{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { #fail2ban services.fail2ban = { enable = true; maxretry = 10; #ignore local ips ignoreIP = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" ]; jails = { nginx-http-auth = '' enabled = true port = http,https logpath = /var/log/nginx/*.log backend = polling journalmatch = ''; nginx-botsearch = '' enabled = true port = http,https logpath = /var/log/nginx/*.log backend = polling journalmatch = ''; nginx-bad-request = '' enabled = true port = http,https logpath = /var/log/nginx/*.log backend = polling journalmatch = ''; authelia = '' enabled = true port = http,https ''; }; }; environment.etc = { "fail2ban/filter.d/authelia.conf".text = '' # Fail2Ban filter for Authelia # Make sure that the HTTP header "X-Forwarded-For" received by Authelia's backend # only contains a single IP address (the one from the end-user), and not the proxy chain # (it is misleading: usually, this is the purpose of this header). # the failregex rule counts every failed 1FA attempt (first line, wrong username or password) and failed 2FA attempt # second line) as a failure. # the ignoreregex rule ignores debug, info and warning messages as all authentication failures are flagged as errors [Definition] failregex = ^.*Unsuccessful 1FA authentication attempt by user .*remote_ip="?"? stack.* ^.*Unsuccessful (TOTP|Duo|U2F) authentication attempt by user .*remote_ip="?"? stack.* ignoreregex = ^.*level=debug.* ^.*level=info.* ^.*level=warning.* journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=authelia-main.service + _COMM=authelia ''; }; }