![](./wiki/graphics/project_icon.png) # PyBLM This is the homepage of PyBLM, a bilinear modeling library in the Python programming language. ## Download and Installation ### Releases There is no release of PyBLM. ### Development Version You can download the development version by typing: ```console git clone https://git.pvv.ntnu.no/Projects/pyblm.git ``` This will download the latest svn version and place it in a directory named pyblm under your current working directory. ## Requirements We use python 2.5 on Debian and Ubuntu, and thus recommend you to do likewise as that is were we can debug stuff. PyBLM should work just fine on any sane linux distro, and supposedly also on windows. - [Python](https://python.org/) (doh!) - [NumPy](https://numpy.scipy.org/) ## Features - LPLS ## Documentation - There is no documentation.