{ pkgs, config, nix-colors, ... }: let nix-colors-lib = nix-colors.lib.contrib { inherit pkgs; }; background = "010C09"; foreground = "FFFFFF"; offWhite = "F0FFF8"; teal = "60C89A"; red = "E64553"; blue = "58B5E0"; green = "79E05B"; purple = "6B5BDC"; magenta = "80D1A0"; cyan = "5FE2C5"; yellow = "F5D24D"; orange = "FF8800"; pink = "FF4EC9"; grey = "888B8E"; lightGrey = "F3FCF7"; darkTeal = "154E44"; lighterTeal = "2C7A6A"; lightTeal = "B0E8DA"; in{ imports = [ nix-colors.homeManagerModules.default ]; # colorScheme = nix-colors-lib.colorSchemeFromPicture { # path = ./assets/evergarden-telescope.jpg; # variant = "dark"; # }; colorScheme = { slug = "cyberpunk-apathy"; name = "Cyberpunk Apathy"; author = "Adrian G L (based on Apathy by Jannik Siebert)"; palette = { # Base16 color values with context-specific usage comments base00 = background; # Default background base01 = darkTeal; # Lighter background (used for status bars) base02 = lighterTeal; # Selection background base03 = teal; # Comments, secondary content, line highlighting base04 = lightTeal; # Darker foreground (used for status bars) base05 = foreground; # Default text and foreground base06 = lightGrey; # Lighter foreground (used for inactive text) base07 = offWhite; # Lightest background (used for highlights) base08 = teal; # Variables, constants, markup link text base09 = blue; # Integers, booleans, constants, and XML attributes base0A = magenta; # Classes, headings, keywords base0B = cyan; # Strings, literals, escape sequences base0C = green; # Support and error colors base0D = cyan; # Functions, methods, function names base0E = red; # Keywords, storage, selectors base0F = yellow; # Deprecated or obsolete code }; }; gtk = { enable = true; theme = { name = "Adwaita-dark"; package = pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra; }; }; qt = { enable = true; platformTheme.name = "adwaita"; style.name = "adwaita-dark"; }; }