import 'dart:math' show max; import 'dart:developer' show log; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import 'package:gergle/api/commands.dart'; import 'package:gergle/api/events.dart'; import 'state/connection_state_bloc.dart'; import 'state/player_state_bloc.dart'; import 'state/player_state.dart'; class PlayerUi extends StatelessWidget { PlayerUi({ super.key, }); final TextEditingController _textController = TextEditingController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: _buildAppBar(context), body: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20), child: BlocBuilder( builder: (context, state) { if (state == null) { return const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ); } final playerState = state; return Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Expanded( child: ReorderableListView.builder( scrollDirection: Axis.vertical, itemBuilder: (context, i) => _buildPlaylistTile(context, playerState, i), itemCount: playerState.playlist.length, onReorder: (from, to) { BlocProvider.of(context).add( Command.playlistMove(from, to), ); if (from < to) { to -= 1; } final item = playerState.playlist.removeAt(from); playerState.playlist.insert(to, item); BlocProvider.of(context).add( PlaylistChange(playerState.playlist, local: true)); }, ), ), _buildInputBar(context, playerState), ], ); }, ), ), bottomNavigationBar: BlocBuilder( builder: (context, state) { if (state == null) { return const SizedBox.shrink(); } return _buildBottomBar(context, state); }, ), ); } AppBar _buildAppBar(BuildContext context) { return AppBar( title: const Text('Gergle'), backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, actions: [ DropdownMenu( leadingIcon: const Icon(, dropdownMenuEntries: const >[ DropdownMenuEntry( label: 'Georg', value: 'wss://', ), DropdownMenuEntry( label: 'Brzeczyszczykiewicz', value: 'wss://', ), if (kDebugMode) ...[ DropdownMenuEntry( label: 'Local 8009', value: 'ws://localhost:8009/ws', ), ], DropdownMenuEntry( value: null, label: 'Custom...', ), ], onSelected: (value) async { final connectionStateBloc = BlocProvider.of(context); value ??= await _askForServerUriMenu(context); if (value == null) { return; } connectionStateBloc.add(Connect(value)); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.settings), onPressed: () { throw UnimplementedError(); }, ), if (kDebugMode) ...[ const SizedBox(width: 50), ], ], ); } Future _askForServerUriMenu(BuildContext context) async { final textController = TextEditingController(); return await Navigator.of(context).push( MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) { return AlertDialog( title: const Text('Enter server URI'), content: TextField( decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Server URI', ), controller: textController, onSubmitted: (value) { Navigator.of(context).pop(value); }, ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, child: const Text('Cancel'), ), TextButton( onPressed: () { final value = textController.text; textController.dispose(); Navigator.of(context).pop(value); }, child: const Text('Connect'), ), ], ); }, ), ); } Widget _buildInputBar(BuildContext context, PlayerState playerState) { return Row( children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( controller: _textController, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Add to playlist', filled: true, fillColor: const Color.fromARGB(10, 0, 0, 0), border: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, width: 2), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10), ), ), onSubmitted: (value) { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.load(value)); _textController.clear(); }, ), ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.send), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.load(_textController.text)); _textController.clear(); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.playlist_add), onPressed: () { // TODO: popup menu for adding multiple links throw UnimplementedError(); }, ), ], ); } ListTile _buildPlaylistTile( BuildContext context, PlayerState playerState, int i, ) { final item = playerState.playlist[i]; return ListTile( key: ValueKey(, title: Text(item.title ?? item.filename), subtitle: Text(item.filename), selected: item.current, leading: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text( "${i + 1}.", style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge, ), IconButton( icon: playerState.isPlaying && item.current ? const Icon(Icons.pause) : const Icon(Icons.play_arrow), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.playlistGoto(i)); }, ), ], ), trailing: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.copy), onPressed: () => Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: item.filename)), ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.delete_forever), color: Colors.redAccent, onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.playlistRemove(i)); }, ), ], ), ); } static String formatTime(Duration duration) { final hours = duration.inHours; final minutes = duration.inMinutes.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0'); final seconds = duration.inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0'); if (hours > 0) { return '$hours:$minutes:$seconds'; } else { return '$minutes:$seconds'; } } Widget _buildBottomBar(BuildContext context, PlayerState playerState) { // NOTE: slider throws if the value is over 100, so 99.999 is used to avoid // hitting the limit with floating point errors. double cachedPercent = playerState.cachedTimestamp != null ? ((playerState.cachedTimestamp! / max(playerState.duration.inMilliseconds, 0.00000000000001)) * 1000 * 99.999) : 0.0; if (cachedPercent > 100) { cachedPercent = 0; } return BottomAppBar( child: Row( children: [ IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.skip_previous), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.playlistPrevious()); }, ), IconButton( icon: playerState.isPlaying ? const Icon(Icons.pause) : const Icon(Icons.play_arrow), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.togglePlayback()); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.skip_next), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.playlistNext()); }, ), Expanded( child: Flex( direction: Axis.horizontal, children: [ Text( formatTime( Duration( milliseconds: playerState.currentPercentPosition != null ? (playerState.currentPercentPosition! * playerState.duration.inMilliseconds * 0.01) .round() : 0, ), ), ), // Text(((playerState.currentPercentPosition ?? 0.0) * // 0.01 * // playerState.duration) // .toString()), Expanded( flex: 5, child: Slider( value: playerState.currentPercentPosition ?? 0, max: 100.0, secondaryTrackValue: cachedPercent, onChanged: (value) { log('Setting time to $value'); BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.time(value)); }, ), ), Text(formatTime(playerState.duration)), // TODO: set minimum width for this slider Expanded( flex: 1, child: Slider( value: playerState.volume, max: 130.0, secondaryTrackValue: 100.0, onChanged: (value) { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.volume(value)); }, ), ), Text('${playerState.volume.round()}%'), ], ), ), // IconButton( // icon: const Icon(Icons.subtitles), // onPressed: () { // throw UnimplementedError(); // }, // ), PopupMenuButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.subtitles), enabled: playerState.subtitleTracks.isNotEmpty, itemBuilder: (context) { return playerState.subtitleTracks .map((track) => PopupMenuItem( value:, child: Text(track.title), )) .toList(); }, onSelected: (value) { // TODO: add command for changing subtitle track throw UnimplementedError(); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.repeat), isSelected: playerState.isLooping, onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.setLooping(!playerState.isLooping)); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.shuffle), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.shuffle()); }, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.delete_forever), onPressed: () { BlocProvider.of(context) .add(Command.playlistClear()); }, ), ], ), ); } }