(in-package #:z3950)

(babel-encodings::define-character-encoding :marc-8
    "Encoding developed incrementally since 1968 for use with the MARC
format for bibliographic records.  Although UTF-8 can now be used with
MARC, many systems (including Library of Congress) still use the MARC
8 encoding."

;;; Decoding tables.

(defconstant undef #xfffd)

(defparameter *basic-ascii-decode-table* 
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   :initial-contents (loop for i from #x21 below #x7f collect i))

(defparameter *greek-symbols-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   :initial-contents `(,@(loop for i from #x21 below #x61 collect undef)
			 #x03b1 #x03b2 #x03b3
			 ,@(loop for i from #x64 below #x7f collect undef)))

(defparameter *subscripts-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(,@(loop for marc-8 from #x21 below #x28 collect undef)
       #x208d #x208e ,undef #x208a ,undef #x208b ,undef ,undef
       ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x30 below #x3a 
	    and ucs from #x2080
	    collect ucs)
       ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x3a below #x7f collect undef)))

(defparameter *superscripts-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(,@(loop for marc-8 from #x21 below #x28 collect undef)
       #x207d #x207e ,undef #x207a ,undef #x207b ,undef ,undef
       #x2070 #x00b9 #x00b2 #x00b3
       ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x34 below #x3a 
	    and ucs from #x2074
	    collect ucs)
       ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x3a below #x7f collect undef)))

(defparameter *extended-latin-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(#x0141 #x00d8 #x0110 #x00de #x00c6 #x0152 #x02b9 ; a1--a7
     #x00b7 #x266d #x00ae #x00b1 #x01a0 #x01af #x02bc ,undef ; af
     #x02bb #x0142 #x00f8 #x0111 #x00fe #x00e6 #x0153 #x02ba ; b7
     #x0131 #x00a3 #x00f0 ,undef #x01a1 #x01b0 ,undef ,undef ; bf
     #x00b0 #x2113 #x2117 #x00a9 #x266f #x00bf #x00a1 #x00df ; c7
     #x20ac ,@(loop for i from #xc9 below #xe0 collect undef)
     #x0309 #x0300 #x0301 #x0302 #x0303 #x0304 #x0306 #x0307 ; e7
     #x0308 #x030c #x030a ; ea
     #xfe20 #xfe21			; see note 1
     #x0315 #x030b #x0310 ; ef
     #x0327 #x0328 #x0323 #x0324 #x0325 #x0333 #x0332 #x0326 ; f7
     #x031c #x032e ; f9
     #xfe22 #xfe23			; see note 2
     ,undef ,undef #x0313))

(defparameter *basic-hebrew-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(#x21 #x05f4 #x23 #x24 #x25 #x26 #x05f3 
	  #x28 #x29 #x2a #x2b #x2c #x05be #x2e #x2f
	  ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x30 below #x40 collect marc-8)
	  #x05b7 #x05b8 #x05b6 #x05b5 #x05b4 #x05b9 #x05bb #x05b0
	  #x05b2 #x05b3 #x05b1 #x05bc #x05bf #x05c1 #xfb1e
	  ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x4f below #x5b collect undef)
	  #x5b ,undef #x5d ,undef ,undef
	  ,@(loop for marc-8 from #x60 below #x7b and ucs from #x05d0
	       collect ucs)
	  #x05f0 #x05f1 #x05f2 ,undef))

(defparameter *basic-cyrillic-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(,@(loop for marc-8 from #x21 below #x40 collect marc-8)
       #x044e #x0430 #x0431 #x0446 #x0434 #x0435 #x0444 #x0433
       #x0445 #x0438 #x0439 #x043a #x043b #x043c #x043d #x043e
       #x043f #x044f #x0440 #x0441 #x0442 #x0443 #x0436 #x0432
       #x044c #x044b #x0437 #x0448 #x044d #x0449 #x0447 #x044a
       #x042e #x0410 #x0411 #x0426 #x0414 #x0415 #x0424 #x0413
       #x0425 #x0418 #x0419 #x041a #x041b #x041c #x041d #x041e
       #x041f #x042f #x0420 #x0421 #x0422 #x0423 #x0416 #x0412
       #x042c #x042b #x0417 #x0428 #x042d #x0429 #x0427))

(defparameter *extended-cyrillic-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(,@(loop for i from #x21 below #x40 collect undef)
       #x0491 #x0452 #x0453 #x0454 #x0451 #x0455 #x0456 #x0457
       #x0458 #x0459 #x045A #x045B #x045C #x045E #x045F ,undef
       #x0463 #x0473 #x0475 #x046B
       ,@(loop for i from #x54 below #x5b collect undef)
       #x005B ,undef #x005D ,undef #x005F
       #x0490 #x0402 #x0403 #x0404 #x0401 #x0405 #x0406 #x0407
       #x0408 #x0409 #x040A #x040B #x040C #x040E #x040F #x042A
       #x0462 #x0472 #x0474 #x046A
       ,@(loop for i from #x74 below #x7f collect undef)))

(defparameter *basic-arabic-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(#x21 #x22 #x23 #x24 #x066a #x26 #x27
	  #x28 #x29 #x066d #x2b #x060c #x2d #x2e #x2f
	  #x0660 #x0661 #x0662 #x0663 #x0664 #x0665 #x0666 #x0667
	  #x0668 #x0669 #x003a #x061b #x003c #x003d #x003e #x061f
	  ,@(loop for m from #x41 below #x5b and ucs from #x0621 collect ucs)
	  #x5b ,undef #xfd ,undef ,undef
	  ,@(loop for m from #x60 below #x73 and ucs from #x0640 collect ucs)
	  #x0671 #x0670 ,undef ,undef ,undef
	  #x066c #x201d #x201c ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef))

(defparameter *extended-arabic-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(#x06fd #x0672 #x0673
     ,@(loop for m from #x24 below #x32 and ucs from #x0679 collect ucs)
     ,@(loop for m from #x33 below #x49 and u from #x0687 collect u)
     #x06fa #x069d #x069e #x06fb #x069f #x06a0 #x06fc
     ,@(loop for m from #x50 below #x6c and u from #x06a1 collect u)
     #x06b9 #x06be #x06c0 #x06c4 
     #x06c5 #x06c6 #x06ca #x06cb #x06cd #x06ce #x06d0 #x06d2
     #x06d3 ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef #x0306 #x030c))

(defparameter *basic-greek-decode-table*
   #x5e :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
   `(       #x0300 #x0301 #x0308 #x0342 #x0313 #x0314 #x0345
     ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef ,undef
     #x00ab #x00bb #x201c #x201d #x0374 #x0375 ,undef ,undef
     ,undef ,undef ,undef #x0387 ,undef ,undef ,undef #x037e
     ,undef #x0391 #x0392 ,undef #x0393 #x0394 #x0395 #x03da
     #x03dc #x0396 #x0397 #x0398 #x0399 #x039a #x039b #x039c
     #x039d #x039e #x039f #x03a0 #x03de #x03a1 #x03a3 ,undef
     #x03a4 #x03a5 #x03a6 #x03a7 #x03a8 #x03a9 #x03e0 ,undef
     ,undef #x03b1 #x03b2 #x03d0 #x03b3 #x03b4 #x03b5 #x03db
     #x03dd #x03b6 #x03b7 #x03b8 #x03b9 #x03ba #x03bb #x03bc
     #x03bd #x03be #x03bf #x03c0 #x03df #x03c1 #x03c3 #x03c2
     #x03c4 #x03c5 #x03c6 #x03c7 #x03c8 #x03c9 #x03e1))

(defparameter *eacc-decode-table*
  (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
    (with-open-file (input (asdf:system-relative-pathname '#:z3950 
      (let ((start 0) end m u)
	   for line = (read-line input nil nil)
	   while line
	     (setq end (position #\, line)
		   m (parse-integer line :end end :radix 16)
		   start (1+ end)
		   end (position #\, line :start start)
		   u (parse-integer line :start start :end end :radix 16))
	     (setf (gethash m ht) u))))

;;; Decoder.

(defmacro illegal-escape (getter src i)
  (alexandria:with-unique-names (j m)
    `(error "Illegal escape sequence:~{ ~X~}"
	    (reverse (loop with ,j = ,i
			for ,m = (,getter ,src (decf ,j))
			collect ,m
			until (= ,m #x1b))))))

(babel-encodings::define-code-point-counter :marc-8 (getter type)
  `(lambda (seq start end max)
     (declare (type ,type seq) (fixnum start end max))
     (let ((nchars 0)
	   (g0-width 1) 
	   (g1-width 1)
	   (i start))
       (macrolet ((input () `(prog1 (,',getter seq i) (incf i))))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go accept))
	    (let ((m (input)))
	      (cond ((= m #x1b) (go esc))
		    ((or (= m #xa0) (= m #xff)) (go reserved))
		    ((< m #x21) 
		     (incf nchars)
		     (go start))
		    ((< m #x7f) (cond ((= g0-width 1)
				       (incf nchars)
				       (go start))
				      (t (go triple-2))))
		    ((< m #xa1) 
		     (incf nchars)
		     (go start))
		    (t (cond ((= g1-width 1)
			      (incf nchars)
			      (go start))
			     (t (go triple-2))))))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      ((#x67 #x62 #x70 #x73) (go start))
	      ((#x28 #x2c #x29 #x2d) (go intermediate-single-1))
	      (#x24 (go intermediate-multiple-1))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      ((#x33 #x34 #x42 #x4e #x51 #x53 #x32) (go start))
	      (#x21 (go intermediate-single-2))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      (#x45 (go start))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      (#x2c (go intermediate-multiple-2-g0))
	      (#x31 (setf g0-width 3)
		    (go start))
	      ((#x29 #x2d) (go intermediate-multiple-2-g1))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      (#x31 (setf g0-width 3)
		    (go start))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go illegal-escape))
	    (case (input)
	      (#x31 (setf g1-width 3)
		    (go start))
	      (t (go illegal-escape)))
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go partial))
	    (go triple-3)
	    (when (= i end)
	      (go partial))
	    (incf nchars)
	    (go start)
	    (error "Partial multiple-byte character.")
	    (error "~D is a reserved value and must not be used in MARC 8-encoded records." (,getter seq (1- i)))
	    (illegal-escape ,getter seq i)
       (values nchars end))))

(babel-encodings::define-decoder :marc-8 (getter src-type setter dest-type)
  `(lambda (src start end dest d-start)
     (declare (type ,src-type src)
              (type ,dest-type dest)
              (fixnum start end d-start))
     (let ((g0 *basic-ascii-decode-table*)
	   (g1 *extended-latin-decode-table*)
	   (g0-width 1) (g1-width 1)
	   (i start)
	   (di d-start))
       (labels ((iso2022 (u)
		  (ecase u
		    (#x33 *basic-arabic-decode-table*)
		    (#x34 *extended-arabic-decode-table*)
		    (#x42 *basic-ascii-decode-table*)
		    (#x21 (case (,getter src (incf i))
			    (#x45 *extended-latin-decode-table*)
			    (t (illegal-escape ,getter src i))))
		    (#x31 *eacc-decode-table*)
		    (#x4e *basic-cyrillic-decode-table*)
		    (#x51 *extended-cyrillic-decode-table*)
		    (#x53 *basic-greek-decode-table*)
		    (#x32 *basic-hebrew-decode-table*))))
	 (macrolet ((input () `(prog1 (,',getter src i) (incf i))))
	      (when (= i end) (go accept))
	      (setq m (input))
		((= m #x1b) (go esc))
		((or (= m #xa0) (= m #xff)) (go reserved))
		((< m #x21)
		 (,setter m dest di)
		 (incf di)
		 (go start))
		((< m #x7f) (cond ((= g0-width 1)
				   (,setter (aref g0 (- m #x21)) dest di)
				   (incf di)
				   (go start))
				  (t (go triple-2-g0))))
		((< m #xa1)
		 (,setter m dest di)
		 (incf di)
		 (go start))
		(t (cond ((= g1-width 1)
			  (,setter (aref g1 (- m #xa1)) dest di)
			  (incf di)
			  (go start))
			 (t (go triple-2-g1)))))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x67 (setf g0 *basic-greek-decode-table*
			    g0-width 1)
		      (go start))
		(#x62 (setf g0 *subscripts-decode-table*
			    g0-width 1)
		      (go start))
		(#x70 (setf g0 *superscripts-decode-table*
			    g0-width 1)
		      (go start))
		(#x73 (setf g0 *basic-ascii-decode-table*
			    g0-width 1)
		      (go start))
		((#x28 #x2c)
		 (go intermediate-single-1-g0))
		((#x29 #x2d)
		 (go intermediate-single-1-g1))
		(#x24 (go intermediate-multiple-1))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		((#x33 #x34 #x42 #x4e #x51 #x53 #x32)
		 (setf g0 (iso2022 (,getter src (1- i)))
		       g0-width 1)
		 (go start))
		(#x21 (go intermediate-single-2-g0))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		((#x33 #x34 #x42 #x4e #x51 #x53 #x32)
		 (setf g1 (iso2022 (,getter src (1- i)))
		       g1-width 1)
		 (go start))
		(#x21 (go intermediate-single-2-g1))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x45 (setf g0 *extended-latin-decode-table*
			    g0-width 1)
		      (go start))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x45 (setf g1 *extended-latin-decode-table*
			    g1-width 1)
		      (go start))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x2c (go intermediate-multiple-2-g0))
		((#x29 #x2d) (go intermediate-multiple-2-g1))
		(#x31 (setf g0 *eacc-decode-table*
			    g0-width 3)
		      (go start))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x31 (setf g0 *eacc-decode-table*
			    g0-width 3)
		      (go start))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end) (go illegal-escape))
	      (case (input)
		(#x31 (setf g1 *eacc-decode-table*
			    g1-width 3)
		      (go start))
		(t (go illegal-escape)))
	      (when (= i end)
		(go partial))
	      (go triple-3-g0)
	      (when (= i end)
		(go partial))
	      (go triple-3-g1)
	      (when (= i end)
		(go partial))
	      (let* ((m1 (,getter src (- i 3)))
		     (m2 (,getter src (- i 2)))
		     (m3 (,getter src (- i 1)))
		     (key (+ (* (+ (* m1 #x100) m2) #x100) m3)))
		(,setter (or (gethash key g0 nil) ,undef)
			 dest di)
		(incf di))
	      (go start)
	      (when (= i end)
		(go partial))
	      (let* ((m1 (- (,getter src (- i 3)) #x80))
		     (m2 (- (,getter src (- i 2)) #x80))
		     (m3 (- (,getter src (- i 1)) #x80))
		     (key (+ (* (+ (* m1 #x100) m2) #x100) m3)))
		(,setter (or (gethash key g1 nil) ,undef)
			 dest di)
		(incf di))
	      (go start)
	      (error "Partial multiple-byte character.")
	      (error "~D is a reserved value and must not be used in MARC 8-encoded records." (,getter src (1- i)))
	      (illegal-escape ,getter src i)

;;; This seems to be the only way to get Babel to use the new decoder.

(defparameter babel::*string-vector-mappings*
   :octet-seq-setter babel::ub-set
   :octet-seq-getter babel::ub-get
   :octet-seq-type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
   :code-point-seq-setter babel::string-set
   :code-point-seq-getter babel::string-get
   :code-point-seq-type babel:simple-unicode-string))

;;; Testing.

(defun ub8v (&rest numbers)
  (make-array (length numbers) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
	      :initial-contents numbers))

(defun ub16v (&rest numbers)
  (make-array (length numbers) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
	      :initial-contents numbers))

(defun test-kjorbye-marc-8 ()
  (ub8v 75 105 178 114 98 121 101 32 66 101 114 116 101 108 115 101 110 44 
	32 73 110 103 101 114))

(defun eacc (s)
  (let* ((key (+ (* (+ (* (char-code (char s 0)) #x100) 
		      (char-code (char s 1))) #x100) 
		(char-code (char s 2))))
	 (value (gethash key *eacc-decode-table*)))
    (format t "~x~%" value)
    (code-char value)))

(define-test decode
  (assert-equal "Kiørbye Bertelsen, Inger"
		(babel:octets-to-string (test-kjorbye-marc-8)
					:encoding :marc-8))
  (assert-equal "β-tubulin"
		(babel:octets-to-string (babel:string-to-octets
					:encoding :marc-8))
  (assert-equal "羅貫中 ; 張亦文譯."
		(babel:octets-to-string (babel:string-to-octets "$1!R7!Yn!04(B ; $1!=G!0\\!BX!YF(B.")
					:encoding :marc-8))
  (assert-equal "羅貫中 ; 張亦文譯."
		(babel:octets-to-string (babel:string-to-octets "$)1¡Ò·¡Ùî¡°´ ; ¡½Ç¡°Ü¡ÂØ¡ÙÆ)!E." :encoding :latin-1)
					:encoding :marc-8)))

(define-test encode
  (assert-equalp (test-kjorbye-marc-8) 
		 (babel:string-to-octets "Kiørbye Bertelsen, Inger"
					 :encoding :marc-8))
  (assert-equal "gbs-tubulin"
		 (babel:string-to-octets "β-tubulin" :encoding :marc-8))))

;;; Unicode normalization.

(defun tt-to-number (line)
  (multiple-value-bind (a b c d) (ppcre:scan "<tt>([^<]+)</tt>" line)
    (declare (ignore a b))
       with start = (aref c 0)
       while (> (aref d 0) start)
       for end = (or (position #\Space line :start start :end (aref d 0))
		     (aref d 0))
       collect (parse-integer line :start start :end end :radix 16)
       do (setf start (1+ end)))))

(defun read-normalization-table ()
  (with-open-file (stream "/Users/ljosa/tmp/chart_Latin.html")
    (let ((result nil))
	    for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
	    when (not line)
	    do (go done)
	    until (string-equal line "<tr>"))
	 (let ((a (tt-to-number (read-line stream)))
	       (b (tt-to-number (read-line stream)))
	       (c (tt-to-number (read-line stream)))
	       (d (tt-to-number (read-line stream)))
	       (e (tt-to-number (read-line stream))))
	   (declare (ignore a d e))
	   (push (list b c) result))
      (nreverse result))))