{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.services.pvv-calendar-bot; inherit (lib) mkDefault mkEnableOption mkPackageOption mkIf mkOption types mdDoc; in { options.services.pvv-calendar-bot = { enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "Enable pvv-calendar-bot to post to matrix"); package = mkPackageOption pkgs "pvv-calendar-bot" { }; user = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "pvv-calendar-bot"; }; group = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "pvv-calendar-bot"; }; settings = { onCalendar = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "9 0 * * *"; description = mdDoc "OnCalendar string for the systemd service(e.g. crontab format)"; }; matrix = { user = mkOption { type = types.str; description = mdDoc "Matrix username to authenticate with"; example = "@bot_calendar:pvv.ntnu.no"; }; channel = mkOption { type = types.str; description = mdDoc "Room ID of the channel to post announcements in"; example = "!abcdef:matrix.org"; }; homeserver = mkOption { type = types.str; description = mdDoc "Matrix homeserver URL to connect to"; example = "https://matrix.org"; }; }; database = { host = mkOption { type = types.str; description = mdDoc "MySQL host to connect to"; example = "mysql.pvv.ntnu.no"; }; user = mkOption { type = types.str; description = mdDoc "MySQL username to authenticate with"; example = "calendar-bot"; }; passwordFile = mkOption { type = types.path; description = mdDoc "Path to file containing MySQL password"; }; }; secretsFile = mkOption { type = types.path; description = mdDoc "Path to secrets file that defines MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN"; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { users.users = mkIf (cfg.user == "pvv-calendar-bot") { pvv-calendar-bot = { description = "PVV Calendar Matrix Bot User"; isSystemUser = true; group = cfg.group; }; }; users.groups = mkIf (cfg.group == "pvv-calendar-bot") { pvv-calendar-bot = { }; }; systemd.timers."pvv-calendar-bot" = { wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = cfg.settings.onCalendar; Unit = "pvv-calendar-bot"; }; }; systemd.services."pvv-calendar-bot" = { preStart = let envFile = pkgs.writeText "pvv-calendar-bot-env" '' MATRIX_URL=${cfg.settings.matrix.homeserver} MATRIX_USER=${cfg.settings.matrix.user} ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANNEL=${cfg.settings.matrix.channel} MATRIX_TOKEN=@MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN@ MYSQL_HOST=${cfg.settings.database.host} MYSQL_USER=${cfg.settings.database.user} MYSQL_PASSWORD=@MYSQL_PASSWORD@ ''; in '' install -Dm600 ${envFile} /run/pvv-calendar-bot/env ${pkgs.replace-secret}/bin/replace-secret '@MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN@' ${cfg.settings.secretsFile} /run/pvv-calendar-bot/env #${pkgs.replace-secret}/bin/replace-secret '@MYSQL_PASSWORD@' ${cfg.settings.database.passwordFile} /run/pvv-calendar-bot/env ''; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/pvv-calendar-bot"; RuntimeDirectory = "pvv-calendar-bot"; EnvironmentFile = [ "-/run/pvv-calendar-bot/env" ]; User = cfg.user; Group = cfg.group; }; }; }; }