoves(color) def checkCheckMate(self, color) -> bool: """Check whether a team is caught in checkmate. The color is the color of the team to check""" return self.checkCheck(color) and not self.playerHasLegalMoves(color) def movePiece(self, position, toPosition, piecesToRemove=None): x, y = position toX, toY = toPosition self.boardArray[toY][toX] = self.boardArray[y][x] self.boardArray[y][x] = None if piecesToRemove != None: for x, y in piecesToRemove: self.boardArray[y][x] = None