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2010-05-07 17:33:49 +00:00
# orm/dependency.py
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"""Relationship dependencies.
Bridges the ``PropertyLoader`` (i.e. a ``relationship()``) and the
``UOWTransaction`` together to allow processing of relationship()-based
dependencies at flush time.
from sqlalchemy import sql, util
import sqlalchemy.exceptions as sa_exc
from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes, exc, sync
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import ONETOMANY, MANYTOONE, MANYTOMANY
def create_dependency_processor(prop):
types = {
return types[prop.direction](prop)
class DependencyProcessor(object):
has_dependencies = True
def __init__(self, prop):
self.prop = prop
self.cascade = prop.cascade
self.mapper = prop.mapper
self.parent = prop.parent
self.secondary = prop.secondary
self.direction = prop.direction
self.post_update = prop.post_update
self.passive_deletes = prop.passive_deletes
self.passive_updates = prop.passive_updates
self.enable_typechecks = prop.enable_typechecks
self.key = prop.key
self.dependency_marker = MapperStub(self.parent, self.mapper, self.key)
if not self.prop.synchronize_pairs:
raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Can't build a DependencyProcessor for relationship %s. "
"No target attributes to populate between parent and child are present" % self.prop)
def _get_instrumented_attribute(self):
"""Return the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` handled by this
return self.parent.class_manager.get_impl(self.key)
def hasparent(self, state):
"""return True if the given object instance has a parent,
according to the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` handled by this ``DependencyProcessor``.
# TODO: use correct API for this
return self._get_instrumented_attribute().hasparent(state)
def register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
"""Tell a ``UOWTransaction`` what mappers are dependent on
which, with regards to the two or three mappers handled by
this ``DependencyProcessor``.
raise NotImplementedError()
def register_processors(self, uowcommit):
"""Tell a ``UOWTransaction`` about this object as a processor,
which will be executed after that mapper's objects have been
saved or before they've been deleted. The process operation
manages attributes and dependent operations between two mappers.
raise NotImplementedError()
def whose_dependent_on_who(self, state1, state2):
"""Given an object pair assuming `obj2` is a child of `obj1`,
return a tuple with the dependent object second, or None if
there is no dependency.
if state1 is state2:
return None
elif self.direction == ONETOMANY:
return (state1, state2)
return (state2, state1)
def process_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
"""This method is called during a flush operation to
synchronize data between a parent and child object.
It is called within the context of the various mappers and
sometimes individual objects sorted according to their
insert/update/delete order (topological sort).
raise NotImplementedError()
def preprocess_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
"""Used before the flushes' topological sort to traverse
through related objects and ensure every instance which will
require save/update/delete is properly added to the
raise NotImplementedError()
def _verify_canload(self, state):
if state is not None and \
not self.mapper._canload(state, allow_subtypes=not self.enable_typechecks):
if self.mapper._canload(state, allow_subtypes=True):
raise exc.FlushError(
"Attempting to flush an item of type %s on collection '%s', "
"which is not the expected type %s. Configure mapper '%s' to "
"load this subtype polymorphically, or set "
"enable_typechecks=False to allow subtypes. "
"Mismatched typeloading may cause bi-directional relationships "
"(backrefs) to not function properly." %
(state.class_, self.prop, self.mapper.class_, self.mapper))
raise exc.FlushError(
"Attempting to flush an item of type %s on collection '%s', "
"whose mapper does not inherit from that of %s." %
(state.class_, self.prop, self.mapper.class_))
def _synchronize(self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit):
"""Called during a flush to synchronize primary key identifier
values between a parent/child object, as well as to an
associationrow in the case of many-to-many.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _check_reverse_action(self, uowcommit, parent, child, action):
"""Determine if an action has been performed by the 'reverse' property of this property.
this is used to ensure that only one side of a bidirectional relationship
issues a certain operation for a parent/child pair.
for r in self.prop._reverse_property:
if not r.viewonly and (r._dependency_processor, action, parent, child) in uowcommit.attributes:
return True
return False
def _performed_action(self, uowcommit, parent, child, action):
"""Establish that an action has been performed for a certain parent/child pair.
Used only for actions that are sensitive to bidirectional double-action,
i.e. manytomany, post_update.
uowcommit.attributes[(self, action, parent, child)] = True
def _conditional_post_update(self, state, uowcommit, related):
"""Execute a post_update call.
For relationships that contain the post_update flag, an additional
``UPDATE`` statement may be associated after an ``INSERT`` or
before a ``DELETE`` in order to resolve circular row
This method will check for the post_update flag being set on a
particular relationship, and given a target object and list of
one or more related objects, and execute the ``UPDATE`` if the
given related object list contains ``INSERT``s or ``DELETE``s.
if state is not None and self.post_update:
for x in related:
if x is not None and not self._check_reverse_action(uowcommit, x, state, "postupdate"):
uowcommit.register_object(state, postupdate=True, post_update_cols=[r for l, r in self.prop.synchronize_pairs])
self._performed_action(uowcommit, x, state, "postupdate")
def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.prop)
class OneToManyDP(DependencyProcessor):
def register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
if self.post_update:
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.mapper, self.dependency_marker)
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.parent, self.dependency_marker)
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.parent, self.mapper)
def register_processors(self, uowcommit):
if self.post_update:
uowcommit.register_processor(self.dependency_marker, self, self.parent)
uowcommit.register_processor(self.parent, self, self.parent)
def process_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
if delete:
# head object is being deleted, and we manage its list of child objects
# the child objects have to have their foreign key to the parent set to NULL
# this phase can be called safely for any cascade but is unnecessary if delete cascade
# is on.
if self.post_update or not self.passive_deletes == 'all':
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
for child in history.deleted:
if child is not None and self.hasparent(child) is False:
self._synchronize(state, child, None, True, uowcommit)
self._conditional_post_update(child, uowcommit, [state])
if self.post_update or not self.cascade.delete:
for child in history.unchanged:
if child is not None:
self._synchronize(state, child, None, True, uowcommit)
self._conditional_post_update(child, uowcommit, [state])
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=True)
if history:
for child in history.added:
self._synchronize(state, child, None, False, uowcommit)
if child is not None:
self._conditional_post_update(child, uowcommit, [state])
for child in history.deleted:
if not self.cascade.delete_orphan and not self.hasparent(child):
self._synchronize(state, child, None, True, uowcommit)
if self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state):
for child in history.unchanged:
self._synchronize(state, child, None, False, uowcommit)
def preprocess_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
if delete:
# head object is being deleted, and we manage its list of child objects
# the child objects have to have their foreign key to the parent set to NULL
if not self.post_update:
should_null_fks = not self.cascade.delete and not self.passive_deletes == 'all'
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(
state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
for child in history.deleted:
if child is not None and self.hasparent(child) is False:
if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True)
if should_null_fks:
for child in history.unchanged:
if child is not None:
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=True)
if history:
for child in history.added:
if child is not None:
for child in history.deleted:
if not self.cascade.delete_orphan:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=False)
elif self.hasparent(child) is False:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True)
for c, m in self.mapper.cascade_iterator('delete', child):
if self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state):
if not history:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(
state, self.key, passive=self.passive_updates)
if history:
for child in history.unchanged:
if child is not None:
def _synchronize(self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit):
source = state
dest = child
if dest is None or (not self.post_update and uowcommit.is_deleted(dest)):
if clearkeys:
sync.clear(dest, self.mapper, self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
sync.populate(source, self.parent, dest, self.mapper,
self.prop.synchronize_pairs, uowcommit,
def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state):
return sync.source_modified(uowcommit, state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
class DetectKeySwitch(DependencyProcessor):
"""a special DP that works for many-to-one relationships, fires off for
child items who have changed their referenced key."""
has_dependencies = False
def register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
def register_processors(self, uowcommit):
uowcommit.register_processor(self.parent, self, self.mapper)
def preprocess_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete=False):
# for non-passive updates, register in the preprocess stage
# so that mapper save_obj() gets a hold of changes
if not delete and not self.passive_updates:
self._process_key_switches(deplist, uowcommit)
def process_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete=False):
# for passive updates, register objects in the process stage
# so that we avoid ManyToOneDP's registering the object without
# the listonly flag in its own preprocess stage (results in UPDATE)
# statements being emitted
if not delete and self.passive_updates:
self._process_key_switches(deplist, uowcommit)
def _process_key_switches(self, deplist, uowcommit):
switchers = set(s for s in deplist if self._pks_changed(uowcommit, s))
if switchers:
# yes, we're doing a linear search right now through the UOW. only
# takes effect when primary key values have actually changed.
# a possible optimization might be to enhance the "hasparents" capability of
# attributes to actually store all parent references, but this introduces
# more complicated attribute accounting.
for s in [elem for elem in uowcommit.session.identity_map.all_states()
if issubclass(elem.class_, self.parent.class_) and
self.key in elem.dict and
elem.dict[self.key] is not None and
attributes.instance_state(elem.dict[self.key]) in switchers
self.mapper, s, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs,
uowcommit, self.passive_updates)
def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state):
return sync.source_modified(uowcommit, state, self.mapper, self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
class ManyToOneDP(DependencyProcessor):
def __init__(self, prop):
DependencyProcessor.__init__(self, prop)
def register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
if self.post_update:
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.mapper, self.dependency_marker)
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.parent, self.dependency_marker)
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.mapper, self.parent)
def register_processors(self, uowcommit):
if self.post_update:
uowcommit.register_processor(self.dependency_marker, self, self.parent)
uowcommit.register_processor(self.mapper, self, self.parent)
def process_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete=False):
if delete:
if self.post_update and not self.cascade.delete_orphan and not self.passive_deletes == 'all':
# post_update means we have to update our row to not reference the child object
# before we can DELETE the row
for state in deplist:
self._synchronize(state, None, None, True, uowcommit)
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
self._conditional_post_update(state, uowcommit, history.sum())
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=True)
if history:
for child in history.added:
self._synchronize(state, child, None, False, uowcommit)
self._conditional_post_update(state, uowcommit, history.sum())
def preprocess_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete=False):
if self.post_update:
if delete:
if self.cascade.delete or self.cascade.delete_orphan:
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
todelete = history.sum()
todelete = history.non_deleted()
for child in todelete:
if child is None:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True)
for c, m in self.mapper.cascade_iterator('delete', child):
attributes.instance_state(c), isdelete=True)
for state in deplist:
if self.cascade.delete_orphan:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
for child in history.deleted:
if self.hasparent(child) is False:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True)
for c, m in self.mapper.cascade_iterator('delete', child):
def _synchronize(self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit):
if state is None or (not self.post_update and uowcommit.is_deleted(state)):
if clearkeys or child is None:
sync.clear(state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
sync.populate(child, self.mapper, state,
self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs, uowcommit,
class ManyToManyDP(DependencyProcessor):
def register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
# many-to-many. create a "Stub" mapper to represent the
# "middle table" in the relationship. This stub mapper doesnt save
# or delete any objects, but just marks a dependency on the two
# related mappers. its dependency processor then populates the
# association table.
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.parent, self.dependency_marker)
uowcommit.register_dependency(self.mapper, self.dependency_marker)
def register_processors(self, uowcommit):
uowcommit.register_processor(self.dependency_marker, self, self.parent)
def process_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
connection = uowcommit.transaction.connection(self.mapper)
secondary_delete = []
secondary_insert = []
secondary_update = []
if delete:
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=self.passive_deletes)
if history:
for child in history.non_added():
if child is None or self._check_reverse_action(uowcommit, child, state, "manytomany"):
associationrow = {}
self._synchronize(state, child, associationrow, False, uowcommit)
self._performed_action(uowcommit, state, child, "manytomany")
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key)
if history:
for child in history.added:
if child is None or self._check_reverse_action(uowcommit, child, state, "manytomany"):
associationrow = {}
self._synchronize(state, child, associationrow, False, uowcommit)
self._performed_action(uowcommit, state, child, "manytomany")
for child in history.deleted:
if child is None or self._check_reverse_action(uowcommit, child, state, "manytomany"):
associationrow = {}
self._synchronize(state, child, associationrow, False, uowcommit)
self._performed_action(uowcommit, state, child, "manytomany")
if not self.passive_updates and self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state):
if not history:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=False)
for child in history.unchanged:
associationrow = {}
sync.update(state, self.parent, associationrow, "old_", self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
sync.update(child, self.mapper, associationrow, "old_", self.prop.secondary_synchronize_pairs)
#self.syncrules.update(associationrow, state, child, "old_")
if secondary_delete:
statement = self.secondary.delete(sql.and_(*[
c == sql.bindparam(c.key, type_=c.type) for c in self.secondary.c if c.key in associationrow
result = connection.execute(statement, secondary_delete)
if result.supports_sane_multi_rowcount() and result.rowcount != len(secondary_delete):
raise exc.ConcurrentModificationError("Deleted rowcount %d does not match number of "
"secondary table rows deleted from table '%s': %d" %
(result.rowcount, self.secondary.description, len(secondary_delete)))
if secondary_update:
statement = self.secondary.update(sql.and_(*[
c == sql.bindparam("old_" + c.key, type_=c.type) for c in self.secondary.c if c.key in associationrow
result = connection.execute(statement, secondary_update)
if result.supports_sane_multi_rowcount() and result.rowcount != len(secondary_update):
raise exc.ConcurrentModificationError("Updated rowcount %d does not match number of "
"secondary table rows updated from table '%s': %d" %
(result.rowcount, self.secondary.description, len(secondary_update)))
if secondary_insert:
statement = self.secondary.insert()
connection.execute(statement, secondary_insert)
def preprocess_dependencies(self, task, deplist, uowcommit, delete = False):
if not delete:
for state in deplist:
history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive=True)
if history:
for child in history.deleted:
if self.cascade.delete_orphan and self.hasparent(child) is False:
uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True)
for c, m in self.mapper.cascade_iterator('delete', child):
attributes.instance_state(c), isdelete=True)
def _synchronize(self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit):
if associationrow is None:
sync.populate_dict(state, self.parent, associationrow,
sync.populate_dict(child, self.mapper, associationrow,
def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state):
return sync.source_modified(uowcommit, state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs)
class MapperStub(object):
"""Represent a many-to-many dependency within a flush
The UOWTransaction corresponds dependencies to mappers.
MapperStub takes the place of the "association table"
so that a depedendency can be corresponded to it.
def __init__(self, parent, mapper, key):
self.mapper = mapper
self.base_mapper = self
self.class_ = mapper.class_
self._inheriting_mappers = []
def polymorphic_iterator(self):
return iter((self,))
def _register_dependencies(self, uowcommit):
def _register_procesors(self, uowcommit):
def _save_obj(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _delete_obj(self, *args, **kwargs):
def primary_mapper(self):
return self