c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c\BeginDoc c c\Name: dsgets c c\Description: c Given the eigenvalues of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix H, c computes the NP shifts AMU that are zeros of the polynomial of c degree NP which filters out components of the unwanted eigenvectors c corresponding to the AMU's based on some given criteria. c c NOTE: This is called even in the case of user specified shifts in c order to sort the eigenvalues, and error bounds of H for later use. c c\Usage: c call dsgets c ( ISHIFT, WHICH, KEV, NP, RITZ, BOUNDS, SHIFTS ) c c\Arguments c ISHIFT Integer. (INPUT) c Method for selecting the implicit shifts at each iteration. c ISHIFT = 0: user specified shifts c ISHIFT = 1: exact shift with respect to the matrix H. c c WHICH Character*2. (INPUT) c Shift selection criteria. c 'LM' -> KEV eigenvalues of largest magnitude are retained. c 'SM' -> KEV eigenvalues of smallest magnitude are retained. c 'LA' -> KEV eigenvalues of largest value are retained. c 'SA' -> KEV eigenvalues of smallest value are retained. c 'BE' -> KEV eigenvalues, half from each end of the spectrum. c If KEV is odd, compute one more from the high end. c c KEV Integer. (INPUT) c KEV+NP is the size of the matrix H. c c NP Integer. (INPUT) c Number of implicit shifts to be computed. c c RITZ Double precision array of length KEV+NP. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c On INPUT, RITZ contains the eigenvalues of H. c On OUTPUT, RITZ are sorted so that the unwanted eigenvalues c are in the first NP locations and the wanted part is in c the last KEV locations. When exact shifts are selected, the c unwanted part corresponds to the shifts to be applied. c c BOUNDS Double precision array of length KEV+NP. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c Error bounds corresponding to the ordering in RITZ. c c SHIFTS Double precision array of length NP. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c On INPUT: contains the user specified shifts if ISHIFT = 0. c On OUTPUT: contains the shifts sorted into decreasing order c of magnitude with respect to the Ritz estimates contained in c BOUNDS. If ISHIFT = 0, SHIFTS is not modified on exit. c c\EndDoc c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c\BeginLib c c\Local variables: c xxxxxx real c c\Routines called: c dsortr ARPACK utility sorting routine. c ivout ARPACK utility routine that prints integers. c second ARPACK utility routine for timing. c dvout ARPACK utility routine that prints vectors. c dcopy Level 1 BLAS that copies one vector to another. c dswap Level 1 BLAS that swaps the contents of two vectors. c c\Author c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas c Applied Mathematics c Rice University c Houston, Texas c c\Revision history: c xx/xx/93: Version ' 2.1' c c\SCCS Information: @(#) c FILE: sgets.F SID: 2.4 DATE OF SID: 4/19/96 RELEASE: 2 c c\Remarks c c\EndLib c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dsgets ( ishift, which, kev, np, ritz, bounds, shifts ) c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Include files for debugging and timing information | c %----------------------------------------------------% c include 'debug.h' include 'stat.h' c c %------------------% c | Scalar Arguments | c %------------------% c character*2 which integer ishift, kev, np c c %-----------------% c | Array Arguments | c %-----------------% c Double precision & bounds(kev+np), ritz(kev+np), shifts(np) c c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% c Double precision & one, zero parameter (one = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0) c c %---------------% c | Local Scalars | c %---------------% c integer kevd2, msglvl c c %----------------------% c | External Subroutines | c %----------------------% c external dswap, dcopy, dsortr, second c c %---------------------% c | Intrinsic Functions | c %---------------------% c intrinsic max, min c c %-----------------------% c | Executable Statements | c %-----------------------% c c %-------------------------------% c | Initialize timing statistics | c | & message level for debugging | c %-------------------------------% c call second (t0) msglvl = msgets c if (which .eq. 'BE') then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | Both ends of the spectrum are requested. | c | Sort the eigenvalues into algebraically increasing | c | order first then swap high end of the spectrum next | c | to low end in appropriate locations. | c | NOTE: when np < floor(kev/2) be careful not to swap | c | overlapping locations. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c call dsortr ('LA', .true., kev+np, ritz, bounds) kevd2 = kev / 2 if ( kev .gt. 1 ) then call dswap ( min(kevd2,np), ritz, 1, & ritz( max(kevd2,np)+1 ), 1) call dswap ( min(kevd2,np), bounds, 1, & bounds( max(kevd2,np)+1 ), 1) end if c else c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | LM, SM, LA, SA case. | c | Sort the eigenvalues of H into the desired order | c | and apply the resulting order to BOUNDS. | c | The eigenvalues are sorted so that the wanted part | c | are always in the last KEV locations. | c %----------------------------------------------------% c call dsortr (which, .true., kev+np, ritz, bounds) end if c if (ishift .eq. 1 .and. np .gt. 0) then c c %-------------------------------------------------------% c | Sort the unwanted Ritz values used as shifts so that | c | the ones with largest Ritz estimates are first. | c | This will tend to minimize the effects of the | c | forward instability of the iteration when the shifts | c | are applied in subroutine dsapps. | c %-------------------------------------------------------% c call dsortr ('SM', .true., np, bounds, ritz) call dcopy (np, ritz, 1, shifts, 1) end if c call second (t1) tsgets = tsgets + (t1 - t0) c if (msglvl .gt. 0) then call ivout (logfil, 1, kev, ndigit, '_sgets: KEV is') call ivout (logfil, 1, np, ndigit, '_sgets: NP is') call dvout (logfil, kev+np, ritz, ndigit, & '_sgets: Eigenvalues of current H matrix') call dvout (logfil, kev+np, bounds, ndigit, & '_sgets: Associated Ritz estimates') end if c return c c %---------------% c | End of dsgets | c %---------------% c end