2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
* OpenTally: Open-source election vote counting
* Copyright © 2021 Lee Yingtong Li (RunasSudo)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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<body class="interactive">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div id="divLoading">
2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div id="divUI" style="display: none;">
<div class="menudiv">
<input type="file" id="bltFile">
<button onclick="clickCount()">Count</button>
2021-06-06 00:38:25 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selPreset" onchange="changePreset()">
2021-07-23 17:00:45 +10:00
<optgroup label="Recommended">
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
<option value="wigm" selected>OpenTally WIGM</option>
<option value="scottish">Scottish STV</option>
2021-07-22 00:40:01 +10:00
<option value="meek87">OpenTally Meek</option>
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
2021-07-23 17:00:45 +10:00
<optgroup label="Legislative">
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
<option value="senate">Australian Senate STV</option>
2021-07-22 20:31:06 +10:00
<option value="act">Australian Capital Territory STV</option>
2021-07-23 17:00:45 +10:00
<option value="wa">Western Australia STV</option>
<option value="meeknz">Meek STV (New Zealand)</option>
2021-08-07 18:51:48 +10:00
<option value="minneapolis">Minneapolis STV</option>
2021-08-03 18:38:45 +10:00
<option value="cambridge">Cambridge STV</option>
2021-09-14 22:47:35 +10:00
<option value="dail">Dáil Éireann STV</option>
2021-07-23 17:00:45 +10:00
<optgroup label="Hand-count">
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
<option value="prsa77">PRSA 1977</option>
<option value="ers97">ERS97</option>
<option value="ers76">ERS76</option>
<option value="ers73">ERS73</option>
2021-07-22 00:40:01 +10:00
<option value="cofe">Church of England</option>
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
2021-07-23 17:00:45 +10:00
<optgroup label="Computer-count">
<option value="meek06">Meek STV (2006)</option>
<option value="wright">Wright STV</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-06 00:38:25 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<button id="btnAdvancedOptions" onclick="clickAdvancedOptions()">Show advanced options</button>
OpenTally (revision <span id="spanRevNum"></span>)
<!--· <a href="https://yingtongli.me/blog/2020/12/24/pyrcv2.html">Information and instructions</a> ·
<a href="blt/">Ballot input/editor</a>-->
2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div id="divAdvancedOptions" class="menudiv cols-12 cols-sm-6" style="display: none;">
<div class="col-6" style="align-self: start;">
<div class="subheading">
Method specification:
<select id="selQuotaCriterion">
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
<option value="geq">≥</option>
<option value="gt" selected>></option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selQuota">
2021-08-11 21:34:42 +10:00
<option value="droop" selected>Droop</option>
<option value="droop_exact">Droop (exact)</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<option value="hare">Hare</option>
<option value="hare_exact">Hare (exact)</option>
2021-06-07 20:52:18 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selQuotaMode">
<option value="static" selected>Static quota</option>
2021-06-07 20:52:18 +10:00
<!--<option value="progressive">Progressive quota</option>-->
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<option value="ers97">Static with ERS97 rules</option>
2021-07-18 20:01:35 +10:00
<option value="ers76">Static with ERS76 rules</option>
2021-08-08 19:34:02 +10:00
<option value="dynamic_by_total">Dynamic by total vote</option>
<option value="dynamic_by_active">Dynamic by active vote</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-07 20:52:18 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
Surplus order:
<select id="selSurplus">
<option value="by_size" selected>By size</option>
<option value="by_order">By order</option>
2021-08-04 13:46:32 +10:00
<select id="selMethod">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<option value="wig" selected>Weighted inclusive Gregory</option>
<option value="uig">Unweighted inclusive Gregory</option>
<option value="eg">Exclusive Gregory (last bundle)</option>
<option value="meek">Meek method</option>
2021-08-04 13:46:32 +10:00
<option value="cincinnati">Cincinnati (inclusive sample)</option>
<option value="hare">Hare (exclusive sample)</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selPapers">
<option value="both" selected>Include non-transferable papers</option>
<option value="transferable">Use transferable papers only</option>
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
<label style="margin-right:1em;">
2021-08-04 13:46:32 +10:00
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Method” is set to a Gregory method">Gregory</span>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selExclusion">
2021-06-06 00:38:25 +10:00
<option value="single_stage" selected>Single stage</option>
<option value="by_value">By value</option>
2021-07-19 23:15:17 +10:00
<option value="by_source">By source</option>
2021-06-06 00:38:25 +10:00
<option value="parcels_by_order">By parcel (by order)</option>
2021-06-22 15:23:46 +10:00
<option value="wright">Wright method (re-iterate)</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
2021-06-20 01:28:54 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkMeekNZExclusion">
2021-06-23 20:18:53 +10:00
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Method” is set to “Meek method”">Meek</span>
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
NZ-style exclusion
2021-06-20 01:28:54 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-08-04 13:46:32 +10:00
2021-08-05 18:41:39 +10:00
<label style="margin-right:1em;">
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Method” is set to a random sample method">Sample</span>
Sample method:
<select id="selSample">
2021-09-14 22:47:35 +10:00
<option value="stratify_lr" selected>Stratify (LR)</option>
<option value="stratify_floor" selected>Stratify (floor)</option>
2021-08-05 18:41:39 +10:00
<option value="by_order">By order</option>
<option value="nth_ballot">Every n-th ballot</option>
2021-08-04 13:46:32 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkSamplePerBallot">
Per-ballot transfers
2021-06-13 00:39:49 +10:00
<div class="subheading">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selTies">
2021-06-13 00:39:49 +10:00
<option value="backwards,random" selected>Backwards then random</option>
<option value="forwards,random">Forwards then random</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<option value="random">Random</option>
<option value="prompt">Prompt</option>
2021-06-13 03:15:15 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
Random seed:
<input type="text" id="txtSeed" value="">
2021-06-13 03:15:15 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-27 22:09:34 +10:00
<div class="subheading">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<input type="file" id="conFile">
2021-06-27 22:09:34 +10:00
2021-08-16 18:48:49 +10:00
<div class="subheading">
Report options:
<div class="col-12">
<label style="margin-right:1em;">
Report style:
<select id="selReport">
2021-09-04 22:24:01 +10:00
<option value="votes">Votes only</option>
<option value="votes_transposed" selected>Votes (transposed)</option>
2021-08-16 18:48:49 +10:00
<option value="ballots_votes">Ballots and votes</option>
<label class="col-12">
Display up to
<input type="number" id="txtPPDP" value="2" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div class="col-6 cols-12" style="align-self: start;">
<div class="col-12 subheading">
Numeric representation:
<div class="col-12">
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
<label style="margin-right:1em;">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<select id="selNumbers">
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
<option value="rational" selected>Rational</option>
<option value="fixed">Fixed</option>
2021-06-14 21:43:43 +10:00
<option value="gfixed">Fixed (guarded)</option>
2021-06-04 18:59:50 +10:00
<option value="float64">Float (64-bit)</option>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-04 22:05:48 +10:00
2021-06-23 20:18:53 +10:00
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Numbers” is set to “Fixed” or “Fixed (guarded)”">Fixed</span>
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
Decimal places:
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<input type="number" id="txtDP" value="5" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
2021-06-04 22:05:48 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-11 21:23:08 +10:00
<label class="col-12">
<input type="checkbox" id="chkNormaliseBallots">
Normalise ballots
2021-06-09 12:42:47 +10:00
<div class="col-12 subheading">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
Count optimisations:
<label class="col-6">
2021-06-23 00:52:25 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBulkElection" checked>
2021-06-22 15:23:26 +10:00
Early bulk election
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<label class="col-6">
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBulkExclusion">
Bulk exclusion
2021-06-18 18:48:12 +10:00
<label class="col-6">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkDeferSurpluses">
Defer surpluses
2021-06-09 12:42:47 +10:00
2021-06-18 18:48:12 +10:00
<label class="col-6">
2021-08-07 18:51:48 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkImmediateElect" checked>
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
Immediate election
2021-06-18 18:48:12 +10:00
2021-08-03 23:22:52 +10:00
<label class="col-12">
Minimum threshold:
<input type="number" id="txtMinThreshold" value="0" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div class="col-12 subheading">
<div class="col-6">
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkRoundQuota">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<input type="number" id="txtRoundQuota" value="0" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
<div class="col-6">
<input type="checkbox" id="chkRoundVotes">
<input type="number" id="txtRoundVotes" value="0" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
<div class="col-6">
2021-08-03 16:46:21 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkRoundSFs">
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
Surplus fractions:
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-08-03 16:46:21 +10:00
<input type="number" id="txtRoundSFs" value="0" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div class="col-6">
2021-08-03 16:46:21 +10:00
<input type="checkbox" id="chkRoundValues">
Ballot values:
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-08-03 16:46:21 +10:00
<input type="number" id="txtRoundValues" value="0" min="0" style="width: 3em;">
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
<label class="col-12">
2021-07-22 00:40:01 +10:00
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Method” is a Gregory method">Gregory</span>
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
Sum surplus transfers:
<select id="selSumTransfers">
2021-08-16 00:46:05 +10:00
<!--<option value="single_step" selected>Single step</option>-->
<option value="by_value" selected>By value</option>
2021-06-11 21:22:28 +10:00
<option value="per_ballot">Per ballot</option>
2021-06-18 18:48:12 +10:00
<label class="col-12">
2021-06-23 20:18:53 +10:00
<span class="pill-grey" title="This option has effect only if “Method” is set to “Meek method”">Meek</span>
2021-06-22 23:47:35 +10:00
Surplus tolerance:
2021-06-18 18:48:12 +10:00
<input type="text" id="txtMeekSurplusTolerance" value="0.001%" style="width: 5em;">
2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
2021-06-06 17:31:20 +10:00
<div id="resultsDiv">
<div id="resultLogs1" style="white-space: pre-wrap;"></div>
<table id="result" class="result"></table>
<div id="resultLogs2"></div>
2021-06-04 15:01:53 +10:00
<div id="printPane" style="display: none;">
<button onclick="printResult()">Print result</button>
Paper size:
<select id="selPaperSize">
<option value="A4" selected>A4</option>
<option value="A3">A3</option>
<option value="letter">US Letter</option>
2021-06-06 17:31:20 +10:00
2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
2021-06-06 17:31:20 +10:00
<div id="printWarning">Printing directly from this page is not supported. Use the ‘Print result’ button to generate a printer-friendly report.</div>
2021-07-20 13:41:38 +10:00
<script src="vendor/vanilla-js-dropdown.min.js"></script>
2021-06-02 21:37:47 +10:00
<script src="index.js?v=GITVERSION"></script>