\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{ntnu} \usepackage{ntnu-math} \author{Øystein Tveit} \title{MA0301 Exercise 10} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{mathabx} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \begin{document} \ntnuTitle{} \break{} Because there are no exercise where there are multiple edges between two vertices, I will use strings of vertex names to represent a walk. \begin{excs} \exc{} \begin{subexcs} \subexc{} \[ bcbcd \] \subexc{} \[ bacbed \] \subexc{} \[ bcd \] \subexc{} \[ bcb \] \subexc{} \[ befgedcb \] \subexc{} \[ bacb \] \end{subexcs} \exc{} \begin{figure}[H] \center \scalebox{2}{ \input{diagrams/ex2.tex} } \end{figure} \exc{} By using trial and error, starting with the nodes that had a higher degree, I managed to bring it down to three nodes. \includeDiagram[scale=2, width=12cm]{diagrams/ex3.tex} The red vertices represent the guards \exc{} \begin{subexcs} \subexc{} The graphs are not isomorphic because the shortest cycle between the vertices with a degree of 3 has a different length. \subexc{} The graphs are isomorphic \end{subexcs} \exc{} \begin{subexcs} \subexc{} \includeDiagram[scale=2, width=12cm]{diagrams/ex5_a.tex} \[ adhijkgcbgjfbefiedba \] \subexc{} Because $deg(e) = deg(f) = 3$ is now odd, they have to be the starting vertex and ending vertex. \includeDiagram[scale=2, width=12cm]{diagrams/ex5_b.tex} \[ dabdhijkgcbgjfbefie \] \end{subexcs} \exc{} \begin{subexcs} \subexc{} $G_1$ is not an induced subgraph if it's missing an edge $e_1$ between $v_1, v_2 \in G_1$ where $e_1 \in G$ \subexc{} \includeDiagram[scale=0.8, width=6cm, pdf=true]{diagrams/ex6_b.pdf} $G_1$ contains the vertices $c$ and $d$ while it is missing the edge $cd$ even though $cd$ was present in $G$. Therefore, it is not an induced subgraph \end{subexcs} \exc{} \begin{align*} \sum_{deg(v) \in V} = 2 |E| \\ 3|V| \leq 2 |E| \\ |V| \leq \frac{2 |E|}{3} \\ |V| \leq \frac{2 \cdot 17}{3} \\ |V| \leq \frac{34}{3} \\ |V| \leq 11.33 \\ \end{align*} The max amount of vertices in $G$ has to be $11$ \end{excs} \end{document}