53 lines
2.1 KiB
53 lines
2.1 KiB
\newcommand{\arrow}[2]{\path [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (#1) edge (#2);}
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={shape=circle, fill=white, draw, inner sep=2pt}]
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\node (C) at (-4.0,0.0) {$C$};
\node (D) at (-2.82843,-2.82843) {$D$};
\node (E) at (-0.0,-4.0) {$E$};
\node (F) at (2.82843,-2.82843) {$F$};
\node (G) at (4.0,-0.0) {$G$};
\node (H) at (2.82843,2.82843) {$H$};
\begin{scope}[every draw/.style={}]
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (A) to (E);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (A) to (G);
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (B) to (C);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (B) to (F);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (B) to (H);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (C) to (A);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (C) to (D);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (C) to (F);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (C) to (H);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (D) to (A);
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (D) to (H);
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (E) to (H);
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (F) to [out=330.0,in=300.0,looseness=8] (F);
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\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (G) to (F);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (G) to (H);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (H) to (A);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (H) to (D);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}, bend left=8] (H) to (F);
\draw [-{Latex[scale=1]}] (H) to [out=420.0,in=390.0,looseness=8] (H);