# Programvareverkstedet nettside A website created with the latest and greatest web technologies. May contain blackjack and other things one tends to include in awesome projects. ## Installation git clone --recursive https://github.com/Programvareverkstedet/nettsiden.git Put it in a folder your webserver can find. ## Development setup Make sure you have sqlite3 and PHP installed, with pdo-sqlite module. These can be obtained from your package manager. ./dev.sh On Windows, you have to perform a `composer install` manually beforehand. Make sure you have PHP and sqlite3 available in path: dev.bat ### Dependency management `dev.sh` will ensure the git submodules have been pulled, then download the `composer` package manager to the php archive file `composer.phar` and run it. Composer will check for the php extension `pdo_sqlite` which must be enabled on your system. This usually includes installing a php-sqlite3 package and enabling it in `/etc/php/php.ini`: [PHP] extension=pdo_sqlite extension=sqlite3 extension=ext-curl Composer is used as such: php composer.phar update php composer.phar install ### Docker We provide a simple docker-compose setup for local development. First ensure that docker is running: sudo systemctl start docker then DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose up ## Hosting