def smallify_words(objects): return [string.lower() for string in objects] def get_5_objects(): while True: try: answer = input('Enter five objects separated by \';\': ').split(';') assert len(answer) == 5 return answer except AssertionError: print(f'You were supposed to enter five objects, not {len(answer)}. Try again.') def play_game(): objects = get_5_objects() answer = input('What is your guess? ') while True: if answer == 'quit': exit(0) if answer in smallify_words(objects): print(f'Congratulations! You remembered {answer}') objects.remove(answer) else: print('Sorry, that was not one of the words') if len(objects) == 0: print('You did it! You remembered all the objects') exit(0) answer = input('What is your next guess? ').lower() play_game()