c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c\BeginDoc c c\Name: dlaqrb c c\Description: c Compute the eigenvalues and the Schur decomposition of an upper c Hessenberg submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI. Only the c last component of the Schur vectors are computed. c c This is mostly a modification of the LAPACK routine dlahqr. c c\Usage: c call dlaqrb c ( WANTT, N, ILO, IHI, H, LDH, WR, WI, Z, INFO ) c c\Arguments c WANTT Logical variable. (INPUT) c = .TRUE. : the full Schur form T is required; c = .FALSE.: only eigenvalues are required. c c N Integer. (INPUT) c The order of the matrix H. N >= 0. c c ILO Integer. (INPUT) c IHI Integer. (INPUT) c It is assumed that H is already upper quasi-triangular in c rows and columns IHI+1:N, and that H(ILO,ILO-1) = 0 (unless c ILO = 1). SLAQRB works primarily with the Hessenberg c submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI, but applies c transformations to all of H if WANTT is .TRUE.. c 1 <= ILO <= max(1,IHI); IHI <= N. c c H Double precision array, dimension (LDH,N). (INPUT/OUTPUT) c On entry, the upper Hessenberg matrix H. c On exit, if WANTT is .TRUE., H is upper quasi-triangular in c rows and columns ILO:IHI, with any 2-by-2 diagonal blocks in c standard form. If WANTT is .FALSE., the contents of H are c unspecified on exit. c c LDH Integer. (INPUT) c The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N). c c WR Double precision array, dimension (N). (OUTPUT) c WI Double precision array, dimension (N). (OUTPUT) c The real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the computed c eigenvalues ILO to IHI are stored in the corresponding c elements of WR and WI. If two eigenvalues are computed as a c complex conjugate pair, they are stored in consecutive c elements of WR and WI, say the i-th and (i+1)th, with c WI(i) > 0 and WI(i+1) < 0. If WANTT is .TRUE., the c eigenvalues are stored in the same order as on the diagonal c of the Schur form returned in H, with WR(i) = H(i,i), and, if c H(i:i+1,i:i+1) is a 2-by-2 diagonal block, c WI(i) = sqrt(H(i+1,i)*H(i,i+1)) and WI(i+1) = -WI(i). c c Z Double precision array, dimension (N). (OUTPUT) c On exit Z contains the last components of the Schur vectors. c c INFO Integer. (OUPUT) c = 0: successful exit c > 0: SLAQRB failed to compute all the eigenvalues ILO to IHI c in a total of 30*(IHI-ILO+1) iterations; if INFO = i, c elements i+1:ihi of WR and WI contain those eigenvalues c which have been successfully computed. c c\Remarks c 1. None. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c\BeginLib c c\Local variables: c xxxxxx real c c\Routines called: c dlabad LAPACK routine that computes machine constants. c dlamch LAPACK routine that determines machine constants. c dlanhs LAPACK routine that computes various norms of a matrix. c dlanv2 LAPACK routine that computes the Schur factorization of c 2 by 2 nonsymmetric matrix in standard form. c dlarfg LAPACK Householder reflection construction routine. c dcopy Level 1 BLAS that copies one vector to another. c drot Level 1 BLAS that applies a rotation to a 2 by 2 matrix. c c\Author c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas c Applied Mathematics c Rice University c Houston, Texas c c\Revision history: c xx/xx/92: Version ' 2.4' c Modified from the LAPACK routine dlahqr so that only the c last component of the Schur vectors are computed. c c\SCCS Information: @(#) c FILE: laqrb.F SID: 2.2 DATE OF SID: 8/27/96 RELEASE: 2 c c\Remarks c 1. None c c\EndLib c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dlaqrb ( wantt, n, ilo, ihi, h, ldh, wr, wi, & z, info ) c c %------------------% c | Scalar Arguments | c %------------------% c logical wantt integer ihi, ilo, info, ldh, n c c %-----------------% c | Array Arguments | c %-----------------% c Double precision & h( ldh, * ), wi( * ), wr( * ), z( * ) c c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% c Double precision & zero, one, dat1, dat2 parameter (zero = 0.0D+0, one = 1.0D+0, dat1 = 7.5D-1, & dat2 = -4.375D-1) c c %------------------------% c | Local Scalars & Arrays | c %------------------------% c integer i, i1, i2, itn, its, j, k, l, m, nh, nr Double precision & cs, h00, h10, h11, h12, h21, h22, h33, h33s, & h43h34, h44, h44s, ovfl, s, smlnum, sn, sum, & t1, t2, t3, tst1, ulp, unfl, v1, v2, v3 Double precision & v( 3 ), work( 1 ) c c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% c Double precision & dlamch, dlanhs external dlamch, dlanhs c c %----------------------% c | External Subroutines | c %----------------------% c external dcopy, dlabad, dlanv2, dlarfg, drot c c %-----------------------% c | Executable Statements | c %-----------------------% c info = 0 c c %--------------------------% c | Quick return if possible | c %--------------------------% c if( n.eq.0 ) & return if( ilo.eq.ihi ) then wr( ilo ) = h( ilo, ilo ) wi( ilo ) = zero return end if c c %---------------------------------------------% c | Initialize the vector of last components of | c | the Schur vectors for accumulation. | c %---------------------------------------------% c do 5 j = 1, n-1 z(j) = zero 5 continue z(n) = one c nh = ihi - ilo + 1 c c %-------------------------------------------------------------% c | Set machine-dependent constants for the stopping criterion. | c | If norm(H) <= sqrt(OVFL), overflow should not occur. | c %-------------------------------------------------------------% c unfl = dlamch( 'safe minimum' ) ovfl = one / unfl call dlabad( unfl, ovfl ) ulp = dlamch( 'precision' ) smlnum = unfl*( nh / ulp ) c c %---------------------------------------------------------------% c | I1 and I2 are the indices of the first row and last column | c | of H to which transformations must be applied. If eigenvalues | c | only are computed, I1 and I2 are set inside the main loop. | c | Zero out H(J+2,J) = ZERO for J=1:N if WANTT = .TRUE. | c | else H(J+2,J) for J=ILO:IHI-ILO-1 if WANTT = .FALSE. | c %---------------------------------------------------------------% c if( wantt ) then i1 = 1 i2 = n do 8 i=1,i2-2 h(i1+i+1,i) = zero 8 continue else do 9 i=1, ihi-ilo-1 h(ilo+i+1,ilo+i-1) = zero 9 continue end if c c %---------------------------------------------------% c | ITN is the total number of QR iterations allowed. | c %---------------------------------------------------% c itn = 30*nh c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c The main loop begins here. I is the loop index and decreases from c IHI to ILO in steps of 1 or 2. Each iteration of the loop works c with the active submatrix in rows and columns L to I. c Eigenvalues I+1 to IHI have already converged. Either L = ILO or c H(L,L-1) is negligible so that the matrix splits. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c i = ihi 10 continue l = ilo if( i.lt.ilo ) & go to 150 c %--------------------------------------------------------------% c | Perform QR iterations on rows and columns ILO to I until a | c | submatrix of order 1 or 2 splits off at the bottom because a | c | subdiagonal element has become negligible. | c %--------------------------------------------------------------% do 130 its = 0, itn c c %----------------------------------------------% c | Look for a single small subdiagonal element. | c %----------------------------------------------% c do 20 k = i, l + 1, -1 tst1 = abs( h( k-1, k-1 ) ) + abs( h( k, k ) ) if( tst1.eq.zero ) & tst1 = dlanhs( '1', i-l+1, h( l, l ), ldh, work ) if( abs( h( k, k-1 ) ).le.max( ulp*tst1, smlnum ) ) & go to 30 20 continue 30 continue l = k if( l.gt.ilo ) then c c %------------------------% c | H(L,L-1) is negligible | c %------------------------% c h( l, l-1 ) = zero end if c c %-------------------------------------------------------------% c | Exit from loop if a submatrix of order 1 or 2 has split off | c %-------------------------------------------------------------% c if( l.ge.i-1 ) & go to 140 c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Now the active submatrix is in rows and columns L to I. | c | If eigenvalues only are being computed, only the active | c | submatrix need be transformed. | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c if( .not.wantt ) then i1 = l i2 = i end if c if( its.eq.10 .or. its.eq.20 ) then c c %-------------------% c | Exceptional shift | c %-------------------% c s = abs( h( i, i-1 ) ) + abs( h( i-1, i-2 ) ) h44 = dat1*s h33 = h44 h43h34 = dat2*s*s c else c c %-----------------------------------------% c | Prepare to use Wilkinson's double shift | c %-----------------------------------------% c h44 = h( i, i ) h33 = h( i-1, i-1 ) h43h34 = h( i, i-1 )*h( i-1, i ) end if c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | Look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c do 40 m = i - 2, l, -1 c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Determine the effect of starting the double-shift QR | c | iteration at row M, and see if this would make H(M,M-1) | c | negligible. | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c h11 = h( m, m ) h22 = h( m+1, m+1 ) h21 = h( m+1, m ) h12 = h( m, m+1 ) h44s = h44 - h11 h33s = h33 - h11 v1 = ( h33s*h44s-h43h34 ) / h21 + h12 v2 = h22 - h11 - h33s - h44s v3 = h( m+2, m+1 ) s = abs( v1 ) + abs( v2 ) + abs( v3 ) v1 = v1 / s v2 = v2 / s v3 = v3 / s v( 1 ) = v1 v( 2 ) = v2 v( 3 ) = v3 if( m.eq.l ) & go to 50 h00 = h( m-1, m-1 ) h10 = h( m, m-1 ) tst1 = abs( v1 )*( abs( h00 )+abs( h11 )+abs( h22 ) ) if( abs( h10 )*( abs( v2 )+abs( v3 ) ).le.ulp*tst1 ) & go to 50 40 continue 50 continue c c %----------------------% c | Double-shift QR step | c %----------------------% c do 120 k = m, i - 1 c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c The first iteration of this loop determines a reflection G c from the vector V and applies it from left and right to H, c thus creating a nonzero bulge below the subdiagonal. c c Each subsequent iteration determines a reflection G to c restore the Hessenberg form in the (K-1)th column, and thus c chases the bulge one step toward the bottom of the active c submatrix. NR is the order of G. c ------------------------------------------------------------ c nr = min( 3, i-k+1 ) if( k.gt.m ) & call dcopy( nr, h( k, k-1 ), 1, v, 1 ) call dlarfg( nr, v( 1 ), v( 2 ), 1, t1 ) if( k.gt.m ) then h( k, k-1 ) = v( 1 ) h( k+1, k-1 ) = zero if( k.lt.i-1 ) & h( k+2, k-1 ) = zero else if( m.gt.l ) then h( k, k-1 ) = -h( k, k-1 ) end if v2 = v( 2 ) t2 = t1*v2 if( nr.eq.3 ) then v3 = v( 3 ) t3 = t1*v3 c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Apply G from the left to transform the rows of | c | the matrix in columns K to I2. | c %------------------------------------------------% c do 60 j = k, i2 sum = h( k, j ) + v2*h( k+1, j ) + v3*h( k+2, j ) h( k, j ) = h( k, j ) - sum*t1 h( k+1, j ) = h( k+1, j ) - sum*t2 h( k+2, j ) = h( k+2, j ) - sum*t3 60 continue c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Apply G from the right to transform the columns of | c | the matrix in rows I1 to min(K+3,I). | c %----------------------------------------------------% c do 70 j = i1, min( k+3, i ) sum = h( j, k ) + v2*h( j, k+1 ) + v3*h( j, k+2 ) h( j, k ) = h( j, k ) - sum*t1 h( j, k+1 ) = h( j, k+1 ) - sum*t2 h( j, k+2 ) = h( j, k+2 ) - sum*t3 70 continue c c %----------------------------------% c | Accumulate transformations for Z | c %----------------------------------% c sum = z( k ) + v2*z( k+1 ) + v3*z( k+2 ) z( k ) = z( k ) - sum*t1 z( k+1 ) = z( k+1 ) - sum*t2 z( k+2 ) = z( k+2 ) - sum*t3 else if( nr.eq.2 ) then c c %------------------------------------------------% c | Apply G from the left to transform the rows of | c | the matrix in columns K to I2. | c %------------------------------------------------% c do 90 j = k, i2 sum = h( k, j ) + v2*h( k+1, j ) h( k, j ) = h( k, j ) - sum*t1 h( k+1, j ) = h( k+1, j ) - sum*t2 90 continue c c %----------------------------------------------------% c | Apply G from the right to transform the columns of | c | the matrix in rows I1 to min(K+3,I). | c %----------------------------------------------------% c do 100 j = i1, i sum = h( j, k ) + v2*h( j, k+1 ) h( j, k ) = h( j, k ) - sum*t1 h( j, k+1 ) = h( j, k+1 ) - sum*t2 100 continue c c %----------------------------------% c | Accumulate transformations for Z | c %----------------------------------% c sum = z( k ) + v2*z( k+1 ) z( k ) = z( k ) - sum*t1 z( k+1 ) = z( k+1 ) - sum*t2 end if 120 continue 130 continue c c %-------------------------------------------------------% c | Failure to converge in remaining number of iterations | c %-------------------------------------------------------% c info = i return 140 continue if( l.eq.i ) then c c %------------------------------------------------------% c | H(I,I-1) is negligible: one eigenvalue has converged | c %------------------------------------------------------% c wr( i ) = h( i, i ) wi( i ) = zero else if( l.eq.i-1 ) then c c %--------------------------------------------------------% c | H(I-1,I-2) is negligible; | c | a pair of eigenvalues have converged. | c | | c | Transform the 2-by-2 submatrix to standard Schur form, | c | and compute and store the eigenvalues. | c %--------------------------------------------------------% c call dlanv2( h( i-1, i-1 ), h( i-1, i ), h( i, i-1 ), & h( i, i ), wr( i-1 ), wi( i-1 ), wr( i ), wi( i ), & cs, sn ) if( wantt ) then c c %-----------------------------------------------------% c | Apply the transformation to the rest of H and to Z, | c | as required. | c %-----------------------------------------------------% c if( i2.gt.i ) & call drot( i2-i, h( i-1, i+1 ), ldh, h( i, i+1 ), ldh, & cs, sn ) call drot( i-i1-1, h( i1, i-1 ), 1, h( i1, i ), 1, cs, sn ) sum = cs*z( i-1 ) + sn*z( i ) z( i ) = cs*z( i ) - sn*z( i-1 ) z( i-1 ) = sum end if end if c c %---------------------------------------------------------% c | Decrement number of remaining iterations, and return to | c | start of the main loop with new value of I. | c %---------------------------------------------------------% c itn = itn - its i = l - 1 go to 10 150 continue return c c %---------------% c | End of dlaqrb | c %---------------% c end