diff --git a/hosts/bekkalokk/services/nginx/ingress.nix b/hosts/bekkalokk/services/nginx/ingress.nix index 9e02bcf..7aeb0f3 100644 --- a/hosts/bekkalokk/services/nginx/ingress.nix +++ b/hosts/bekkalokk/services/nginx/ingress.nix @@ -2,139 +2,47 @@ { services.nginx.virtualHosts = { "www2.pvv.ntnu.no" = { + addSSL = true; + enableACME = true; + + # TODO after updating the corresponding DNS record: + # serverAliases = [ "www2.pvv.org" "pvv.ntnu.no" "pvv.org" ] serverAliases = [ "www2.pvv.org" ]; + locations = { - # "^/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/"; - "^/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/"; + # Redirect the main website + "= /".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/"; - "^/disk/".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Diskkjøp"; - "^/dok/boker.php".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Bokhyllen"; - "^/styret/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Styret"; - "^/styret/lover/".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Lover"; - "^/info/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/"; - "^/info/maskinpark/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Maskiner"; - "^/medlemssider/meldinn.php".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Medlemskontingent"; - "^/diverse/medlems-sider.php".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Medlemssider"; - "^/cert/$".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/CERT"; - "^/drift".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Drift"; - "^/diverse/abuse.php".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/CERT/Abuse"; - "^/nerds/".return = "301 http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Nerdepizza"; + # Proxy home directories + "/~" = { + extraConfig = '' + proxy_redirect off; + proxy_pass https://tom.pvv.ntnu.no; + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; + ''; + }; + # Redirect old wiki entries + "/disk".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Diskkjøp"; + "/dok/boker.php".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Bokhyllen"; + "/styret/lover/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Lover"; + "/styret/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Styret"; + "/info/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/"; + "/info/maskinpark/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Maskiner"; + "/medlemssider/meldinn.php".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Medlemskontingent"; + "/diverse/medlems-sider.php".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Medlemssider"; + "/cert/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/CERT"; + "/drift".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Drift"; + "/diverse/abuse.php".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/CERT/Abuse"; + "/nerds/".return = "301 https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/pvv/Nerdepizza"; + + # TODO: Redirect web main "/webmail".return = "301 https://webmail.pvv.ntnu.no/squirrelmail"; - }; - extraConfig = '' - rewrite ^/(~.*) http://tom.pvv.ntnu.no/$1 permanent; - ''; }; }; } - - -## Om denne er "none" gjør det at apache ikke gidder å åpne .htaccess-filer. Det -## er veldig greit om man ikke vil at den skal automounte /home/pvv/.htaccess, -## for å ta et tilfeldig eksempel ;-) -# -# AllowOverride none -# - -# -# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks -# AllowOverride All -# Order allow,deny -# Allow from all -# AddDefaultCharset iso-8859-1 -# - -# -# Options FollowSymLinks -# AllowOverride None -# - -# -# Options FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -# AllowOverride None -# Order allow,deny -# Allow from all -# - -#Alias /pvv "/var/www/wiki.pvv.ntnu.no/w/index.php" -#Alias /w /var/www/wiki.pvv.ntnu.no/w -#Alias /moin-static/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" -#ScriptAlias /gammel "/usr/share/moin/server/moin.cgi" - -## :80 defineres av debians default ports.conf, men ikke :443 -##NameVirtualHost *:80 -#NameVirtualHost *:443 - -# -# ServerName www.pvv.ntnu.no -# ServerAlias www.pvv.org -# ServerAdmin drift@pvv.ntnu.no -# DocumentRoot /var/www/pvv - -# RedirectPermanent /webmail https://webmail.pvv.ntnu.no/squirrelmail - -# RewriteEngine on -# RewriteRule ^/(~.*) http://tom.pvv.ntnu.no/$1 [P] -# ProxyPreserveHost on - -# - -# -# ServerName www.pvv.ntnu.no -# ServerAlias www.pvv.org -# ServerAdmin drift@pvv.ntnu.no -# DocumentRoot /var/www/pvv - -# SSLEngine on -# SSLProxyEngine on -# SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no.new.crt -# SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no.new.key -# SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no_chain.new.crt -## SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/certs/DigiCertCA.crt -# SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown -## SSLProxyVerify none -## SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off -## SSLProxyCheckPeerName off -# SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off - -# RedirectPermanent /webmail https://webmail.pvv.ntnu.no/squirrelmail - - -# RewriteEngine on -# RewriteRule ^/(~.*) https://tom.pvv.ntnu.no/$1 [P] -# ProxyPreserveHost on - -# - -## Redirects for gamle wiki.pvv.ntnu.no -# -# ServerAdmin drift@pvv.org -# ServerName wiki.pvv.ntnu.no -# ServerAlias wiki.pvv.org -# DocumentRoot /var/www/pvv - -# RedirectPermanent / http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/ - -# LogLevel warn -# CustomLog /var/log/apache2/wiki.log combined -# ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log -# - -# -# ServerAdmin drift@pvv.org -# ServerName wiki.pvv.ntnu.no -# ServerAlias wiki.pvv.org -# DocumentRoot /var/www/pvv - -# RedirectPermanent / https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/ - -# SSLEngine on -# SSLProxyEngine on -# SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP -# SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no.crt -# SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no.key -# SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/certs/www.pvv.ntnu.no_chain.crt -#