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1. You have successfully unbundled ARPACK and are now in the ARPACK
directory that was created for you.
2. Recent bug fixes are included in patch.tar.gz and ppatch.tar.gz
(only needed if you are using PARPACK also.) If you have not
retrieved these files, please do so and place them in the
directory right above the current directory. (They should
be in the same directory where arpack96.tar reside).
Use uncompress or gunzip to unzip the tar files, and use 'tar -xvf '
to unbundle these patches. The source codes in these patches will
overwrite those contained in arpack96.tar and parpack96.tar.
3. Upon executing the 'ls | more ' command you should see
The following entries are directories:
The directory SRC contains the top level routines including
the highest level reverse communication interface routines
ssaupd, dsaupd - symmetric single and double precision
snaupd, dnaupd - non-symmetric single and double precision
cnaupd, cnaupd - complex non-symmetric single and double precision
The headers of these routines contain full documentation of calling
sequence and usage. Additional information is in the DOCUMENTS directory.
4. Example driver programs that illustrate all the computational modes,
data types and precisions may be found in the EXAMPLES directory.
Upon executing the 'ls EXAMPLES | more ' command you should see
Example programs for banded, complex, nonsymmetric, symmetric,
and singular value decomposition may be found in the directories
BAND, COMPLEX, NONSYM, SYM, SVD respectively. Look at the README
file for further information. To get started, get into the SIMPLE
directory to see example programs that illustrate the use of ARPACK in
the simplest modes of operation for the most commonly posed
standard eigenvalue problems.
The following instructions explain how to make the ARPACK library.
5. Before you can compile anything, you must first edit and correct the file
ARmake.inc. Sample ARmake.inc's can be found in the ARMAKES directory.
Edit "ARmake.inc" and change the definition "home" to the root of the
source tree (Top level of ARPACK directory)
The makefile is set up to build a self-contained library which includes
the needed BLAS 1/2/3 and LAPACK routines. If you already have the
BLAS and LAPACK libraries installed on your system you might want to
change the definition of DIRS as indicated in the ARmake.inc file.
*** NOTE *** Unless the LAPACK library on your system is version 2.0,
we strongly recommend that you install the LAPACK routines provided with
ARPACK. Note that the current LAPACK release is version 3.0; if you are
not sure which version of LAPACK is installed, pleaase compile and link
to the subset of LAPACK included with ARPACK.
6. You will also need to change the file "second.f" in the UTIL directory
to whatever is appropriate for timing on your system. The "second" routine
provided works on most workstations. If you are running on a Cray,
you can just edit the makefile in UTIL and take out the reference to
"second.o" to use the system second routine.
7. Do "make lib" in the current directory to build the standard library
8. Within DOCUMENTS directory there are three files
ex-nonsym.doc and
for templates on how to invoke the computational modes of ARPACK.
Also look in the README file for explanations concerning the
other documents.
Danny Sorensen at sorensen@caam.rice.edu
Richard Lehoucq at rblehou@sandia.gov
Chao Yang at cyang@lbl.gov
Kristi Maschhoff at kristyn@tera.com
If you have questions regarding using ARPACK, please send email
to arpack@caam.rice.edu.
Good luck and enjoy.