This commit is contained in:
Arnar Flatberg 2007-07-20 12:32:54 +00:00
parent 7ee7aa968a
commit 98f53d3448
4 changed files with 33 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -403,7 +403,5 @@ def jk_lpls(X, Y, Z, a_max, nsets=None, alpha=.5):
WWx[i,:,:] = W
WWz[i,:,:] = L
WWy[i,:,:] = Q
print "Q"
print Q
return WWx, WWz, WWy

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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ def plot_corrloads(R, pc1=0,pc2=1,s=20, c='b', zorder=5,expvar=None,ax=None,draw
ystring = "Comp: %d expl.var.: %.1f " %(pc2+1, expvar[pc2])
if labels:
if labels!=None:
for name, r in zip(labels, R):
ax.text(r[pc1], r[pc2], " " + name)
pylab.text(r[pc1], r[pc2], " " + name)

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def goterms_from_gene(genelist, ontology=['BP'], garbage = ['IEA', 'ISS', 'ND'])
_ONTOLOGIES = ['BP', 'CC', 'MF']
assert(scipy.all([(code in _CODES) for code in garbage]))
assert(scipy.all([(ont in _ONTOLOGIES) for ont in ontology]))
have_these = rpy.r('as.list(GOTERM)').keys()
goterms = {}
for gene in genelist:
goterms[gene] = []
@ -53,8 +53,12 @@ def goterms_from_gene(genelist, ontology=['BP'], garbage = ['IEA', 'ISS', 'ND'])
#print info
if info:
for term, desc in info.items():
if term not in have_these:
print "GO miss:"
print term
if desc['Ontology'] in ontology and desc['Evidence'] not in garbage:
return goterms
def genego_matrix(goterms, tmat, gene_ids, term_ids, func=min):
@ -97,7 +101,12 @@ def goterm2desc(gotermlist):
return term2desc
def parents_dag(go_terms, ontology=['BP']):
""" Returns a list of lists representation of a GO DAG parents of goterms."""
""" Returns a list of lists representation of a GO DAG parents of goterms.
make the networkx graph by:
G = networkx.Digraph()
G = networkx.from_dict_of_lists(edge_dict, G)
@ -105,6 +114,11 @@ def parents_dag(go_terms, ontology=['BP']):
# go valid namespace
go_env = {'BP':rpy.r.BPPARENTS, 'MF':rpy.r.MFPARENTS, 'CC': rpy.r.CCPARENTS}
go_env = {'BP':rpy.r.GOBPPARENTS, 'MF':rpy.r.GOMFPARENTS, 'CC': rpy.r.GOCCPARENTS}
graph = rpy.r.GOGraph(go_terms, go_env[ontology[0]])
edges = rpy.r.edges(graph)
edge_dict = {}
for head, nei in edges.items():
edge_dict[head] = nei.values()
return edge_dict

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ print "SAM done"
qq = rpy.r('qobj<-qvalue(sam.out@p.value)')
qvals = asarray(qq['qvalues'])
# cut off
co = 0.001
co = 0.1
index = where(qvals<0.01)[0]
# Subset data
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ terms = list(terms)
# Go-term similarity matrix
methods = ("JiangConrath","Resnik","Lin","CoutoEnriched","CoutoJiangConrath","CoutoResnik","CoutoLin")
meth = methods[0]
meth = methods[2]
print "Term-term similarity matrix (method = %s)" %meth
if meth=="CoutoEnriched":
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ T, W, P, Q, U, L, K, B, b0, evx, evy, evz = nipals_lpls(Xr,Y,Z, a_max, alpha)
dx,Rx,ssx= correlation_loadings(Xr, T, P)
dx,Ry,ssx= correlation_loadings(Y, T, Q)
cadx,Rz,ssx= correlation_loadings(Z.T, K, L)
# Prediction error
rmsep , yhat, class_error = cv_lpls(Xr, Y, Z, a_max, alpha=alpha)
@ -112,11 +111,19 @@ tsqz = cx_stats.hotelling(Wz,L[:,:aopt])
## plots ##
figure(1) #rmsep
bar_w = .2
bar_col = 'rgb'*5
m = Y.shape[1]
for a in range(m):
bar(arange(a_max)+a*bar_w+.1, rmsep[:,a], width=bar_w, color=bar_col[a])
ylim([rmsep.min()-.05, rmsep.max()+.05])
figure(2) # Hypoid correlations
plot_corrloads(Rz, pc1=0, pc2=1, s=tsqz/10.0, c='b', zorder=5, expvar=evz, ax=None)
ax = gca()
plot_corrloads(Ry, pc1=0, pc2=1, s=150, c='g', zorder=5, expvar=evy, ax=ax)
ylabels = DY.get_identifiers('_cat', sorted=True)
plot_corrloads(Ry, pc1=0, pc2=1, s=150, c='g', zorder=5, expvar=evy, ax=ax,labels=ylabels)