{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.roundcube; domain = "webmail2.pvv.ntnu.no"; in { services.roundcube = { enable = true; package = pkgs.roundcube.withPlugins (plugins: with plugins; [ persistent_login thunderbird_labels contextmenu custom_from ]); dicts = with pkgs.aspellDicts; [ en en-science en-computers nb nn fr de it ]; maxAttachmentSize = 20; hostName = "roundcubeplaceholder.example.com"; extraConfig = '' $config['enable_installer'] = false; $config['default_host'] = "ssl://imap.pvv.ntnu.no"; $config['default_port'] = 993; $config['smtp_server'] = "ssl://smtp.pvv.ntnu.no"; $config['smtp_port'] = 465; $config['mail_domain'] = "pvv.ntnu.no"; $config['smtp_user'] = "%u"; $config['support_url'] = ""; ''; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."roundcubeplaceholder.example.com" = lib.mkForce { }; services.nginx.virtualHosts.${domain} = { kTLS = true; locations."/roundcube" = { tryFiles = "$uri $uri/ =404"; index = "index.php"; root = pkgs.runCommandLocal "roundcube-dir" { } '' mkdir -p $out ln -s ${cfg.package} $out/roundcube ''; extraConfig = '' location ~ ^/roundcube/(${builtins.concatStringsSep "|" [ # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Roundcube "README" "INSTALL" "LICENSE" "CHANGELOG" "UPGRADING" "bin" "SQL" ".+\\.md" "\\." "config" "temp" "logs" ]})/? { deny all; } location ~ ^/roundcube/(.+\.php)(/?.*)$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^/roundcube(/.+\.php)(/.+)$; include ${config.services.nginx.package}/conf/fastcgi_params; include ${config.services.nginx.package}/conf/fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_pass unix:${config.services.phpfpm.pools.roundcube.socket}; } ''; }; }; }