{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.services.matrix-synapse-next; imap0Attrs = with lib; f: set: listToAttrs (imap0 (i: attr: nameValuePair attr (f i attr set.${attr})) (attrNames set)); in { sops.secrets."matrix/synapse/dbconfig" = { owner = config.users.users.matrix-synapse.name; group = config.users.users.matrix-synapse.group; }; services.matrix-synapse-next = { enable = true; dataDir = "/data/synapse"; workers.federationSenders = 1; workers.federationReceivers = 1; enableNginx = true; extraConfigFiles = [ config.sops.secrets."matrix/synapse/dbconfig".path ]; settings = { server_name = "pvv.ntnu.no"; public_baseurl = "https://matrix.pvv.ntnu.no"; media_store_path = "${cfg.dataDir}/media"; autocreate_auto_join_rooms = false; auto_join_rooms = [ "#pvv:pvv.ntnu.no" # Main space "#announcements:pvv.ntnu.no" "#general:pvv.ntnu.no" ]; max_upload_size = "150M"; enable_metrics = true; enable_registration = false; password_config.enabled = lib.mkForce false; trusted_key_servers = [ { server_name = "matrix.org"; } { server_name = "dodsorf.as"; } ]; url_preview_enabled = true; url_preview_ip_range_blacklist = [ # synapse example config "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "::1/128" "fe80::/10" "fc00::/7" "2001:db8::/32" "ff00::/8" "fec0::/10" # NTNU "" "2001:700:300::/44" ]; saml2_config = { sp_config.metadata.remote = [ { url = "https://idp.pvv.ntnu.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php"; } ]; description = [ "Matrix Synapse SP" "en" ]; name = [ "Matrix Synapse SP" "en" ]; ui_info = { display_name = [ { lang = "en"; text = "PVV Matrix login"; } ]; description = [ { lang = "en"; text = "Matrix is a modern free and open federated chat protocol"; } ]; #information_url = [ # { # lang = "en"; # text = ""; # }; #]; #privacy_statement_url = [ # { # lang = "en"; # text = ""; # }; #]; keywords = [ { lang = "en"; text = [ "Matrix" "Element" ]; } ]; #logo = [ # { # lang = "en"; # text = ""; # width = ""; # height = ""; # } #]; }; organization = { name = "Programvareverkstedet"; display_name = [ "Programvareverkstedet" "en" ]; url = "https://www.pvv.ntnu.no"; }; contact_person = [ { given_name = "Drift"; sur_name = "King"; email_adress = [ "drift@pvv.ntnu.no" ]; contact_type = "technical"; } ]; user_mapping_provider = { config = { mxid_source_attribute = "uid"; # What is this supposed to be? mxid_mapping = "hexencode"; }; }; #attribute_requirements = [ # {attribute = "userGroup"; value = "medlem";} # Do we have this? #]; }; }; }; services.redis.servers."".enable = true; services.nginx.virtualHosts."matrix.pvv.ntnu.no" = lib.mkMerge [({ locations = let isListenerType = type: listener: lib.lists.any (r: lib.lists.any (n: n == type) r.names) listener.resources; isMetricsListener = l: isListenerType "metrics" l; firstMetricsListener = w: lib.lists.findFirst isMetricsListener (throw "No metrics endpoint on worker") w.settings.worker_listeners; wAddress = w: lib.lists.findFirst (_: true) (throw "No address in receiver") (firstMetricsListener w).bind_addresses; wPort = w: (firstMetricsListener w).port; socketAddress = w: "${wAddress w}:${toString (wPort w)}"; metricsPath = w: "/metrics/${w.type}/${toString w.index}"; proxyPath = w: "http://${socketAddress w}/_synapse/metrics"; in lib.mapAttrs' (n: v: lib.nameValuePair (metricsPath v) ({ proxyPass = proxyPath v; })) cfg.workers.instances; }) ({ locations."/metrics/master/1" = { proxyPass = ""; }; locations."/metrics/" = let endpoints = builtins.map (x: "matrix.pvv.ntnu.no/metrics/${x}") [ "master/1" "fed-sender/1" "fed-receiver/1" ]; in { alias = pkgs.writeTextDir "/config.json" (builtins.toJSON [ { targets = endpoints; labels = { }; }]) + "/"; }; })]; }