import logger import pygtk import gtk import matplotlib import scipy import project from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import FigureCanvasGTKAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.axes import Subplot from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.numerix import arange, sin, pi from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector class MainView (gtk.Notebook): def __init__(self): gtk.Notebook.__init__(self) self.set_show_tabs(False) self.set_show_border(False) # Add a multiple pane view and a single pane view. self.small_view = SmallView() self.large_view = LargeView() self.append_page(self.small_view) self.append_page(self.large_view) self.set_current_page(0) def goto_small(self): if self.get_current_page() == 0: return None self.set_current_page(0) view = self.large_view.remove_child() self.small_view.return_current(view) def goto_large(self): if self.get_current_page() == 1: return None self.set_current_page(1) view = self.small_view.borrow_current() self.large_view.set_child(view) def show(self): def insert_view(self, view): self.small_view.insert_view(view) class SmallView (gtk.Table): def __init__(self): gtk.Table.__init__(self, 2, 2, True) self.child_views = [[EmptyView(), EmptyView()], [EmptyView(), EmptyView()]] self.cols = 2 self.rows = 2 self.active_x = 0 self.active_y = 0 self.set_row_spacings(3) self.set_col_spacings(3) for x in range(self.cols): for y in range(self.rows): child = self.child_views[x][y] child.parent_signalling = child.connect('button_press_event', self.__view_button_event__) self.attach(child, x, x+1, y, y+1) def set_child(self, child, col, row): cur_widget = self.child_views[col][row] cur_widget.disconnect(cur_widget.parent_signalling) self.remove(cur_widget) self.attach(child, col, col+1, row, row+1) child.parent_signalling = child.connect('button_press_event', self.__view_button_event__) self.child_views[col][row] = child if child.mark_active(True) cur_widget.mark_active(False) def borrow_current(self): self.borrowed = self.child_views[self.active_x][self.active_y] self.remove_child(self.active_x, self.active_y) return self.borrowed def return_current(self, view): self.set_child(view, self.active_x, self.active_y) def remove_child(self, col, row): self.remove(self.child_views[col][row]) self.attach(EmptyView(), col, col+1, row, row+1) def insert_view(self, child): if not self.find_child(child): self.set_child(child, self.active_x, self.active_y) def show(self): for x in self.child_views: for y in x: def hide(self): for x in self.child_views: for y in x: y.hide() gtk.Table.hide(self) def set_active(self, x, y): old_focus = self.child_views[self.active_x][self.active_y] new_focus = self.child_views[x][y] old_focus.mark_active(False) new_focus.mark_active(True) self.active_x = x self.active_y = y def find_child(self, child): for i, row in enumerate(self.child_views): for j, v in enumerate(row): if v == child: return (i, j) return None def __view_button_event__(self, view, *rest): loc = self.find_child(view) if loc: self.set_active(loc[0], loc[1]) def get_view(self, x, y): return self.child_views[x][y] class LargeView (gtk.Frame): def __init__(self): gtk.Frame.__init__(self) self.child_view = EmptyView() self.add(self.child_view) def set_child(self, child): self.remove(self.child_view) self.child_view.hide() self.add(child) self.child_view = child def hide(self): self.child_view.hide() gtk.Frame.hide(self) def show(self): def remove_child(self): child = self.child_view child.hide() self.remove(child) return child class Plot (gtk.Frame): def __init__(self,project): gtk.Frame.__init__(self) self.project = project self.mark_active(False) self.connect('button_press_event', self.on_button_press) self.sel_obj = None = False if project!=None: #its not an Emptyview project.attach(self,'selection_update') def on_button_press(self, *rest): # logger.log('debug', 'button pressed in plot') self.mark_active(True) def mark_active(self, active): if active: self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) else: self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_OUT) = active def update(self,project,key): pass class EmptyView (Plot): def __init__(self): Plot.__init__(self,None) label = gtk.Label('No view') ebox = gtk.EventBox() ebox.add(label) self.add(ebox) label.connect('button_press_event', self.on_button_press) self.label = label self.ebox = ebox def show(self): def hide(self): self.label.hide() self.ebox.hide() Plot.hide(self) class SinePlot(Plot): def __init__(self,project): Plot.__init__(self,project) fig = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=72) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) t = arange(0.0,3.0,0.01) s = sin(2*pi*t) ax.plot(t,s) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) self.add(self.canvas) class ScatterPlot(Plot): def __init__(self,project,dataset,id_dim,sel_dim,id_1,id_2): Plot.__init__(self,project) self.project = project fig = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=72) = ax = fig.add_subplot(111) self.current_dim = id_dim # testing testing self.dataset = dataset x_index = dataset[sel_dim][id_1] y_index = dataset[sel_dim][id_2] self.xaxis_data = dataset._array[:,x_index] self.yaxis_data = dataset._array[:,y_index] ax.plot(self.xaxis_data,self.yaxis_data,'og') ### self.canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) self.add(self.canvas) rectprops = dict(facecolor='gray', edgecolor = 'black', alpha=0.2, fill=True) #cool self.sel = RectangleSelector(ax, self.rectangle_select_callback, drawtype='box',useblit=True,rectprops=rectprops) def rectangle_select_callback(self,event1, event2): 'event1 and event2 are the press and release events' x1, y1 = event1.xdata, event1.ydata x2, y2 = event2.xdata, event2.ydata ydata = self.yaxis_data xdata = self.xaxis_data if x1>x2: if y1x2) & (ydata>y1) & (ydatax2) & (ydatay2)) else: #logger.log('debug','Selection x_start less than x_end') if y1x1) & (xdatay1) & (ydatax1) & (xdatay2)) if len(index)==0: logger.log('debug','No points selected!') else: ids = [id for id,ind in self.dataset[self.current_dim].items() if ind in index] self.project.set_selection(self.current_dim,ids) def update(self,project,key): curr_sel = project.get_selection() # get selection object ids = curr_sel[self.current_dim] # current identifiers index = [ind for id,ind in self.dataset[self.current_dim].items() if id in ids] #conversion to index xdata_new = scipy.take(self.xaxis_data,index) #take data ydata_new = scipy.take(self.yaxis_data,index),self.yaxis_data,'og'),ydata_new,'or') self.canvas.draw()