
376 lines
12 KiB

{ matrix-synapse-common-config,
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let
cfg =;
wcfg =;
# Used to generate proper defaultTexts.
cfgText = "";
wcfgText = "";
inherit (lib) types mkOption mkEnableOption mkIf mkMerge literalExpression;
mkWorkerCountOption = workerType: mkOption {
type = types.ints.unsigned;
description = "How many automatically configured ${workerType} workers to set up";
default = 0;
genAttrs' = items: f: g: builtins.listToAttrs (map (i: lib.nameValuePair (f i) (g i)) items);
isListenerType = type: l: lib.any (r: lib.any (n: n == type) r.names) l.resources;
firstListenerOfType = type: w: lib.lists.findFirst (isListenerType type)
(throw' "No listener with resource: ${type} configured")
listenerHost = l: builtins.head l.bind_addresses;
listenerPort = l: l.port;
socketAddressOfType = type: w: let l = firstListenerOfType type w; in "${listenerHost l}:${listenerPort l}";
mainReplicationListener = firstListenerOfType "replication" cfg;
in {
# See for more info = let
workerInstanceType = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
options = {
isAuto = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
internal = true;
default = false;
index = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.ints.positive;
# The custom string type here is mainly for the name to use
# for the metrics of custom worker types
type = mkOption {
type = types.str;
# TODO: add description and possibly default value?
settings = mkOption {
type = workerSettingsType config;
default = { };
workerSettingsType = instanceCfg: types.submodule {
freeformType = format.type;
options = {
worker_app = mkOption {
type = types.enum [
description = "The type of worker application";
default = "";
worker_replication_host = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = wcfg.mainReplicationHost;
defaultText = literalExpression "${wcfgText}.mainReplicationHost";
description = "The replication listeners IP on the main synapse process";
worker_replication_http_port = mkOption {
type = types.port;
default = wcfg.mainReplicationPort;
defaultText = literalExpression "${wcfgText}.mainReplicationPort";
description = "The replication listeners port on the main synapse process";
worker_listeners = mkOption {
type = types.listOf (workerListenerType instanceCfg);
description = "Listener configuration for the worker, similar to the main synapse listener";
default = [ ];
workerListenerType = instanceCfg: types.submodule {
options = {
type = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "http" "metrics" ];
description = "The type of the listener";
default = "http";
port = mkOption {
type = types.port;
description = "The TCP port to bind to";
bind_addresses = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
description = "A list of local addresses to listen on";
default = [ wcfg.defaultListenerAddress ];
defaultText = literalExpression "[ ${wcfgText}.defaultListenerAddress ]";
tls = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
description = ''
Whether to enable TLS for this listener.
Will use the TLS key/cert specified in tls_private_key_path / tls_certificate_path.
default = false;
example = true;
x_forwarded = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
description = ''
Whether to use the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header as the client IP.
This option is only valid for an 'http' listener.
It is useful when Synapse is running behind a reverse-proxy.
default = true;
example = false;
resources = let
typeToResources = t: {
"fed-receiver" = [ "federation" ];
"fed-sender" = [ ];
"initial-sync" = [ "client" ];
"normal-sync" = [ "client" ];
"event-persist" = [ "replication" ];
"user-dir" = [ "client" ];
in mkOption {
type = types.listOf (types.submodule {
options = {
names = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf (enum [
description = "A list of resources to host on this port";
default = lib.optionals instanceCfg.isAuto (typeToResources instanceCfg.type);
defaultText = ''
If the worker is generated from other config, the resource type will
be determined automatically.
compress = mkEnableOption "HTTP compression for this resource";
default = [{ }];
in {
mainReplicationHost = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default =
if builtins.elem (listenerHost mainReplicationListener) [ "" "::" ]
then ""
else listenerHost mainReplicationListener;
# TODO: add defaultText
description = "Host of the main synapse instance's replication listener";
mainReplicationPort = mkOption {
type = types.port;
default = listenerPort mainReplicationListener;
# TODO: add defaultText
description = "Port for the main synapse instance's replication listener";
defaultListenerAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = "The default listener address for the worker";
workerStartingPort = mkOption {
type = types.port;
description = "What port should the automatically configured workers start enumerating from";
default = 8083;
enableMetrics = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = cfg.settings.enable_metrics;
defaultText = literalExpression "${cfgText}.settings.enable_metrics";
# TODO: add description
metricsStartingPort = mkOption {
type = types.port;
default = 18083;
# TODO: add description
federationSenders = mkWorkerCountOption "federation-sender";
federationReceivers = mkWorkerCountOption "federation-reciever";
initialSyncers = mkWorkerCountOption "initial-syncer";
normalSyncers = mkWorkerCountOption "sync";
eventPersisters = mkWorkerCountOption "event-persister";
useUserDirectoryWorker = mkEnableOption "user directory worker";
instances = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf workerInstanceType;
default = { };
description = "Worker configuration";
example = {
"federation_sender1" = {
settings = {
worker_name = "federation_sender1";
worker_app = "";
worker_replication_host = "";
worker_replication_http_port = 9093;
worker_listeners = [ ];
config = {
services.matrix-synapse-next.settings = {
federation_sender_instances =
lib.genList (i: "auto-fed-sender${toString (i + 1)}") wcfg.federationSenders;
instance_map = genAttrs' (lib.lists.range 1 wcfg.eventPersisters)
(i: "auto-event-persist${toString i}")
(i: let
wRL = firstListenerOfType "replication" wcfg.instances."auto-event-persist${toString i}".settings.worker_listeners;
in {
host = listenerHost wRL;
port = listenerPort wRL;
}); =
mkIf (wcfg.eventPersisters > 0)
(lib.genList (i: "auto-event-persist${toString (i + 1)}") wcfg.eventPersisters);
update_user_directory_from_worker =
mkIf wcfg.useUserDirectoryWorker "auto-user-dir";
services.matrix-synapse-next.workers.instances = let
sum = lib.foldl lib.add 0;
workerListenersWithMetrics = portOffset:
lib.singleton ({
port = wcfg.workerStartingPort + portOffset - 1;
++ lib.optional wcfg.enableMetrics {
port = wcfg.metricsStartingPort + portOffset;
resources = [ { names = [ "metrics" ]; } ];
makeWorkerInstances = {
portOffset ? 0,
nameFn ? i: "auto-${type}${toString i}",
workerListenerFn ? i: workerListenersWithMetrics (portOffset + i)
}: genAttrs'
(lib.lists.range 1 numberOfWorkers)
(i: {
isAuto = true;
inherit type;
index = i;
settings.worker_listeners = workerListenerFn i;
workerInstances = {
"fed-sender" = wcfg.federationSenders;
"fed-receiver" = wcfg.federationReceivers;
"initial-sync" = wcfg.initialSyncers;
"normal-sync" = wcfg.normalSyncers;
"event-persist" = wcfg.eventPersisters;
} // (lib.optionalAttrs wcfg.useUserDirectoryWorker {
"user-dir" = {
numberOfWorkers = 1;
nameFn = _: "auto-user-dir";
coerceWorker = { name, value }: if builtins.isInt value then {
type = name;
numberOfWorkers = value;
} else { type = name; } // value;
# Like foldl, but keeps all intermediate values
# (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
scanl = f: x1: list: let
x2 = lib.head list;
x1' = f x1 x2;
in if list == [] then [] else [x1'] ++ (scanl f x1' (lib.tail list));
f = { portOffset, numberOfWorkers, ... }: x: x // { portOffset = portOffset + numberOfWorkers; };
init = { portOffset = 0; numberOfWorkers = 0; };
in lib.pipe workerInstances [
(lib.mapAttrsToList lib.nameValuePair)
(map coerceWorker)
(scanl f init)
(map makeWorkerInstances)
]; = let
workerList = lib.mapAttrsToList lib.nameValuePair wcfg.instances;
workerConfig = worker: format.generate "matrix-synapse-worker-${}-config.yaml"
(worker.value.settings // { worker_name =; });
in builtins.listToAttrs (lib.flip map workerList (worker: {
name = "matrix-synapse-worker-${}";
value = {
description = "Synapse Matrix Worker";
partOf = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "matrix-synapse.service" ];
requires = [ "matrix-synapse.service" ];
environment.PYTHONPATH = lib.makeSearchPathOutput "lib" cfg.package.python.sitePackages [
serviceConfig = {
Type = "notify";
User = "matrix-synapse";
Group = "matrix-synapse";
Slice = "system-matrix-synapse.slice";
WorkingDirectory = cfg.dataDir;
ExecStartPre = pkgs.writers.writeBash "wait-for-synapse" ''
# From
while ! systemctl is-active -q matrix-synapse.service; do
sleep 1
ExecStart = let
flags = lib.cli.toGNUCommandLineShell {} {
config-path = [ matrix-synapse-common-config (workerConfig worker) ] ++ cfg.extraConfigFiles;
keys-directory = cfg.dataDir;
in "${cfg.package}/bin/synapse_worker ${flags}";