{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, values, ... }: { imports = [ ./users ./modules/snakeoil-certs.nix ]; networking.domain = "pvv.ntnu.no"; networking.useDHCP = false; # networking.search = [ "pvv.ntnu.no" "pvv.org" ]; # networking.nameservers = lib.mkDefault [ "" "" ]; # networking.tempAddresses = lib.mkDefault "disabled"; # networking.defaultGateway = values.hosts.gateway; systemd.network.enable = true; services.resolved = { enable = lib.mkDefault true; dnssec = "false"; # Supposdly this keeps breaking and the default is to allow downgrades anyways... }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Oslo"; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; console = { font = "Lat2-Terminus16"; keyMap = "no"; }; system.autoUpgrade = { enable = true; flake = "git+https://git.pvv.ntnu.no/Drift/pvv-nixos-config.git"; flags = [ "--update-input" "nixpkgs" "--update-input" "nixpkgs-unstable" "--no-write-lock-file" ]; }; nix.gc.automatic = true; nix.gc.options = "--delete-older-than 2d"; nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; /* This makes commandline tools like ** nix run nixpkgs#hello ** and nix-shell -p hello ** use the same channel the system ** was built with */ nix.registry = { nixpkgs.flake = inputs.nixpkgs; }; nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${inputs.nixpkgs}" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ file git gnupg htop nano ripgrep rsync screen tmux vim wget kitty.terminfo ]; programs.zsh.enable = true; users.groups."drift".name = "drift"; # Trusted users on the nix builder machines users.groups."nix-builder-users".name = "nix-builder-users"; # Let's not thermal throttle services.thermald.enable = lib.mkIf (lib.all (x: x) [ (config.nixpkgs.system == "x86_64-linux") (!config.boot.isContainer or false) ]) true; services.openssh = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa Match Group wheel PasswordAuthentication no Match All ''; settings.PermitRootLogin = "yes"; }; # nginx return 444 for all nonexistent virtualhosts systemd.services.nginx.after = [ "generate-snakeoil-certs.service" ]; environment.snakeoil-certs = lib.mkIf config.services.nginx.enable { "/etc/certs/nginx" = { owner = "nginx"; group = "nginx"; }; }; services.nginx = { recommendedTlsSettings = true; recommendedProxySettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; appendConfig = '' pcre_jit on; worker_processes auto; worker_rlimit_nofile 100000; ''; eventsConfig = '' worker_connections 2048; use epoll; multi_accept on; ''; }; systemd.services.nginx.serviceConfig = lib.mkIf config.services.nginx.enable { LimitNOFILE = 65536; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."_" = lib.mkIf config.services.nginx.enable { sslCertificate = "/etc/certs/nginx.crt"; sslCertificateKey = "/etc/certs/nginx.key"; addSSL = true; extraConfig = "return 444;"; }; # source: https://github.com/logrotate/logrotate/blob/main/examples/logrotate.service systemd.services.logrotate = { documentation = [ "man:logrotate(8)" "man:logrotate.conf(5)" ]; unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = "/var/log"; serviceConfig = { Nice = 19; IOSchedulingClass = "best-effort"; IOSchedulingPriority = 7; ReadWritePaths = [ "/var/log" ]; AmbientCapabilities = [ "" ]; CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "" ]; DeviceAllow = [ "" ]; LockPersonality = true; MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true; NoNewPrivileges = true; # disable for third party rotate scripts PrivateDevices = true; PrivateNetwork = true; # disable for mail delivery PrivateTmp = true; ProtectClock = true; ProtectControlGroups = true; ProtectHome = true; # disable for userdir logs ProtectHostname = true; ProtectKernelLogs = true; ProtectKernelModules = true; ProtectKernelTunables = true; ProtectProc = "invisible"; ProtectSystem = "full"; RestrictNamespaces = true; RestrictRealtime = true; RestrictSUIDSGID = true; # disable for creating setgid directories SocketBindDeny = [ "any" ]; SystemCallArchitectures = "native"; SystemCallFilter = [ "@system-service" ]; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = lib.mkIf config.services.nginx.enable [ 80 443 ]; security.acme = { acceptTerms = true; defaults.email = "drift@pvv.ntnu.no"; }; # Let's not spam LetsEncrypt in `nixos-rebuild build-vm` mode: virtualisation.vmVariant = { security.acme.defaults.server = ""; security.acme.preliminarySelfsigned = true; users.users.root.initialPassword = "root"; }; }