from scipy import atleast_2d,asarray,ArrayType,shape,nonzero,io,transpose from scipy import sort as array_sort from itertools import izip import shelve class Dataset: """The Dataset base class. A Dataset is an n-way array with defined string identifiers across all dimensions. example of use: --- dim_name_rows = 'rows' names_rows = ('row_a','row_b') ids_1 = [dim_name_rows, names_rows] dim_name_cols = 'cols' names_cols = ('col_a','col_b','col_c','col_d') ids_2 = [dim_name_cols, names_cols] Array_X = rand(2,4) data = Dataset(Array_X,(ids_1,ids_2),name="Testing") dim_names = [dim for dim in data] column_identifiers = [id for id in data['cols'].keys()] column_index = [index for index in data['cols'].values()] 'cols' in data -> True --- data = Dataset(rand(10,20)) (generates dims and ids (no links)) """ def __init__(self,array,identifiers=None,name='Unnamed dataset'): self._dims = [] #existing dimensions in this dataset self._map = {} # internal mapping for dataset: identifier <--> index self._name = name self._identifiers = identifiers self._type = 'n' if isinstance(array,ArrayType): array = atleast_2d(asarray(array)) # vectors are column vectors if array.shape[0]==1: array = transpose(array) self.shape = array.shape if identifiers!=None: self._set_identifiers(identifiers,self._all_dims) else: self._identifiers = self._create_identifiers(self.shape,self._all_dims) self._set_identifiers(self._identifiers,self._all_dims) self._array = array else: raise ValueError, "Array input must be of ArrayType" #def __str__(self): # return self._name + ":\n" + "Dim names: " + self._dims.__str__() def __iter__(self): """Returns an iterator over dimensions of dataset.""" return self._dims.__iter__() def __contains__(self,dim): """Returns True if dim is a dimension name in dataset.""" # return self._dims.__contains__(dim) return self._map.__contains__(dim) def __len__(self): """Returns the number of dimensions in the dataset""" return len(self._map) def __getitem__(self,dim): """Return the identifers along the dimension dim.""" return self._map[dim] def _create_identifiers(self,shape,all_dims): """Creates dimension names and identifier names, and returns identifiers.""" dim_names = ['rows','cols'] ids = [] for axis,n in enumerate(shape): if axis<2: dim_suggestion = dim_names[axis] else: dim_suggestion = 'dim' dim_suggestion = self._suggest_dim_name(dim_suggestion,all_dims) identifier_creation = [str(axis) + "_" + i for i in map(str,range(n))] ids.append((dim_suggestion,identifier_creation)) all_dims.add(dim_suggestion) return ids def _set_identifiers(self,identifiers,all_dims): """Creates internal mapping of identifiers structure.""" for dim,ids in identifiers: pos_map = ReverseDict() if dim not in self._dims: self._dims.append(dim) all_dims.add(dim) else: raise ValueError, "Dimension names must be unique whitin dataset" for pos,id in enumerate(ids): pos_map[id] = pos self._map[dim] = pos_map def _suggest_dim_name(self,dim_name,all_dims): """Suggests a unique name for dim and returns it""" c = 0 new_name = dim_name while new_name in all_dims: new_name = dim_name + "_" + str(c) c+=1 return new_name def asarray(self): """Returns the numeric array (data) of dataset""" return self._array def add_array(self,array): """Adds array as an ArrayType object. A one-dim array is transformed to a two-dim array (row-vector) """ if self.shape!=array.shape: raise ValueError, "Input array must be of similar dimensions as dataset" self._array = atleast_2d(asarray(array)) def get_name(self): """Returns dataset name""" return self._name def get_all_dims(self): """Returns all dimensions in project""" return self._all_dims def get_dim_name(self,axis=None): """Returns dim name for an axis, if no axis is provided it returns a list of dims""" if type(axis)==int: return self._dims[axis] else: return [dim for dim in self] def get_identifiers(self, dim, indices=None,sorted=False): """Returns identifiers along dim, sorted by position (index) is optional. You can optionally provide a list/ndarray of indices to get only the identifiers of a given position. Identifiers are the unique names (strings) for a variable in a given dim. Index (Indices) are the Identifiers position in a matrix in a given dim. """ try: if len(indices)==0:# if empty list or empty array indices=[] except: pass if indices != None: ids = [self._map[dim].reverse[i] for i in indices] else: if sorted==True: ids = [self._map[dim].reverse[i] for i in array_sort(self._map[dim].values())] else: ids = self._map[dim].keys() return ids def get_indices(self, dim, idents=None): """Returns indices for identifiers along dimension. You can optionally provide a list of identifiers to retrieve a index subset. Identifiers are the unique names (strings) for a variable in a given dim. Index (Indices) are the Identifiers position in a matrix in a given dim.""" if idents==None: index = array_sort(self._map[dim].values()) else: index = [self._map[dim][key] for key in idents if self._map[dim].has_key(key)] return asarray(index) class CategoryDataset(Dataset): """The category dataset class. A dataset for representing class information as binary matrices (0/1-matrices). There is support for using a less memory demanding, and fast intersection look-ups by representing the binary matrix as a dictionary in each dimension. Always has linked dimension in first dim: ex matrix: go_term1 go_term2 ... gene_1 gene_2 gene_3 . . . """ def __init__(self,array,identifiers=None,name='C'): Dataset.__init__(self,array,identifiers=identifiers,name=name) self.has_dictlists = False self._type = 'c' def as_dict_lists(self): """Returns data as dict of indices along first dim""" data={} for name,ind in self._map[self.get_dim_name(0)].items(): data[name] = list(nonzero(self._array[ind,:])) self._dictlists = data self.has_dictlists=True return data class GraphDataset(Dataset): """The graph dataset class. A dataset class for representing graphs using an adjacency matrix (aka. restricted to square symmetric signed integers matrices) If the library NetworkX is installed, there is support for representing the graph as a NetworkX.Graph, or NetworkX.XGraph structure. """ def __init__(self,array=None,identifiers=None,shape=None,all_dims=[],**kwds): Dataset.__init__(self,array=array,identifiers=identifiers,name='A') self.has_graph = False self._type = 'g' def asnetworkx(self,nx_type='graph'): dim = self.get_dim_name()[0] ids = self.get_identifiers(dim,sorted=True) adj_mat = self.asarray() G = self._graph_from_adj_matrix(adj_mat,labels=ids) self.has_graph = True return G def _graph_from_adj_matrix(self,A,labels=None,nx_type='graph'): """Creates a networkx graph class from adjacency matrix and ordered labels. nx_type = ['graph',['xgraph']] labels = None, results in string-numbered labels """ import networkx as nx m,n = shape(A)# adjacency matrix must be of type that evals to true/false for neigbours if m!=n: raise IOError, "Adjacency matrix must be square" if nx_type=='graph': G = nx.Graph() elif nx_type=='x_graph': G = nx.XGraph() else: raise IOError, "Unknown graph type: %s" %nx_type if labels==None: # if labels not provided mark vertices with numbers labels = [str(i) for i in range(m)] for nbrs,head in izip(A,labels): for i,nbr in enumerate(nbrs): if nbr: tail = labels[i] G.add_edge(head,tail) return G Dataset._all_dims=set() class ReverseDict(dict): """ A dictionary which can lookup values by key, and keys by value. All values and keys must be hashable, and unique. d = ReverseDict((['a',1],['b',2])) print d['a'] print d.reverse[1] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.reverse = dict([[v,k] for k,v in self.items()]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self.reverse[value] = key def to_file(filepath,dataset,name=None): """Write dataset to file. A file may contain multiple datasets. append to file by using option mode='a' """ if not name: name = dataset._name data =,flag='c',protocol=2) if data: #we have an append names = data.keys() if name in names: print "Data with name: %s overwritten" %dataset._name sub_data = {'array':dataset._array,'idents':dataset._identifiers,'type':dataset._type} data[name] = sub_data data.close() def from_file(filepath): """Read dataset from file """ data =,flag='r') out_data = [] for name in data.keys(): sub_data = data[name] if sub_data['type']=='c': out_data.append(CategoryDataset(sub_data['array'],identifiers=sub_data['idents'],name=name)) elif sub_data['type']=='g': out_data.append(GraphDataset(sub_data['array'],identifiers=sub_data['idents'],name=name)) else: out_data.append(Dataset(sub_data['array'],identifiers=sub_data['idents'],name=name)) return out_data class Selection(dict): """Handles selected identifiers along each dimension of a dataset""" def __init__(self, title='Unnamed Selecton'): self.title = title def __getitem__(self, key): if not self.has_key(key): return None return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def dims(self): return self.keys() def axis_len(self, axis): if self._selection.has_key(axis): return len(self._selection[axis]) return 0 def select(self, axis, labels): self[axis] = labels