from random import randrange songs = [("You hear the door slam. And realize there's nowhere left to", "run"), ("Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the", "heat"), ("There's a fire starting in my heart. Reaching a fever", "pitch"), ("Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my", "number"), ("'Cause baby, you're a firework. Come on, show 'em what you're", "worth")] # Om jeg tar inn songs som parameter vil ikke pop_random_songs kunne fjerne noe fra lista. # Her velger jeg aktivt å ikke ta et argument inn med tanke på oppgave B def pop_random_songs(): songIndex = randrange(len(songs)) song = songs[songIndex] del songs[songIndex] return song def continueGuessing(): while True: try: answer = input('Do you want to go again? [y/n] ') assert answer in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N'] return answer in ['y', 'Y'] except AssertionError: pass def song_contest(): currentSong = pop_random_songs() while True: print('The lyrics are:') print(currentSong[0]) answer = input('What\'s the next word? ') if answer.lower() == currentSong[1].lower(): print(f'Correct!') if len(songs) == 0: print('You did it! You remembered all the objects') exit(0) elif continueGuessing(): currentSong = pop_random_songs() else: print('Welcome back later :D') exit(0) else: print('Wrong guess. Try again.') song_contest() # for _ in range(5): # print(pop_random_songs())