
51 lines
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\documentclass{article} % Tells the compiler to treat the rest in the context of the predefined article type
% Other classes include report and book, among others
\input{preamble} % Input pastes the raw text from the given file
\title{\LaTeX Course}
\author{Some Name Here}
\maketitle % Makes the title defined by the commands above and shows it in the pdf
\setlength{\parskip}{0em} % Sets how much space is skipped when a new paragraph appears
\setlength{\parskip}{0em} % 1em gives more air, but the TOC should be tightly packed
\appendix % Changes the context of the document env to be appendix based, not "normal document"
\printbibliography % Prints the bilbiography based on the added resoruces and which citations have been done in the document