from sys import argv from pathlib import Path from math import sin, cos, pi from common import printc, replaceContent class Matrix: """ Adjacency matrix which supports 0 and 1 """ def __init__(self, matrix): self.matrix = matrix def __iter__(self): return iter(self.matrix) def __len__(self): return len(self.matrix) def __eq__(self, other): return self.matrix == other def __str__(self): return "\n".join(' '.join('\033[32m1\033[0m' if b else '\033[31m0\033[0m' for b in line) for line in self) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.matrix[key] def __setitem__(self, key, item): self.matrix[key] = item @classmethod def fromGraph(cls, graph): return graph.toMatrix() @classmethod def fromString(cls, string): matrix = [] for line in string.split('\n'): matrix.append([True if char == '1' else False for char in line]) if len(matrix) != len(matrix[0]): raise ValueError('Matrix not covering all points') return cls(matrix) def toGraph(self): nodes = [chr(i + 65) for i in range(len(self))] edges = [] for i, line in enumerate(self): edges += [(nodes[i],nodes[j]) for j, b in enumerate(line) if b] return Graph(nodes, edges) def toLaTeX(self): return '\\begin{pmatrix}\n' \ + '\n'.join(' ' + ' & '.join('1' if b else '0' for b in line) + ' \\\\' for line in self.matrix) \ + '\n\\end{pmatrix}' class Graph: def __init__(self, nodes, edges): # Nodes = str, Edges = (str,str) self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges def __str__(self): printc('Is undirected: ' + str(self.isUndirected())) return \ f'Nodes: {" ".join(self.nodes)}\n' \ + f'Edges: {" ".join(x+y for x,y in (self.undirectedEdgeSet() if self.isUndirected() else self.edges))}' @classmethod def fromMatrix(cls, matrix): return matrix.toGraph() @classmethod def fromString(cls, string): splitData = string.split('\n\n') if splitData[0] == 'complete': data1 = 'undirected' nodes = [chr(i + 65) for i in range(int(splitData[1]))] data2 = ' '.join(nodes) data3 = '\n'.join([a+b for a in nodes for b in nodes if a != b]) elif splitData[0] == 'matrix': return Graph.fromMatrix(Matrix.fromString(splitData[1])) else: data1, data2, data3 = splitData graphType = data1 nodes = data2.split(' ') edges = [(x,y) for x,y in data3.split('\n')] if graphType == 'undirected': edges = [(a,b) for a in nodes for b in nodes if (a,b) in edges or (b,a) in edges] return cls(nodes, edges) def toMatrix(self): rows = [] for node in self.nodes: rows.append([(node,node2) in self.edges for node2 in self.nodes]) return Matrix(rows) def isUndirected(self): matrix = self.toMatrix() flipv = lambda matrix: list(reversed(matrix)) rot90cc = lambda matrix: list(list(x) for x in zip(*reversed(matrix))) return matrix == rot90cc(flipv(matrix)) \ and all(matrix[i][i] == 0 for i in range(len(matrix))) def undirectedEdgeSet(self): edges = self.edges if self.isUndirected(): edges = sorted(list(set((x,y) if x < y else (y,x) for x,y in edges))) return edges # def latexifyEulerPath(self): # degrees = [sum(line) for line in self.toMatrix()] # def latexifyEulerCircuit(): # pass def getKruskalsSpanningTree(self, weigths): # weights = dict[str, int] edges = [] connected_subgraphs = [set(v) for v in self.nodes] def find_subgraph_containing(v): return [x for x in connected_subgraphs if v in x][0] def merge_subgraphs_that_contains(u, v): subgraph_v = find_subgraph_containing(v) new_connected_subgraphs = [x for x in connected_subgraphs if v not in x] new_connected_subgraphs = [subgraph_v.union(x) if u in x else x for x in new_connected_subgraphs] return new_connected_subgraphs sorted_edges = [ e for e in sorted(self.edges, key=lambda e: weigths[e[0] + e[1]]) ] for u,v in sorted_edges: if find_subgraph_containing(u) != find_subgraph_containing(v): edges += [(u, v)] connected_subgraphs = merge_subgraphs_that_contains(u, v) edges += [(y,x) for x,y in edges] return Graph(self.nodes, edges) def toLaTeX(self): zippedNodes = zip(self.nodes, generateNodeCoords(len(self.nodes))) nodeString = '\n'.join(f'\\node ({name}) at ({x},{y}) {{${name}$}};' for name,(x,y) in zippedNodes) if self.isUndirected(): edgeString = '\n'.join(f'\\draw ({x}) -- ({y});' for x,y in self.undirectedEdgeSet()) else: edgeString = '\n'.join( f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}, bend left=8] ({x}) to ({y});' if y != x and (y,x) in self.edges else f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}] ({x}) to [{generateLoopInOutAngle(x, self.nodes)},looseness=8] ({y});' if x == y else f'\\draw [-{{Latex[scale=1]}}] ({x}) to ({y});' for x,y in self.edges ) return (nodeString, edgeString) def toLaTeXWithWeights(self, weights): zippedNodes = zip(self.nodes, generateNodeCoords(len(self.nodes))) nodeString = '\n'.join(f'\\node ({name}) at ({x},{y}) {{${name}$}};' for name,(x,y) in zippedNodes) if self.isUndirected(): edgeString = '\n'.join(f'\\draw ({x}) -- ({y}) node [midway, above, sloped] (Tx{x+y}) {{{weights[x+y]}}};' for x,y in self.undirectedEdgeSet()) return (nodeString, edgeString) def generateLoopInOutAngle(node, nodes): baseAngle = 360 / len(nodes) nodeNum = [i for i,n in enumerate(nodes) if n == node][0] angle = nodeNum * baseAngle + 90 return f'out={angle + 15},in={angle - 15}' def generateNodeCoords(n): vectorLength = n / 2 degreeToTurn = (2 * pi) / n nodeCoords = [(0, vectorLength)] for node in range(n): prev_x = nodeCoords[-1][0] prev_y = nodeCoords[-1][1] nodeCoords.append(( round(cos(degreeToTurn) * prev_x - sin(degreeToTurn) * prev_y, 5), round(sin(degreeToTurn) * prev_x + cos(degreeToTurn) * prev_y, 5) )) return nodeCoords def extractWeights(string): weights = dict() lines = string.split('\n') for i in range(4, len(lines)): edge, weight = lines[i].split(' ') weights[edge] = int(weight) weights[edge[1] + edge[0]] = int(weight) lines[i] = edge return ('\n'.join(lines), weights) def processFileContent(raw): lines = raw.split('\n') lines.pop(1) outputType = lines.pop(0) if lines[0] == 'kruskals': lines[0] = 'undirected' string, weights = extractWeights('\n'.join(lines)) graph1 = Graph.fromString(string) graph2 = graph1.getKruskalsSpanningTree(weights) return replaceContent( (graph1.toLaTeXWithWeights(weights), graph2.toLaTeXWithWeights(weights)), 'Kruskals', replaceF = lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%NODES1', cont[0][0]) .replace('%EDGES1', cont[0][1]) .replace('%NODES2', cont[1][0]) .replace('%EDGES2', cont[1][1]) ) graph = Graph.fromString('\n'.join(lines)) print(graph) print(graph.toMatrix()) if outputType == 'toGraph': content = graph.toLaTeX() return replaceContent( content, 'Graph', replaceF = lambda temp, cont: temp.replace('%NODES', cont[0]).replace('%EDGES', cont[1]) ) else: content = graph.toMatrix().toLaTeX() return replaceContent(content, 'Matrix') if __name__ == '__main__': g = Graph.fromString('complete\n\n6') print(g) import random d = dict() for e in g.edges: d[str(e)] = random.randint(0, 10) print(g.getKruskalsSpanningTree(d))