Initial import
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from crossvalidation import lpls_val
from statistics import lpls_qvals
from engines import nipals_lpls as lpls
#from tests import *
__version__ = '0.0.1'
def test(level=1, verbosity=1):
import os, sys
print 'lplslib is installed in %s' % (os.path.split(__file__)[0],)
print 'lpls ib version %s' % (__version__,)
print 'Python version %s' % (sys.version.replace('\n', '',),)
from numpy.testing import NumpyTest
return NumpyTest().test(level, verbosity)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
"""This module implements some validation schemes l-pls.
The primary use is crossvalidation.
__all__ = ['lpls_val', 'lpls_jk']
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from numpy import dot,empty,zeros,sqrt,atleast_2d,argmax,asarray,median,\
from engines import nipals_lpls as lpls
def lpls_val(X, Y, Z, a_max=2, nsets=None,alpha=.5, mean_ctr=[2,0,2],verbose=True):
"""Performs crossvalidation for generalisation error in lpls.
The L-PLS crossvalidation is estimated just like an ordinary pls
crossvalidation. That is, the generalisation error is estimated by
predicting samples (rows of X and Y) left out according to a cross
validation scheme.
X : {array}
Main data matrix (m, n)
Y : {array}
External row data (m, l)
Z : {array}
External column data (n, o)
a_max : {integer}, optional
Maximum number of components to calculate (0, min(m,n))
nsets : (integer), optional
Number of crossvalidation sets
alpha : {float}, optional
Parameter to control the amount of influence from Z-matrix.
0 is none, which returns a pls-solution, 1 is max
mean_center : {array-like}, optional
A three element array-like structure with elements in [-1,0,1,2],
that decides the type of centering used.
-1 : nothing
0 : row center
1 : column center
2 : double center
verbose : {boolean}, optional
Verbosity of console output. For use in debugging.
rmsep : {array}
Root mean squred error of prediction
yhat : {array}
Estimated responses
aopt : {integer}
Estimated value of optimal number of components
m, n = X.shape
k, l = Y.shape
o, p = Z.shape
assert m==k, "X (%d,%d) - Y (%d,%d) dim mismatch" %(m,n,k,l)
assert n==p, "X (%d,%d) - Z (%d,%d) dim mismatch" %(m,n,o,p)
if nsets == None:
nsets = m
if nsets > X.shape[0]:
print "nsets (%d) is larger than number of variables (%d).\nnsets: %d -> %d" %(nsets, m, nsets, m)
nsets = m
assert (alpha >= 0 and alpha<=1), "Alpha needs to be within [0,1], got: %.2f" %alpha
Yhat = empty((a_max, k, l), 'd')
for cal, val in cv(nsets, k):
dat = lpls(X[cal],Y[cal],Z,a_max=a_max,alpha=alpha,mean_ctr=mean_ctr,verbose=verbose)
if mean_ctr[0] != 1:
xi = X[val,:] - dat['mnx']
xi = X[val] - X[val].mean(1)[:,newaxis]
if mean_ctr[2] != 1:
ym = dat['mny']
ym = Y[val].mean(1)[:,newaxis] #???: check this
for a in range(a_max):
Yhat[a,val,:] = atleast_2d(ym + dot(xi, dat['B'][a]))
# todo: need a better support for classification error
y_is_class = Y.dtype.char.lower() in ['i','p', 'b', 'h','?']
if y_is_class:
Yhat, err = class_error(Yhat,Y)
return Yhat, err
sep = (Y - Yhat)**2
rmsep = sqrt(sep.mean(1)).T
aopt = find_aopt_from_sep(rmsep)
return rmsep, Yhat, aopt
def lpls_jk(X, Y, Z, a_max, nsets=None, xz_alpha=.5, mean_ctr=[2,0,2], verbose=False):
"""Returns jack-knifed segments of lpls model.
Jack-knifing is a method to perturb the model paramters, hopefully
to be representable as a typical perturbation of a *future* sample.
The mean and variance of the jack knife segements may be used to
infer the paramter confidence in th model.
The segements returned are the X-block weights and Z-block weights.
X : {array}
Main data matrix (m, n)
Y : {array}
External row data (m, l)
Z : {array}
External column data (n, o)
a_max : {integer}, optional
Maximum number of components to calculate (0, min(m,n))
nsets : (integer), optional
Number of jack-knife segments
xz_alpha : {float}, optional
Parameter to control the amount of influence from Z-matrix.
0 is none, which returns a pls-solution, 1 is max
mean_center : {array-like}, optional
A three element array-like structure with elements in [-1,0,1,2],
that decides the type of centering used.
-1 : nothing
0 : row center
1 : column center
2 : double center
verbose : {boolean}, optional
Verbosity of console output. For use in debugging.
Wx : {array}
X-block jack-knife segements
Wz : {array}
Z-block jack-knife segements
m, n = X.shape
k, l = Y.shape
o, p = Z.shape
if nsets==None:
nsets = m
WWx = empty((nsets, n, a_max), 'd')
WWz = empty((nsets, o, a_max), 'd')
#WWy = empty((nsets, l, a_max), 'd')
for i, (cal, val) in enumerate(cv(k, nsets)):
dat = lpls(X[cal],Y[cal],Z,a_max=a_max,alpha=xz_alpha,mean_ctr=mean_ctr,
scale='loads', verbose=verbose)
WWx[i,:,:] = dat['W']
WWz[i,:,:] = dat['L']
#WWy[i,:,:] = dat['Q']
return WWx, WWz
def find_aopt_from_sep(sep, method='vanilla'):
"""Returns an estimate of optimal number of components.
The estimate is based on the squared error of prediction from
crossvalidation. This is pretty much wild guessing and it is
recomended to inspect model parameters and prediction errors
closely before deciding on the optimal number of components.
sep : {array}
Squared error of prediction
method : ['vanilla', '75perc']
Mehtod used to estimate optimal number of components
aopt : {integer}
A guess on the optimal number of components
if method=='vanilla':
# min rmsep
rmsecv = sqrt(sep.mean(0))
return rmsecv.argmin() + 1
elif method=='75perc':
prct = .75 #percentile
ind = 1.*sep.shape[0]*prct
med = median(sep)
prc_75 = []
for col in sep.T:
col = sorted(col)
prc_75 = asarray(prc_75)
for i in range(1, sep.shape[1], 1):
if med[i-1]<prc_75[i]:
return i
return len(med)
def cv(N, K, randomise=True, sequential=False):
"""Generates K (training, validation) index pairs.
Each pair is a partition of arange(N), where validation is an iterable
of length ~N/K, *without* replacement.
N : {integer}
Total number of samples
K : {integer}
Number of subset samples
randomise : {boolean}
Use random sampling
sequential : {boolean}
Use sequential sampling
training : {array-like}
validation : {array-like}
If randomise is true, a copy of index is shuffled before partitioning,
otherwise its order is preserved in training and validation.
Randomise overrides the sequential argument. If randomise is true,
sequential is False
If sequential is true the index is partioned in continous blocks,
otherwise interleaved ordering is used.
if K>N:
raise ValueError, "You cannot divide a list of %d samples into more than %d segments. Yout tried: %s" %(N,N,K)
index = xrange(N)
if randomise:
from random import shuffle
index = list(index)
sequential = False
if sequential:
for validation in array_split(index, K):
training = [i for i in index if i not in validation]
yield training, validation
for k in xrange(K):
training = [i for i in index if i % K != k]
validation = [i for i in index if i % K == k]
yield training, validation
def class_error(Yhat, Y, method='vanilla'):
""" Not used.
a_max, k, l = Yhat.shape
Yhat_c = zeros((k, l), dtype='d')
for a in range(a_max):
for i in range(k):
Yhat_c[a,val,argmax(Yhat[a,val,:])] = 1.0
err = 100*((Yhat_c + Y) == 2).sum(1)/Y.sum(0).astype('d')
return Yhat_c, err
def class_errorII(T, Y, method='lda'):
""" Not used ...
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
"""Module contain algorithms for low-rank L-shaped model.
__all__ = ['nipals_lpls']
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from math import sqrt as msqrt
from numpy import dot,empty,zeros,apply_along_axis,newaxis,finfo
from numpy.linalg import inv
def nipals_lpls(X, Y, Z, a_max, alpha=.7, mean_ctr=[2, 0, 1], scale='scores', verbose=False):
""" L-shaped Partial Least Sqaures Regression by the nipals algorithm.
An L-shaped low rank model aproximates three matrices in a hyploid
structure. That means that the main matrix (X), has one matrix asociated
with its row space and one to its column space. A simultanously low rank estiamte
of these three matrices tries to discover common directions/subspaces.
X : {array}
Main data matrix (m, n)
Y : {array}
External row data (m, l)
Z : {array}
External column data (n, o)
a_max : {integer}
Maximum number of components to calculate (0, min(m,n))
alpha : {float}, optional
Parameter to control the amount of influence from Z-matrix.
0 is none, which returns a pls-solution, 1 is max
mean_center : {array-like}, optional
A three element array-like structure with elements in [-1,0,1,2],
that decides the type of centering used.
-1 : nothing
0 : row center
1 : column center
2 : double center
scale : {'scores', 'loads'}, optional
Option to decide on where the scale goes.
verbose : {boolean}, optional
Verbosity of console output. For use in debugging.
T : {array}
W : {array}
P : {array}
Q : {array}
U : {array}
X-Y relation
L : {array}
K : {array}
B : {array}
Regression coefficients X->Y
evx : {array}
X-explained variance
evy : {array}
Y-explained variance
evz : {array}
Z-explained variance
mnx : {array}
X location
mny : {array}
Y location
mnz : {array}
Z location
Saeboe et al., LPLS-regression: a method for improved prediction and
classification through inclusion of background information on
predictor variables, J. of chemometrics and intell. laboratory syst.
Martens, Regression of a data matrix on descriptors of
both its rows and of its columns via latent variables: L-PLSR,
Computational statistics & data analysis, 2005
m, n = X.shape
k, l = Y.shape
u, o = Z.shape
max_rank = min(m, n)
assert (a_max>0 and a_max<max_rank), "Number of comp error:\
tried:%d, max_rank:%d" %(a_max,max_rank)
if mean_ctr!=None:
xctr, yctr, zctr = mean_ctr
X, mnX = center(X, xctr)
Y, mnY = center(Y, yctr)
Z, mnZ = center(Z, zctr)
varX = (X**2).sum()
varY = (Y**2).sum()
varZ = (Z**2).sum()
# initialize
U = empty((k, a_max))
Q = empty((l, a_max))
T = zeros((m, a_max))
W = empty((n, a_max))
P = empty((n, a_max))
K = empty((o, a_max))
L = empty((u, a_max))
B = empty((a_max, n, l))
E = X.copy()
F = Y.copy()
G = Z.copy()
#b0 = empty((a_max, 1, l))
var_x = empty((a_max,))
var_y = empty((a_max,))
var_z = empty((a_max,))
MAX_ITER = 450
LIM = finfo(X.dtype).resolution
is_rd = False
for a in range(a_max):
if verbose:
print "\nWorking on comp. %s" %a
u = F[:,:1]
diff = 1
niter = 0
while (diff>LIM and niter<MAX_ITER):
niter += 1
u1 = u.copy()
w = dot(E.T, u)
wn = msqrt(dot(w.T, w))
if wn < LIM:
print "Rank exhausted in X! Comp: %d " %a
is_rd = True
w = w/wn
#w = w/dot(w.T, w)
l = dot(G, w)
k = dot(G.T, l)
k = k/msqrt(dot(k.T, k))
#k = k/dot(k.T, k)
w = alpha*k + (1-alpha)*w
w = w/msqrt(dot(w.T, w))
t = dot(E, w)
c = dot(F.T, t)
c = c/msqrt(dot(c.T, c))
u = dot(F, c)
diff = dot((u-u1).T, (u-u1))
if verbose:
print "Converged after %s iterations" %niter
print "Error: %.2E" %diff
if is_rd:
print "Hei og haa ... rank deficient, this should really not happen"
tt = dot(t.T, t)
p = dot(X.T, t)/tt
q = dot(Y.T, t)/tt
l = dot(Z, w)
#k = dot(Z.T, l)/dot(l.T, l)
U[:,a] = u.ravel()
W[:,a] = w.ravel()
P[:,a] = p.ravel()
T[:,a] = t.ravel()
Q[:,a] = q.ravel()
L[:,a] = l.ravel()
K[:,a] = k.ravel()
E = E - dot(t, p.T)
F = F - dot(t, q.T)
G = (G.T - dot(k, l.T)).T
var_x[a] = pow(E, 2).sum()
var_y[a] = pow(F, 2).sum()
var_z[a] = pow(G, 2).sum()
B[a] = dot(dot(W[:,:a+1], inv(dot(P[:,:a+1].T, W[:,:a+1]))), Q[:,:a+1].T)
#b0[a] = mnY - dot(mnX, B[a])
# variance explained
evx = 100.*(1 - var_x/varX)
evy = 100.*(1 - var_y/varY)
evz = 100.*(1 - var_z/varZ)
if scale=='loads':
tnorm = apply_along_axis(vnorm, 0, T)
T = T/tnorm
W = W*tnorm
Q = Q*tnorm
knorm = apply_along_axis(vnorm, 0, K)
L = L*knorm
K = K/knorm
return {'T':T, 'W':W, 'P':P, 'Q':Q, 'U':U, 'L':L, 'K':K, 'B':B, 'E': E, 'F': F, 'G': G, 'evx':evx, 'evy':evy, 'evz':evz,'mnx': mnX, 'mny': mnY, 'mnz': mnZ}
def vnorm(a):
"""Returns the norm of a vector.
a : {array}
Input data, 1-dim, or column vector (m, 1)
a_norm : {array}
Norm of input vector
return msqrt(dot(a.T,a))
def center(a, axis):
""" Matrix centering.
a : {array}
Input data
axis : {integer}
Which centering to perform.
0 = col center, 1 = row center, 2 = double center
-1 = nothing
a_centered : {array}
Centered data matrix
mn : {array}
Location vector/matrix
# check if we have a vector
is_vec = len(a.shape)==1
if not is_vec:
is_vec = a.shape[0]==1 or a.shape[1]==1
if is_vec:
if axis==2:
warnings.warn("Double centering of vecor ignored, using ordinary centering")
if axis==-1:
mn = 0
mn = a.mean()
return a - mn, mn
# !!!fixme: use broadcasting
if axis==-1:
mn = zeros((1,a.shape[1],))
#mn = tile(mn, (a.shape[0], 1))
elif axis==0:
mn = a.mean(0)[newaxis]
#mn = tile(mn, (a.shape[0], 1))
elif axis==1:
mn = a.mean(1)[:,newaxis]
#mn = tile(mn, (1, a.shape[1]))
elif axis==2:
mn = a.mean(0)[newaxis] + a.mean(1)[:,newaxis] - a.mean()
return a - mn , a.mean(0)[newaxis]
raise IOError("input error: axis must be in [-1,0,1,2]")
return a - mn, mn
def _scale(a, axis):
""" Matrix scaling to unit variance.
a : {array}
Input data
axis : {integer}
Which scaling to perform.
0 = column, 1 = row, -1 = nothing
a_scaled : {array}
Scaled data matrix
mn : {array}
Scaling vector/matrix
if axis==-1:
sc = zeros((a.shape[1],))
elif axis==0:
sc = a.std(0)
elif axis==1:
sc = a.std(1)[:,newaxis]
raise IOError("input error: axis must be in [-1,0,1]")
return a - sc, sc
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#from distutils.core import setup
"""Library routines for performing L-shaped matrix decompositon.
"""Library for performing L-shaped low rank models. An L shaped decomposition
is a a situation where a matrices X (n, p), Y (n, o) and Z (k, p) are
aproximated by low rank bilinear models (X ~ TP', Y~ TQ', Z ~ OW') in a way
that common patterns between the X-Y, and X-Z are identified.
classifiers = """\
Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Environment :: Console
Intended Audience :: Developers
Intended Audience :: Science/Research
License :: OSI Approved :: GPL License
Operating System :: OS Independent
Programming Language :: Python
Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
import __init__
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
config = Configuration('lplslib', parent_package, top_path)
return config
if __name__ == "__main__":
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
config = configuration(top_path='').todict()
config['author'] = 'Arnar Flatberg'
config['author_email'] = 'arnar.flatberg at'
config['short_description'] = short_description
config['long_description'] = long_description
config['url'] = ''
config['version'] = __init__.__version__
config['license'] = 'GPL v2'
config['platforms'] = ['Linux']
config['classifiers'] = filter(None, classifiers.split('\n'))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
""" A collection of some statistical utitlites used.
__all__ = ['hotelling', 'lpls_qvals']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
from math import sqrt as msqrt
from numpy import dot,empty,zeros,eye,median,sign,arange,argsort
from numpy.linalg import svd,inv,det
from numpy.random import shuffle
from crossvalidation import lpls_jk
from engines import nipals_lpls as lpls
def hotelling(Pcv, P, p_center='median', cov_center=median,
alpha=0.3, crot=True, strict=False):
"""Returns regularized hotelling T^2.
Hotelling, is a generalization of Student's t statistic that is
used in multivariate hypothesis testing. In order to avoid small variance
samples to become significant this version allows borrowing variance
from the pooled covariance.
Pcv : {array}
Crossvalidation segements of paramter
P : {array}
Calibration model paramter
p_center : {'median', 'mean', 'cal_model'}, optional
Location method for sub-segments
cov_center : {py_func}, optional
Location function
alpha : {float}, optional
Regularisation towards pooled covariance estimate.
crot : {boolean}, optional
Rotate sub-segments toward calibration model.
strict : {boolean}, optional
Only rotate 90 degree
tsq : {array}
Hotellings T^2 estimate
Gidskehaug et al., A framework for significance analysis of
gene expression datausing dimension reduction methods, BMC
bioinformatics, 2007
The rotational freedom in the solution of bilinear
models may require that a rotation onto the calibration
model. One way of doing that is procrustes rotation.
m, n = P.shape
n_sets, n, amax = Pcv.shape
T_sq = empty((n,), dtype='d')
Cov_i = zeros((n, amax, amax), dtype='d')
# rotate sub_models to full model
if crot:
for i, Pi in enumerate(Pcv):
Pcv[i] = procrustes(P, Pi, strict=strict)
# center of pnull
if p_center=='median':
P_ctr = median(Pcv)
elif p_center=='mean':
P_ctr = Pcv.mean(0)
else: # calibration model
P_ctr = P
for i in xrange(n):
Pi = Pcv[:,i,:] # (n_sets x amax)
Pi_ctr = P_ctr[i,:] # (1 x amax)
Pim = (Pi - Pi_ctr)*msqrt(n_sets-1)
Cov_i[i] = (1./n_sets)*dot(Pim.T, Pim)
Cov = cov_center(Cov_i)
reg_cov = (1. - alpha)*Cov_i + alpha*Cov
for i in xrange(n):
Pc = P_ctr[i,:]
sigma = reg_cov[i]
T_sq[i] = dot(dot(Pc, inv(sigma)), Pc)
return T_sq
def procrustes(a, b, strict=True, center=False, verbose=False):
"""Orthogonal rotation of b to a.
Procrustes rotation is an orthogonal rotoation of one subspace
onto another by minimising the squared error.
a : {array}
Input array
b : {array}
Input array
strict : {boolean}
Only do flipping and shuffling
center : {boolean}
Center before rotation, translate back after
verbose : {boolean}
Show sum of squares
b_rot : {array}
B-matrix rotated
Schonemann, A generalized solution of the orthogonal Procrustes problem,
Psychometrika, 1966
if center:
mn_a = a.mean(0)
a = a - mn_a
mn_b = b.mean(0)
b = b - mn_b
u, s, vt = svd(dot(b.T, a))
Cm = dot(u, vt) # Cm: orthogonal rotation matrix
if strict:
Cm = _ensure_strict(Cm)
b_rot = dot(b, Cm)
if verbose:
print Cm.round()
fit = sum(ravel(b - b_rot)**2)
print "Error: %.3E" %fit
if center:
return mn_b + b_rot
return b_rot
def _ensure_strict(C, only_flips=True):
"""Ensure that a rotation matrix does only 90 degree rotations.
In multiplication with pcs this allows flips and reordering.
if only_flips is True there will onlt be flips allowed
C : {array}
Rotation matrix
only_flips : {boolean}
Only accept columns to flip (switch signs)
C_rot : {array}
Restricted rotation matrix
This function is not ready for use. Use (only_flips=True)
if only_flips:
C = eye(Cm.shape[0])*sign(Cm)
return C
Cm = zeros(C.shape, dtype='d')
Cm[abs(C)>.6] = 1.
if det(Cm)>1:
raise NotImplementedError
return Cm*S
def lpls_qvals(X, Y, Z, aopt=None, alpha=.3, zx_alpha=.5, n_iter=20,
sim_method='shuffle',p_center='med', cov_center=median,
crot=True,strict=False,mean_ctr=[2,0,2], nsets=None):
"""Returns qvals for l-pls model by permutation analysis.
The response (Y) is randomly permuted, and the number of false positives
is registered by comparing hotellings T2 statistics of the calibration model.
X : {array}
Main data matrix (m, n)
Y : {array}
External row data (m, l)
Z : {array}
External column data (k, n)
aopt : {integer}
Optimal number of components
alpha : {float}, optional
Parameter to control the amount of influence from Z-matrix.
0 is none, which returns a pls-solution, 1 is max
mean_center : {array-like}, optional
A three element array-like structure with elements in [-1,0,1,2],
that decides the type of centering used.
-1 : nothing
0 : row center
1 : column center
2 : double center
n_iter : {integer}, optional
Number of permutations
sim_method : ['shuffle'], optional
Permutation method
p_center : {'median', 'mean', 'cal_model'}, optional
Location method for sub-segments
cov_center : {py_func}, optional
Location function
alpha : {float}, optional
Regularisation towards pooled covariance estimate.
crot : {boolean}, optional
Rotate sub-segmentss toward calibration model.
strict : {boolean}, optional
Only rotate 90 degree
nsets : {integer}
Number of crossvalidation segements
Gidskehaug et al., A framework for significance analysis of
gene expression data using dimension reduction methods, BMC
bioinformatics, 2007
m, n = X.shape
k, nz = Z.shape
my, l = Y.shape
# make Y a column vector
Y = atleast_2d(Y).T
my, l = Y.shape
pert_tsq_x = zeros((n, n_iter), dtype='d') # (nxvars x n_subsets)
pert_tsq_z = zeros((k, n_iter), dtype='d') # (nzvars x n_subsets)
# Full model
dat = lpls(X, Y, Z, aopt, scale='loads', mean_ctr=mean_ctr)
Wc, Lc = lpls_jk(X, Y, Z ,aopt)
cal_tsq_x = hotelling(Wc, dat['W'], alpha=alpha)
cal_tsq_z = hotelling(Lc, dat['L'], alpha=alpha)
# Perturbations
index = arange(m)
for i in range(n_iter):
indi = index.copy()
dat = lpls(X, Y[indi,:], Z, aopt, scale='loads', mean_ctr=mean_ctr)
Wi, Li = lpls_jk(X, Y[indi,:], Z, aopt, nsets=nsets)
pert_tsq_x[:,i] = hotelling(Wi, dat['W'], alpha=alpha)
pert_tsq_z[:,i] = hotelling(Li, dat['L'], alpha=alpha)
return _fdr(cal_tsq_z, pert_tsq_z, median), _fdr(cal_tsq_x, pert_tsq_x, median)
def _fdr(tsq, tsqp, loc_method=median):
"""Returns false discovery rate.
Fdr is a method used in multiple hypothesis testing to correct for multiple
comparisons. It controls the expected proportion of incorrectly rejected null
hypotheses (type I errors) in a list of rejected hypotheses.
tsq : {array}
Hotellings T2, calibration model
tsqp : {array}
Hotellings T2, submodels
loc_method : {py_func}
Location method
fdr : {array}
False discovery rate
n, = tsq.shape
k, m = tsqp.shape
n_false = empty((n, m), 'd')
sort_index = argsort(tsq)[::-1]
r_index = argsort(sort_index)
for i in xrange(m):
for j in xrange(n):
n_false[j,i] = (tsqp[:,i]>tsq[j]).sum()
fp = loc_method(n_false.T)
n_signif = (arange(n) + 1.0)[r_index]
fd_rate = fp/n_signif
fd_rate[fd_rate>1] = 1
return fd_rate
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
"""Testing routines for the lpls engine.
from math import sqrt as msqrt
from numpy.testing import *
from lplslib import lpls
from numpy import dot, eye, random,asarray,empty
from numpy.random import rand, randn
from numpy.linalg import svd,norm
def blm_array(shape=(5,10), comp=3, noise=0,seed=1,dtype='d'):
t = rand(shape[0], comp)
p = rand(shape[1], comp)
x = dot(t, p.T)
if noise>0:
noise = noise*randn(*shape)
return x + noise
class LplsTestCase(NumpyTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.a = blm_array(shape=(5,10),noise=.1)
self.b = blm_array(shape=(5,3), noise=.1)
self.c = blm_array(shape=(10,10), noise=.1)
| = 2
def check_single(self):
self.a = asarray(self.a, dtype='f')
self.b = asarray(self.b, dtype='f')
self.c = asarray(self.c, dtype='f')
def check_double(self):
a = asarray(self.a, dtype='d')
b = asarray(self.b, dtype='d')
c = asarray(self.c, dtype='d')
def do(self,*args):
#raise NotImplementedError
class testAlphaZero(LplsTestCase):
def do(self):
#dat = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, alpha=0.0)
#assert_almost_equal(t1, t2)
class testAlphaOne(LplsTestCase):
class testZidentity(LplsTestCase):
def do(self):
I = eye(self.a.shape[1])
dat = lpls(self.a, self.b, I, 2, alpha=1.0)
dat2 = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, alpha=0.0)
assert_almost_equal(dat['T'], dat2['T'])
class testYidentity(LplsTestCase):
def do(self):
I = eye(self.b.shape[0], dtype=self.a.dtype)
T0 = lpls(self.a, I, self.c,, alpha=0.0, mean_ctr=[-1,-1,-1])['T']
u, s, vt = svd(self.a, 0)
T = u*s
assert_almost_equal(abs(T0), abs(T[:,]),5)
class testWideX(LplsTestCase):
class testTallX(LplsTestCase):
class testWideY(LplsTestCase):
class testTallY(LplsTestCase):
class testWideZ(LplsTestCase):
class testTallZ(LplsTestCase):
class testRankDeficientX(LplsTestCase):
class testRankDeficientY(LplsTestCase):
class testRankDeficientZ(LplsTestCase):
class testCenterX(LplsTestCase):
def do(self):
T = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, mean_ctr=[0,-1,-1])['T']
assert_almost_equal(T.mean(0), 0)
W = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, alpha=0,mean_ctr=[1,-1,-1])['W']
assert_almost_equal(W.mean(0), 0)
class testResiduals(NumpyTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.a = blm_array(shape=(5,5),noise=0, comp=3)
self.b = self.a.copy()
self.c = self.a.copy().T
| = 3
def check_single(self):
self.a = asarray(self.a, dtype='f')
self.b = asarray(self.b, dtype='f')
self.c = asarray(self.c, dtype='f')
def check_double(self):
a = asarray(self.a, dtype='d')
b = asarray(self.b, dtype='d')
c = asarray(self.c, dtype='d')
def do(self):
dat = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, mean_ctr=[-1,-1,-1])
class testOrthogonality(LplsTestCase):
def do(self):
dat = lpls(self.a, self.b, self.c,, mean_ctr=[0,0,0],scale='loads')
T, W, L, E, F = dat['T'],dat['W'],dat['L'],dat['E'],dat['F']
assert_almost_equal(dot(T.T,T), eye(T.shape[1]))
for i,w in enumerate(W.T):
W[:,i] = w/norm(w)
assert_almost_equal(dot(W.T, W), eye(W.shape[1]), 3)
assert_almost_equal(dot(T.T,E), 0, 3)
assert_almost_equal(dot(T.T,F), 0, 3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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