#!/usr/bin/python import sqlalchemy import re import sys import os import traceback import signal from helpers import * exit_commands = ['exit', 'abort', 'quit', 'bye', 'eat flaming death'] help_commands = ['help', '?'] context_commands = ['what', '??'] local_help_commands = ['help!', '???'] restart_commands = ['restart'] class ExitMenu(Exception): pass class Menu(): def __init__(self, name, items=[], prompt='> ', return_index=True, exit_msg=None, exit_confirm_msg=None, exit_disallowed_msg=None, help_text=None): self.name = name self.items = items self.prompt = prompt self.return_index = return_index self.exit_msg = exit_msg self.exit_confirm_msg = exit_confirm_msg self.exit_disallowed_msg = exit_disallowed_msg self.help_text = help_text self.context = None self.header_format = '[%s]' def exit_menu(self): if self.exit_disallowed_msg != None: print self.exit_disallowed_msg return if self.exit_confirm_msg != None: if not self.confirm(self.exit_confirm_msg, default=True): return raise ExitMenu() def at_exit(self): if self.exit_msg: print self.exit_msg def set_context(self, string, display=True): self.context = string if self.context != None and display: print self.context def add_to_context(self, string): self.context += string def printc(self, string): print string if self.context == None: self.context = string else: self.context += '\n' + string def show_context(self): print self.header_format % self.name if self.context != None: print self.context def item_is_submenu(self, i): return isinstance(self.items[i], Menu) def item_name(self, i): if self.item_is_submenu(i): return self.items[i].name elif isinstance(self.items[i], tuple): return self.items[i][1] else: return self.items[i] def item_value(self, i): if isinstance(self.items[i], tuple): return self.items[i][0] if self.return_index: return i return self.items[i] def input_str(self, prompt=None, regex=None, length_range=(None,None), empty_string_is_none=False): if regex != None: while True: result = self.input_str(prompt, length_range=length_range, empty_string_is_none=empty_string_is_none) if result == None or re.match(regex+'$', result): return result else: print 'Value must match regular expression "%s"' % regex if length_range != (None,None): while True: result = self.input_str(prompt, empty_string_is_none=empty_string_is_none) if result == None: length = 0 else: length = len(result) if ((length_range[0] and length < length_range[0]) or (length_range[1] and length > length_range[1])): if length_range[0] and length_range[1]: print 'Value must have length in range [%d,%d]' % length_range elif allowed_range[0]: print 'Value must have length at least %d' % length_range[0] else: print 'Value must have length at most %d' % length_range[1] else: return result if prompt == None: prompt = self.prompt while True: try: result = raw_input(safe_str(prompt)) except EOFError: print 'quit' self.exit_menu() continue if result in exit_commands: self.exit_menu() continue if result in help_commands: self.general_help() continue if result in local_help_commands: self.local_help() continue if result in context_commands: self.show_context() continue if result in restart_commands: if self.confirm('Restart Dibbler?'): restart() continue if empty_string_is_none and result == '': return None return result def input_int(self, prompt=None, allowed_range=(None,None)): if prompt == None: prompt = self.prompt while True: result = self.input_str(prompt) try: value = int(result) if ((allowed_range[0] and value < allowed_range[0]) or (allowed_range[1] and value > allowed_range[1])): if allowed_range[0] and allowed_range[1]: print 'Value must be in range [%d,%d]' % allowed_range elif allowed_range[0]: print 'Value must be at least %d' % allowed_range[0] else: print 'Value must be at most %d' % allowed_range[1] else: return value except ValueError: print 'Please enter an integer' def input_user(self, prompt=None): user = None while user == None: user = self.retrieve_user(self.input_str(prompt)) return user def retrieve_user(self, search_str): return self.search_ui(search_user, search_str, 'user') def input_product(self, prompt=None): product = None while product == None: product = self.retrieve_product(self.input_str(prompt)) return product def retrieve_product(self, search_str): return self.search_ui(search_product, search_str, 'product') def input_thing(self, prompt=None, permitted_things=('user','product'), add_nonexisting=(), empty_input_permitted=False): result = None while result == None: search_str = self.input_str(prompt) if search_str == '' and empty_input_permitted: return None result = self.search_for_thing(search_str, permitted_things, add_nonexisting) return result def search_for_thing(self, search_str, permitted_things=('user','product'), add_nonexisting=()): search_fun = {'user': search_user, 'product': search_product} results = {} result_values = {} for thing in permitted_things: results[thing] = search_fun[thing](search_str, self.session) result_values[thing] = self.search_result_value(results[thing]) selected_thing = argmax(result_values) if results[selected_thing] == []: thing_for_type = {'card': 'user', 'username': 'user', 'bar_code': 'product'} type_guess = guess_data_type(search_str) if type_guess != None and thing_for_type[type_guess] in add_nonexisting: return self.search_add(search_str) print 'No match found for "%s".' % search_str return None return self.search_ui2(search_str, results[selected_thing], selected_thing) def search_result_value(self, result): if result == None: return 0 if not isinstance(result, list): return 3 if len(result) == 0: return 0 if len(result) == 1: return 2 return 1 def search_add(self, string): type_guess = guess_data_type(string) if type_guess == 'username': print '"%s" looks like a username, but no such user exists.' % string if self.confirm('Create user %s?' % string): user = User(string, None) self.session.add(user) return user return None if type_guess == 'card': selector = Selector('"%s" looks like a card number, but no user with that card number exists.' % string, [('create', 'Create user with card number %s' % string), ('set', 'Set card number of an existing user to %s' % string)]) selection = selector.execute() if selection == 'create': username = self.input_str('Username for new user (should be same as PVV username)> ', User.name_re, (1,10)) user = User(username, string) self.session.add(user) return user if selection == 'set': user = self.input_user('User to set card number for> ') old_card = user.card user.card = string print 'Card number of %s set to %s (was %s)' % (user.name, string, old_card) return user return None if type_guess == 'bar_code': print '"%s" looks like the bar code for a product, but no such product exists.' % string return None def search_ui(self, search_fun, search_str, thing): result = search_fun(search_str, self.session) return self.search_ui2(search_str, result, thing) def search_ui2(self, search_str, result, thing): if not isinstance(result, list): return result if len(result) == 0: print 'No %ss matching "%s"' % (thing, search_str) return None if len(result) == 1: msg = 'One %s matching "%s": %s. Use this?' %\ (thing, search_str, unicode(result[0])) if self.confirm(msg, default=True): return result[0] return None limit = 9 if len(result) > limit: select_header = '%d %ss matching "%s"; showing first %d' % \ (len(result), thing, search_str, limit) select_items = result[:limit] else: select_header = '%d %ss matching "%s"' % \ (len(result), thing, search_str) select_items = result selector = Selector(select_header, items=select_items, return_index=False) return selector.execute() def confirm(self, prompt, default=None): return ConfirmMenu(prompt, default).execute() def print_header(self): print print self.header_format % self.name def pause(self): self.input_str('.') def general_help(self): print ''' DIBBLER HELP The following commands are recognized (almost) everywhere: help, ? -- display this help what, ?? -- redisplay the current context help!, ??? -- display context-specific help (if any) exit, quit, etc. -- exit from the current menu When prompted for a user, you can type (parts of) the user name or card number. When prompted for a product, you can type (parts of) the product name or barcode. ''' def local_help(self): if self.help_text == None: print 'no help here' else: print print 'Help for %s:' % (self.header_format%self.name) print self.help_text def execute(self): self.set_context(None) try: return self._execute() except ExitMenu: self.at_exit() return None def _execute(self): while True: self.print_header() self.set_context(None) if len(self.items)==0: self.printc('(empty menu)') self.pause() return None for i in range(len(self.items)): self.printc('%d ) %s' % (i+1, self.item_name(i))) item_i = self.input_int(self.prompt, (1,len(self.items)))-1 if self.item_is_submenu(item_i): self.items[item_i].execute() else: return self.item_value(item_i) class Selector(Menu): def __init__(self, name, items=[], prompt='select> ', return_index=True, exit_msg=None, exit_confirm_msg=None, help_text=None): Menu.__init__(self, name, items, prompt, return_index, exit_msg) self.header_format = '%s' def print_header(self): print self.header_format % self.name def local_help(self): if self.help_text == None: print 'This is a selection menu. Enter one of the listed numbers, or' print '\'exit\' to go out and do something else.' else: print print 'Help for selector (%s):' % self.name print self.help_text class ConfirmMenu(Menu): def __init__(self, prompt='confirm?', default=None): Menu.__init__(self, 'question', prompt=prompt, exit_disallowed_msg='Please answer yes or no') self.default=default def _execute(self): options = {True: 'Y/n', False: 'y/N', None: 'y/n'}[self.default] while True: result = self.input_str('%s (%s) ' % (self.prompt, options)) result = result.lower() if result in ['y','yes']: return True if result in ['n','no']: return False if self.default != None and result == '': return self.default print 'Please answer yes or no' # class ChargeMenu(Menu): # def __init__(self): # self.name = "Add credits to a user account" # def execute(self): # self.session = Session() # amount = self.input_int('Amount to be added> ') # user = self.input_user('To user>') # t = Transaction(user, -amount, 'Add '+str(amount)+' to user '+user.name) # t.perform_transaction() # self.session.add(t) # self.session.commit() # print 'Added %d kr to user %s\'s account' % (amount, user.name) # print 'User %s\'s credit is now %d kr' % (user,user.credit) # self.session.close() # self.pause() class TransferMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Transfer credit between users') def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() amount = self.input_int('Transfer amount> ', (1,100000)) self.set_context('Transfering %d kr' % amount, display=False) user1 = self.input_user('From user> ') self.add_to_context(' from ' + user1.name) user2 = self.input_user('To user> ') self.add_to_context(' to ' + user2.name) t1 = Transaction(user1, amount, 'transfer to '+user2.name) t2 = Transaction(user2, -amount, 'transfer from '+user1.name) t1.perform_transaction() t2.perform_transaction() self.session.add(t1) self.session.add(t2) try: self.session.commit() print 'Transfered %d kr from %s to %s' % (amount, user1, user2) print 'User %s\'s credit is now %d kr' % (user1, user1.credit) print 'User %s\'s credit is now %d kr' % (user2, user2.credit) except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not perform transfer: %s' % e self.session.close() self.pause() class AddUserMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Add user') def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() username = self.input_str('Username (should be same as PVV username)> ', User.name_re, (1,10)) cardnum = self.input_str('Card number (optional)> ', User.card_re, (0,10)) user = User(username, cardnum) self.session.add(user) try: self.session.commit() print 'User %s stored' % username except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, e: print 'Could not store user %s: %s' % (username,e) self.session.close() self.pause() class EditUserMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Edit user') self.help_text = ''' The only editable part of a user is its card number. First select an existing user, then enter a new card number for that user (write an empty line to remove the card number). ''' def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() user = self.input_user('User> ') self.printc('Editing user %s' % user.name) card_str = '"%s"' % user.card if user.card == None: card_str = 'empty' user.card = self.input_str('Card number (currently %s)> ' % card_str, User.card_re, (0,10), empty_string_is_none=True) try: self.session.commit() print 'User %s stored' % user.name except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not store user %s: %s' % (user.name,e) self.session.close() self.pause() class AddProductMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Add product') def _execute(self): self.session = Session() self.print_header() bar_code = self.input_str('Bar code> ', Product.bar_code_re, (8,13)) name = self.input_str('Name> ', Product.name_re, (1,30)) price = self.input_int('Price> ', (1,100000)) product = Product(bar_code, name, price) self.session.add(product) try: self.session.commit() print 'Product %s stored' % name except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not store product %s: %s' % (name,e) self.session.close() self.pause() class EditProductMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Edit product') def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() product = self.input_product('Product> ') self.printc('Editing product %s' % product.name) while True: selector = Selector('Do what with %s?' % product.name, items=[('name', 'Edit name'), ('price', 'Edit price (currently %d)' % product.price), ('store', 'Store')]) what = selector.execute() if what == 'name': product.name = self.input_str('Name> ', Product.name_re, (1,30)) elif what == 'price': product.price = self.input_int('Price> ', (1,100000)) elif what == 'store': try: self.session.commit() print 'Product %s stored' % product.name except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not store product %s: %s' % (product.name, e) self.session.close() self.pause() return elif what == None: print 'Edit aborted' return else: print 'What what?' class ShowUserMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Show user') def _execute(self): self.session = Session() self.print_header() user = self.input_user('User name or card number> ') print 'User name: %s' % user.name print 'Card number: %s' % user.card print 'Credit: %s kr' % user.credit self.print_transactions(user) self.pause() def print_transactions(self, user): limit = 10 num_trans = len(user.transactions) if num_trans == 0: print 'No transactions' return if num_trans <= limit: print 'Transactions (%d):' % num_trans else: print 'Transactions (%d, showing only last %d):' % (num_trans,limit) for t in user.transactions[-limit:]: string = ' * %s: %s %d kr, ' % \ (t.time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), {True:'in', False:'out'}[t.amount<0], abs(t.amount)) if t.purchase: string += 'purchase (' string += ', '.join(map(lambda e: e.product.name, t.purchase.entries)) string += ')' else: string += t.description print string class BuyMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Buy') self.help_text = ''' Each purchase may contain one or more products and one or more buyers. Enter products (by name or bar code) and buyers (by name or bar code) in any order. The information gathered so far is displayed after each addition, and you can type 'what' at any time to redisplay it. When finished, write an empty line to confirm the purchase. ''' def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() self.purchase = Purchase() self.exit_confirm_msg=None while True: self.print_purchase() self.printc({(False,False): 'Enter user or product identification', (False,True): 'Enter user identification or more products', (True,False): 'Enter product identification or more users', (True,True): 'Enter more products or users, or an empty line to confirm' }[(len(self.purchase.transactions) > 0, len(self.purchase.entries) > 0)]) thing = self.input_thing(add_nonexisting=('user',), empty_input_permitted=True) if thing == None: if not self.complete_input(): if self.confirm('Not enough information entered. Abort purchase?', default=True): return False continue break else: # once we get something in the # purchase, we want to protect the # user from accidentally killing it self.exit_confirm_msg='Abort purchase?' if isinstance(thing, User): Transaction(thing, purchase=self.purchase) elif isinstance(thing, Product): PurchaseEntry(self.purchase, thing, 1) self.purchase.perform_purchase() self.session.add(self.purchase) try: self.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not store purchase: %s' % e else: print 'Purchase stored.' self.print_purchase() for t in self.purchase.transactions: print 'User %s\'s credit is now %d kr' % (t.user.name, t.user.credit) self.session.close() self.pause() return True def complete_input(self): return self.purchase.is_complete() def format_purchase(self): self.purchase.set_price() transactions = self.purchase.transactions entries = self.purchase.entries if len(transactions) == 0 and len(entries) == 0: return None string = 'Purchase:' string += '\n buyers: ' if len(transactions) == 0: string += '(empty)' else: string += ', '.join(map(lambda t: t.user.name, transactions)) string += '\n products: ' if len(entries) == 0: string += '(empty)' else: string += ', '.join(map(lambda e: '%s (%d kr)'%(e.product.name, e.product.price), entries)) if len(transactions) > 1: string += '\n price per person: %d kr' % self.purchase.price_per_transaction() string += '\n total price: %d kr' % self.purchase.price return string def print_purchase(self): info = self.format_purchase() if info != None: self.set_context(info) class AdjustCreditMenu(Menu): # reimplements ChargeMenu; these should be combined to one def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Adjust credit') def _execute(self): self.print_header() self.session = Session() user = self.input_user('User> ') print 'User %s\'s credit is %d kr' % (user.name, user.credit) self.set_context('Adjusting credit for user %s' % user.name, display=False) amount = self.input_int('Add amount> ', (-100000,100000)) description = self.input_str('Log message> ', length_range=(0,50)) if description == '': description = 'manually adjusted credit' transaction = Transaction(user, -amount, description) transaction.perform_transaction() self.session.add(transaction) try: self.session.commit() print 'User %s\'s credit is now %d kr' % (user.name, user.credit) except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, e: print 'Could not store transaction: %s' % e self.session.close() self.pause() class ProductListMenu(Menu): def __init__(self): Menu.__init__(self, 'Product list') def _execute(self): self.print_header() session = Session() product_list = session.query(Product).all() line_format = '%-30s | %6s | %-15s' print line_format % ('name', 'price', 'bar code') print '---------------------------------------------------------' for p in product_list: print line_format % (p.name, p.price, p.bar_code) self.pause() # def dwim_search(string, session): # typ = guess_data_type(string) # if typ == None: # print 'This does not make sense' # return # retriever = {'card': retrieve_user, # 'username': retrieve_user, # 'bar_code': retrieve_product, # 'product_name': retrieve_product} # value_type = {'card': 'user', # 'username': 'user', # 'bar_code': 'product', # 'product_name': 'product'} # value = retriever[typ](string, session) # # if value == None: # # print 'Input "%s" interpreted as %s; no matching %s found.' \ # # % (string, typ, value_type[typ]) # return (value_type[typ], value) def restart(): # Does not work if the script is not executable, or if it was # started by searching $PATH. os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) if not conf.stop_allowed: signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) main = Menu('Dibbler main menu', items=[BuyMenu(), ProductListMenu(), ShowUserMenu(), AdjustCreditMenu(), TransferMenu(), Menu('Add/edit', items=[AddUserMenu(), EditUserMenu(), AddProductMenu(), EditProductMenu()]) ], exit_msg='happy happy joy joy', exit_confirm_msg='Really quit Dibbler?') if not conf.quit_allowed: main.exit_disallowed_msg = 'You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.' while True: try: main.execute() except KeyboardInterrupt: print print 'Interrupted.' except: print 'Something went wrong.' print '%s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0:2] if conf.show_tracebacks: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) else: break print 'Restarting main menu.'