# Julia uses unicode characters quite heavily. Mostly it is possible to avoid # using unicode completely, but it can make code look quite clean. # The unicode autocompletion for vscode mostly works, but can be a bit # unreliable, but the julia REPL (console) is also useful for writing unicode. # There is a whole section in the Julia docs dedicated to how to input different # unicode characters, so just search "Unicode Input" in the docs. # We've seen a lot of different unicode symbols, here are some more useful ones. # The infix operator for boolean xor is the ⊻ (\veebar, \xor) symbol. b = true ⊻ false # In the LinearAlgebra package the ⋅ (\cdot) symbol is overloaded as the # scalar product of vectors. using LinearAlgebra a = [1, 2] ⋅ [2, 1] @show a # Where you would write "in" you could probably use either ∈ (\n) or ∉ (\notin) # You can use ∈ for iteration for i ∈ 1 : 5 # dostuff end # It can also be used for checking if an element is in a collection 3 ∈ [1, 2, 3, 4] # And the notin symbol can be used to check if something isn't in the collection 2 ∉ [1, 2, 3, 4] # The mathematical constants π (\pi) and ℯ (\euler) are defined as irrationals # that can be cast to a numeric type and they will be calculated to the # required precision. # This calculates pi the the precision of a Float64 p = Float64(π) @show p # This will calculate the fraction closest to ℯ using Int16. e = Rational{Int16}(ℯ) @show e