- [Nextcloud](https://cloud.feal.no) ([source](./hosts/challenger/services/nextcloud.nix)) - Personal cloud services and "google replacements", including file hosting, notes, calendar and webmail
- I use *nginx* as a web server and reverse proxy. The configuration is mostly distributed throughout the services that use it ([example](https://git.feal.no/felixalb/nixos-config/src/commit/3a05681d10a6999f73cbef59c3999742b81947a6/hosts/defiant/services/hedgedoc.nix#L98)).
- I recently switched from Tailscale(actually [headscale](https://github.com/juanfont/headscale)) to *WireGuard*, configured [here](./hosts/defiant/services/wireguard.nix) and [here](./hosts/burnham/services/wireguard.nix).
- PiHole ([source](./hosts/defiant/services/pihole.nix)) run my internal DNS (\*.home.feal.no) and ad blocking.
- Prometheus ([source](./hosts/defiant/services/monitoring/prometheus.nix)) - Pull-based metrics system that fetches metrics over HTTP from a range of exporters and stores them in a time-series database
- Loki ([source](./hosts/defiant/services/monitoring/loki.nix)) - Central logging for all my hosts
- Grafana ([source](./hosts/defiant/services/monitoring/grafana.nix)) - Visualization and alerting for all my metrics and logs
- Uptime-Kuma ([source](./hosts/defiant/services/monitoring/uptime-kuma.nix)) - Uptime / health check with alerting
- (Neo)vim ([source](./home/neovim.nix)) - Text editor with my configuration for IDE-like support for autocompletion, syntax highlighting and efficient editing.
- Zsh ([source](./home/zsh.nix)) - My shell of choice