#!/usr/bin/env python3 from stockfish import * from inputimeout import inputimeout import time from datetime import datetime import random thinking_time = 1000 game = Stockfish(path="./stockfish", depth=15, parameters={"Threads": 1, "Minimum Thinking Time": thinking_time, "UCI_Chess960": True}) def create_random_position(): pos = "/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/" rank8 = ["r","r","b","q","k","b","n","n"] while rank8.index("k") < [i for i, n in enumerate(rank8) if n == "r"][0] or rank8.index("k") > [i for i, n in enumerate(rank8) if n == "r"][1] or [i for i, n in enumerate(rank8) if n == "b"][0] % 2 == [i for i, n in enumerate(rank8) if n == "b"][1] % 2: random.seed(datetime.now().microsecond) random.shuffle(rank8) rank1 = [c.upper() for c in rank8] pos = "".join(rank8) + pos + "".join(rank1) + " w KQkq - 0 1" game.set_fen_position(pos) def player_won(): with open("flag.txt") as file: flag = file.read() print(flag) exit() def get_fast_player_move(): try: time_over = inputimeout(prompt='Your move: ', timeout=5) except Exception: time_over = 'Too slow, you lost!' print(time_over) exit() return time_over def check_game_status(): evaluation = game.get_evaluation() turn = game.get_fen_position().split(" ")[1] if evaluation["type"] == "mate" and evaluation["value"] == 0 and turn == "w": print("Wow, you beat me!") player_won() elif evaluation["type"] == "mate" and evaluation["value"] == 0 and turn == "b": print("Hah, I won again") exit() if evaluation["type"] == "draw": print("It's a draw!") print("Impressive, but I am still undefeated.") exit() if __name__ == "__main__": create_random_position() print("Welcome to fischer chess.\nYou get 5 seconds per move. Good luck") print(game.get_board_visual()) print("Heres the position for this game, Ill give you a few seconds to look at it before we start.") time.sleep(3) while True: server_move = game.get_best_move_time(thinking_time) game.make_moves_from_current_position([server_move]) check_game_status() print(game.get_board_visual()) print(f"My move: {server_move}") player_move = get_fast_player_move() if type(player_move) != str or len([player_move]) != 1: print("Illegal input") exit() try: game.make_moves_from_current_position([player_move]) check_game_status() except: print("Couldn't comprehend that") exit()