v0.50 (2006-11-20) geirha@itea.ntnu.no
   * added create_tmp_table_priv
   * added lock_tables_priv
   * some memory leaks fixed

v0.46 (2005-06-27) knuta@itea.ntnu.no
   * Replaced deprecated functions not supported in SLES9

v0.42-0.45 (2002-03-07 - 2004-12-08) unknown
   * Various undocumented fixes, at least something about length
     of group names, I think

v0.41 (2002-03-07) tlan@stud.ntnu.no
    * Fixed a seg.fault bug in is_password_set()-routine.

v0.4 (2002-03-07) tlan@stud.ntnu.no 
    * added ability to make users/dbs beginning with group-names.
    * added index-priv
    * added alter-priv

Mon Jul  6 11:58:10 1998  Vebjorn Ljosa  <ljosa@stud.ntnu.no>
	* Initial version.