mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 22:10:49 +01:00
153 lines
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153 lines
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{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
cfg = config.services.nextcloud;
hostName = "cloud.feal.no";
in {
services.nextcloud = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nextcloud30;
inherit hostName;
home = "/tank/nextcloud";
https = true;
webfinger = true;
config = {
dbtype = "pgsql";
dbuser = "nextcloud";
dbhost = "/run/postgresql";
dbname = "nextcloud";
adminuser = "ncadmin";
adminpassFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/adminpass".path;
settings = {
default_phone_region = "NO";
log_type = "file";
overwriteprotocol = "https";
trusted_proxies = [ "" ]; # defiant
# Docs: https://github.com/pulsejet/nextcloud-oidc-login
oidc_login_auto_redirect = true;
oidc_login_button_text = "Log in with KeyCloak";
oidc_login_client_id = "nextcloud";
oidc_login_client_secret = "dont_put_secrets_here_use_secretFile";
oidc_login_code_challenge_method = "S256";
oidc_login_end_session_redirect' = true;
oidc_login_logout_url = "https://cloud.feal.no/apps/oidc_login/oidc";
oidc_login_provider_url = "https://iam.feal.no/realms/feal.no";
oidc_login_redir_fallback = true;
oidc_login_attributes = {
id = "preferred_username";
mail = "email";
name = "name";
login_filter = "nextcloud-roles";
oidc_login_filter_allowed_values = [ "nextcloud-user" ];
oidc_login_disable_registration = false;
"memories.exiftool" = "${cfg.home}/store-apps/memories/bin-ext/exiftool-amd64-glibc";
"memories.exiftool_no_local" = false;
"memories.vod.disable" = false;
"memories.vod.ffmpeg" = "${lib.getExe pkgs.ffmpeg-headless}";
"memories.vod.ffprobe" = "${pkgs.ffmpeg-headless}/bin/ffprobe";
preview_ffmpeg_path = "${pkgs.ffmpeg-headless}/bin/ffmpeg";
secretFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/secretsjson".path;
phpOptions = {
"opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "16";
"upload_max_filesize" = lib.mkForce "8G";
"post_max_size" = lib.mkForce "8G";
"memory_limit" = lib.mkForce "8G";
poolSettings = {
"pm" = "ondemand";
"pm.max_children" = 32;
"pm.process_idle_timeout" = "10s";
"pm.max_requests" = 500;
environment.systemPackages = [
cfg.occ # "occ CMD" in the docs -> "sudo -u nextcloud nextcloud-occ CMD"
pkgs.nodejs_20 # For Recognize; Put /run/current-system/sw/bin/node in the "node_binary" field in the web UI -> Memories
sops.secrets."nextcloud/adminpass" = {
mode = "0440";
owner = "nextcloud";
group = "nextcloud";
restartUnits = [ "phpfpm-nextcloud.service" ];
sops.secrets."nextcloud/secretsjson" = {
mode = "0440";
owner = "nextcloud";
group = "nextcloud";
restartUnits = [ "phpfpm-nextcloud.service" ];
services.postgresql = {
ensureDatabases = [ "nextcloud" ];
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "nextcloud";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
} ];
systemd.services.nextcloud-cron = {
path = with pkgs; [
systemd.services."nextcloud-setup" = {
requires = [ "postgresql.service" ];
after = [ "postgresql.service" ];
systemd.services."phpfpm-nextcloud" = {
requires = [ "tank-nextcloud.mount" ];
path = with pkgs; [
# perl
# perlPackages.ImageExifTool
serviceConfig = {
PrivateDevices = lib.mkForce false;
WorkingDirectory = "/tank/nextcloud";
NoNewPrivileges = true;
PrivateMounts = true;
PrivateTmp = true;
ProtectClock = true;
ProtectHome = true;
ProtectHostname = true;
ProtectKernelLogs = true;
ProtectKernelModules = true;
ProtectKernelTunables = true;
ProtectProc = "invisible";
ReadWritePaths = [ "/tank/nextcloud" "/run/phpfpm" "/run/systemd" ];
ReadOnlyPaths = [ "/run/secrets" "/nix/store" ];
InaccessbilePaths = [ "/tank/media" "/tank/backup" ];
RemoveIPC = true;
RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
UMask = "0007";
SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
SystemCallFilter = "@system-service";
# Notes:
# - Install Memories and Recognize from the app store
# - They might need to be forced on with "nextcloud-occ app:enable memories", etc.
# - Run "nextcloud-occ maintenance:repair" to fix broken paths
# - Download ai models and maps with the commands given in the ui
# - libtensorflow doesn't work properly through node, but recognize still works(?)