c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c\BeginDoc c c\Name: dsaupd c c\Description: c c Reverse communication interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi c Iteration. For symmetric problems this reduces to a variant of the Lanczos c method. This method has been designed to compute approximations to a c few eigenpairs of a linear operator OP that is real and symmetric c with respect to a real positive semi-definite symmetric matrix B, c i.e. c c B*OP = (OP`)*B. c c Another way to express this condition is c c < x,OPy > = < OPx,y > where < z,w > = z`Bw . c c In the standard eigenproblem B is the identity matrix. c ( A` denotes transpose of A) c c The computed approximate eigenvalues are called Ritz values and c the corresponding approximate eigenvectors are called Ritz vectors. c c dsaupd is usually called iteratively to solve one of the c following problems: c c Mode 1: A*x = lambda*x, A symmetric c ===> OP = A and B = I. c c Mode 2: A*x = lambda*M*x, A symmetric, M symmetric positive definite c ===> OP = inv[M]*A and B = M. c ===> (If M can be factored see remark 3 below) c c Mode 3: K*x = lambda*M*x, K symmetric, M symmetric positive semi-definite c ===> OP = (inv[K - sigma*M])*M and B = M. c ===> Shift-and-Invert mode c c Mode 4: K*x = lambda*KG*x, K symmetric positive semi-definite, c KG symmetric indefinite c ===> OP = (inv[K - sigma*KG])*K and B = K. c ===> Buckling mode c c Mode 5: A*x = lambda*M*x, A symmetric, M symmetric positive semi-definite c ===> OP = inv[A - sigma*M]*[A + sigma*M] and B = M. c ===> Cayley transformed mode c c NOTE: The action of w <- inv[A - sigma*M]*v or w <- inv[M]*v c should be accomplished either by a direct method c using a sparse matrix factorization and solving c c [A - sigma*M]*w = v or M*w = v, c c or through an iterative method for solving these c systems. If an iterative method is used, the c convergence test must be more stringent than c the accuracy requirements for the eigenvalue c approximations. c c\Usage: c call dsaupd c ( IDO, BMAT, N, WHICH, NEV, TOL, RESID, NCV, V, LDV, IPARAM, c IPNTR, WORKD, WORKL, LWORKL, INFO ) c c\Arguments c IDO Integer. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c Reverse communication flag. IDO must be zero on the first c call to dsaupd . IDO will be set internally to c indicate the type of operation to be performed. Control is c then given back to the calling routine which has the c responsibility to carry out the requested operation and call c dsaupd with the result. The operand is given in c WORKD(IPNTR(1)), the result must be put in WORKD(IPNTR(2)). c (If Mode = 2 see remark 5 below) c ------------------------------------------------------------- c IDO = 0: first call to the reverse communication interface c IDO = -1: compute Y = OP * X where c IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X, c IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y. c This is for the initialization phase to force the c starting vector into the range of OP. c IDO = 1: compute Y = OP * X where c IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X, c IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y. c In mode 3,4 and 5, the vector B * X is already c available in WORKD(ipntr(3)). It does not c need to be recomputed in forming OP * X. c IDO = 2: compute Y = B * X where c IPNTR(1) is the pointer into WORKD for X, c IPNTR(2) is the pointer into WORKD for Y. c IDO = 3: compute the IPARAM(8) shifts where c IPNTR(11) is the pointer into WORKL for c placing the shifts. See remark 6 below. c IDO = 99: done c ------------------------------------------------------------- c c BMAT Character*1. (INPUT) c BMAT specifies the type of the matrix B that defines the c semi-inner product for the operator OP. c B = 'I' -> standard eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*x c B = 'G' -> generalized eigenvalue problem A*x = lambda*B*x c c N Integer. (INPUT) c Dimension of the eigenproblem. c c WHICH Character*2. (INPUT) c Specify which of the Ritz values of OP to compute. c c 'LA' - compute the NEV largest (algebraic) eigenvalues. c 'SA' - compute the NEV smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues. c 'LM' - compute the NEV largest (in magnitude) eigenvalues. c 'SM' - compute the NEV smallest (in magnitude) eigenvalues. c 'BE' - compute NEV eigenvalues, half from each end of the c spectrum. When NEV is odd, compute one more from the c high end than from the low end. c (see remark 1 below) c c NEV Integer. (INPUT) c Number of eigenvalues of OP to be computed. 0 < NEV < N. c c TOL Double precision scalar. (INPUT) c Stopping criterion: the relative accuracy of the Ritz value c is considered acceptable if BOUNDS(I) .LE. TOL*ABS(RITZ(I)). c If TOL .LE. 0. is passed a default is set: c DEFAULT = DLAMCH ('EPS') (machine precision as computed c by the LAPACK auxiliary subroutine DLAMCH ). c c RESID Double precision array of length N. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c On INPUT: c If INFO .EQ. 0, a random initial residual vector is used. c If INFO .NE. 0, RESID contains the initial residual vector, c possibly from a previous run. c On OUTPUT: c RESID contains the final residual vector. c c NCV Integer. (INPUT) c Number of columns of the matrix V (less than or equal to N). c This will indicate how many Lanczos vectors are generated c at each iteration. After the startup phase in which NEV c Lanczos vectors are generated, the algorithm generates c NCV-NEV Lanczos vectors at each subsequent update iteration. c Most of the cost in generating each Lanczos vector is in the c matrix-vector product OP*x. (See remark 4 below). c c V Double precision N by NCV array. (OUTPUT) c The NCV columns of V contain the Lanczos basis vectors. c c LDV Integer. (INPUT) c Leading dimension of V exactly as declared in the calling c program. c c IPARAM Integer array of length 11. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c IPARAM(1) = ISHIFT: method for selecting the implicit shifts. c The shifts selected at each iteration are used to restart c the Arnoldi iteration in an implicit fashion. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c ISHIFT = 0: the shifts are provided by the user via c reverse communication. The NCV eigenvalues of c the current tridiagonal matrix T are returned in c the part of WORKL array corresponding to RITZ. c See remark 6 below. c ISHIFT = 1: exact shifts with respect to the reduced c tridiagonal matrix T. This is equivalent to c restarting the iteration with a starting vector c that is a linear combination of Ritz vectors c associated with the "wanted" Ritz values. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c c IPARAM(2) = LEVEC c No longer referenced. See remark 2 below. c c IPARAM(3) = MXITER c On INPUT: maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed. c On OUTPUT: actual number of Arnoldi update iterations taken. c c IPARAM(4) = NB: blocksize to be used in the recurrence. c The code currently works only for NB = 1. c c IPARAM(5) = NCONV: number of "converged" Ritz values. c This represents the number of Ritz values that satisfy c the convergence criterion. c c IPARAM(6) = IUPD c No longer referenced. Implicit restarting is ALWAYS used. c c IPARAM(7) = MODE c On INPUT determines what type of eigenproblem is being solved. c Must be 1,2,3,4,5; See under \Description of dsaupd for the c five modes available. c c IPARAM(8) = NP c When ido = 3 and the user provides shifts through reverse c communication (IPARAM(1)=0), dsaupd returns NP, the number c of shifts the user is to provide. 0 < NP <=NCV-NEV. See Remark c 6 below. c c IPARAM(9) = NUMOP, IPARAM(10) = NUMOPB, IPARAM(11) = NUMREO, c OUTPUT: NUMOP = total number of OP*x operations, c NUMOPB = total number of B*x operations if BMAT='G', c NUMREO = total number of steps of re-orthogonalization. c c IPNTR Integer array of length 11. (OUTPUT) c Pointer to mark the starting locations in the WORKD and WORKL c arrays for matrices/vectors used by the Lanczos iteration. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c IPNTR(1): pointer to the current operand vector X in WORKD. c IPNTR(2): pointer to the current result vector Y in WORKD. c IPNTR(3): pointer to the vector B * X in WORKD when used in c the shift-and-invert mode. c IPNTR(4): pointer to the next available location in WORKL c that is untouched by the program. c IPNTR(5): pointer to the NCV by 2 tridiagonal matrix T in WORKL. c IPNTR(6): pointer to the NCV RITZ values array in WORKL. c IPNTR(7): pointer to the Ritz estimates in array WORKL associated c with the Ritz values located in RITZ in WORKL. c IPNTR(11): pointer to the NP shifts in WORKL. See Remark 6 below. c c Note: IPNTR(8:10) is only referenced by dseupd . See Remark 2. c IPNTR(8): pointer to the NCV RITZ values of the original system. c IPNTR(9): pointer to the NCV corresponding error bounds. c IPNTR(10): pointer to the NCV by NCV matrix of eigenvectors c of the tridiagonal matrix T. Only referenced by c dseupd if RVEC = .TRUE. See Remarks. c ------------------------------------------------------------- c c WORKD Double precision work array of length 3*N. (REVERSE COMMUNICATION) c Distributed array to be used in the basic Arnoldi iteration c for reverse communication. The user should not use WORKD c as temporary workspace during the iteration. Upon termination c WORKD(1:N) contains B*RESID(1:N). If the Ritz vectors are desired c subroutine dseupd uses this output. c See Data Distribution Note below. c c WORKL Double precision work array of length LWORKL. (OUTPUT/WORKSPACE) c Private (replicated) array on each PE or array allocated on c the front end. See Data Distribution Note below. c c LWORKL Integer. (INPUT) c LWORKL must be at least NCV**2 + 8*NCV . c c INFO Integer. (INPUT/OUTPUT) c If INFO .EQ. 0, a randomly initial residual vector is used. c If INFO .NE. 0, RESID contains the initial residual vector, c possibly from a previous run. c Error flag on output. c = 0: Normal exit. c = 1: Maximum number of iterations taken. c All possible eigenvalues of OP has been found. IPARAM(5) c returns the number of wanted converged Ritz values. c = 2: No longer an informational error. Deprecated starting c with release 2 of ARPACK. c = 3: No shifts could be applied during a cycle of the c Implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration. One possibility c is to increase the size of NCV relative to NEV. c See remark 4 below. c = -1: N must be positive. c = -2: NEV must be positive. c = -3: NCV must be greater than NEV and less than or equal to N. c = -4: The maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed c must be greater than zero. c = -5: WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA' or 'BE'. c = -6: BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'. c = -7: Length of private work array WORKL is not sufficient. c = -8: Error return from trid. eigenvalue calculation; c Informatinal error from LAPACK routine dsteqr . c = -9: Starting vector is zero. c = -10: IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5. c = -11: IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatable. c = -12: IPARAM(1) must be equal to 0 or 1. c = -13: NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatable. c = -9999: Could not build an Arnoldi factorization. c IPARAM(5) returns the size of the current Arnoldi c factorization. The user is advised to check that c enough workspace and array storage has been allocated. c c c\Remarks c 1. The converged Ritz values are always returned in ascending c algebraic order. The computed Ritz values are approximate c eigenvalues of OP. The selection of WHICH should be made c with this in mind when Mode = 3,4,5. After convergence, c approximate eigenvalues of the original problem may be obtained c with the ARPACK subroutine dseupd . c c 2. If the Ritz vectors corresponding to the converged Ritz values c are needed, the user must call dseupd immediately following completion c of dsaupd . This is new starting with version 2.1 of ARPACK. c c 3. If M can be factored into a Cholesky factorization M = LL` c then Mode = 2 should not be selected. Instead one should use c Mode = 1 with OP = inv(L)*A*inv(L`). Appropriate triangular c linear systems should be solved with L and L` rather c than computing inverses. After convergence, an approximate c eigenvector z of the original problem is recovered by solving c L`z = x where x is a Ritz vector of OP. c c 4. At present there is no a-priori analysis to guide the selection c of NCV relative to NEV. The only formal requrement is that NCV > NEV. c However, it is recommended that NCV .ge. 2*NEV. If many problems of c the same type are to be solved, one should experiment with increasing c NCV while keeping NEV fixed for a given test problem. This will c usually decrease the required number of OP*x operations but it c also increases the work and storage required to maintain the orthogonal c basis vectors. The optimal "cross-over" with respect to CPU time c is problem dependent and must be determined empirically. c c 5. If IPARAM(7) = 2 then in the Reverse commuication interface the user c must do the following. When IDO = 1, Y = OP * X is to be computed. c When IPARAM(7) = 2 OP = inv(B)*A. After computing A*X the user c must overwrite X with A*X. Y is then the solution to the linear set c of equations B*Y = A*X. c c 6. When IPARAM(1) = 0, and IDO = 3, the user needs to provide the c NP = IPARAM(8) shifts in locations: c 1 WORKL(IPNTR(11)) c 2 WORKL(IPNTR(11)+1) c . c . c . c NP WORKL(IPNTR(11)+NP-1). c c The eigenvalues of the current tridiagonal matrix are located in c WORKL(IPNTR(6)) through WORKL(IPNTR(6)+NCV-1). They are in the c order defined by WHICH. The associated Ritz estimates are located in c WORKL(IPNTR(8)), WORKL(IPNTR(8)+1), ... , WORKL(IPNTR(8)+NCV-1). c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c\Data Distribution Note: c c Fortran-D syntax: c ================ c REAL RESID(N), V(LDV,NCV), WORKD(3*N), WORKL(LWORKL) c DECOMPOSE D1(N), D2(N,NCV) c ALIGN RESID(I) with D1(I) c ALIGN V(I,J) with D2(I,J) c ALIGN WORKD(I) with D1(I) range (1:N) c ALIGN WORKD(I) with D1(I-N) range (N+1:2*N) c ALIGN WORKD(I) with D1(I-2*N) range (2*N+1:3*N) c DISTRIBUTE D1(BLOCK), D2(BLOCK,:) c REPLICATED WORKL(LWORKL) c c Cray MPP syntax: c =============== c REAL RESID(N), V(LDV,NCV), WORKD(N,3), WORKL(LWORKL) c SHARED RESID(BLOCK), V(BLOCK,:), WORKD(BLOCK,:) c REPLICATED WORKL(LWORKL) c c c\BeginLib c c\References: c 1. D.C. Sorensen, "Implicit Application of Polynomial Filters in c a k-Step Arnoldi Method", SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Apps., 13 (1992), c pp 357-385. c 2. R.B. Lehoucq, "Analysis and Implementation of an Implicitly c Restarted Arnoldi Iteration", Rice University Technical Report c TR95-13, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. c 3. B.N. Parlett, "The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem". Prentice-Hall, c 1980. c 4. B.N. Parlett, B. Nour-Omid, "Towards a Black Box Lanczos Program", c Computer Physics Communications, 53 (1989), pp 169-179. c 5. B. Nour-Omid, B.N. Parlett, T. Ericson, P.S. Jensen, "How to c Implement the Spectral Transformation", Math. Comp., 48 (1987), c pp 663-673. c 6. R.G. Grimes, J.G. Lewis and H.D. Simon, "A Shifted Block Lanczos c Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblems", c SIAM J. Matr. Anal. Apps., January (1993). c 7. L. Reichel, W.B. Gragg, "Algorithm 686: FORTRAN Subroutines c for Updating the QR decomposition", ACM TOMS, December 1990, c Volume 16 Number 4, pp 369-377. c 8. R.B. Lehoucq, D.C. Sorensen, "Implementation of Some Spectral c Transformations in a k-Step Arnoldi Method". In Preparation. c c\Routines called: c dsaup2 ARPACK routine that implements the Implicitly Restarted c Arnoldi Iteration. c dstats ARPACK routine that initialize timing and other statistics c variables. c ivout ARPACK utility routine that prints integers. c second ARPACK utility routine for timing. c dvout ARPACK utility routine that prints vectors. c dlamch LAPACK routine that determines machine constants. c c\Authors c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas c Applied Mathematics c Rice University c Houston, Texas c c\Revision history: c 12/15/93: Version ' 2.4' c c\SCCS Information: @(#) c FILE: saupd.F SID: 2.8 DATE OF SID: 04/10/01 RELEASE: 2 c c\Remarks c 1. None c c\EndLib c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dsaupd & ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, & ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info ) c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Include files for debugging and timing information | c %----------------------------------------------------% c include 'debug.h' include 'stat.h' c c %------------------% c | Scalar Arguments | c %------------------% c character bmat*1, which*2 integer ido, info, ldv, lworkl, n, ncv, nev Double precision & tol c c %-----------------% c | Array Arguments | c %-----------------% c integer iparam(11), ipntr(11) Double precision & resid(n), v(ldv,ncv), workd(3*n), workl(lworkl) c c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% c Double precision & one, zero parameter (one = 1.0D+0 , zero = 0.0D+0 ) c c %---------------% c | Local Scalars | c %---------------% c integer bounds, ierr, ih, iq, ishift, iupd, iw, & ldh, ldq, msglvl, mxiter, mode, nb, & nev0, next, np, ritz, j save bounds, ierr, ih, iq, ishift, iupd, iw, & ldh, ldq, msglvl, mxiter, mode, nb, & nev0, next, np, ritz c c %----------------------% c | External Subroutines | c %----------------------% c external dsaup2 , dvout , ivout, second, dstats c c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% c Double precision & dlamch external dlamch c c %-----------------------% c | Executable Statements | c %-----------------------% c if (ido .eq. 0) then c c %-------------------------------% c | Initialize timing statistics | c | & message level for debugging | c %-------------------------------% c call dstats call second (t0) msglvl = msaupd c ierr = 0 ishift = iparam(1) mxiter = iparam(3) c nb = iparam(4) nb = 1 c c %--------------------------------------------% c | Revision 2 performs only implicit restart. | c %--------------------------------------------% c iupd = 1 mode = iparam(7) c c %----------------% c | Error checking | c %----------------% c if (n .le. 0) then ierr = -1 else if (nev .le. 0) then ierr = -2 else if (ncv .le. nev .or. ncv .gt. n) then ierr = -3 end if c c %----------------------------------------------% c | NP is the number of additional steps to | c | extend the length NEV Lanczos factorization. | c %----------------------------------------------% c np = ncv - nev c if (mxiter .le. 0) ierr = -4 if (which .ne. 'LM' .and. & which .ne. 'SM' .and. & which .ne. 'LA' .and. & which .ne. 'SA' .and. & which .ne. 'BE') ierr = -5 if (bmat .ne. 'I' .and. bmat .ne. 'G') ierr = -6 c if (lworkl .lt. ncv**2 + 8*ncv) ierr = -7 if (mode .lt. 1 .or. mode .gt. 5) then ierr = -10 else if (mode .eq. 1 .and. bmat .eq. 'G') then ierr = -11 else if (ishift .lt. 0 .or. ishift .gt. 1) then ierr = -12 else if (nev .eq. 1 .and. which .eq. 'BE') then ierr = -13 end if c c %------------% c | Error Exit | c %------------% c if (ierr .ne. 0) then info = ierr ido = 99 go to 9000 end if c c %------------------------% c | Set default parameters | c %------------------------% c if (nb .le. 0) nb = 1 if (tol .le. zero) tol = dlamch ('EpsMach') c c %----------------------------------------------% c | NP is the number of additional steps to | c | extend the length NEV Lanczos factorization. | c | NEV0 is the local variable designating the | c | size of the invariant subspace desired. | c %----------------------------------------------% c np = ncv - nev nev0 = nev c c %-----------------------------% c | Zero out internal workspace | c %-----------------------------% c do 10 j = 1, ncv**2 + 8*ncv workl(j) = zero 10 continue c c %-------------------------------------------------------% c | Pointer into WORKL for address of H, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q | c | etc... and the remaining workspace. | c | Also update pointer to be used on output. | c | Memory is laid out as follows: | c | workl(1:2*ncv) := generated tridiagonal matrix | c | workl(2*ncv+1:2*ncv+ncv) := ritz values | c | workl(3*ncv+1:3*ncv+ncv) := computed error bounds | c | workl(4*ncv+1:4*ncv+ncv*ncv) := rotation matrix Q | c | workl(4*ncv+ncv*ncv+1:7*ncv+ncv*ncv) := workspace | c %-------------------------------------------------------% c ldh = ncv ldq = ncv ih = 1 ritz = ih + 2*ldh bounds = ritz + ncv iq = bounds + ncv iw = iq + ncv**2 next = iw + 3*ncv c ipntr(4) = next ipntr(5) = ih ipntr(6) = ritz ipntr(7) = bounds ipntr(11) = iw end if c c %-------------------------------------------------------% c | Carry out the Implicitly restarted Lanczos Iteration. | c %-------------------------------------------------------% c call dsaup2 & ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev0, np, tol, resid, mode, iupd, & ishift, mxiter, v, ldv, workl(ih), ldh, workl(ritz), & workl(bounds), workl(iq), ldq, workl(iw), ipntr, workd, & info ) c c %--------------------------------------------------% c | ido .ne. 99 implies use of reverse communication | c | to compute operations involving OP or shifts. | c %--------------------------------------------------% c if (ido .eq. 3) iparam(8) = np if (ido .ne. 99) go to 9000 c iparam(3) = mxiter iparam(5) = np iparam(9) = nopx iparam(10) = nbx iparam(11) = nrorth c c %------------------------------------% c | Exit if there was an informational | c | error within dsaup2 . | c %------------------------------------% c if (info .lt. 0) go to 9000 if (info .eq. 2) info = 3 c if (msglvl .gt. 0) then call ivout (logfil, 1, mxiter, ndigit, & '_saupd: number of update iterations taken') call ivout (logfil, 1, np, ndigit, & '_saupd: number of "converged" Ritz values') call dvout (logfil, np, workl(Ritz), ndigit, & '_saupd: final Ritz values') call dvout (logfil, np, workl(Bounds), ndigit, & '_saupd: corresponding error bounds') end if c call second (t1) tsaupd = t1 - t0 c if (msglvl .gt. 0) then c c %--------------------------------------------------------% c | Version Number & Version Date are defined in version.h | c %--------------------------------------------------------% c write (6,1000) write (6,1100) mxiter, nopx, nbx, nrorth, nitref, nrstrt, & tmvopx, tmvbx, tsaupd, tsaup2, tsaitr, titref, & tgetv0, tseigt, tsgets, tsapps, tsconv 1000 format (//, & 5x, '==========================================',/ & 5x, '= Symmetric implicit Arnoldi update code =',/ & 5x, '= Version Number:', ' 2.4' , 19x, ' =',/ & 5x, '= Version Date: ', ' 07/31/96' , 14x, ' =',/ & 5x, '==========================================',/ & 5x, '= Summary of timing statistics =',/ & 5x, '==========================================',//) 1100 format ( & 5x, 'Total number update iterations = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total number of OP*x operations = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total number of B*x operations = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total number of reorthogonalization steps = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total number of iterative refinement steps = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total number of restart steps = ', i5,/ & 5x, 'Total time in user OP*x operation = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in user B*x operation = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in Arnoldi update routine = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in saup2 routine = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in basic Arnoldi iteration loop = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in reorthogonalization phase = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in (re)start vector generation = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in trid eigenvalue subproblem = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in getting the shifts = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in applying the shifts = ', f12.6,/ & 5x, 'Total time in convergence testing = ', f12.6) end if c 9000 continue c return c c %---------------% c | End of dsaupd | c %---------------% c end